public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.core', name: 'core', version: '1.9.0-alpha04'

  • groupId: androidx.core
  • artifactId: core
  • version: 1.9.0-alpha04

Artifact androidx.core:core:1.9.0-alpha04 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:


Androidx class mapping:



A class that coordinates access to the fingerprint hardware.

On platforms before , this class behaves as there would be no fingerprint hardware available.


public voidauthenticate(FingerprintManagerCompat.CryptoObject crypto, int flags, CancellationSignal cancel, FingerprintManagerCompat.AuthenticationCallback callback, Handler handler)

Request authentication of a crypto object.

public static FingerprintManagerCompatfrom(Context context)

Get a FingerprintManagerCompat instance for a provided context.

public booleanhasEnrolledFingerprints()

Determine if there is at least one fingerprint enrolled.

public booleanisHardwareDetected()

Determine if fingerprint hardware is present and functional.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static FingerprintManagerCompat from(Context context)

Get a FingerprintManagerCompat instance for a provided context.

public boolean hasEnrolledFingerprints()

Determine if there is at least one fingerprint enrolled.


true if at least one fingerprint is enrolled, false otherwise

public boolean isHardwareDetected()

Determine if fingerprint hardware is present and functional.


true if hardware is present and functional, false otherwise.

public void authenticate(FingerprintManagerCompat.CryptoObject crypto, int flags, CancellationSignal cancel, FingerprintManagerCompat.AuthenticationCallback callback, Handler handler)

Request authentication of a crypto object. This call warms up the fingerprint hardware and starts scanning for a fingerprint. It terminates when FingerprintManagerCompat.AuthenticationCallback.onAuthenticationError(int, CharSequence) or FingerprintManagerCompat.AuthenticationCallback is called, at which point the object is no longer valid. The operation can be canceled by using the provided cancel object.


crypto: object associated with the call or null if none required.
flags: optional flags; should be 0
cancel: an object that can be used to cancel authentication
callback: an object to receive authentication events
handler: an optional handler for events


 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License

package androidx.core.hardware.fingerprint;

import android.Manifest;
import android.content.Context;
import android.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManager;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;

import androidx.annotation.DoNotInline;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresPermission;
import androidx.core.os.CancellationSignal;


import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.Mac;

 * A class that coordinates access to the fingerprint hardware.
 * <p>
 * On platforms before {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M}, this class behaves as there would
 * be no fingerprint hardware available.
 * @deprecated Use {@code androidx.biometrics.BiometricPrompt} instead.
@SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "unused"})
public class FingerprintManagerCompat {

    private final Context mContext;

    /** Get a {@link FingerprintManagerCompat} instance for a provided context. */
    public static FingerprintManagerCompat from(@NonNull Context context) {
        return new FingerprintManagerCompat(context);

    private FingerprintManagerCompat(Context context) {
        mContext = context;

     * Determine if there is at least one fingerprint enrolled.
     * @return true if at least one fingerprint is enrolled, false otherwise
    public boolean hasEnrolledFingerprints() {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
            final FingerprintManager fp = getFingerprintManagerOrNull(mContext);
            return (fp != null) && Api23Impl.hasEnrolledFingerprints(fp);
        } else {
            return false;

     * Determine if fingerprint hardware is present and functional.
     * @return true if hardware is present and functional, false otherwise.
    public boolean isHardwareDetected() {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
            final FingerprintManager fp = getFingerprintManagerOrNull(mContext);
            return (fp != null) && Api23Impl.isHardwareDetected(fp);
        } else {
            return false;

     * Request authentication of a crypto object. This call warms up the fingerprint hardware
     * and starts scanning for a fingerprint. It terminates when
     * {@link AuthenticationCallback#onAuthenticationError(int, CharSequence)} or
     * {@link AuthenticationCallback#onAuthenticationSucceeded(AuthenticationResult)} is called, at
     * which point the object is no longer valid. The operation can be canceled by using the
     * provided cancel object.
     * @param crypto object associated with the call or null if none required.
     * @param flags optional flags; should be 0
     * @param cancel an object that can be used to cancel authentication
     * @param callback an object to receive authentication events
     * @param handler an optional handler for events
    public void authenticate(@Nullable CryptoObject crypto, int flags,
            @Nullable CancellationSignal cancel, @NonNull AuthenticationCallback callback,
            @Nullable Handler handler) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
            final FingerprintManager fp = getFingerprintManagerOrNull(mContext);
            if (fp != null) {
                android.os.CancellationSignal cancellationSignal = cancel != null
                        ? (android.os.CancellationSignal) cancel.getCancellationSignalObject()
                        : null;
                Api23Impl.authenticate(fp, wrapCryptoObject(crypto), cancellationSignal, flags,
                        wrapCallback(callback), handler);

    private static FingerprintManager getFingerprintManagerOrNull(@NonNull Context context) {
        return Api23Impl.getFingerprintManagerOrNull(context);

    private static FingerprintManager.CryptoObject wrapCryptoObject(CryptoObject cryptoObject) {
        return Api23Impl.wrapCryptoObject(cryptoObject);

    static CryptoObject unwrapCryptoObject(FingerprintManager.CryptoObject cryptoObject) {
        return Api23Impl.unwrapCryptoObject(cryptoObject);

    private static FingerprintManager.AuthenticationCallback wrapCallback(
            final AuthenticationCallback callback) {
        return new FingerprintManager.AuthenticationCallback() {
            public void onAuthenticationError(int errMsgId, CharSequence errString) {
                callback.onAuthenticationError(errMsgId, errString);

