public class


extends Fragment





ErrorFragment, BaseFragment, VerticalGridFragment, DetailsFragment, BrowseFragment

Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.leanback', name: 'leanback', version: '1.2.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.leanback
  • artifactId: leanback
  • version: 1.2.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.leanback:leanback:1.2.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:


Androidx class mapping:


Fragment class for managing search and branding using a view that implements .



public DrawablegetBadgeDrawable()

Returns the badge drawable used in the fragment title.

public intgetSearchAffordanceColor()

Returns the color used to draw the search affordance.

public SearchOrbView.ColorsgetSearchAffordanceColors()

Returns the SearchOrbView.Colors used to draw the search affordance.

public java.lang.CharSequencegetTitle()

Returns the title text for the fragment.

public ViewgetTitleView()

Returns the view that implements .

public TitleViewAdaptergetTitleViewAdapter()

Returns the TitleViewAdapter implemented by title view.

public voidinstallTitleView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle savedInstanceState)

Inflate title view and add to parent.

public final booleanisShowingTitle()

Returns true/false to indicate the visibility of TitleView.

public voidonDestroyView()

public ViewonInflateTitleView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle savedInstanceState)

Called by BrandedFragment.installTitleView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) to inflate title view.

public voidonPause()

public voidonResume()

public voidonSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)

public voidonStart()

public voidonViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState)

public voidsetBadgeDrawable(Drawable drawable)

Sets the drawable displayed in the fragment title.

public voidsetOnSearchClickedListener(View.OnClickListener listener)

Sets a click listener for the search affordance.

public voidsetSearchAffordanceColor(int color)

Sets the color used to draw the search affordance.

public voidsetSearchAffordanceColors(SearchOrbView.Colors colors)

Sets the SearchOrbView.Colors used to draw the search affordance.

public voidsetTitle(java.lang.CharSequence title)

Sets title text for the fragment.

public voidsetTitleView(View titleView)

Sets the view that implemented TitleViewAdapter.

public voidshowTitle(boolean show)

Shows or hides the title view.

public voidshowTitle(int flags)

Changes title view's components visibility and shows title.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public BrandedFragment()


public View onInflateTitleView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle savedInstanceState)

Called by BrandedFragment.installTitleView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) to inflate title view. Default implementation uses layout file lb_browse_title. Subclass may override and use its own layout, the layout must have a descendant with id browse_title_group that implements . Subclass may return null if no title is needed.


inflater: The LayoutInflater object that can be used to inflate any views in the fragment,
parent: Parent of title view.
savedInstanceState: If non-null, this fragment is being re-constructed from a previous saved state as given here.


Title view which must have a descendant with id browse_title_group that implements , or null for no title view.

public void installTitleView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle savedInstanceState)

Inflate title view and add to parent. This method should be called in Fragment.


inflater: The LayoutInflater object that can be used to inflate any views in the fragment,
parent: Parent of title view.
savedInstanceState: If non-null, this fragment is being re-constructed from a previous saved state as given here.

public void setTitleView(View titleView)

Sets the view that implemented TitleViewAdapter.


titleView: The view that implemented .

public View getTitleView()

Returns the view that implements .


The view that implements .

public TitleViewAdapter getTitleViewAdapter()

Returns the TitleViewAdapter implemented by title view.


The TitleViewAdapter implemented by title view.

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)

public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState)

public void onDestroyView()

public void showTitle(boolean show)

Shows or hides the title view.


show: True to show title view, false to hide title view.

public void showTitle(int flags)

Changes title view's components visibility and shows title.


flags: Flags representing the visibility of components inside title view.

See also: TitleViewAdapter.SEARCH_VIEW_VISIBLE, TitleViewAdapter.BRANDING_VIEW_VISIBLE, TitleViewAdapter.FULL_VIEW_VISIBLE, TitleViewAdapter.updateComponentsVisibility(int)

public void setBadgeDrawable(Drawable drawable)

Sets the drawable displayed in the fragment title.


drawable: The Drawable to display in the fragment title.

public Drawable getBadgeDrawable()

Returns the badge drawable used in the fragment title.


The badge drawable used in the fragment title.

public void setTitle(java.lang.CharSequence title)

Sets title text for the fragment.


title: The title text of the fragment.

public java.lang.CharSequence getTitle()

Returns the title text for the fragment.


Title text for the fragment.

public void setOnSearchClickedListener(View.OnClickListener listener)

Sets a click listener for the search affordance.

