public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object

implements LifecycleOwner



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'app', version: '1.2.0-rc01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: app
  • version: 1.2.0-rc01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


The base class for implementing a session for a car app.



public final CarContextgetCarContext()

Returns the CarContext for this session.

public LifecyclegetLifecycle()

Returns the Session's Lifecycle.

public voidonCarConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfiguration)

Notifies that the CarContext's has changed.

public abstract ScreenonCreateScreen(Intent intent)

Requests the first Screen for the application.

public voidonNewIntent(Intent intent)

Notifies that the car app has received a new .

public voidsetCarContextInternal(CarContext carContext)

public voidsetLifecycleRegistryInternal(LifecycleRegistry registry)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Session()


public abstract Screen onCreateScreen(Intent intent)

Requests the first Screen for the application.

Once the method returns, Screen.onGetTemplate() will be called on the Screen returned, and the app will be displayed on the car screen.

To pre-seed a back stack, you can push Screens onto the stack, via ScreenManager.push(Screen) during this method call.

Called by the system, do not call this method directly.


intent: the intent that was used to start this app. If the app was started with a call to CarContext.startCarApp(Intent), this intent will be equal to the intent passed to that method

public void onNewIntent(Intent intent)

Notifies that the car app has received a new .

Once the method returns, Screen.onGetTemplate() will be called on the Screen that is on top of the Screen stack managed by the ScreenManager, and the app will be displayed on the car screen.

Often used to update the current Screen or pushing a new one on the stack, based off of the information in the intent.

Called by the system, do not call this method directly.


intent: the intent that was used to start this app. If the app was started with a call to CarContext.startCarApp(Intent), this intent will be equal to the intent passed to that method

See also: CarContext.startCarApp(Intent)

public void onCarConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfiguration)

Notifies that the CarContext's has changed.

At the time that this function is called, the CarContext's resources object will have been updated to return resource values matching the new configuration.

Called by the system, do not call this method directly.

See also: CarContext

public Lifecycle getLifecycle()

Returns the Session's Lifecycle.

Here are some of the ways you can use the sessions's Lifecycle:

What each lifecycle related event means for a session:

The session has just been launched, and this session is being initialized. Session.onCreateScreen(Intent) will be called at a point after this call.
The host is ready for this session to create the first Screen so that it can display its template.
The application is now visible in the car screen.
The user can now interact with this application.
The user can no longer interact with this application.
The application is no longer visible.
The OS has now destroyed this Session instance, and it is no longer valid.

Listeners that are added in , should be removed in .

Listeners that are added in should be removed in .

Note lifecycle callbacks will be executed on the main thread.

See also: LifecycleObserver

public void setLifecycleRegistryInternal(LifecycleRegistry registry)

public final CarContext getCarContext()

Returns the CarContext for this session.

The CarContext is not expected to be available until this session's is at least . Further, some instance methods within CarContext should not be called before this state has been reached. See the documentation in CarContext for details on any such restrictions.

See also: Session.getLifecycle()

public void setCarContextInternal(CarContext carContext)


 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.Configuration;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleObserver;
import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle;
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleObserver;
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner;
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry;

import java.util.Objects;

 * The base class for implementing a session for a car app.
public abstract class Session implements LifecycleOwner {
     * Master {@link LifecycleRegistry} to use internally within the library.
     * <p>This is used to ensure that the public LifecycleRegistry for the session is also
     * registered first before the library's component such as the {@link ScreenManager}. This
     * guarantees that apps listening to the session's lifecycle will get the events in the correct
     * order (e.g. start and destroy) compared to other artifacts within a session (e.g. screens).
    private LifecycleRegistry mRegistry;
     * The external {@link LifecycleRegistry} that apps can register observers to.
    final LifecycleRegistry mRegistryPublic;
    private CarContext mCarContext;

    private final LifecycleObserver mLifecycleObserver = new LifecycleObserverImpl();

    public Session() {
        mRegistry = new LifecycleRegistry(this);
        mRegistryPublic = new LifecycleRegistry(this);

        // The order here is important, we need to registry the observer that syncs the public
        // LifecycleRegistry first, because that's the one apps will use to observer lifecycle
        // events related to the Session, and we want them to wrap around the events of everything
        // else that happens within the session (e.g. Screen lifecycles).
        mCarContext = CarContext.create(mRegistry);

     * Requests the first {@link Screen} for the application.
     * <p>Once the method returns, {@link Screen#onGetTemplate()} will be called on the
     * {@link Screen} returned, and the app will be displayed on the car screen.
     * <p>To pre-seed a back stack, you can push {@link Screen}s onto the stack, via {@link
     * ScreenManager#push} during this method call.
     * <p>Called by the system, do not call this method directly.
     * @param intent the intent that was used to start this app. If the app was started with a
     *               call to {@link CarContext#startCarApp(Intent)}, this intent will be equal to
     *               the intent passed to that method
    public abstract Screen onCreateScreen(@NonNull Intent intent);

