public final class


extends SegmentDownloader<DashManifest>




Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-exoplayer-dash', version: '1.0.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-exoplayer-dash
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-dash:1.0.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (


A downloader for DASH streams.

Example usage:

 SimpleCache cache = new SimpleCache(downloadFolder, new NoOpCacheEvictor(), databaseProvider);
 CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory =
     new CacheDataSource.Factory()
         .setUpstreamDataSourceFactory(new DefaultHttpDataSource.Factory());
 // Create a downloader for the first representation of the first adaptation set of the first
 // period.
 DashDownloader dashDownloader =
     new DashDownloader(
         new MediaItem.Builder()
             .setStreamKeys(Collections.singletonList(new StreamKey(0, 0, 0)))
 // Perform the download.;
 // Use the downloaded data for playback.
 DashMediaSource mediaSource =
     new DashMediaSource.Factory(cacheDataSourceFactory).createMediaSource(mediaItem);


publicDashDownloader(MediaItem mediaItem, CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory)

Creates a new instance.

publicDashDownloader(MediaItem mediaItem, CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory, java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)

Creates a new instance.

publicDashDownloader(MediaItem mediaItem, ParsingLoadable.Parser<DashManifest> manifestParser, CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory, java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)

Creates a new instance.

protected abstract java.util.List<SegmentDownloader.Segment>getSegments(DataSource dataSource, FilterableManifest<T> manifest, boolean removing)

Returns a list of all downloadable SegmentDownloader.Segments for a given manifest.

from SegmentDownloader<M>cancel, download, execute, getCompressibleDataSpec, getManifest, remove
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public DashDownloader(MediaItem mediaItem, CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory)

Creates a new instance.


mediaItem: The MediaItem to be downloaded.
cacheDataSourceFactory: A for the cache into which the download will be written.

public DashDownloader(MediaItem mediaItem, CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory, java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)

Creates a new instance.


mediaItem: The MediaItem to be downloaded.
cacheDataSourceFactory: A for the cache into which the download will be written.
executor: An java.util.concurrent.Executor used to make requests for the media being downloaded. Providing an java.util.concurrent.Executor that uses multiple threads will speed up the download by allowing parts of it to be executed in parallel.

public DashDownloader(MediaItem mediaItem, ParsingLoadable.Parser<DashManifest> manifestParser, CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory, java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)

Creates a new instance.


mediaItem: The MediaItem to be downloaded.
manifestParser: A parser for DASH manifests.
cacheDataSourceFactory: A for the cache into which the download will be written.
executor: An java.util.concurrent.Executor used to make requests for the media being downloaded. Providing an java.util.concurrent.Executor that uses multiple threads will speed up the download by allowing parts of it to be executed in parallel.


protected abstract java.util.List<SegmentDownloader.Segment> getSegments(DataSource dataSource, FilterableManifest<T> manifest, boolean removing)

Returns a list of all downloadable SegmentDownloader.Segments for a given manifest. Any required data should be loaded using SegmentDownloader.getManifest(DataSource, DataSpec, boolean) or SegmentDownloader.execute(RunnableFutureTask, boolean).


dataSource: The DataSource through which to load any required data.
manifest: The manifest containing the segments.
removing: Whether the segments are being obtained as part of a removal. If true then a partial segment list is returned in the case that a load error prevents all segments from being listed. If false then an will be thrown in this case.


The list of downloadable SegmentDownloader.Segments.


 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.offline;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Util.castNonNull;

import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.MediaItem;
import androidx.media3.common.util.RunnableFutureTask;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSource;
import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec;
import androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheDataSource;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.BaseUrlExclusionList;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.DashSegmentIndex;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.DashUtil;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.DashWrappingSegmentIndex;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.manifest.AdaptationSet;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.manifest.DashManifest;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.manifest.DashManifestParser;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.manifest.Period;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.manifest.RangedUri;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.manifest.Representation;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline.DownloadException;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline.SegmentDownloader;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.ParsingLoadable.Parser;
import androidx.media3.extractor.ChunkIndex;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NullableType;

 * A downloader for DASH streams.
 * <p>Example usage:
 * <pre>{@code
 * SimpleCache cache = new SimpleCache(downloadFolder, new NoOpCacheEvictor(), databaseProvider);
 * CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory =
 *     new CacheDataSource.Factory()
 *         .setCache(cache)
 *         .setUpstreamDataSourceFactory(new DefaultHttpDataSource.Factory());
 * // Create a downloader for the first representation of the first adaptation set of the first
 * // period.
 * DashDownloader dashDownloader =
 *     new DashDownloader(
 *         new MediaItem.Builder()
 *             .setUri(manifestUrl)
 *             .setStreamKeys(Collections.singletonList(new StreamKey(0, 0, 0)))
 *             .build(),
 *         cacheDataSourceFactory);
 * // Perform the download.
 * // Use the downloaded data for playback.
 * DashMediaSource mediaSource =
 *     new DashMediaSource.Factory(cacheDataSourceFactory).createMediaSource(mediaItem);
 * }</pre>
public final class DashDownloader extends SegmentDownloader<DashManifest> {

  private final BaseUrlExclusionList baseUrlExclusionList;