The presence of a listener will change the visibility of the search affordance in the fragment title. When set to non-null, the title will contain an element that a user may click to begin a search.

The listener's method will be invoked when the user clicks on the search element.


listener: The listener to call when the search element is clicked.

public void setSearchAffordanceColors(SearchOrbView.Colors colors)

Sets the SearchOrbView.Colors used to draw the search affordance.


colors: Colors used to draw search affordance.

public SearchOrbView.Colors getSearchAffordanceColors()

Returns the SearchOrbView.Colors used to draw the search affordance.

public void setSearchAffordanceColor(int color)

Sets the color used to draw the search affordance. A default brighter color will be set by the framework.


color: The color to use for the search affordance.

public int getSearchAffordanceColor()

Returns the color used to draw the search affordance.

public void onStart()

public void onPause()

public void onResume()

public final boolean isShowingTitle()

Returns true/false to indicate the visibility of TitleView.


boolean to indicate whether or not it's showing the title.


// CHECKSTYLE:OFF Generated code
/* This file is auto-generated from  DO NOT MODIFY. */

 * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.leanback.R;
import androidx.leanback.widget.SearchOrbView;
import androidx.leanback.widget.TitleHelper;
import androidx.leanback.widget.TitleViewAdapter;

 * Fragment class for managing search and branding using a view that implements
 * {@link TitleViewAdapter.Provider}.
 * @deprecated use {@link BrandedSupportFragment}
public class BrandedFragment extends Fragment {

    // BUNDLE attribute for title is showing
    private static final String TITLE_SHOW = "titleShow";

    private boolean mShowingTitle = true;
    private CharSequence mTitle;
    private Drawable mBadgeDrawable;
    private View mTitleView;
    private TitleViewAdapter mTitleViewAdapter;
    private SearchOrbView.Colors mSearchAffordanceColors;
    private boolean mSearchAffordanceColorSet;
    private View.OnClickListener mExternalOnSearchClickedListener;
    private TitleHelper mTitleHelper;

     * Called by {@link #installTitleView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)} to inflate
     * title view.  Default implementation uses layout file lb_browse_title.
     * Subclass may override and use its own layout, the layout must have a descendant with id
     * browse_title_group that implements {@link TitleViewAdapter.Provider}. Subclass may return
     * null if no title is needed.
     * @param inflater           The LayoutInflater object that can be used to inflate
     *                           any views in the fragment,
     * @param parent             Parent of title view.
     * @param savedInstanceState If non-null, this fragment is being re-constructed
     *                           from a previous saved state as given here.
     * @return Title view which must have a descendant with id browse_title_group that implements
     *         {@link TitleViewAdapter.Provider}, or null for no title view.
    public View onInflateTitleView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent,
                                Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();
        boolean found = parent.getContext().getTheme().resolveAttribute(
                R.attr.browseTitleViewLayout, typedValue, true);
        return inflater.inflate(found ? typedValue.resourceId : R.layout.lb_browse_title,
                parent, false);

     * Inflate title view and add to parent.  This method should be called in
     * {@link Fragment#onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)}.
     * @param inflater The LayoutInflater object that can be used to inflate
     * any views in the fragment,
     * @param parent Parent of title view.
     * @param savedInstanceState If non-null, this fragment is being re-constructed
     * from a previous saved state as given here.
    public void installTitleView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent,
                            Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View titleLayoutRoot = onInflateTitleView(inflater, parent, savedInstanceState);
        if (titleLayoutRoot != null) {
        } else {

     * Sets the view that implemented {@link TitleViewAdapter}.
     * @param titleView The view that implemented {@link TitleViewAdapter.Provider}.
    public void setTitleView(View titleView) {
        mTitleView = titleView;
        if (mTitleView == null) {
            mTitleViewAdapter = null;
            mTitleHelper = null;
        } else {
            mTitleViewAdapter = ((TitleViewAdapter.Provider) mTitleView).getTitleViewAdapter();
            if (mSearchAffordanceColorSet) {
            if (mExternalOnSearchClickedListener != null) {
            if (getView() instanceof ViewGroup) {
                mTitleHelper = new TitleHelper((ViewGroup) getView(), mTitleView);

     * Returns the view that implements {@link TitleViewAdapter.Provider}.
     * @return The view that implements {@link TitleViewAdapter.Provider}.
    public View getTitleView() {
        return mTitleView;

