public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-video', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-video
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


AudioSource is used to obtain audio raw data and write to the buffer from BufferProvider.

The audio raw data could be one of sources from the device. The target source can be specified with AudioSettings.Builder.setAudioSource(int).

Calling AudioSource.start() will start reading audio data from the target source and then write the data into the buffer from BufferProvider. Calling AudioSource.stop() will stop sending audio data. However, to really read/write data to buffer, the BufferProvider's state must be . So recording may temporarily pause when the BufferProvider's state is .


public final intmAudioSource

publicAudioSource(AudioSettings settings, java.util.concurrent.Executor executor, Context attributionContext)

Creates an AudioSource for the given settings.

public static booleanisSettingsSupported(int sampleRate, int channelCount, int audioFormat)

Check if the combination of sample rate, channel count and audio format is supported.

public voidmute(boolean muted)

Mutes or un-mutes the audio source.

public <any>release()

Releases the AudioSource.

public voidsetAudioSourceCallback(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor, AudioSource.AudioSourceCallback callback)

Sets callback to receive configuration status.

public voidsetBufferProvider(BufferProvider<InputBuffer> bufferProvider)

Sets the BufferProvider.

public voidstart()

Starts the AudioSource.

public voidstart(boolean muted)

Starts the AudioSource.

public voidstop()

Stops the AudioSource.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public final int mAudioSource


public AudioSource(AudioSettings settings, java.util.concurrent.Executor executor, Context attributionContext)

Creates an AudioSource for the given settings.

It should be verified the combination of sample rate, channel count and audio format is supported with AudioSource.isSettingsSupported(int, int, int) before passing the settings to this constructor, or an java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.


settings: The settings that will be used to configure the audio source.
executor: An executor that will be used to read audio samples in the background. The threads of this executor may be blocked while waiting for samples.
attributionContext: A object that will be used to attribute the audio to the contained . Audio attribution is only available on API 31+. Setting this on lower API levels or if the context does not contain an attribution source, setting this context will have no effect. This context will not be retained beyond the scope of the constructor.


public void setBufferProvider(BufferProvider<InputBuffer> bufferProvider)

Sets the BufferProvider.

A buffer provider is required to stream audio. If no buffer provider is provided, then audio will be dropped until one is provided and active.


bufferProvider: The new buffer provider to use.

public void start()

Starts the AudioSource.

Before starting, a BufferProvider should be set with AudioSource.setBufferProvider(BufferProvider). If a buffer provider is not set, audio data will be dropped.

Audio data will start being sent to the BufferProvider when BufferProvider's state is .

If the AudioSource fails to start, instead of firing AudioSource.AudioSourceCallback.onError(Throwable), it will

  • Retry internally with a fixed interval.
  • Write silent audio to the BufferProvider until a successful retry or AudioSource.stop() is called.
  • Trigger AudioSource.AudioSourceCallback.onSilenceStateChanged(boolean) with true on the first failure and false on the successful retry.
  • Use AudioSource.mute(boolean) to mute the audio source before starting it. If not call, the audio source will be started unmuted by default.

    public void start(boolean muted)

    Starts the AudioSource.

    Before starting, a BufferProvider should be set with AudioSource.setBufferProvider(BufferProvider). If a buffer provider is not set, audio data will be dropped.

    Audio data will start being sent to the BufferProvider when BufferProvider's state is .

    If the AudioSource fails to start, instead of firing AudioSource.AudioSourceCallback.onError(Throwable), it will

  • Retry internally with a fixed interval.
  • Write silent audio to the BufferProvider until a successful retry or AudioSource.stop() is called.
  • Trigger AudioSource.AudioSourceCallback with true on the first failure and false on the successful retry.
  • Parameters:

    muted: true to start the audio source muted, otherwise false.

    public void stop()

    Stops the AudioSource.

    Audio data will stop being sent to the BufferProvider.

    public <any> release()

    Releases the AudioSource.

    Once the AudioSource is released, it can not be used any more.

    public void setAudioSourceCallback(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor, AudioSource.AudioSourceCallback callback)

    Sets callback to receive configuration status.

    The callback must be set before the audio source is started.


    executor: the callback executor
    callback: the configuration callback

    public void mute(boolean muted)

    Mutes or un-mutes the audio source.

    public static boolean isSettingsSupported(int sampleRate, int channelCount, int audioFormat)

    Check if the combination of sample rate, channel count and audio format is supported.


     * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    import static;
    import static;
    import static;
    import static androidx.core.util.Preconditions.checkState;
    import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
    import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
    import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
    import android.Manifest;
    import android.content.Context;
    import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
    import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
    import androidx.annotation.RequiresPermission;
    import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
    import androidx.concurrent.futures.CallbackToFutureAdapter;
    import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
    import java.util.Objects;
    import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
    import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
     * AudioSource is used to obtain audio raw data and write to the buffer from {@link BufferProvider}.
     * <p>The audio raw data could be one of sources from the device. The target source can be
     * specified with {@link AudioSettings.Builder#setAudioSource(int)}.
     * <p>Calling {@link #start} will start reading audio data from the target source and then write
     * the data into the buffer from {@link BufferProvider}. Calling {@link #stop} will stop sending
     * audio data. However, to really read/write data to buffer, the {@link BufferProvider}'s state
     * must be {@link BufferProvider.State#ACTIVE}. So recording may temporarily pause when the
     * {@link BufferProvider}'s state is {@link BufferProvider.State#INACTIVE}.
     * @see BufferProvider
     * @see AudioRecord
    public final class AudioSource {
        private static final String TAG = "AudioSource";
         * The default start retry interval in milliseconds.
         * @see #start()
        static final long DEFAULT_START_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS = 3000L;
        enum InternalState {
            /** The initial state or when {@link #stop} is called after started. */
            /** The state is when it is in {@link #CONFIGURED} state and {@link #start} is called. */
            /** The state is when {@link #release} is called. */
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        final Executor mExecutor;
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        final AtomicReference<Boolean> mNotifiedSilenceState = new AtomicReference<>(null);
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        final AtomicBoolean mNotifiedSuspendState = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        final AudioStream mAudioStream;
        final SilentAudioStream mSilentAudioStream;
        private final long mStartRetryIntervalNs;
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        InternalState mState = CONFIGURED;
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        BufferProvider.State mBufferProviderState = BufferProvider.State.INACTIVE;
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        boolean mIsSendingAudio;
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        Executor mCallbackExecutor;
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        AudioSourceCallback mAudioSourceCallback;
        // The following should only be accessed by mExecutor
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        BufferProvider<? extends InputBuffer> mBufferProvider;
        private FutureCallback<InputBuffer> mAcquireBufferCallback;
        private Observable.Observer<BufferProvider.State> mStateObserver;
        boolean mInSilentStartState;
        private long mLatestFailedStartTimeNs;
        boolean mAudioStreamSilenced;
        boolean mMuted;
        private byte[] mZeroBytes;
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
                double mAudioAmplitude;
        long mAmplitudeTimestamp = 0;
        private final int mAudioFormat;
        public final int mAudioSource;
         * Creates an AudioSource for the given settings.
         * <p>It should be verified the combination of sample rate, channel count and audio format is
         * supported with {@link #isSettingsSupported(int, int, int)} before passing the settings to
         * this constructor, or an {@link UnsupportedOperationException} will be thrown.
         * @param settings           The settings that will be used to configure the audio source.
         * @param executor           An executor that will be used to read audio samples in the
         *                           background. The
         *                           threads of this executor may be blocked while waiting for samples.
         * @param attributionContext A {@link Context} object that will be used to attribute the
         *                           audio to the contained {@link android.content.AttributionSource}.
         *                           Audio attribution is only available on API 31+. Setting this on
         *                           lower API levels or if the context does not contain an
         *                           attribution source, setting this context will have no effect.
         *                           This context will not be retained beyond the scope of the
         *                           constructor.
         * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the combination of sample rate, channel count,
         *                                       and audio format in the provided settings is
         *                                       unsupported.
         * @throws AudioSourceAccessException    if the audio device is not available or cannot be
         *                                       initialized with the given settings.
