public class


extends java.lang.Object

implements VideoEncoderInfo



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-video', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-video
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Workaround to wrap the VideoEncoderInfo in order to fix the wrong information provided by MediaCodecInfo.

One use case is VideoCapture resizing the crop to a size valid for the encoder.


public booleancanSwapWidthHeight()

public static VideoEncoderInfofrom(VideoEncoderInfo videoEncoderInfo, Size validSizeToCheck)

Check and wrap an input VideoEncoderInfo

public intgetHeightAlignment()

public java.lang.StringgetName()

public <any>getSupportedBitrateRange()

public <any>getSupportedHeights()

public <any>getSupportedHeightsFor(int width)

public <any>getSupportedWidths()

public <any>getSupportedWidthsFor(int height)

public intgetWidthAlignment()

public booleanisSizeSupported(int width, int height)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static VideoEncoderInfo from(VideoEncoderInfo videoEncoderInfo, Size validSizeToCheck)

Check and wrap an input VideoEncoderInfo

The input VideoEncoderInfo will be wrapped when

Otherwise, the input VideoEncoderInfo will be returned.

Exception: if the input videoEncoderInfo is already a wrapper, then it will not be wrapped again and will be returned directly.

The validSizeToCheck will be taken as an extra supported size if this method returns a wrapper.


videoEncoderInfo: the input VideoEncoderInfo.
validSizeToCheck: a valid size to check or null if no valid size to check.


a wrapped VideoEncoderInfo or the input VideoEncoderInfo.

public java.lang.String getName()

public boolean canSwapWidthHeight()

public boolean isSizeSupported(int width, int height)

public <any> getSupportedWidths()

public <any> getSupportedHeights()

public <any> getSupportedWidthsFor(int height)

public <any> getSupportedHeightsFor(int width)

public int getWidthAlignment()

public int getHeightAlignment()

public <any> getSupportedBitrateRange()


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.util.Range;
import android.util.Size;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.core.util.Preconditions;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

 * Workaround to wrap the VideoEncoderInfo in order to fix the wrong information provided by
 * {@link MediaCodecInfo}.
 * <p>One use case is VideoCapture resizing the crop to a size valid for the encoder.
 * @see MediaCodecInfoReportIncorrectInfoQuirk
public class VideoEncoderInfoWrapper implements VideoEncoderInfo {
    private static final String TAG = "VideoEncoderInfoWrapper";

    // The resolution of CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_4KDCI
    private static final int WIDTH_4KDCI = 4096;
    private static final int HEIGHT_4KDCI = 2160;

    private final VideoEncoderInfo mVideoEncoderInfo;
    private final Range<Integer> mSupportedWidths;
    private final Range<Integer> mSupportedHeights;
    // Extra supported sizes is used to put resolutions that are actually supported on the device
    // but the MediaCodecInfo indicates the resolution is invalid. The most common one is
    // 1920x1080. For resolutions in this set, #isSizeSupported(w, h) should return true.
    private final Set<Size> mExtraSupportedSizes = new HashSet<>();