     * Returns the {@link TitleViewAdapter} implemented by title view.
     * @return The {@link TitleViewAdapter} implemented by title view.
    public TitleViewAdapter getTitleViewAdapter() {
        return mTitleViewAdapter;

     * Returns the {@link TitleHelper}.
    TitleHelper getTitleHelper() {
        return mTitleHelper;

    public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
        outState.putBoolean(TITLE_SHOW, mShowingTitle);

    public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
        if (savedInstanceState != null) {
            mShowingTitle = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(TITLE_SHOW);
        if (mTitleView != null && view instanceof ViewGroup) {
            mTitleHelper = new TitleHelper((ViewGroup) view, mTitleView);

    public void onDestroyView() {
        mTitleHelper = null;
        mTitleView = null;
        mTitleViewAdapter = null;

     * Shows or hides the title view.
     * @param show True to show title view, false to hide title view.
    public void showTitle(boolean show) {
        // TODO: handle interruptions?
        if (show == mShowingTitle) {
        mShowingTitle = show;
        if (mTitleHelper != null) {

     * Changes title view's components visibility and shows title.
     * @param flags Flags representing the visibility of components inside title view.
     * @see TitleViewAdapter#SEARCH_VIEW_VISIBLE
     * @see TitleViewAdapter#BRANDING_VIEW_VISIBLE
     * @see TitleViewAdapter#FULL_VIEW_VISIBLE
     * @see TitleViewAdapter#updateComponentsVisibility(int)
    public void showTitle(int flags) {
        if (mTitleViewAdapter != null) {

     * Sets the drawable displayed in the fragment title.
     * @param drawable The Drawable to display in the fragment title.
    public void setBadgeDrawable(Drawable drawable) {
        if (mBadgeDrawable != drawable) {
            mBadgeDrawable = drawable;
            if (mTitleViewAdapter != null) {

     * Returns the badge drawable used in the fragment title.
     * @return The badge drawable used in the fragment title.
    public Drawable getBadgeDrawable() {
        return mBadgeDrawable;

     * Sets title text for the fragment.
     * @param title The title text of the fragment.
    public void setTitle(CharSequence title) {
        mTitle = title;
        if (mTitleViewAdapter != null) {

     * Returns the title text for the fragment.
     * @return Title text for the fragment.
    public CharSequence getTitle() {
        return mTitle;

     * Sets a click listener for the search affordance.
     * <p>The presence of a listener will change the visibility of the search
     * affordance in the fragment title. When set to non-null, the title will
     * contain an element that a user may click to begin a search.
     * <p>The listener's {@link View.OnClickListener#onClick onClick} method
     * will be invoked when the user clicks on the search element.
     * @param listener The listener to call when the search element is clicked.
    public void setOnSearchClickedListener(View.OnClickListener listener) {
        mExternalOnSearchClickedListener = listener;
        if (mTitleViewAdapter != null) {

     * Sets the {@link androidx.leanback.widget.SearchOrbView.Colors} used to draw the
     * search affordance.
     * @param colors Colors used to draw search affordance.
    public void setSearchAffordanceColors(SearchOrbView.Colors colors) {
        mSearchAffordanceColors = colors;
        mSearchAffordanceColorSet = true;
        if (mTitleViewAdapter != null) {

     * Returns the {@link androidx.leanback.widget.SearchOrbView.Colors}
     * used to draw the search affordance.
    public SearchOrbView.Colors getSearchAffordanceColors() {
        if (mSearchAffordanceColorSet) {
            return mSearchAffordanceColors;
        if (mTitleViewAdapter == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment views not yet created");
        return mTitleViewAdapter.getSearchAffordanceColors();

     * Sets the color used to draw the search affordance.
     * A default brighter color will be set by the framework.
     * @param color The color to use for the search affordance.
    public void setSearchAffordanceColor(int color) {
        setSearchAffordanceColors(new SearchOrbView.Colors(color));

     * Returns the color used to draw the search affordance.
    public int getSearchAffordanceColor() {
        return getSearchAffordanceColors().color;

    public void onStart() {
        if (mTitleViewAdapter != null) {

    public void onPause() {
        if (mTitleViewAdapter != null) {

    public void onResume() {
        if (mTitleViewAdapter != null) {

     * Returns true/false to indicate the visibility of TitleView.
     * @return boolean to indicate whether or not it's showing the title.
    public final boolean isShowingTitle() {
        return mShowingTitle;
