public class


extends java.lang.Object

implements DrmSessionManager



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-exoplayer', version: '1.0.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-exoplayer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:1.0.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (


A DrmSessionManager that supports playbacks using ExoMediaDrm.

This implementation supports pre-acquisition of sessions using DefaultDrmSessionManager.preacquireSession(DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher, Format).


public static final longDEFAULT_SESSION_KEEPALIVE_MS

Default value for DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder.setSessionKeepaliveMs(long).

public static final intINITIAL_DRM_REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT

Number of times to retry for initial provisioning and key request for reporting error.

public static final intMODE_DOWNLOAD

Downloads an offline license or renews an existing one.

public static final intMODE_PLAYBACK

Loads and refreshes (if necessary) a license for playback.

public static final intMODE_QUERY

Restores an offline license to allow its status to be queried.

public static final intMODE_RELEASE

Releases an existing offline license.

public static final java.lang.StringPLAYREADY_CUSTOM_DATA_KEY

A key for specifying PlayReady custom data in the key request parameters passed to DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder.setKeyRequestParameters(Map).

publicDefaultDrmSessionManager(java.util.UUID uuid, ExoMediaDrm exoMediaDrm, MediaDrmCallback callback, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> keyRequestParameters)

publicDefaultDrmSessionManager(java.util.UUID uuid, ExoMediaDrm exoMediaDrm, MediaDrmCallback callback, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> keyRequestParameters, boolean multiSession)

publicDefaultDrmSessionManager(java.util.UUID uuid, ExoMediaDrm exoMediaDrm, MediaDrmCallback callback, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> keyRequestParameters, boolean multiSession, int initialDrmRequestRetryCount)

public DrmSessionacquireSession(DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher, Format format)

public intgetCryptoType(Format format)

public DrmSessionManager.DrmSessionReferencepreacquireSession(DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher, Format format)

public final voidprepare()

public final voidrelease()

public voidsetMode(int mode, byte[] offlineLicenseKeySetId[])

Sets the mode, which determines the role of sessions acquired from the instance.

public voidsetPlayer(Looper playbackLooper, PlayerId playerId)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final java.lang.String PLAYREADY_CUSTOM_DATA_KEY

A key for specifying PlayReady custom data in the key request parameters passed to DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder.setKeyRequestParameters(Map).

public static final int MODE_PLAYBACK

Loads and refreshes (if necessary) a license for playback. Supports streaming and offline licenses.

public static final int MODE_QUERY

Restores an offline license to allow its status to be queried.

public static final int MODE_DOWNLOAD

Downloads an offline license or renews an existing one.

public static final int MODE_RELEASE

Releases an existing offline license.

public static final int INITIAL_DRM_REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT

Number of times to retry for initial provisioning and key request for reporting error.

public static final long DEFAULT_SESSION_KEEPALIVE_MS

Default value for DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder.setSessionKeepaliveMs(long).


public DefaultDrmSessionManager(java.util.UUID uuid, ExoMediaDrm exoMediaDrm, MediaDrmCallback callback, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> keyRequestParameters)

Deprecated: Use DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder instead.


uuid: The UUID of the drm scheme.
exoMediaDrm: An underlying ExoMediaDrm for use by the manager.
callback: Performs key and provisioning requests.
keyRequestParameters: An optional map of parameters to pass as the last argument to ExoMediaDrm.getKeyRequest(byte[], List, int, HashMap). May be null.

public DefaultDrmSessionManager(java.util.UUID uuid, ExoMediaDrm exoMediaDrm, MediaDrmCallback callback, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> keyRequestParameters, boolean multiSession)

Deprecated: Use DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder instead.


uuid: The UUID of the drm scheme.
exoMediaDrm: An underlying ExoMediaDrm for use by the manager.
callback: Performs key and provisioning requests.
keyRequestParameters: An optional map of parameters to pass as the last argument to ExoMediaDrm.getKeyRequest(byte[], List, int, HashMap). May be null.
multiSession: A boolean that specify whether multiple key session support is enabled. Default is false.

