public final class


extends java.lang.Object




A builder of RoutingInfo.



Constructs an empty RoutingInfo.Builder instance.

public RoutingInfobuild()

Constructs the RoutingInfo defined by this builder.

public RoutingInfo.BuildersetCurrentStep(Step currentStep, Distance currentDistance)

Sets the current Step and Distance to display in the template.

public RoutingInfo.BuildersetJunctionImage(CarIcon junctionImage)

Sets an image of a junction for the maneuver.

public RoutingInfo.BuildersetLoading(boolean isLoading)

Sets whether the RoutingInfo is in a loading state.

public RoutingInfo.BuildersetNextStep(Step nextStep)

Sets the next Step.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Builder()

Constructs an empty RoutingInfo.Builder instance.


public RoutingInfo.Builder setCurrentStep(Step currentStep, Distance currentDistance)

Sets the current Step and Distance to display in the template.

A Step with a Maneuver of type Maneuver.TYPE_UNKNOWN will shown here with the given icon.

Image Sizing Guidance

Images in the cue of the Step object, set with Step.Builder.setCue(CharSequence), can contain image spans. To minimize scaling artifacts across a wide range of car screens, apps should provide images targeting a 216 x 72 dp bounding box. If necessary, those images in the spans will be scaled down to fit the bounding box while preserving their aspect ratios.

See CarIcon for more details related to providing icon and image resources that work with different car screen pixel densities.

public RoutingInfo.Builder setNextStep(Step nextStep)

Sets the next Step.

Unless set with this method, the next step won't be displayed.

Image Sizing Guidance

Images in the cue of the Step object, set with Step.Builder.setCue(CharSequence), can contain image spans. To minimize scaling artifacts across a wide range of car screens, apps should provide images targeting a 216 x 72 dp bounding box. If necessary, those images in the spans will be scaled down to fit the bounding box while preserving their aspect ratios.

See CarIcon for more details related to providing icon and image resources that work with different car screen pixel densities.

public RoutingInfo.Builder setJunctionImage(CarIcon junctionImage)

Sets an image of a junction for the maneuver.

For example, a photo-realistic view of the upcoming junction that the driver can see when executing the maneuver.

Image Sizing Guidance

To minimize scaling artifacts across a wide range of car screens, apps should provide images targeting a 500 x 312 dp bounding box. If the image exceeds this maximum size in either one of the dimensions, it will be scaled down to be centered inside the bounding box while preserving its aspect ratio. The aspect ratio should be greater than or equal to 1.6 in order to fit the horizontal space fully.

On smaller screens the junction image may result in the hiding of the Lane s, TravelEstimate or next Step.

See CarIcon for more details related to providing icon and image resources that work with different car screen pixel densities.

public RoutingInfo.Builder setLoading(boolean isLoading)

Sets whether the RoutingInfo is in a loading state.

If set to true, the UI will show a loading indicator, and adding any other routing info will throw an java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. The caller is expected to call Screen.invalidate() and send the new template content to the host once the data is ready. If set to false, the UI shows the actual routing info.

public RoutingInfo build()

Constructs the RoutingInfo defined by this builder.


The RoutingInfo can be in a loading state by passing true to RoutingInfo.Builder.setLoading(boolean), in which case no other fields may be set. Otherwise, the current step and distance must be set. If the lane information is set with Step.Builder.addLane(Lane), then the lane image must also be set with Step.Builder.setLanesImage(CarIcon).