public class


extends java.lang.Object

implements Template



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'app', version: '1.7.0-beta01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: app
  • version: 1.7.0-beta01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


A template representing a list of tabs and contents for the active tab.

Template Restrictions

In regards to template refreshes, as described in Screen.onGetTemplate(), this template is considered a refresh of a previous one if:
  • The previous template is in a loading state (see TabTemplate.Builder.setLoading(boolean)} , or
  • The Tabs structure between the templates has not changed and if the new template has the same active tab then the contents of that tab hasn't changed. This means that if the previous template has multiple Tabs, the new template must have the same number of tabs with the same title and icon.


public booleanequals(java.lang.Object other)

public java.lang.StringgetActiveTabContentId()

Returns the Tab.getContentId() for the active tab.

public ActiongetHeaderAction()

Returns the Action that is set to be displayed in the header of the template, or null if not set.

public TabCallbackDelegategetTabCallbackDelegate()

Returns the TabCallbackDelegate for tab related callbacks.

public TabContentsgetTabContents()

Returns the TabContents for the currently active tab.

public java.util.List<Tab>getTabs()

Returns the list of Tabs in the template.

public inthashCode()

public booleanisLoading()

Returns whether the template is loading.

public java.lang.StringtoString()

from java.lang.Objectclone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


public Action getHeaderAction()

Returns the Action that is set to be displayed in the header of the template, or null if not set.

See also: TabTemplate.Builder.setHeaderAction(Action)

public boolean isLoading()

Returns whether the template is loading.

See also: TabTemplate.Builder.setLoading(boolean)

public java.util.List<Tab> getTabs()

Returns the list of Tabs in the template.

public TabContents getTabContents()

Returns the TabContents for the currently active tab.

public TabCallbackDelegate getTabCallbackDelegate()

Returns the TabCallbackDelegate for tab related callbacks.

public java.lang.String getActiveTabContentId()

Returns the Tab.getContentId() for the active tab.

public java.lang.String toString()

public int hashCode()

public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Looper;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;

 * A template representing a list of tabs and contents for the active tab.
 * <h4>Template Restrictions</h4>
 * In regards to template refreshes, as described in {@link Screen#onGetTemplate()}, this
 * template is considered a refresh of a previous one if:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>The previous template is in a loading state (see {@link TabTemplate.Builder#setLoading}}
 *   , or
 *   <li>The {@link Tab}s structure between the templates has not changed and if the new
 *   template has the same active tab then the contents of that tab hasn't changed. This means that
 *   if the previous template has multiple {@link Tab}s, the new template must have the same
 *   number of tabs with the same title and icon.
 * </ul>
public class TabTemplate implements Template {

    /** A listener for tab selection. */
    public interface TabCallback {
         * Notifies the selected {@code Tab} has changed.
         * <p>The host invokes this callback as the user selects a tab.
         * @param tabContentId the content ID of the selected tab.
        default void onTabSelected(@NonNull String tabContentId) {

    private final boolean mIsLoading;
    private final TabCallbackDelegate mTabCallbackDelegate;
    private final Action mHeaderAction;
    private final TabContents mTabContents;
    private final List<Tab> mTabs;
    private final String mActiveTabContentId;

     * Returns the {@link Action} that is set to be displayed in the header of the template, or
     * {@code null} if not set.
     * @see TabTemplate.Builder#setHeaderAction(Action)
    public Action getHeaderAction() {
        return requireNonNull(mHeaderAction);

     * Returns whether the template is loading.
     * @see TabTemplate.Builder#setLoading(boolean)
    public boolean isLoading() {
        return mIsLoading;

     * Returns the list of {@link Tab}s in the template.
    public List<Tab> getTabs() {
        return CollectionUtils.emptyIfNull(mTabs);

     * Returns the {@link TabContents} for the currently active tab.
    public TabContents getTabContents() {
        return requireNonNull(mTabContents);

     * Returns the {@link TabCallbackDelegate} for tab related callbacks.
    public TabCallbackDelegate getTabCallbackDelegate() {
        return requireNonNull(mTabCallbackDelegate);

     * Returns the {@link Tab#getContentId()} for the active tab.
    public String getActiveTabContentId() {
        return requireNonNull(mActiveTabContentId);

    public String toString() {
        return "TabTemplate";

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(mIsLoading, mHeaderAction, mTabs, mTabContents, mActiveTabContentId);

    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) {
        if (this == other) {
            return true;
        if (!(other instanceof TabTemplate)) {
            return false;
        TabTemplate otherTemplate = (TabTemplate) other;

        return mIsLoading == otherTemplate.mIsLoading
                && Objects.equals(mHeaderAction, otherTemplate.mHeaderAction)
                && Objects.equals(mTabs, otherTemplate.mTabs)
                && Objects.equals(mTabContents, otherTemplate.mTabContents)
                && Objects.equals(mActiveTabContentId, otherTemplate.getActiveTabContentId());