public DefaultDrmSessionManager(java.util.UUID uuid, ExoMediaDrm exoMediaDrm, MediaDrmCallback callback, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> keyRequestParameters, boolean multiSession, int initialDrmRequestRetryCount)

Deprecated: Use DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder instead.


uuid: The UUID of the drm scheme.
exoMediaDrm: An underlying ExoMediaDrm for use by the manager.
callback: Performs key and provisioning requests.
keyRequestParameters: An optional map of parameters to pass as the last argument to ExoMediaDrm.getKeyRequest(byte[], List, int, HashMap). May be null.
multiSession: A boolean that specify whether multiple key session support is enabled. Default is false.
initialDrmRequestRetryCount: The number of times to retry for initial provisioning and key request before reporting error.


public void setMode(int mode, byte[] offlineLicenseKeySetId[])

Sets the mode, which determines the role of sessions acquired from the instance. This must be called before DefaultDrmSessionManager.acquireSession(DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher, Format) is called.

By default, the mode is DefaultDrmSessionManager.MODE_PLAYBACK and a streaming license is requested when required.

mode must be one of these:


mode: The mode to be set.
offlineLicenseKeySetId: The key set id of the license to be used with the given mode.

public final void prepare()

public final void release()

public void setPlayer(Looper playbackLooper, PlayerId playerId)

public DrmSession acquireSession(DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher, Format format)

public int getCryptoType(Format format)


 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.exoplayer.drm;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkState;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkStateNotNull;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.DrmInitData;
import androidx.media3.common.DrmInitData.SchemeData;
import androidx.media3.common.Format;
import androidx.media3.common.MimeTypes;
import androidx.media3.common.PlaybackException;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Log;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.drm.DrmSession.DrmSessionException;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.drm.ExoMediaDrm.OnEventListener;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.DefaultLoadErrorHandlingPolicy;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.LoadErrorHandlingPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;

 * A {@link DrmSessionManager} that supports playbacks using {@link ExoMediaDrm}.
 * <p>This implementation supports pre-acquisition of sessions using {@link
 * #preacquireSession(DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher, Format)}.
public class DefaultDrmSessionManager implements DrmSessionManager {

   * Builder for {@link DefaultDrmSessionManager} instances.
   * <p>See {@link #Builder} for the list of default values.
  public static final class Builder {

    private final HashMap<String, String> keyRequestParameters;
    private UUID uuid;
    private ExoMediaDrm.Provider exoMediaDrmProvider;
    private boolean multiSession;
    private @C.TrackType int[] useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes;
    private boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys;
    private LoadErrorHandlingPolicy loadErrorHandlingPolicy;
    private long sessionKeepaliveMs;

     * Creates a builder with default values. The default values are:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>{@link #setKeyRequestParameters keyRequestParameters}: An empty map.
     *   <li>{@link #setUuidAndExoMediaDrmProvider UUID}: {@link C#WIDEVINE_UUID}.
     *   <li>{@link #setUuidAndExoMediaDrmProvider ExoMediaDrm.Provider}: {@link
     *       FrameworkMediaDrm#DEFAULT_PROVIDER}.
     *   <li>{@link #setMultiSession multiSession}: {@code false}.
     *   <li>{@link #setUseDrmSessionsForClearContent useDrmSessionsForClearContent}: No tracks.
     *   <li>{@link #setPlayClearSamplesWithoutKeys playClearSamplesWithoutKeys}: {@code false}.
     *   <li>{@link #setLoadErrorHandlingPolicy LoadErrorHandlingPolicy}: {@link
     *       DefaultLoadErrorHandlingPolicy}.
     * </ul>
    public Builder() {
      keyRequestParameters = new HashMap<>();
      uuid = C.WIDEVINE_UUID;
      exoMediaDrmProvider = FrameworkMediaDrm.DEFAULT_PROVIDER;
      loadErrorHandlingPolicy = new DefaultLoadErrorHandlingPolicy();
      useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes = new int[0];
      sessionKeepaliveMs = DEFAULT_SESSION_KEEPALIVE_MS;