        public AudioSource(@NonNull AudioSettings settings, @NonNull Executor executor,
                @Nullable Context attributionContext) throws AudioSourceAccessException {
            this(settings, executor, attributionContext, AudioStreamImpl::new,
        AudioSource(@NonNull AudioSettings settings, @NonNull Executor executor,
                @Nullable Context attributionContext, @NonNull AudioStreamFactory audioStreamFactory,
                long startRetryIntervalMs) throws AudioSourceAccessException {
            mExecutor = CameraXExecutors.newSequentialExecutor(executor);
            mStartRetryIntervalNs = MILLISECONDS.toNanos(startRetryIntervalMs);
            try {
                mAudioStream = new BufferedAudioStream(audioStreamFactory.create(settings,
                        attributionContext), settings);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException | AudioStream.AudioStreamException e) {
                throw new AudioSourceAccessException("Unable to create AudioStream", e);
            mAudioStream.setCallback(new AudioStreamCallback(), mExecutor);
            mSilentAudioStream = new SilentAudioStream(settings);
            mAudioFormat = settings.getAudioFormat();
            mAudioSource = settings.getAudioSource();
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        class AudioStreamCallback implements AudioStream.AudioStreamCallback {
            public void onSilenceStateChanged(boolean isSilenced) {
                mAudioStreamSilenced = isSilenced;
                if (mState == STARTED) {
         * Sets the {@link BufferProvider}.
         * <p>A buffer provider is required to stream audio. If no buffer provider is provided, then
         * audio will be dropped until one is provided and active.
         * @param bufferProvider The new buffer provider to use.
        public void setBufferProvider(@NonNull BufferProvider<? extends InputBuffer> bufferProvider) {
            mExecutor.execute(() -> {
                switch (mState) {
                    case CONFIGURED:
                        // Fall-through
                    case STARTED:
                        if (mBufferProvider != bufferProvider) {
                    case RELEASED:
                        throw new AssertionError("AudioSource is released");
         * Starts the AudioSource.
         * <p>Before starting, a {@link BufferProvider} should be set with
         * {@link #setBufferProvider(BufferProvider)}. If a buffer provider is not set, audio data
         * will be dropped.
         * <p>Audio data will start being sent to the {@link BufferProvider} when
         * {@link BufferProvider}'s state is {@link BufferProvider.State#ACTIVE}.
         * <p>If the AudioSource fails to start, instead of firing
         * {@link AudioSourceCallback#onError(Throwable)}, it will
         * <li>Retry internally with a fixed interval.</li>
         * <li>Write silent audio to the BufferProvider until a successful retry or {@link #stop()}
         * is called.
         * <li>Trigger {@link AudioSourceCallback#onSilenceStateChanged(boolean)} with {@code true}
         * on the first failure and {@code false} on the successful retry.</li>
         * <p>Use {@link #mute(boolean)} to mute the audio source before starting it. If not call,
         * the audio source will be started unmuted by default.
        public void start() {
            mExecutor.execute(() -> start(mMuted));
         * Starts the AudioSource.
         * <p>Before starting, a {@link BufferProvider} should be set with
         * {@link #setBufferProvider(BufferProvider)}. If a buffer provider is not set, audio data
         * will be dropped.
         * <p>Audio data will start being sent to the {@link BufferProvider} when
         * {@link BufferProvider}'s state is {@link BufferProvider.State#ACTIVE}.
         * <p>If the AudioSource fails to start, instead of firing
         * {@link AudioSourceCallback#onError(Throwable)}, it will
         * <li>Retry internally with a fixed interval.</li>
         * <li>Write silent audio to the BufferProvider until a successful retry or {@link #stop()}
         * is called.
         * <li>Trigger {@link AudioSourceCallback#onSilenceStateChanged(boolean, int)} with {@code true}
         * on the first failure and {@code false} on the successful retry.</li>
         * @param muted {@code true} to start the audio source muted, otherwise {@code false}.
        public void start(boolean muted) {
            mExecutor.execute(() -> {
                switch (mState) {
                    case CONFIGURED:
                    case STARTED:
                        // Do nothing
                    case RELEASED:
                        throw new AssertionError("AudioSource is released");
         * Stops the AudioSource.
         * <p>Audio data will stop being sent to the {@link BufferProvider}.
        public void stop() {
            mExecutor.execute(() -> {
                switch (mState) {
                    case STARTED:
                    case CONFIGURED:
                        // Do nothing
                    case RELEASED:
                        Logger.w(TAG, "AudioSource is released. "
                                + "Calling stop() is a no-op.");
         * Releases the AudioSource.
         * <p>Once the AudioSource is released, it can not be used any more.
        public ListenableFuture<Void> release() {
            return CallbackToFutureAdapter.getFuture(completer -> {
                mExecutor.execute(() -> {
                    try {
                        switch (mState) {
                            case STARTED:
                                // Fall-through
                            case CONFIGURED:
                            case RELEASED:
