public final class


extends View




Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-view', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-view
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Custom View that implements a basic UI for screen flash photo capture.

This class provides an ImageCapture.ScreenFlash implementation with ScreenFlashView.getScreenFlash() for the ImageCapture.setScreenFlash(ImageCapture.ScreenFlash) API. If a CameraController is used for CameraX operations,ScreenFlashView.setController(CameraController) should be used to set the controller to this view. Normally, this view is kept fully transparent. It becomes fully visible for the duration of screen flash photo capture. The screen brightness is also maximized for that duration.

The default color of the view is , but it can be changed with View API. The elevation of this view is always set to MAX_VALUE so that it always appears on top in its view hierarchy during screen flash.

This view is also used internally in PreviewView, so may not be required if user is already using PreviewView. However, note that the internal instance of PreviewView has the same dimensions as PreviewView. So if the PreviewView does not encompass the full screen, users may want to use this view separately so that whole screen can be encompassed during screen flash operation.


publicScreenFlashView(Context context)

publicScreenFlashView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

publicScreenFlashView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)

publicScreenFlashView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)

public ImageCapture.ScreenFlashgetScreenFlash()

Returns an ImageCapture.ScreenFlash implementation based on the Window instance set via ScreenFlashView.setScreenFlashWindow(Window).

public longgetVisibilityRampUpAnimationDurationMillis()

Returns the duration of the visibility ramp-up animation.

public voidsetController(CameraController cameraController)

Sets the CameraController.

public voidsetScreenFlashWindow(Window screenFlashWindow)

Sets a Window instance for subsequent photo capture requests with ImageCapture use case when ImageCapture.FLASH_MODE_SCREEN is set.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public ScreenFlashView(Context context)

public ScreenFlashView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

public ScreenFlashView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)

public ScreenFlashView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)


public void setController(CameraController cameraController)

Sets the CameraController.

Once set, the controller will use the ScreenFlashView for screen flash related UI operations.

See also: CameraController

public void setScreenFlashWindow(Window screenFlashWindow)

Sets a Window instance for subsequent photo capture requests with ImageCapture use case when ImageCapture.FLASH_MODE_SCREEN is set.

The calling of this API will take effect for ImageCapture#FLASH_MODE_SCREEN only and the Window will be ignored for other flash modes. During screen flash photo capture, the window is used for the purpose of changing screen brightness.

If the implementation provided by the user is no longer valid (e.g. due to any or android.view.View reference used in the implementation becoming invalid), user needs to re-set a new valid window or clear the previous one with setScreenFlashWindow(null), whichever appropriate.

For most app scenarios, a Window instance can be obtained from . In case of a fragment, Fragment.getActivity() can first be used to get the activity instance.


screenFlashWindow: A Window instance that is used to change the brightness during screen flash photo capture.

public ImageCapture.ScreenFlash getScreenFlash()

Returns an ImageCapture.ScreenFlash implementation based on the Window instance set via ScreenFlashView.setScreenFlashWindow(Window).

When ImageCapture.ScreenFlash.apply(long, ImageCapture.ScreenFlashListener) is invoked, this view becomes fully visible gradually with an animation and screen brightness is maximized using the provided Window. Since brightness change of the display happens asynchronously and may take some time to be completed, the animation to ramp up visibility may require a duration of sufficient delay (decided internally) before is invoked.

The default color of the overlay view is . To change the color, use ScreenFlashView.

When ImageCapture.ScreenFlash.clear() is invoked, the view becomes transparent and screen brightness is restored.

The Window instance parameter can usually be provided from the activity using the PreviewView, see for details. If a null Window is set or none set at all, a null value will be returned by this method.


A simple ImageCapture.ScreenFlash implementation, or null value if a non-null Window instance hasn't been set.

public long getVisibilityRampUpAnimationDurationMillis()

Returns the duration of the visibility ramp-up animation.

This is currently used in ImageCapture.ScreenFlash.apply(long, ImageCapture.ScreenFlashListener).