     * Sets the key request parameters to pass as the last argument to {@link
     * ExoMediaDrm#getKeyRequest(byte[], List, int, HashMap)}. May be null if not parameters need to
     * be passed.
     * <p>Custom data for PlayReady should be set under {@link #PLAYREADY_CUSTOM_DATA_KEY}.
     * @param keyRequestParameters A map with parameters.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setKeyRequestParameters(@Nullable Map<String, String> keyRequestParameters) {
      if (keyRequestParameters != null) {
      return this;

     * Sets the UUID of the DRM scheme and the {@link ExoMediaDrm.Provider} to use.
     * @param uuid The UUID of the DRM scheme.
     * @param exoMediaDrmProvider The {@link ExoMediaDrm.Provider}.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setUuidAndExoMediaDrmProvider(
        UUID uuid, ExoMediaDrm.Provider exoMediaDrmProvider) {
      this.uuid = checkNotNull(uuid);
      this.exoMediaDrmProvider = checkNotNull(exoMediaDrmProvider);
      return this;

     * Sets whether this session manager is allowed to acquire multiple simultaneous sessions.
     * <p>Users should pass false when a single key request will obtain all keys required to decrypt
     * the associated content. {@code multiSession} is required when content uses key rotation.
     * @param multiSession Whether this session manager is allowed to acquire multiple simultaneous
     *     sessions.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setMultiSession(boolean multiSession) {
      this.multiSession = multiSession;
      return this;

     * Sets whether this session manager should attach {@link DrmSession DrmSessions} to the clear
     * sections of the media content.
     * <p>Using {@link DrmSession DrmSessions} for clear content avoids the recreation of decoders
     * when transitioning between clear and encrypted sections of content.
     * @param useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes The track types ({@link C#TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO}
     *     and/or {@link C#TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO}) for which to use a {@link DrmSession} regardless of
     *     whether the content is clear or encrypted.
     * @return This builder.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes} contains
     *     track types other than {@link C#TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO} and {@link C#TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO}.
    public Builder setUseDrmSessionsForClearContent(
        @C.TrackType int... useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes) {
      for (@C.TrackType int trackType : useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes) {
        checkArgument(trackType == C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO || trackType == C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO);
      this.useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes =
      return this;

     * Sets whether clear samples within protected content should be played when keys for the
     * encrypted part of the content have yet to be loaded.
     * @param playClearSamplesWithoutKeys Whether clear samples within protected content should be
     *     played when keys for the encrypted part of the content have yet to be loaded.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setPlayClearSamplesWithoutKeys(boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys) {
      this.playClearSamplesWithoutKeys = playClearSamplesWithoutKeys;
      return this;

     * Sets the {@link LoadErrorHandlingPolicy} for key and provisioning requests.
     * @param loadErrorHandlingPolicy A {@link LoadErrorHandlingPolicy}.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setLoadErrorHandlingPolicy(LoadErrorHandlingPolicy loadErrorHandlingPolicy) {
      this.loadErrorHandlingPolicy = checkNotNull(loadErrorHandlingPolicy);
      return this;

     * Sets the time to keep {@link DrmSession DrmSessions} alive when they're not in use.
     * <p>It can be useful to keep sessions alive during playback of short clear sections of media
     * (e.g. ad breaks) to avoid opening new DRM sessions (and re-requesting keys) at the transition
     * back into secure content. This assumes the secure sections before and after the clear section
     * are encrypted with the same keys.
     * <p>Defaults to {@link #DEFAULT_SESSION_KEEPALIVE_MS}. Pass {@link C#TIME_UNSET} to disable
     * keep-alive.
     * @param sessionKeepaliveMs The time to keep {@link DrmSession}s alive before fully releasing,
     *     in milliseconds. Must be &gt; 0 or {@link C#TIME_UNSET} to disable keep-alive.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setSessionKeepaliveMs(long sessionKeepaliveMs) {
      checkArgument(sessionKeepaliveMs > 0 || sessionKeepaliveMs == C.TIME_UNSET);
      this.sessionKeepaliveMs = sessionKeepaliveMs;
      return this;