     * Notifies that the car app has received a new {@link Intent}.
     * <p>Once the method returns, {@link Screen#onGetTemplate} will be called on the {@link Screen}
     * that is on top of the {@link Screen} stack managed by the {@link ScreenManager}, and the app
     * will be displayed on the car screen.
     * <p>Often used to update the current {@link Screen} or pushing a new one on the stack,
     * based off of the information in the {@code intent}.
     * <p>Called by the system, do not call this method directly.
     * @param intent the intent that was used to start this app. If the app was started with a
     *               call to {@link CarContext#startCarApp(Intent)}, this intent will be equal to
     *               the intent passed to that method
     * @see CarContext#startCarApp(Intent)
    public void onNewIntent(@NonNull Intent intent) {

     * Notifies that the {@link CarContext}'s {@link Configuration} has changed.
     * <p>At the time that this function is called, the {@link CarContext}'s resources object will
     * have been updated to return resource values matching the new configuration.
     * <p>Called by the system, do not call this method directly.
     * @see CarContext
    public void onCarConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfiguration) {

     * Returns the {@link Session}'s {@link Lifecycle}.
     * <p>Here are some of the ways you can use the sessions's {@link Lifecycle}:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>Observe its {@link Lifecycle} by calling {@link Lifecycle#addObserver}. You can use the
     *       {@link androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleObserver} to take specific actions whenever the
     *       {@link Screen} receives different {@link Lifecycle.Event}s.
     *   <li>Use this {@link CarAppService} to observe {@link androidx.lifecycle.LiveData}s that
     *       may drive the backing data for your application.
     * </ul>
     * <p>What each lifecycle related event means for a session:
     * <dl>
     *   <dt>{@link Lifecycle.Event#ON_CREATE}
     *   <dd>The session has just been launched, and this session is being initialized. {@link
     *       #onCreateScreen} will be called at a point after this call.
     *   <dt>{@link #onCreateScreen}
     *   <dd>The host is ready for this session to create the first {@link Screen} so that it can
     *       display its template.
     *   <dt>{@link Lifecycle.Event#ON_START}
     *   <dd>The application is now visible in the car screen.
     *   <dt>{@link Lifecycle.Event#ON_RESUME}
     *   <dd>The user can now interact with this application.
     *   <dt>{@link Lifecycle.Event#ON_PAUSE}
     *   <dd>The user can no longer interact with this application.
     *   <dt>{@link Lifecycle.Event#ON_STOP}
     *   <dd>The application is no longer visible.
     *   <dt>{@link Lifecycle.Event#ON_DESTROY}
     *   <dd>The OS has now destroyed this {@link Session} instance, and it is no longer
     *       valid.
     * </dl>
     * <p>Listeners that are added in {@link Lifecycle.Event#ON_START}, should be removed in {@link
     * Lifecycle.Event#ON_STOP}.
     * <p>Listeners that are added in {@link Lifecycle.Event#ON_CREATE} should be removed in {@link
     * Lifecycle.Event#ON_DESTROY}.
     * <p>Note lifecycle callbacks will be executed on the main thread.
     * @see androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleObserver
    public Lifecycle getLifecycle() {
        return mRegistryPublic;

     * Master {@link LifecycleRegistry} to use internally within the library.
     * <p>This should be used to dispatch lifecycle events which ensures app(s) will receive the
     * events with respect to the {@link Session} and {@link Screen} lifecycles in the correct
     * order.
    Lifecycle getLifecycleInternal() {
        return mRegistry;

     * @hide
    @RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP) // used by the testing library.
    public void setLifecycleRegistryInternal(@NonNull LifecycleRegistry registry) {
        mRegistry = registry;

     * Returns the {@link CarContext} for this session.
     * <p><b>The {@link CarContext} is not expected to be available until this session's {@link
     * Lifecycle.State} is at least {@link Lifecycle.State#CREATED}</b>. Further, some instance
     * methods within {@link CarContext} should not be called before this state has been reached.
     * See the documentation in {@link CarContext} for details on any such restrictions.
     * @see #getLifecycle
    public final CarContext getCarContext() {
        return Objects.requireNonNull(mCarContext);

     * @hide
    @RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP) // used by the testing library.
    public void setCarContextInternal(@NonNull CarContext carContext) {
        mCarContext = carContext;

     * Updates the {@link Session} with the given parameters.
     * <p>This should be invoked during onAppCreate to initialize the {@link Session} and its
     * underlying {@link Context} properly.
    void configure(@NonNull Context baseContext,
            @NonNull HandshakeInfo handshakeInfo,
            @NonNull HostInfo hostInfo,
            @NonNull ICarHost carHost,
            @NonNull Configuration configuration) {
        mCarContext.attachBaseContext(baseContext, configuration);

     * Updates the {@link CarContext}'s configuration with the new one and notifies the
     * app that it has changed.
    void onCarConfigurationChangedInternal(@NonNull Configuration newConfiguration) {

    /** A lifecycle observer implementation that forwards events to the screens in the stack. */
    class LifecycleObserverImpl implements DefaultLifecycleObserver {
        public void onCreate(@NonNull LifecycleOwner owner) {

        public void onStart(@NonNull LifecycleOwner owner) {

        public void onResume(@NonNull LifecycleOwner owner) {

        public void onPause(@NonNull LifecycleOwner owner) {

        public void onStop(@NonNull LifecycleOwner owner) {

        public void onDestroy(@NonNull LifecycleOwner owner) {