                                // Do nothing
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                return "AudioSource-release";
         * Sets callback to receive configuration status.
         * <p>The callback must be set before the audio source is started.
         * @param executor the callback executor
         * @param callback the configuration callback
        public void setAudioSourceCallback(@NonNull Executor executor,
                @NonNull AudioSourceCallback callback) {
            mExecutor.execute(() -> {
                switch (mState) {
                    case CONFIGURED:
                        mCallbackExecutor = executor;
                        mAudioSourceCallback = callback;
                    case STARTED:
                        // Fall-through
                    case RELEASED:
                        throw new AssertionError("The audio recording callback must be "
                                + "registered before the audio source is started.");
        /** Mutes or un-mutes the audio source. */
        public void mute(boolean muted) {
            mExecutor.execute(() -> {
                switch (mState) {
                    case CONFIGURED:
                        // Fall-through
                    case STARTED:
                        if (mMuted == muted) {
                        mMuted = muted;
                        if (mState == STARTED) {
                    case RELEASED:
                        throw new AssertionError("AudioSource is released");
        private void resetBufferProvider(
                @Nullable BufferProvider<? extends InputBuffer> bufferProvider) {
            if (mBufferProvider != null) {
                mBufferProvider = null;
                mStateObserver = null;
                mAcquireBufferCallback = null;
                mBufferProviderState = BufferProvider.State.INACTIVE;
            if (bufferProvider != null) {
                mBufferProvider = bufferProvider;
                mStateObserver = new Observable.Observer<BufferProvider.State>() {
                    public void onNewData(@Nullable BufferProvider.State state) {
                        if (mBufferProvider == bufferProvider) {
                            Logger.d(TAG, "Receive BufferProvider state change: "
                                    + mBufferProviderState + " to " + state);
                            if (mBufferProviderState != state) {
                                mBufferProviderState = state;
                    public void onError(@NonNull Throwable throwable) {
                        if (mBufferProvider == bufferProvider) {
                mAcquireBufferCallback = new FutureCallback<InputBuffer>() {
                    public void onSuccess(InputBuffer inputBuffer) {
                        if (!mIsSendingAudio || mBufferProvider != bufferProvider) {
                        if (mInSilentStartState && isStartRetryIntervalReached()) {
                            // TODO(b/269393269): when a retry succeed, there will be a small time gap
                            //  between silence and real audio. The gap should be filled with
                            //  silence audio.
                        // If the audio stream fails to start, SilentAudioStream will be used.
                        AudioStream audioStream = getCurrentAudioStream();
                        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = inputBuffer.getByteBuffer();
                        AudioStream.PacketInfo packetInfo =;
                        if (packetInfo.getSizeInBytes() > 0) {
                            if (mMuted) {
                                overrideBySilence(byteBuffer, packetInfo.getSizeInBytes());
                            // should only be ENCODING_PCM_16BIT for now at least
                            // reads incoming bytebuffer for amplitude value every .2 seconds
                            if (mCallbackExecutor != null
                                    && (packetInfo.getTimestampNs() - mAmplitudeTimestamp) >= 200) {
                                mAmplitudeTimestamp = packetInfo.getTimestampNs();
                            byteBuffer.limit(byteBuffer.position() + packetInfo.getSizeInBytes());
                        } else {
                            Logger.w(TAG, "Unable to read data from AudioStream.");
                    public void onFailure(@NonNull Throwable throwable) {
                        if (mBufferProvider != bufferProvider) {
                        Logger.d(TAG, "Unable to get input buffer, the BufferProvider "
                                + "could be transitioning to INACTIVE state.");
                        // IllegalStateException and CancellationException (extends
                        // IllegalStateException) indicate BufferProvider is transitioning to
                        // INACTIVE state, which is normal case and should not notify error.
                        if (!(throwable instanceof IllegalStateException)) {
                // Update BufferProvider state as possible.
                BufferProvider.State state = fetchBufferProviderState(bufferProvider);
                if (state != null) {
                    mBufferProviderState = state;
                mBufferProvider.addObserver(mExecutor, mStateObserver);
        AudioStream getCurrentAudioStream() {
            return mInSilentStartState ? mSilentAudioStream : mAudioStream;
        void retryStartAudioStream() {
            try {
                Logger.d(TAG, "Retry start AudioStream succeed");
                mInSilentStartState = false;
            } catch (AudioStream.AudioStreamException e) {
                Logger.w(TAG, "Retry start AudioStream failed", e);
                mLatestFailedStartTimeNs = getCurrentSystemTimeNs();