   * Creates a new instance.
   * @param mediaItem The {@link MediaItem} to be downloaded.
   * @param cacheDataSourceFactory A {@link CacheDataSource.Factory} for the cache into which the
   *     download will be written.
  public DashDownloader(MediaItem mediaItem, CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory) {
    this(mediaItem, cacheDataSourceFactory, Runnable::run);

   * Creates a new instance.
   * @param mediaItem The {@link MediaItem} to be downloaded.
   * @param cacheDataSourceFactory A {@link CacheDataSource.Factory} for the cache into which the
   *     download will be written.
   * @param executor An {@link Executor} used to make requests for the media being downloaded.
   *     Providing an {@link Executor} that uses multiple threads will speed up the download by
   *     allowing parts of it to be executed in parallel.
  public DashDownloader(
      MediaItem mediaItem, CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory, Executor executor) {
    this(mediaItem, new DashManifestParser(), cacheDataSourceFactory, executor);

   * Creates a new instance.
   * @param mediaItem The {@link MediaItem} to be downloaded.
   * @param manifestParser A parser for DASH manifests.
   * @param cacheDataSourceFactory A {@link CacheDataSource.Factory} for the cache into which the
   *     download will be written.
   * @param executor An {@link Executor} used to make requests for the media being downloaded.
   *     Providing an {@link Executor} that uses multiple threads will speed up the download by
   *     allowing parts of it to be executed in parallel.
  public DashDownloader(
      MediaItem mediaItem,
      Parser<DashManifest> manifestParser,
      CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory,
      Executor executor) {
    super(mediaItem, manifestParser, cacheDataSourceFactory, executor);
    baseUrlExclusionList = new BaseUrlExclusionList();

  protected List<Segment> getSegments(
      DataSource dataSource, DashManifest manifest, boolean removing)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    ArrayList<Segment> segments = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < manifest.getPeriodCount(); i++) {
      Period period = manifest.getPeriod(i);
      long periodStartUs = Util.msToUs(period.startMs);
      long periodDurationUs = manifest.getPeriodDurationUs(i);
      List<AdaptationSet> adaptationSets = period.adaptationSets;
      for (int j = 0; j < adaptationSets.size(); j++) {
            dataSource, adaptationSets.get(j), periodStartUs, periodDurationUs, removing, segments);
    return segments;

  private void addSegmentsForAdaptationSet(
      DataSource dataSource,
      AdaptationSet adaptationSet,
      long periodStartUs,
      long periodDurationUs,
      boolean removing,
      ArrayList<Segment> out)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    for (int i = 0; i < adaptationSet.representations.size(); i++) {
      Representation representation = adaptationSet.representations.get(i);
      DashSegmentIndex index;
      try {
        index = getSegmentIndex(dataSource, adaptationSet.type, representation, removing);
        if (index == null) {
          // Loading succeeded but there was no index.
          throw new DownloadException("Missing segment index");
      } catch (IOException e) {
        if (!removing) {
          throw e;
        // Generating an incomplete segment list is allowed. Advance to the next representation.

      long segmentCount = index.getSegmentCount(periodDurationUs);
      if (segmentCount == DashSegmentIndex.INDEX_UNBOUNDED) {
        throw new DownloadException("Unbounded segment index");

      String baseUrl = castNonNull(baseUrlExclusionList.selectBaseUrl(representation.baseUrls)).url;
      @Nullable RangedUri initializationUri = representation.getInitializationUri();
      if (initializationUri != null) {
        out.add(createSegment(representation, baseUrl, periodStartUs, initializationUri));
      @Nullable RangedUri indexUri = representation.getIndexUri();
      if (indexUri != null) {
        out.add(createSegment(representation, baseUrl, periodStartUs, indexUri));
      long firstSegmentNum = index.getFirstSegmentNum();
      long lastSegmentNum = firstSegmentNum + segmentCount - 1;
      for (long j = firstSegmentNum; j <= lastSegmentNum; j++) {
                periodStartUs + index.getTimeUs(j),

  private Segment createSegment(
      Representation representation, String baseUrl, long startTimeUs, RangedUri rangedUri) {
    DataSpec dataSpec = DashUtil.buildDataSpec(representation, baseUrl, rangedUri, /* flags= */ 0);
    return new Segment(startTimeUs, dataSpec);

  private DashSegmentIndex getSegmentIndex(
      DataSource dataSource, int trackType, Representation representation, boolean removing)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    DashSegmentIndex index = representation.getIndex();
    if (index != null) {
      return index;
    RunnableFutureTask<@NullableType ChunkIndex, IOException> runnable =
        new RunnableFutureTask<@NullableType ChunkIndex, IOException>() {
          protected @NullableType ChunkIndex doWork() throws IOException {
            return DashUtil.loadChunkIndex(dataSource, trackType, representation);
    @Nullable ChunkIndex seekMap = execute(runnable, removing);
    return seekMap == null
        ? null
        : new DashWrappingSegmentIndex(seekMap, representation.presentationTimeOffsetUs);