public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.core', name: 'core', version: '1.15.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.core
  • artifactId: core
  • version: 1.15.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.core:core:1.15.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:



Helper for accessing features in .


public AutofillIdnewAutofillId(long virtualChildId)

Creates a new for a virtual child, so it can be used to uniquely identify the children in the session.

public ViewStructureCompatnewVirtualViewStructure(AutofillId parentId, long virtualId)

Creates a for a "virtual" view, so it can be passed to ContentCaptureSessionCompat.notifyViewsAppeared(List) by the view managing the virtual view hierarchy.

public voidnotifyViewsAppeared(java.util.List<ViewStructure> appearedNodes)

Notifies the Content Capture Service that a list of nodes has appeared in the view structure.

public voidnotifyViewsDisappeared(long[] virtualIds[])

Notifies the Content Capture Service that many nodes has been removed from a virtual view structure.

public voidnotifyViewTextChanged(AutofillId id, java.lang.CharSequence text)

Notifies the Intelligence Service that the value of a text node has been changed.

public ContentCaptureSessiontoContentCaptureSession()

Provides the represented by this object.

public static ContentCaptureSessionCompattoContentCaptureSessionCompat(ContentCaptureSession contentCaptureSession, View host)

Provides a backward-compatible wrapper for .

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static ContentCaptureSessionCompat toContentCaptureSessionCompat(ContentCaptureSession contentCaptureSession, View host)

Provides a backward-compatible wrapper for .

This method is not supported on devices running SDK < 29 since the platform class will not be available.


contentCaptureSession: platform class to wrap
host: view hosting the session.


wrapped class

public ContentCaptureSession toContentCaptureSession()

Provides the represented by this object.

This method is not supported on devices running SDK < 29 since the platform class will not be available.


platform class object

See also: ContentCaptureSessionCompat.toContentCaptureSessionCompat(ContentCaptureSession, View)

public AutofillId newAutofillId(long virtualChildId)

Creates a new for a virtual child, so it can be used to uniquely identify the children in the session. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 29 and above, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 28 and below, this method returns null.


virtualChildId: id of the virtual child, relative to the parent.


for the virtual child

public ViewStructureCompat newVirtualViewStructure(AutofillId parentId, long virtualId)

Creates a for a "virtual" view, so it can be passed to ContentCaptureSessionCompat.notifyViewsAppeared(List) by the view managing the virtual view hierarchy. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 29 and above, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 28 and below, this method returns null.


parentId: id of the virtual view parent (it can be obtained by calling on the parent).
virtualId: id of the virtual child, relative to the parent.


a new that can be used for Content Capture purposes.

public void notifyViewsAppeared(java.util.List<ViewStructure> appearedNodes)

Notifies the Content Capture Service that a list of nodes has appeared in the view structure.

Typically called manually by views that handle their own virtual view hierarchy. Compatibility behavior:

  • SDK 34 and above, this method matches platform behavior.
  • SDK 29 through 33, this method is a best-effort to match platform behavior, by wrapping the virtual children with a pair of special view appeared events.
  • SDK 28 and below, this method does nothing.


    appearedNodes: nodes that have appeared. Each element represents a view node that has been added to the view structure. The order of the elements is important, which should be preserved as the attached order of when the node is attached to the virtual view hierarchy.

    public void notifyViewsDisappeared(long[] virtualIds[])

    Notifies the Content Capture Service that many nodes has been removed from a virtual view structure.

    Should only be called by views that handle their own virtual view hierarchy. Compatibility behavior:

    • SDK 34 and above, this method matches platform behavior.
    • SDK 29 through 33, this method is a best-effort to match platform behavior, by wrapping the virtual children with a pair of special view appeared events.
    • SDK 28 and below, this method does nothing.


    virtualIds: ids of the virtual children.

    public void notifyViewTextChanged(AutofillId id, java.lang.CharSequence text)

    Notifies the Intelligence Service that the value of a text node has been changed. Compatibility behavior:

    • SDK 29 and above, this method matches platform behavior.
    • SDK 28 and below, this method does nothing.


    id: of the node.
    text: new text.


     * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    package androidx.core.view.contentcapture;
    import static android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.view.View;
    import android.view.ViewStructure;
    import android.view.autofill.AutofillId;
    import android.view.contentcapture.ContentCaptureSession;
    import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
    import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
    import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
    import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat;
    import androidx.core.view.ViewStructureCompat;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Objects;
     * Helper for accessing features in {@link ContentCaptureSession}.
    public class ContentCaptureSessionCompat {
        private static final String KEY_VIEW_TREE_APPEARING = "TREAT_AS_VIEW_TREE_APPEARING";
        private static final String KEY_VIEW_TREE_APPEARED = "TREAT_AS_VIEW_TREE_APPEARED";
        // Only guaranteed to be non-null on SDK_INT >= 29.
        private final Object mWrappedObj;
        private final View mView;
         * Provides a backward-compatible wrapper for {@link ContentCaptureSession}.
         * <p>
         * This method is not supported on devices running SDK < 29 since the platform
         * class will not be available.
         * @param contentCaptureSession platform class to wrap
         * @param host view hosting the session.
         * @return wrapped class
        public static ContentCaptureSessionCompat toContentCaptureSessionCompat(
                @NonNull ContentCaptureSession contentCaptureSession, @NonNull View host) {
            return new ContentCaptureSessionCompat(contentCaptureSession, host);
         * Provides the {@link ContentCaptureSession} represented by this object.
         * <p>
         * This method is not supported on devices running SDK < 29 since the platform
         * class will not be available.
         * @return platform class object
         * @see ContentCaptureSessionCompat#toContentCaptureSessionCompat(ContentCaptureSession, View)
        public ContentCaptureSession toContentCaptureSession() {
            return (ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj;
         * Creates a {@link ContentCaptureSessionCompat} instance.
         * @param contentCaptureSession {@link ContentCaptureSession} for this host View.
         * @param host view hosting the session.
        private ContentCaptureSessionCompat(@NonNull ContentCaptureSession contentCaptureSession,
                @NonNull View host) {
            this.mWrappedObj = contentCaptureSession;
            this.mView = host;
         * Creates a new {@link AutofillId} for a virtual child, so it can be used to uniquely identify
         * the children in the session.
         * Compatibility behavior:
         * <ul>
         * <li>SDK 29 and above, this method matches platform behavior.
         * <li>SDK 28 and below, this method returns null.
         * </ul>
         * @param virtualChildId id of the virtual child, relative to the parent.
         * @return {@link AutofillId} for the virtual child
        public AutofillId newAutofillId(long virtualChildId) {
            if (SDK_INT >= 29) {
                return Api29Impl.newAutofillId(
                        (ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj,
            return null;
         * Creates a {@link ViewStructure} for a "virtual" view, so it can be passed to
         * {@link #notifyViewsAppeared} by the view managing the virtual view hierarchy.
         * Compatibility behavior:
         * <ul>
         * <li>SDK 29 and above, this method matches platform behavior.
         * <li>SDK 28 and below, this method returns null.
         * </ul>
         * @param parentId id of the virtual view parent (it can be obtained by calling
         * {@link ViewStructure#getAutofillId()} on the parent).
         * @param virtualId id of the virtual child, relative to the parent.
         * @return a new {@link ViewStructure} that can be used for Content Capture purposes.
        public ViewStructureCompat newVirtualViewStructure(
                @NonNull AutofillId parentId, long virtualId) {
            if (SDK_INT >= 29) {
                return ViewStructureCompat.toViewStructureCompat(
                                (ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, parentId, virtualId));
            return null;
         * Notifies the Content Capture Service that a list of nodes has appeared in the view structure.
         * <p>Typically called manually by views that handle their own virtual view hierarchy.
         * Compatibility behavior:
         * <ul>
         * <li>SDK 34 and above, this method matches platform behavior.
         * <li>SDK 29 through 33, this method is a best-effort to match platform behavior, by
         * wrapping the virtual children with a pair of special view appeared events.
         * <li>SDK 28 and below, this method does nothing.
         * @param appearedNodes nodes that have appeared. Each element represents a view node that has
         * been added to the view structure. The order of the elements is important, which should be
         * preserved as the attached order of when the node is attached to the virtual view hierarchy.