            public void onAuthenticationHelp(int helpMsgId, CharSequence helpString) {
                callback.onAuthenticationHelp(helpMsgId, helpString);

            public void onAuthenticationSucceeded(FingerprintManager.AuthenticationResult result) {
                callback.onAuthenticationSucceeded(new AuthenticationResult(

            public void onAuthenticationFailed() {

     * A wrapper class for the crypto objects supported by FingerprintManager. Currently the
     * framework supports {@link Signature} and {@link Cipher} objects.
    public static class CryptoObject {

        private final Signature mSignature;
        private final Cipher mCipher;
        private final Mac mMac;

        public CryptoObject(@NonNull Signature signature) {
            mSignature = signature;
            mCipher = null;
            mMac = null;


        public CryptoObject(@NonNull Cipher cipher) {
            mCipher = cipher;
            mSignature = null;
            mMac = null;

        public CryptoObject(@NonNull Mac mac) {
            mMac = mac;
            mCipher = null;
            mSignature = null;

         * Get {@link Signature} object.
         * @return {@link Signature} object or null if this doesn't contain one.
        public Signature getSignature() { return mSignature; }

         * Get {@link Cipher} object.
         * @return {@link Cipher} object or null if this doesn't contain one.
        public Cipher getCipher() { return mCipher; }

         * Get {@link Mac} object.
         * @return {@link Mac} object or null if this doesn't contain one.
        public Mac getMac() { return mMac; }

     * Container for callback data from {@link FingerprintManagerCompat#authenticate(CryptoObject,
     *     int, CancellationSignal, AuthenticationCallback, Handler)}.
    public static final class AuthenticationResult {
        private final CryptoObject mCryptoObject;

        public AuthenticationResult(CryptoObject crypto) {
            mCryptoObject = crypto;

         * Obtain the crypto object associated with this transaction
         * @return crypto object provided to {@link FingerprintManagerCompat#authenticate(
         *         CryptoObject, int, CancellationSignal, AuthenticationCallback, Handler)}.
        public CryptoObject getCryptoObject() { return mCryptoObject; }

     * Callback structure provided to {@link FingerprintManagerCompat#authenticate(CryptoObject,
     * int, CancellationSignal, AuthenticationCallback, Handler)}. Users of {@link
     * FingerprintManagerCompat#authenticate(CryptoObject, int, CancellationSignal,
     * AuthenticationCallback, Handler) } must provide an implementation of this for listening to
     * fingerprint events.
    public static abstract class AuthenticationCallback {
         * Called when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and the operation is complete.
         * No further callbacks will be made on this object.
         * @param errMsgId An integer identifying the error message
         * @param errString A human-readable error string that can be shown in UI
        public void onAuthenticationError(int errMsgId, CharSequence errString) { }

         * Called when a recoverable error has been encountered during authentication. The help
         * string is provided to give the user guidance for what went wrong, such as
         * "Sensor dirty, please clean it."
         * @param helpMsgId An integer identifying the error message
         * @param helpString A human-readable string that can be shown in UI
        public void onAuthenticationHelp(int helpMsgId, CharSequence helpString) { }

         * Called when a fingerprint is recognized.
         * @param result An object containing authentication-related data
        public void onAuthenticationSucceeded(AuthenticationResult result) { }

         * Called when a fingerprint is valid but not recognized.
        public void onAuthenticationFailed() { }

    static class Api23Impl {
        private Api23Impl() {
            // This class is not instantiable.

        static boolean hasEnrolledFingerprints(Object fingerprintManager) {
            return ((FingerprintManager) fingerprintManager).hasEnrolledFingerprints();

        static boolean isHardwareDetected(Object fingerprintManager) {
            return ((FingerprintManager) fingerprintManager).isHardwareDetected();

        static void authenticate(Object fingerprintManager, Object crypto,
                android.os.CancellationSignal cancel, int flags, Object callback, Handler handler) {
            ((FingerprintManager) fingerprintManager).authenticate(
                    (FingerprintManager.CryptoObject) crypto, cancel, flags,
                    (FingerprintManager.AuthenticationCallback) callback, handler);

        static FingerprintManager.CryptoObject getCryptoObject(Object authenticationResult) {
            return ((FingerprintManager.AuthenticationResult) authenticationResult)

        public static FingerprintManager getFingerprintManagerOrNull(Context context) {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == 23) {
                return context.getSystemService(FingerprintManager.class);
            } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 23 && context.getPackageManager()
                    .hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_FINGERPRINT)) {
                return context.getSystemService(FingerprintManager.class);
            } else {
                return null;

        public static FingerprintManager.CryptoObject wrapCryptoObject(CryptoObject cryptoObject) {
            if (cryptoObject == null) {
                return null;
            } else if (cryptoObject.getCipher() != null) {
                return new FingerprintManager.CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getCipher());
            } else if (cryptoObject.getSignature() != null) {
                return new FingerprintManager.CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getSignature());
            } else if (cryptoObject.getMac() != null) {
                return new FingerprintManager.CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getMac());
            } else {
                return null;

        public static CryptoObject unwrapCryptoObject(Object cryptoObjectObj) {
            FingerprintManager.CryptoObject cryptoObject =
                    (FingerprintManager.CryptoObject) cryptoObjectObj;
            if (cryptoObject == null) {
                return null;
            } else if (cryptoObject.getCipher() != null) {
                return new CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getCipher());
            } else if (cryptoObject.getSignature() != null) {
                return new CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getSignature());
            } else if (cryptoObject.getMac() != null) {
                return new CryptoObject(cryptoObject.getMac());
            } else {
                return null;