        boolean isStartRetryIntervalReached() {
            checkState(mLatestFailedStartTimeNs > 0);
            return getCurrentSystemTimeNs() - mLatestFailedStartTimeNs >= mStartRetryIntervalNs;
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        void notifyError(@NonNull Throwable throwable) {
            Executor executor = mCallbackExecutor;
            AudioSourceCallback callback = mAudioSourceCallback;
            if (executor != null && callback != null) {
                executor.execute(() -> callback.onError(throwable));
        void notifySilenced() {
            Executor executor = mCallbackExecutor;
            AudioSourceCallback callback = mAudioSourceCallback;
            if (executor != null && callback != null) {
                boolean isSilenced = mMuted || mInSilentStartState || mAudioStreamSilenced;
                if (!Objects.equals(mNotifiedSilenceState.getAndSet(isSilenced), isSilenced)) {
                    executor.execute(() -> callback.onSilenceStateChanged(isSilenced));
        void notifySuspended(boolean isSuspended) {
            Executor executor = mCallbackExecutor;
            AudioSourceCallback callback = mAudioSourceCallback;
            if (executor != null && callback != null) {
                if (mNotifiedSuspendState.getAndSet(isSuspended) != isSuspended) {
                    executor.execute(() -> callback.onSuspendStateChanged(isSuspended));
        void overrideBySilence(@NonNull ByteBuffer byteBuffer, int sizeInBytes) {
            if (mZeroBytes == null || mZeroBytes.length < sizeInBytes) {
                mZeroBytes = new byte[sizeInBytes];
            int positionBeforePut = byteBuffer.position();
            byteBuffer.put(mZeroBytes, 0, sizeInBytes);
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        void updateSendingAudio() {
            if (mState == STARTED) {
                boolean isBufferProviderActive = mBufferProviderState == BufferProvider.State.ACTIVE;
                if (isBufferProviderActive) {
                } else {
            } else {
        private void startSendingAudio() {
            if (mIsSendingAudio) {
                // Already started, ignore
            try {
                Logger.d(TAG, "startSendingAudio");
                mInSilentStartState = false;
            } catch (AudioStream.AudioStreamException e) {
                Logger.w(TAG, "Failed to start AudioStream", e);
                mInSilentStartState = true;
                mLatestFailedStartTimeNs = getCurrentSystemTimeNs();
            mIsSendingAudio = true;
        private void stopSendingAudio() {
            if (!mIsSendingAudio) {
                // Already stopped, ignore.
            mIsSendingAudio = false;
            Logger.d(TAG, "stopSendingAudio");
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        void sendNextAudio() {
        @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
        void setState(InternalState state) {
            Logger.d(TAG, "Transitioning internal state: " + mState + " --> " + state);
            mState = state;
        void postMaxAmplitude(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
            Executor executor = mCallbackExecutor;
            AudioSourceCallback callback = mAudioSourceCallback;
            double maxAmplitude = 0;
            if (mAudioFormat == AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT) {
                // may want to add calculation for different audio formats
                ShortBuffer shortBuffer = byteBuffer.asShortBuffer();
                while (shortBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
                    maxAmplitude = Math.max(maxAmplitude, Math.abs(shortBuffer.get()));
                maxAmplitude = maxAmplitude / Short.MAX_VALUE;
                mAudioAmplitude = maxAmplitude;
                if (executor != null && callback != null) {
                    executor.execute(() -> callback.onAmplitudeValue(mAudioAmplitude));
        private static BufferProvider.State fetchBufferProviderState(
                @NonNull BufferProvider<? extends InputBuffer> bufferProvider) {
            try {
                ListenableFuture<BufferProvider.State> state = bufferProvider.fetchData();
                return state.isDone() ? state.get() : null;
            } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) {
                return null;
        /** Check if the combination of sample rate, channel count and audio format is supported. */
        public static boolean isSettingsSupported(int sampleRate, int channelCount, int audioFormat) {
            return AudioStreamImpl.isSettingsSupported(sampleRate, channelCount, audioFormat);
        private static long getCurrentSystemTimeNs() {
            return System.nanoTime();
         * The callback for receiving the audio source status.
        public interface AudioSourceCallback {
             * The method called when the audio source suspend state changed.
             * <p>One case where the audio source goes into suspend state is when it is started but the
             * {@link BufferProvider} is in {@link BufferProvider.State#INACTIVE} state.
            default void onSuspendStateChanged(boolean suspended) {
             * The method called when the audio source silence state changed.
             * <p>The audio source is silenced when the audio record is occupied by privilege
             * application. When it happens, the audio source will keep providing audio data with
             * silence sample.
            void onSilenceStateChanged(boolean silenced);
             * The method called when the audio source encountered errors.
            void onError(@NonNull Throwable t);
             * The method called to retrieve audio amplitude values.
            void onAmplitudeValue(double maxAmplitude);