public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-container', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-container
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-container:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


A queue of SEI messages, ordered by presentation timestamp.


publicReorderingSeiMessageQueue(ReorderingSeiMessageQueue.SeiConsumer seiConsumer)

Creates an instance, initially with no max size.

public voidadd(long presentationTimeUs, ParsableByteArray seiBuffer)

Adds a message to the queue.

public voidflush()

Empties the queue, passing all messages (least first) to the ReorderingSeiMessageQueue.SeiConsumer provided during construction.

public intgetMaxSize()

Returns the maximum size of this queue, or C.LENGTH_UNSET if it is unbounded.

public voidsetMaxSize(int reorderingQueueSize)

Sets the max size of the re-ordering queue.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public ReorderingSeiMessageQueue(ReorderingSeiMessageQueue.SeiConsumer seiConsumer)

Creates an instance, initially with no max size.


seiConsumer: Callback to invoke when SEI messages are removed from the head of queue, either due to exceeding the max queue size during a call to ReorderingSeiMessageQueue.add(long, ParsableByteArray), or due to ReorderingSeiMessageQueue.flush().


public void setMaxSize(int reorderingQueueSize)

Sets the max size of the re-ordering queue.

When the queue exceeds this size during a call to ReorderingSeiMessageQueue.add(long, ParsableByteArray), the least message is passed to the ReorderingSeiMessageQueue.SeiConsumer provided during construction.

If the new size is larger than the number of elements currently in the queue, items are removed from the head of the queue (least first) and passed to the ReorderingSeiMessageQueue.SeiConsumer provided during construction.

public int getMaxSize()

Returns the maximum size of this queue, or C.LENGTH_UNSET if it is unbounded.

See ReorderingSeiMessageQueue.setMaxSize(int).

public void add(long presentationTimeUs, ParsableByteArray seiBuffer)

Adds a message to the queue.

If this causes the queue to exceed its max size, the least message (which may be the one passed to this method) is passed to the ReorderingSeiMessageQueue.SeiConsumer provided during construction.


presentationTimeUs: The presentation time of the SEI message.
seiBuffer: The SEI data. The data will be copied, so the provided object can be re-used.

public void flush()

Empties the queue, passing all messages (least first) to the ReorderingSeiMessageQueue.SeiConsumer provided during construction.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.container;

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkState;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Util.castNonNull;

import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.util.ParsableByteArray;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

/** A queue of SEI messages, ordered by presentation timestamp. */
public final class ReorderingSeiMessageQueue {

  /** Functional interface to handle an SEI message that is being removed from the queue. */
  public interface SeiConsumer {
    /** Handles an SEI message that is being removed from the queue. */
    void consume(long presentationTimeUs, ParsableByteArray seiBuffer);

  private final SeiConsumer seiConsumer;
  private final AtomicLong tieBreakGenerator = new AtomicLong();

   * Pool of re-usable {@link SeiMessage} objects to avoid repeated allocations. Elements should be
   * added and removed from the 'tail' of the queue (with {@link Deque#push(Object)} and {@link
   * Deque#pop()}), to avoid unnecessary array copying.
  private final ArrayDeque<SeiMessage> unusedSeiMessages;

  private final PriorityQueue<SeiMessage> pendingSeiMessages;

  private int reorderingQueueSize;

   * Creates an instance, initially with no max size.
   * @param seiConsumer Callback to invoke when SEI messages are removed from the head of queue,
   *     either due to exceeding the {@linkplain #setMaxSize(int) max queue size} during a call to
   *     {@link #add(long, ParsableByteArray)}, or due to {@link #flush()}.
  public ReorderingSeiMessageQueue(SeiConsumer seiConsumer) {
    this.seiConsumer = seiConsumer;
    unusedSeiMessages = new ArrayDeque<>();
    pendingSeiMessages = new PriorityQueue<>();
    reorderingQueueSize = C.LENGTH_UNSET;

   * Sets the max size of the re-ordering queue.
   * <p>When the queue exceeds this size during a call to {@link #add(long, ParsableByteArray)}, the
   * least message is passed to the {@link SeiConsumer} provided during construction.
   * <p>If the new size is larger than the number of elements currently in the queue, items are
   * removed from the head of the queue (least first) and passed to the {@link SeiConsumer} provided
   * during construction.
  public void setMaxSize(int reorderingQueueSize) {
    checkState(reorderingQueueSize >= 0);
    this.reorderingQueueSize = reorderingQueueSize;

   * Returns the maximum size of this queue, or {@link C#LENGTH_UNSET} if it is unbounded.
   * <p>See {@link #setMaxSize(int)}.
  public int getMaxSize() {
    return reorderingQueueSize;

   * Adds a message to the queue.
   * <p>If this causes the queue to exceed its {@linkplain #setMaxSize(int) max size}, the least
   * message (which may be the one passed to this method) is passed to the {@link SeiConsumer}
   * provided during construction.
   * @param presentationTimeUs The presentation time of the SEI message.
   * @param seiBuffer The SEI data. The data will be copied, so the provided object can be re-used.
  public void add(long presentationTimeUs, ParsableByteArray seiBuffer) {
    if (reorderingQueueSize == 0
        || (reorderingQueueSize != C.LENGTH_UNSET
            && pendingSeiMessages.size() >= reorderingQueueSize
            && presentationTimeUs < castNonNull(pendingSeiMessages.peek()).presentationTimeUs)) {
      seiConsumer.consume(presentationTimeUs, seiBuffer);
    SeiMessage seiMessage =
        unusedSeiMessages.isEmpty() ? new SeiMessage() : unusedSeiMessages.poll();
    seiMessage.reset(presentationTimeUs, tieBreakGenerator.getAndIncrement(), seiBuffer);
    if (reorderingQueueSize != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {

   * Empties the queue, passing all messages (least first) to the {@link SeiConsumer} provided
   * during construction.
  public void flush() {

  private void flushQueueDownToSize(int targetSize) {
    while (pendingSeiMessages.size() > targetSize) {
      SeiMessage seiMessage = castNonNull(pendingSeiMessages.poll());

  /** Holds data from a SEI sample with its presentation timestamp. */
  private static final class SeiMessage implements Comparable<SeiMessage> {

    private final ParsableByteArray data;

    private long presentationTimeUs;

     * {@link PriorityQueue} breaks ties arbitrarily. This field ensures that insertion order is
     * preserved when messages have the same {@link #presentationTimeUs}.
    private long tieBreak;

    public SeiMessage() {
      presentationTimeUs = C.TIME_UNSET;
      data = new ParsableByteArray();

    public void reset(long presentationTimeUs, long tieBreak, ParsableByteArray nalBuffer) {
      checkState(presentationTimeUs != C.TIME_UNSET);
      this.presentationTimeUs = presentationTimeUs;
      this.tieBreak = tieBreak;;
          /* src= */ nalBuffer.getData(),
          /* srcPos= */ nalBuffer.getPosition(),
          /* dest= */ data.getData(),
          /* destPos= */ 0,
          /* length= */ nalBuffer.bytesLeft());

    public int compareTo(SeiMessage other) {
      int timeComparison =, other.presentationTimeUs);
      return timeComparison != 0 ? timeComparison :, other.tieBreak);