public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-video', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-video
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Converts the video timestamps to Timebase.UPTIME if video buffer contains Timebase.REALTIME timestamp.

The workaround will ignore the input timebase and determine a new timebase by the following 2 scenarios, to workaround the timebase inconsistent issue as described in b/197805856:

The new timebase will be determined by checking whether the first input timestamp set to VideoTimebaseConverter.convertToUptimeUs(long) is close to UPTIME or REALTIME. For performance reason, the detection will only check the first input timestamp.


publicVideoTimebaseConverter(TimeProvider timeProvider, Timebase inputTimebase, CameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk cameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk)

Constructs the VideoTimebaseConverter.

public longconvertToUptimeUs(long timestampUs)

Converts the video timestamp to Timebase.UPTIME if necessary.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public VideoTimebaseConverter(TimeProvider timeProvider, Timebase inputTimebase, CameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk cameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk)

Constructs the VideoTimebaseConverter.


timeProvider: the time provider.
inputTimebase: the input video frame timebase.
cameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk: the quirk denotes the camera use inconsistent timebase.


public long convertToUptimeUs(long timestampUs)

Converts the video timestamp to Timebase.UPTIME if necessary.


timestampUs: the video frame timestamp in micro seconds. The timebase is supposed to be the input timebase in constructor.


 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.os.Build;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

 * Converts the video timestamps to {@link Timebase#UPTIME} if video buffer contains
 * {@link Timebase#REALTIME} timestamp.
 * <p>The workaround will ignore the input timebase and determine a new timebase by the following
 * 2 scenarios, to workaround the timebase inconsistent issue as described in b/197805856:
 * <ul>
 * <li>The device is listed in {@link CameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk}.</li>
 * <li>The difference between system uptime and realtime exceeds a threshold.</li>
 * </ul>
 * The new timebase will be determined by checking whether the first input timestamp set to
 * {@link #convertToUptimeUs(long)} is close to UPTIME or REALTIME.
 * For performance reason, the detection will only check the first input timestamp.
 * @see CameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk
public class VideoTimebaseConverter {
    private static final String TAG = "VideoTimebaseConverter";

    // For 3 seconds threshold, see go/camerax-video-timebase-inconsistent-workaround.
    private static final long UPTIME_REALTIME_DIFF_THRESHOLD_US = 3_000_000L; // 3 seconds

    private final TimeProvider mTimeProvider;
    private final Timebase mInputTimebase;
    private final CameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk mCameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk;

    private long mUptimeToRealtimeOffsetUs = -1L;
    private Timebase mResolvedInputTimebase;

     * Constructs the VideoTimebaseConverter.
     * @param timeProvider                       the time provider.
     * @param inputTimebase                      the input video frame timebase.
     * @param cameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk the quirk denotes the camera use inconsistent
     *                                           timebase.
    public VideoTimebaseConverter(@NonNull TimeProvider timeProvider,
            @NonNull Timebase inputTimebase,
            @Nullable CameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk cameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk) {
        mTimeProvider = timeProvider;
        mInputTimebase = inputTimebase;
        mCameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk = cameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk;

     * Converts the video timestamp to {@link Timebase#UPTIME} if necessary.
     * @param timestampUs the video frame timestamp in micro seconds. The timebase is supposed
     *                    to be the input timebase in constructor.
    public long convertToUptimeUs(long timestampUs) {
        if (mResolvedInputTimebase == null) {
            mResolvedInputTimebase = resolveInputTimebase(timestampUs);
        switch (mResolvedInputTimebase) {
            case REALTIME:
                if (mUptimeToRealtimeOffsetUs == -1) {
                    mUptimeToRealtimeOffsetUs = calculateUptimeToRealtimeOffsetUs();
                    Logger.d(TAG, "mUptimeToRealtimeOffsetUs = " + mUptimeToRealtimeOffsetUs);
                return timestampUs - mUptimeToRealtimeOffsetUs;
            case UPTIME:
                return timestampUs;
                throw new AssertionError("Unknown timebase: " + mResolvedInputTimebase);

    private Timebase resolveInputTimebase(long timestampUs) {
        boolean isSystemTimeDiverged = false;
        if (mCameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk != null) {
            Logger.w(TAG, "CameraUseInconsistentTimebaseQuirk is enabled");
        } else if (exceedUptimeRealtimeDiffThreshold()) {
            // When the system uptime and real-time diverge significantly, detect the
            // input timebase to avoid timebase inconsistent issue.
            // See go/camerax-video-timebase-inconsistent-workaround.
            isSystemTimeDiverged = true;
        } else {
            return mInputTimebase;

        Timebase resolvedTimebase = isCloseToRealtime(timestampUs)
                ? Timebase.REALTIME : Timebase.UPTIME;
        if (isSystemTimeDiverged && resolvedTimebase != mInputTimebase) {
            String socModelInfo = "";
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 31) {
                socModelInfo = ", SOC: " + Build.SOC_MODEL;
            Logger.e(TAG, String.format("Detected camera timebase inconsistent. "
                            + "Please file an issue at "
                            + ""
                            + "&template=1257717 with this error message "
                            + "[Manufacturer: %s, Model: %s, Hardware: %s, API Level: %d%s].\n"
                            + "Camera timebase is inconsistent. The timebase reported by the "
                            + "camera is %s, but the actual timebase contained in the frame is "
                            + "detected as %s.",
                    Build.MANUFACTURER, Build.MODEL, Build.HARDWARE, Build.VERSION.SDK_INT,
                    socModelInfo, mInputTimebase, resolvedTimebase));
        } else {
            Logger.d(TAG, "Detect input timebase = " + resolvedTimebase);
        return resolvedTimebase;

    private boolean exceedUptimeRealtimeDiffThreshold() {
        long uptimeUs = mTimeProvider.uptimeUs();
        long realTimeUs = mTimeProvider.realtimeUs();
        return realTimeUs - uptimeUs > UPTIME_REALTIME_DIFF_THRESHOLD_US;

    private boolean isCloseToRealtime(long timeUs) {
        long uptimeUs = mTimeProvider.uptimeUs();
        long realtimeUs = mTimeProvider.realtimeUs();
        return Math.abs(timeUs - realtimeUs) < Math.abs(timeUs - uptimeUs);

    // The algorithm is from camera framework Camera3Device.cpp
    private long calculateUptimeToRealtimeOffsetUs() {
        // Try three times to get the clock offset, choose the one with the minimum gap in
        // measurements.
        long bestGap = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        long measured = 0L;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            long uptime1 = mTimeProvider.uptimeUs();
            long realtime = mTimeProvider.realtimeUs();
            long uptime2 = mTimeProvider.uptimeUs();
            long gap = uptime2 - uptime1;
            if (i == 0 || gap < bestGap) {
                bestGap = gap;
                measured = realtime - ((uptime1 + uptime2) >> 1);
        return Math.max(0, measured);