        public void notifyViewsAppeared(@NonNull List<ViewStructure> appearedNodes) {
            if (SDK_INT >= 34) {
                Api34Impl.notifyViewsAppeared((ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, appearedNodes);
            } else if (SDK_INT >= 29) {
                ViewStructure treeAppearing = Api29Impl.newViewStructure(
                        (ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, mView);
                Api23Impl.getExtras(treeAppearing).putBoolean(KEY_VIEW_TREE_APPEARING, true);
                Api29Impl.notifyViewAppeared((ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, treeAppearing);
                for (int i = 0; i < appearedNodes.size(); i++) {
                            (ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, appearedNodes.get(i));
                ViewStructure treeAppeared = Api29Impl.newViewStructure(
                        (ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, mView);
                Api23Impl.getExtras(treeAppeared).putBoolean(KEY_VIEW_TREE_APPEARED, true);
                Api29Impl.notifyViewAppeared((ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, treeAppeared);
         * Notifies the Content Capture Service that many nodes has been removed from a virtual view
         * structure.
         * <p>Should only be called by views that handle their own virtual view hierarchy.
         * Compatibility behavior:
         * <ul>
         * <li>SDK 34 and above, this method matches platform behavior.
         * <li>SDK 29 through 33, this method is a best-effort to match platform behavior, by
         * wrapping the virtual children with a pair of special view appeared events.
         * <li>SDK 28 and below, this method does nothing.
         * </ul>
         * @param virtualIds ids of the virtual children.
        public void notifyViewsDisappeared(@NonNull long[] virtualIds) {
            if (SDK_INT >= 34) {
                        (ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj,
            } else if (SDK_INT >= 29) {
                ViewStructure treeAppearing = Api29Impl.newViewStructure(
                        (ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, mView);
                Api23Impl.getExtras(treeAppearing).putBoolean(KEY_VIEW_TREE_APPEARING, true);
                Api29Impl.notifyViewAppeared((ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, treeAppearing);
                        (ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj,
                ViewStructure treeAppeared = Api29Impl.newViewStructure(
                        (ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, mView);
                Api23Impl.getExtras(treeAppeared).putBoolean(KEY_VIEW_TREE_APPEARED, true);
                Api29Impl.notifyViewAppeared((ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, treeAppeared);
         * Notifies the Intelligence Service that the value of a text node has been changed.
         * Compatibility behavior:
         * <ul>
         * <li>SDK 29 and above, this method matches platform behavior.
         * <li>SDK 28 and below, this method does nothing.
         * </ul>
         * @param id of the node.
         * @param text new text.
        public void notifyViewTextChanged(@NonNull AutofillId id, @Nullable CharSequence text) {
            if (SDK_INT >= 29) {
                Api29Impl.notifyViewTextChanged((ContentCaptureSession) mWrappedObj, id, text);
        private static class Api34Impl {
            private Api34Impl() {
                // This class is not instantiable.
            static void notifyViewsAppeared(
                    ContentCaptureSession contentCaptureSession, List<ViewStructure> appearedNodes) {
        private static class Api29Impl {
            private Api29Impl() {
                // This class is not instantiable.
            static void notifyViewsDisappeared(
                    ContentCaptureSession contentCaptureSession, AutofillId hostId, long[] virtualIds) {
                contentCaptureSession.notifyViewsDisappeared(hostId, virtualIds);
            static void notifyViewAppeared(
                    ContentCaptureSession contentCaptureSession, ViewStructure node) {
            static ViewStructure newViewStructure(
                    ContentCaptureSession contentCaptureSession, View view) {
                return contentCaptureSession.newViewStructure(view);
            static ViewStructure newVirtualViewStructure(ContentCaptureSession contentCaptureSession,
                    AutofillId parentId, long virtualId) {
                return contentCaptureSession.newVirtualViewStructure(parentId, virtualId);
            static AutofillId newAutofillId(ContentCaptureSession contentCaptureSession,
                    AutofillId hostId, long virtualChildId) {
                return contentCaptureSession.newAutofillId(hostId, virtualChildId);
            public static void notifyViewTextChanged(ContentCaptureSession contentCaptureSession,
                    AutofillId id, CharSequence charSequence) {
                contentCaptureSession.notifyViewTextChanged(id, charSequence);
        private static class Api23Impl {
            private Api23Impl() {
                // This class is not instantiable.
            static Bundle getExtras(ViewStructure viewStructure) {
                return viewStructure.getExtras();