    /** Builds a {@link DefaultDrmSessionManager} instance. */
    public DefaultDrmSessionManager build(MediaDrmCallback mediaDrmCallback) {
      return new DefaultDrmSessionManager(

   * Signals that the {@link Format#drmInitData} passed to {@link #acquireSession} does not contain
   * scheme data for the required UUID.
  public static final class MissingSchemeDataException extends Exception {

    private MissingSchemeDataException(UUID uuid) {
      super("Media does not support uuid: " + uuid);

   * A key for specifying PlayReady custom data in the key request parameters passed to {@link
   * Builder#setKeyRequestParameters(Map)}.
  public static final String PLAYREADY_CUSTOM_DATA_KEY = "PRCustomData";

   * Determines the action to be done after a session acquired. One of {@link #MODE_PLAYBACK},
   * {@link #MODE_QUERY}, {@link #MODE_DOWNLOAD} or {@link #MODE_RELEASE}.
  public @interface Mode {}
   * Loads and refreshes (if necessary) a license for playback. Supports streaming and offline
   * licenses.
  public static final int MODE_PLAYBACK = 0;
  /** Restores an offline license to allow its status to be queried. */
  public static final int MODE_QUERY = 1;
  /** Downloads an offline license or renews an existing one. */
  public static final int MODE_DOWNLOAD = 2;
  /** Releases an existing offline license. */
  public static final int MODE_RELEASE = 3;
  /** Number of times to retry for initial provisioning and key request for reporting error. */
  public static final int INITIAL_DRM_REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT = 3;
  /** Default value for {@link Builder#setSessionKeepaliveMs(long)}. */
  public static final long DEFAULT_SESSION_KEEPALIVE_MS = 5 * 60 * C.MILLIS_PER_SECOND;

  private static final String TAG = "DefaultDrmSessionMgr";

  private final UUID uuid;
  private final ExoMediaDrm.Provider exoMediaDrmProvider;
  private final MediaDrmCallback callback;
  private final HashMap<String, String> keyRequestParameters;
  private final boolean multiSession;
  private final @C.TrackType int[] useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes;
  private final boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys;
  private final ProvisioningManagerImpl provisioningManagerImpl;
  private final LoadErrorHandlingPolicy loadErrorHandlingPolicy;
  private final ReferenceCountListenerImpl referenceCountListener;
  private final long sessionKeepaliveMs;

  private final List<DefaultDrmSession> sessions;
  private final Set<PreacquiredSessionReference> preacquiredSessionReferences;
  private final Set<DefaultDrmSession> keepaliveSessions;

  private int prepareCallsCount;
  @Nullable private ExoMediaDrm exoMediaDrm;
  @Nullable private DefaultDrmSession placeholderDrmSession;
  @Nullable private DefaultDrmSession noMultiSessionDrmSession;
  private @MonotonicNonNull Looper playbackLooper;
  private @MonotonicNonNull Handler playbackHandler;
  private int mode;
  @Nullable private byte[] offlineLicenseKeySetId;
  private @MonotonicNonNull PlayerId playerId;

  /* package */ @Nullable volatile MediaDrmHandler mediaDrmHandler;

   * @param uuid The UUID of the drm scheme.
   * @param exoMediaDrm An underlying {@link ExoMediaDrm} for use by the manager.
   * @param callback Performs key and provisioning requests.
   * @param keyRequestParameters An optional map of parameters to pass as the last argument to
   *     {@link ExoMediaDrm#getKeyRequest(byte[], List, int, HashMap)}. May be null.
   * @deprecated Use {@link Builder} instead.
  public DefaultDrmSessionManager(
      UUID uuid,
      ExoMediaDrm exoMediaDrm,
      MediaDrmCallback callback,
      @Nullable HashMap<String, String> keyRequestParameters) {
        keyRequestParameters == null ? new HashMap<>() : keyRequestParameters,
        /* multiSession= */ false,