    TabTemplate(TabTemplate.Builder builder) {
        mIsLoading = builder.mIsLoading;
        mHeaderAction = builder.mHeaderAction;
        mTabs = CollectionUtils.unmodifiableCopy(builder.mTabs);
        mTabContents = builder.mTabContents;
        mTabCallbackDelegate = builder.mTabCallbackDelegate;
        mActiveTabContentId = builder.mActiveTabContentId;

    /** Constructs an empty instance, used by serialization code. */
    private TabTemplate() {
        mIsLoading = false;
        mHeaderAction = null;
        mTabs = Collections.emptyList();
        mTabContents = null;
        mTabCallbackDelegate = null;
        mActiveTabContentId = null;

    /** A builder of {@link TabTemplate}. */
    public static final class Builder {
        final TabCallbackDelegate mTabCallbackDelegate;

        boolean mIsLoading;

        Action mHeaderAction;

        final List<Tab> mTabs;
        TabContents mTabContents;

        String mActiveTabContentId;

         * Sets whether the template is in a loading state.
         * <p>If set to {@code true}, the UI will display a loading indicator where the content
         * would be otherwise. The caller is expected to call {@link
         *} and send the new template content
         * to the host once the data is ready.
         * <p>If set to {@code false}, the UI will display the contents of the template.
        public TabTemplate.Builder setLoading(boolean isLoading) {
            mIsLoading = isLoading;
            return this;

         * Sets the {@link Action} that will be displayed in the header of the template, or
         * {@code null} to not display an action.
         * <p>Unless set with this method, the template will not have a header action.
         * <h4>Requirements</h4>
         * This template only supports {@link Action#APP_ICON} as a header {@link Action}.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code headerAction} does not meet the template's
         *                                  requirements
         * @throws NullPointerException     if {@code headerAction} is {@code null}
        public TabTemplate.Builder setHeaderAction(@NonNull Action headerAction) {
            mHeaderAction = headerAction;
            return this;

         * Sets the {@link TabContents} to show in the template. Note that only certain templates
         * may be used as content. See {@link TabContents.Builder#Builder(Template)} for more
         * details.
         * @throws NullPointerException if {@code tabContents} is null
        public TabTemplate.Builder setTabContents(@NonNull TabContents tabContents) {
            mTabContents = requireNonNull(tabContents);
            return this;

         * Stores the given {@code contentId} as the "active tab" to show on the screen. The given
         * ID must match a tab that was added by {@link #addTab(Tab)}.
        public TabTemplate.Builder setActiveTabContentId(@NonNull String contentId) {
            if (requireNonNull(contentId).isEmpty()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The content ID cannot be null or empty");
            mActiveTabContentId = contentId;
            return this;

         * Adds an {@link Tab} to display in the template.
         * @throws NullPointerException if {@code tab} is {@code null}
        public TabTemplate.Builder addTab(@NonNull Tab tab) {
            return this;

         * Constructs the template defined by this builder.
         * <h4>Requirements</h4>
         * The number of {@link Tab}s provided in the template should be between 2 and 4, with only
         * one tab marked as active.
         * <p>A header {@link Action} of type TYPE_APP_ICON is required.
         * @throws IllegalStateException    if the template is in a loading state but there are
         *                                  tabs added or vice versa
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the added {@link Tab}(s) or header {@link Action}
         *                                  does not meet the template's requirements
        public TabTemplate build() {
            boolean hasTabs = mTabContents != null && !mTabs.isEmpty();
            if (mIsLoading && hasTabs) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Template is in a loading state but tabs are added");

            if (!mIsLoading && !hasTabs) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Template is not in a loading state but does not contain tabs or tab "
                                + "contents");

            if (hasTabs && mActiveTabContentId == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Template requires setting content ID for the active tab when not in "
                                + "Loading state");

            if (hasTabs && mActiveTabContentId != null) {
                TabsConstraints.DEFAULT.validateOrThrow(mTabs, mActiveTabContentId);

            if (!mIsLoading && mHeaderAction == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Template requires a Header Action of TYPE_APP_ICON when not in Loading "
                                + "state"

            return new TabTemplate(this);

         * Creates a {@link TabTemplate.Builder} instance using the given {@link TabCallback}.
         * <p>Note that the callback relates to UI events and will be executed on the main thread
         * using {@link Looper#getMainLooper()}.
         * @param callback the callback to be invoked when the user selects a new tab in the header
        public Builder(@NonNull TabCallback callback) {
            mTabCallbackDelegate = TabCallbackDelegateImpl.create(requireNonNull(callback));
            mTabs = new ArrayList<>();

        /** Creates a new {@link Builder}, populated from the input {@link TabTemplate} */
        public Builder(@NonNull TabTemplate tabTemplate) {
            mIsLoading = tabTemplate.isLoading();
            mHeaderAction = tabTemplate.getHeaderAction();
            mTabs = new ArrayList<>(tabTemplate.getTabs());
            mTabContents = tabTemplate.getTabContents();
            mTabCallbackDelegate = tabTemplate.getTabCallbackDelegate();
            mActiveTabContentId = tabTemplate.getActiveTabContentId();