public enum


extends java.lang.Enum<PluralRules.KeywordStatus>





Status of the keyword for the rules, given a set of explicit values. icu_annot::draft ICU 50


Enum Constants
BOUNDEDThe keyword is valid, used, not unique, and has a finite set of values.
INVALIDThe keyword is not valid for the rules.
SUPPRESSEDThe keyword is valid, but unused (it is covered by the explicit values, OR has no values for the given PluralRules.SampleType).
UNBOUNDEDThe keyword is valid but not bounded; there indefinitely many matching values.
UNIQUEThe keyword is valid, used, and has a single possible value (before considering explicit values).
public static PluralRules.KeywordStatusvalueOf(java.lang.String name)

public static PluralRules.KeywordStatusvalues()

from java.lang.Enum<E>clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
from java.lang.ObjectgetClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Enum Constants


The keyword is not valid for the rules. icu_annot::draft ICU 50


The keyword is valid, but unused (it is covered by the explicit values, OR has no values for the given PluralRules.SampleType). icu_annot::draft ICU 50


The keyword is valid, used, and has a single possible value (before considering explicit values). icu_annot::draft ICU 50


The keyword is valid, used, not unique, and has a finite set of values. icu_annot::draft ICU 50


The keyword is valid but not bounded; there indefinitely many matching values. icu_annot::draft ICU 50


public static PluralRules.KeywordStatus values()

public static PluralRules.KeywordStatus valueOf(java.lang.String name)