See also: ScreenFlashView.getScreenFlash()


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;
import static;

import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.Window;
import android.view.WindowManager;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.UiThread;

 * Custom View that implements a basic UI for screen flash photo capture.
 * <p> This class provides an {@link ScreenFlash} implementation with
 * {@link #getScreenFlash()} for the
 * {@link ImageCapture#setScreenFlash(ImageCapture.ScreenFlash)} API. If a
 * {@link CameraController} is used for CameraX operations,{@link #setController(CameraController)}
 * should be used to set the controller to this view. Normally, this view is kept fully
 * transparent. It becomes fully visible for the duration of screen flash photo capture. The
 * screen brightness is also maximized for that duration.
 * <p> The default color of the view is {@link Color#WHITE}, but it can be changed with
 * {@link View#setBackgroundColor(int)} API. The elevation of this view is always set to
 * {@link Float#MAX_VALUE} so that it always appears on top in its view hierarchy during screen
 * flash.
 * <p> This view is also used internally in {@link PreviewView}, so may not be required if user
 * is already using {@link PreviewView}. However, note that the internal instance of
 * {@link PreviewView} has the same dimensions as {@link PreviewView}. So if the
 * {@link PreviewView} does not encompass the full screen, users may want to use this view
 * separately so that whole screen can be encompassed during screen flash operation.
 * @see #getScreenFlash
 * @see ImageCapture#FLASH_MODE_SCREEN
public final class ScreenFlashView extends View {
    private static final String TAG = "ScreenFlashView";
    private CameraController mCameraController;
    private Window mScreenFlashWindow;
    private ImageCapture.ScreenFlash mScreenFlash;

    /** The timeout in seconds for the visibility animation at {@link ScreenFlash#apply}. */
    private static final long ANIMATION_DURATION_MILLIS = 1000;

    public ScreenFlashView(@NonNull Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    public ScreenFlashView(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    public ScreenFlashView(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs,
            int defStyleAttr) {
        this(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, 0);

    public ScreenFlashView(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr,
            int defStyleRes) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);


     * Sets the {@link CameraController}.
     * <p> Once set, the controller will use the {@code ScreenFlashView} for screen flash related UI
     * operations.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If {@link ImageCapture#FLASH_MODE_SCREEN} is set to the
     *                               {@link CameraController}, but a non-null {@link Window}
     *                               instance has not been set with {@link #setScreenFlashWindow}.
     * @see CameraController
    public void setController(@Nullable CameraController cameraController) {

        if (mCameraController != null && mCameraController != cameraController) {
            // If already bound to a different controller, remove the ScreenFlash instance from the
            // old controller.
        mCameraController = cameraController;

        if (cameraController == null) {

        if (cameraController.getImageCaptureFlashMode() == FLASH_MODE_SCREEN
                && mScreenFlashWindow == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "No window set despite setting FLASH_MODE_SCREEN in CameraController");


    private void setScreenFlashUiInfo(ImageCapture.ScreenFlash control) {
        if (mCameraController == null) {
            Logger.d(TAG, "setScreenFlashUiInfo: mCameraController is null!");
        mCameraController.setScreenFlashUiInfo(new ScreenFlashUiInfo(
                ScreenFlashUiInfo.ProviderType.SCREEN_FLASH_VIEW, control));

     * Sets a {@link Window} instance for subsequent photo capture requests with
     * {@link ImageCapture} use case when {@link ImageCapture#FLASH_MODE_SCREEN} is set.
     * <p>The calling of this API will take effect for {@code ImageCapture#FLASH_MODE_SCREEN} only
     * and the {@code Window} will be ignored for other flash modes. During screen flash photo
     * capture, the window is used for the purpose of changing screen brightness.
     * <p> If the implementation provided by the user is no longer valid (e.g. due to any
     * {@link} or {@link android.view.View} reference used in the
     * implementation becoming invalid), user needs to re-set a new valid window or clear the
     * previous one with {@code setScreenFlashWindow(null)}, whichever appropriate.
     * <p>For most app scenarios, a {@code Window} instance can be obtained from
     * {@link Activity#getWindow()}. In case of a fragment, {@link Fragment#getActivity()} can
     * first be used to get the activity instance.
     * @param screenFlashWindow A {@link Window} instance that is used to change the brightness
     *                          during screen flash photo capture.
    public void setScreenFlashWindow(@Nullable Window screenFlashWindow) {
        mScreenFlashWindow = screenFlashWindow;