     * Check and wrap an input VideoEncoderInfo
     * <p>The input VideoEncoderInfo will be wrapped when
     * <ul>
     * <li>The device is a quirk device determined in
     * {@link MediaCodecInfoReportIncorrectInfoQuirk}.</li>
     * <li>The input {@code validSizeToCheck} is not supported by input VideoEncoderInfo.</li>
     * </ul>
     * Otherwise, the input VideoEncoderInfo will be returned.
     * <p>Exception: if the input videoEncoderInfo is already a wrapper, then it will not be
     * wrapped again and will be returned directly.
     * <p>The {@code validSizeToCheck} will be taken as an extra supported size if this method
     * returns a wrapper.
     * @param videoEncoderInfo the input VideoEncoderInfo.
     * @param validSizeToCheck a valid size to check or null if no valid size to check.
     * @return a wrapped VideoEncoderInfo or the input VideoEncoderInfo.
    public static VideoEncoderInfo from(@NonNull VideoEncoderInfo videoEncoderInfo,
            @Nullable Size validSizeToCheck) {
        boolean toWrap;
        if (videoEncoderInfo instanceof VideoEncoderInfoWrapper) {
            toWrap = false;
        } else if (DeviceQuirks.get(MediaCodecInfoReportIncorrectInfoQuirk.class) != null) {
            toWrap = true;
        } else if (validSizeToCheck != null && !videoEncoderInfo.isSizeSupportedAllowSwapping(
                validSizeToCheck.getWidth(), validSizeToCheck.getHeight())) {
            // If the device does not support a size that should be valid, assume the device
            // reports incorrect information. This is used to detect devices that we haven't
            // discovered incorrect information yet.
            Logger.w(TAG, String.format(
                    "Detected that the device does not support a size %s that should be valid"
                            + " in widths/heights = %s/%s", validSizeToCheck,
            toWrap = true;
        } else {
            toWrap = false;
        if (toWrap) {
            videoEncoderInfo = new VideoEncoderInfoWrapper(videoEncoderInfo);
        if (validSizeToCheck != null && videoEncoderInfo instanceof VideoEncoderInfoWrapper) {
            ((VideoEncoderInfoWrapper) videoEncoderInfo).addExtraSupportedSize(validSizeToCheck);
        return videoEncoderInfo;

    private VideoEncoderInfoWrapper(@NonNull VideoEncoderInfo videoEncoderInfo) {
        mVideoEncoderInfo = videoEncoderInfo;

        // Ideally we should find out supported widths/heights for each problematic device.
        // As a workaround, simply return a big enough size for video encoding. i.e.
        // CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_4KDCI. The size still need to follow the multiple of alignment.
        int widthAlignment = videoEncoderInfo.getWidthAlignment();
        int maxWidth = (int) Math.ceil((double) WIDTH_4KDCI / widthAlignment) * widthAlignment;
        mSupportedWidths = Range.create(widthAlignment, maxWidth);
        int heightAlignment = videoEncoderInfo.getHeightAlignment();
        int maxHeight = (int) Math.ceil((double) HEIGHT_4KDCI / heightAlignment) * heightAlignment;
        mSupportedHeights = Range.create(heightAlignment, maxHeight);


    public String getName() {
        return mVideoEncoderInfo.getName();

    public boolean canSwapWidthHeight() {
        return mVideoEncoderInfo.canSwapWidthHeight();

    public boolean isSizeSupported(int width, int height) {
        if (mVideoEncoderInfo.isSizeSupported(width, height)) {
            return true;
        for (Size size : mExtraSupportedSizes) {
            if (size.getWidth() == width && size.getHeight() == height) {
                return true;
        return mSupportedWidths.contains(width)
                && mSupportedHeights.contains(height)
                && width % mVideoEncoderInfo.getWidthAlignment() == 0
                && height % mVideoEncoderInfo.getHeightAlignment() == 0;

    public Range<Integer> getSupportedWidths() {
        return mSupportedWidths;

    public Range<Integer> getSupportedHeights() {
        return mSupportedHeights;

    public Range<Integer> getSupportedWidthsFor(int height) {
                        && height % mVideoEncoderInfo.getHeightAlignment() == 0,
                "Not supported height: " + height + " which is not in " + mSupportedHeights
                        + " or can not be divided by alignment "
                        + mVideoEncoderInfo.getHeightAlignment());
        return mSupportedWidths;

    public Range<Integer> getSupportedHeightsFor(int width) {
                        && width % mVideoEncoderInfo.getWidthAlignment() == 0,
                "Not supported width: " + width + " which is not in " + mSupportedWidths
                        + " or can not be divided by alignment "
                        + mVideoEncoderInfo.getWidthAlignment());
        return mSupportedHeights;

    public int getWidthAlignment() {
        return mVideoEncoderInfo.getWidthAlignment();

    public int getHeightAlignment() {
        return mVideoEncoderInfo.getHeightAlignment();

    public Range<Integer> getSupportedBitrateRange() {
        return mVideoEncoderInfo.getSupportedBitrateRange();

    private void addExtraSupportedSize(@NonNull Size size) {