   * @param uuid The UUID of the drm scheme.
   * @param exoMediaDrm An underlying {@link ExoMediaDrm} for use by the manager.
   * @param callback Performs key and provisioning requests.
   * @param keyRequestParameters An optional map of parameters to pass as the last argument to
   *     {@link ExoMediaDrm#getKeyRequest(byte[], List, int, HashMap)}. May be null.
   * @param multiSession A boolean that specify whether multiple key session support is enabled.
   *     Default is false.
   * @deprecated Use {@link Builder} instead.
  public DefaultDrmSessionManager(
      UUID uuid,
      ExoMediaDrm exoMediaDrm,
      MediaDrmCallback callback,
      @Nullable HashMap<String, String> keyRequestParameters,
      boolean multiSession) {
        keyRequestParameters == null ? new HashMap<>() : keyRequestParameters,

   * @param uuid The UUID of the drm scheme.
   * @param exoMediaDrm An underlying {@link ExoMediaDrm} for use by the manager.
   * @param callback Performs key and provisioning requests.
   * @param keyRequestParameters An optional map of parameters to pass as the last argument to
   *     {@link ExoMediaDrm#getKeyRequest(byte[], List, int, HashMap)}. May be null.
   * @param multiSession A boolean that specify whether multiple key session support is enabled.
   *     Default is false.
   * @param initialDrmRequestRetryCount The number of times to retry for initial provisioning and
   *     key request before reporting error.
   * @deprecated Use {@link Builder} instead.
  public DefaultDrmSessionManager(
      UUID uuid,
      ExoMediaDrm exoMediaDrm,
      MediaDrmCallback callback,
      @Nullable HashMap<String, String> keyRequestParameters,
      boolean multiSession,
      int initialDrmRequestRetryCount) {
        new ExoMediaDrm.AppManagedProvider(exoMediaDrm),
        keyRequestParameters == null ? new HashMap<>() : keyRequestParameters,
        /* useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes= */ new int[0],
        /* playClearSamplesWithoutKeys= */ false,
        new DefaultLoadErrorHandlingPolicy(initialDrmRequestRetryCount),

  private DefaultDrmSessionManager(
      UUID uuid,
      ExoMediaDrm.Provider exoMediaDrmProvider,
      MediaDrmCallback callback,
      HashMap<String, String> keyRequestParameters,
      boolean multiSession,
      @C.TrackType int[] useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes,
      boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys,
      LoadErrorHandlingPolicy loadErrorHandlingPolicy,
      long sessionKeepaliveMs) {
    checkArgument(!C.COMMON_PSSH_UUID.equals(uuid), "Use C.CLEARKEY_UUID instead");
    this.uuid = uuid;
    this.exoMediaDrmProvider = exoMediaDrmProvider;
    this.callback = callback;
    this.keyRequestParameters = keyRequestParameters;
    this.multiSession = multiSession;
    this.useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes = useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes;
    this.playClearSamplesWithoutKeys = playClearSamplesWithoutKeys;
    this.loadErrorHandlingPolicy = loadErrorHandlingPolicy;
    provisioningManagerImpl = new ProvisioningManagerImpl();
    referenceCountListener = new ReferenceCountListenerImpl();
    mode = MODE_PLAYBACK;
    sessions = new ArrayList<>();
    preacquiredSessionReferences = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
    keepaliveSessions = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
    this.sessionKeepaliveMs = sessionKeepaliveMs;