    /** Update {@link #mScreenFlash} if required. */
    private void updateScreenFlash(Window window) {
        if (mScreenFlashWindow != window) {
            mScreenFlash = window == null ? null : new ScreenFlash() {
                private float mPreviousBrightness;
                private ValueAnimator mAnimator;

                public void apply(long expirationTimeMillis,
                        @NonNull ImageCapture.ScreenFlashListener screenFlashListener) {
                    Logger.d(TAG, "ScreenFlash#apply");

                    mPreviousBrightness = getBrightness();

                    if (mAnimator != null) {
                    mAnimator = animateToFullOpacity(screenFlashListener::onCompleted);

                public void clear() {
                    Logger.d(TAG, "ScreenFlash#clearScreenFlashUi");

                    if (mAnimator != null) {
                        mAnimator = null;


                    // Restore screen brightness

    private ValueAnimator animateToFullOpacity(@Nullable Runnable onAnimationEnd) {
        Logger.d(TAG, "animateToFullOpacity");

        ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0F, 1F);

        // TODO: b/355168952 - Allow users to overwrite the animation duration.

        animator.addUpdateListener(animation -> {
            Logger.d(TAG, "animateToFullOpacity: value = " + (float) animation.getAnimatedValue());
            setAlpha((float) animation.getAnimatedValue());

        animator.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
            public void onAnimationStart(@NonNull Animator animation) {


            public void onAnimationEnd(@NonNull Animator animation) {
                Logger.d(TAG, "ScreenFlash#apply: onAnimationEnd");
                if (onAnimationEnd != null) {

            public void onAnimationCancel(@NonNull Animator animation) {


            public void onAnimationRepeat(@NonNull Animator animation) {



        return animator;

    private float getBrightness() {
        if (mScreenFlashWindow == null) {
            Logger.e(TAG, "setBrightness: mScreenFlashWindow is null!");
            return Float.NaN;

        WindowManager.LayoutParams layoutParam = mScreenFlashWindow.getAttributes();
        return layoutParam.screenBrightness;

    private void setBrightness(float value) {
        if (mScreenFlashWindow == null) {
            Logger.e(TAG, "setBrightness: mScreenFlashWindow is null!");

        if (Float.isNaN(value)) {
            Logger.e(TAG, "setBrightness: value is NaN!");

        WindowManager.LayoutParams layoutParam = mScreenFlashWindow.getAttributes();
        layoutParam.screenBrightness = value;
        Logger.d(TAG, "Brightness set to " + layoutParam.screenBrightness);

     * Returns an {@link ScreenFlash} implementation based on the {@link Window} instance
     * set via {@link #setScreenFlashWindow(Window)}.
     * <p> When {@link ScreenFlash#apply(long, ImageCapture.ScreenFlashListener)} is invoked,
     * this view becomes fully visible gradually with an animation and screen brightness is
     * maximized using the provided {@code Window}. Since brightness change of the display happens
     * asynchronously and may take some time to be completed, the animation to ramp up visibility
     * may require a duration of sufficient delay (decided internally) before
     * {@link ImageCapture.ScreenFlashListener#onCompleted()} is invoked.
     * <p> The default color of the overlay view is {@link Color#WHITE}. To change
     * the color, use {@link #setBackgroundColor(int)}.
     * <p> When {@link ScreenFlash#clear()} is invoked, the view
     * becomes transparent and screen brightness is restored.
     * <p> The {@code Window} instance parameter can usually be provided from the activity using
     * the {@link PreviewView}, see {@link Activity#getWindow()} for details. If a null {@code
     * Window} is set or none set at all, a null value will be returned by this method.
     * @return A simple {@link ScreenFlash} implementation, or null value if a non-null
     * {@code Window} instance hasn't been set.
    public ScreenFlash getScreenFlash() {
        return mScreenFlash;

     * Returns the duration of the visibility ramp-up animation.
     * <p> This is currently used in {@link ScreenFlash#apply}.
     * @see #getScreenFlash()
    public long getVisibilityRampUpAnimationDurationMillis() {