public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-video', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-video
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Utility class for audio-related operations and calculations.


public static intchannelCountToChannelConfig(int channelCount)

Converts a channel count to the channel config of .

public static intchannelCountToChannelMask(int channelCount)

Converts a channel count to the channel mask of .

public static longcomputeInterpolatedTimeNs(int sampleRate, long framePosition, AudioTimestamp timestamp)

Computes the interpolated timestamp.

public static longframeCountToDurationNs(long frameCount, int sampleRate)

Calculates the duration in nanoseconds by the input frame count and sample rate.

public static longframeCountToSize(long frameCount, int bytesPerFrame)

Calculates the size in bytes by the input frame count and the per frame size.

public static intgetBytesPerFrame(int audioEncoding, int channelCount)

Gets the size in bytes per frame.

public static longsizeToFrameCount(long sizeInBytes, int bytesPerFrame)

Calculates the frame count by the input size in bytes and the per frame size.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static int channelCountToChannelConfig(int channelCount)

Converts a channel count to the channel config of .


channel config.

See also:

public static int channelCountToChannelMask(int channelCount)

Converts a channel count to the channel mask of .


channel mask.

See also:

public static int getBytesPerFrame(int audioEncoding, int channelCount)

Gets the size in bytes per frame.


audioEncoding: the audio encoding of .
channelCount: the channel count.


bytes per frame.

See also:

public static long sizeToFrameCount(long sizeInBytes, int bytesPerFrame)

Calculates the frame count by the input size in bytes and the per frame size.

If the size is not divisible by the per frame size, the decimal will be rounded down.

Negative size is allowed which is useful to calculate frame count difference.


sizeInBytes: size in bytes.
bytesPerFrame: bytes per frame. Must be greater than 0.


frame count.

public static long frameCountToSize(long frameCount, int bytesPerFrame)

Calculates the size in bytes by the input frame count and the per frame size.

Negative frame count is allowed which is useful to calculate size difference.


frameCount: frame count.
bytesPerFrame: bytes per frame. Must be greater than 0.


size in bytes.

public static long frameCountToDurationNs(long frameCount, int sampleRate)

Calculates the duration in nanoseconds by the input frame count and sample rate.

Negative frame count is allowed which is useful to calculate negative duration offset.


frameCount: the frame count.
sampleRate: the sample rate. Must be greater than 0.


duration in nanoseconds.

public static long computeInterpolatedTimeNs(int sampleRate, long framePosition, AudioTimestamp timestamp)

Computes the interpolated timestamp.


sampleRate: the sample rate. Must be greater than 0.
framePosition: the frame count. Must be no less than 0.
timestamp: the audio timestamp object.


interpolated timestamp in nanoseconds.


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import static androidx.core.util.Preconditions.checkArgument;


import androidx.annotation.NonNull;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

/** Utility class for audio-related operations and calculations. */
public final class AudioUtils {

    // Prevent instantiation
    private AudioUtils() {

     * Converts a channel count to the channel config of {@link AudioFormat}.
     * @return channel config.
     * @see AudioFormat#CHANNEL_IN_MONO
     * @see AudioFormat#CHANNEL_IN_STEREO
    public static int channelCountToChannelConfig(int channelCount) {
        return channelCount == 1 ? AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO : AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO;

     * Converts a channel count to the channel mask of {@link AudioFormat}.
     * @return channel mask.
     * @see AudioFormat#CHANNEL_IN_MONO
     * @see AudioFormat#CHANNEL_IN_STEREO
    public static int channelCountToChannelMask(int channelCount) {
        // Currently equivalent to channelCountToChannelConfig, but keep this logic separate
        // since technically channel masks are different from the legacy channel config and we don't
        // want any future updates to break things.
        return channelCount == 1 ? AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO : AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO;

     * Gets the size in bytes per frame.
     * @param audioEncoding the audio encoding of {@link AudioFormat}.
     * @param channelCount  the channel count.
     * @return bytes per frame.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the channel count or audio encoding is invalid.
     * @see AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_8BIT
     * @see AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_16BIT
     * @see AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_24BIT_PACKED
     * @see AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_32BIT
     * @see AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT
    public static int getBytesPerFrame(int audioEncoding, int channelCount) {
        checkArgument(channelCount > 0, "Invalid channel count: " + channelCount);
        switch (audioEncoding) {
            case ENCODING_PCM_8BIT:
                return channelCount;
            case ENCODING_PCM_16BIT:
                return channelCount * 2;
            case ENCODING_PCM_24BIT_PACKED:
                return channelCount * 3;
            case ENCODING_PCM_32BIT:
            case ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT:
                return channelCount * 4;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid audio encoding: " + audioEncoding);

     * Calculates the frame count by the input size in bytes and the per frame size.
     * <p>If the size is not divisible by the per frame size, the decimal will be rounded down.
     * <p>Negative size is allowed which is useful to calculate frame count difference.
     * @param sizeInBytes   size in bytes.
     * @param bytesPerFrame bytes per frame. Must be greater than 0.
     * @return frame count.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if bytesPerFrame is not greater than 0.
    public static long sizeToFrameCount(long sizeInBytes, int bytesPerFrame) {
        checkArgument(bytesPerFrame > 0L, "bytesPerFrame must be greater than 0.");
        return sizeInBytes / bytesPerFrame;

     * Calculates the size in bytes by the input frame count and the per frame size.
     * <p>Negative frame count is allowed which is useful to calculate size difference.
     * @param frameCount    frame count.
     * @param bytesPerFrame bytes per frame. Must be greater than 0.
     * @return size in bytes.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if bytesPerFrame is not greater than 0.
    public static long frameCountToSize(long frameCount, int bytesPerFrame) {
        checkArgument(bytesPerFrame > 0L, "bytesPerFrame must be greater than 0.");
        return frameCount * bytesPerFrame;

     * Calculates the duration in nanoseconds by the input frame count and sample rate.
     * <p>Negative frame count is allowed which is useful to calculate negative duration offset.
     * @param frameCount the frame count.
     * @param sampleRate the sample rate. Must be greater than 0.
     * @return duration in nanoseconds.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if sampleRate is not greater than 0.
    public static long frameCountToDurationNs(long frameCount, int sampleRate) {
        checkArgument(sampleRate > 0L, "sampleRate must be greater than 0.");
        return TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1) * frameCount / sampleRate;

     * Computes the interpolated timestamp.
     * @param sampleRate    the sample rate. Must be greater than 0.
     * @param framePosition the frame count. Must be no less than 0.
     * @param timestamp     the audio timestamp object.
     * @return interpolated timestamp in nanoseconds.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if sampleRate is not greater than 0 or framePosition is
     *                                  less than 0.
    public static long computeInterpolatedTimeNs(int sampleRate, long framePosition,
            @NonNull AudioTimestamp timestamp) {
        checkArgument(sampleRate > 0L, "sampleRate must be greater than 0.");
        checkArgument(framePosition >= 0L, "framePosition must be no less than 0.");
        long frameDiff = framePosition - timestamp.framePosition;
        long compensateTimeInNanoSec = frameCountToDurationNs(frameDiff, sampleRate);
        long resultInNanoSec = timestamp.nanoTime + compensateTimeInNanoSec;
        return resultInNanoSec < 0 ? 0 : resultInNanoSec;