   * Sets the mode, which determines the role of sessions acquired from the instance. This must be
   * called before {@link #acquireSession(DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher, Format)} is
   * called.
   * <p>By default, the mode is {@link #MODE_PLAYBACK} and a streaming license is requested when
   * required.
   * <p>{@code mode} must be one of these:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>{@link #MODE_PLAYBACK}: If {@code offlineLicenseKeySetId} is null then a streaming
   *       license is requested. Otherwise, the offline license is restored.
   *   <li>{@link #MODE_QUERY}: {@code offlineLicenseKeySetId} cannot be null. The offline license
   *       is restored to allow its status to be queried.
   *   <li>{@link #MODE_DOWNLOAD}: If {@code offlineLicenseKeySetId} is null then an offline license
   *       is requested. Otherwise, the offline license is renewed.
   *   <li>{@link #MODE_RELEASE}: {@code offlineLicenseKeySetId} cannot be null. The offline license
   *       is released.
   * </ul>
   * @param mode The mode to be set.
   * @param offlineLicenseKeySetId The key set id of the license to be used with the given mode.
  public void setMode(@Mode int mode, @Nullable byte[] offlineLicenseKeySetId) {
    if (mode == MODE_QUERY || mode == MODE_RELEASE) {
    this.mode = mode;
    this.offlineLicenseKeySetId = offlineLicenseKeySetId;

  // DrmSessionManager implementation.

  public final void prepare() {
    if (prepareCallsCount++ != 0) {
    if (exoMediaDrm == null) {
      exoMediaDrm = exoMediaDrmProvider.acquireExoMediaDrm(uuid);
      exoMediaDrm.setOnEventListener(new MediaDrmEventListener());
    } else if (sessionKeepaliveMs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
      // Re-acquire the keepalive references for any sessions that are still active.
      for (int i = 0; i < sessions.size(); i++) {
        sessions.get(i).acquire(/* eventDispatcher= */ null);

  public final void release() {
    if (--prepareCallsCount != 0) {
    // Release all keepalive acquisitions if keepalive is enabled.
    if (sessionKeepaliveMs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
      // Make a local copy, because sessions are removed from this.sessions during release (via
      // callback).
      List<DefaultDrmSession> sessions = new ArrayList<>(this.sessions);
      for (int i = 0; i < sessions.size(); i++) {
        sessions.get(i).release(/* eventDispatcher= */ null);


  public void setPlayer(Looper playbackLooper, PlayerId playerId) {
    this.playerId = playerId;

  public DrmSessionReference preacquireSession(
      @Nullable DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher, Format format) {
    checkState(prepareCallsCount > 0);
    PreacquiredSessionReference preacquiredSessionReference =
        new PreacquiredSessionReference(eventDispatcher);
    return preacquiredSessionReference;

  public DrmSession acquireSession(
      @Nullable DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher, Format format) {
    checkState(prepareCallsCount > 0);
    return acquireSession(
        /* shouldReleasePreacquiredSessionsBeforeRetrying= */ true);

  // Must be called on the playback thread.
  private DrmSession acquireSession(
      Looper playbackLooper,
      @Nullable DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher,
      Format format,
      boolean shouldReleasePreacquiredSessionsBeforeRetrying) {

    if (format.drmInitData == null) {
      // Content is not encrypted.
      return maybeAcquirePlaceholderSession(

    @Nullable List<SchemeData> schemeDatas = null;
    if (offlineLicenseKeySetId == null) {
      schemeDatas = getSchemeDatas(checkNotNull(format.drmInitData), uuid, false);
      if (schemeDatas.isEmpty()) {
        final MissingSchemeDataException error = new MissingSchemeDataException(uuid);
        Log.e(TAG, "DRM error", error);
        if (eventDispatcher != null) {
        return new ErrorStateDrmSession(
            new DrmSessionException(error, PlaybackException.ERROR_CODE_DRM_CONTENT_ERROR));

    @Nullable DefaultDrmSession session;
    if (!multiSession) {
      session = noMultiSessionDrmSession;
    } else {
      // Only use an existing session if it has matching init data.
      session = null;
      for (DefaultDrmSession existingSession : sessions) {
        if (Util.areEqual(existingSession.schemeDatas, schemeDatas)) {
          session = existingSession;

    if (session == null) {
      // Create a new session.
      session =
              /* isPlaceholderSession= */ false,
      if (!multiSession) {
        noMultiSessionDrmSession = session;
    } else {

    return session;

  public @C.CryptoType int getCryptoType(Format format) {
    @C.CryptoType int cryptoType = checkNotNull(exoMediaDrm).getCryptoType();
    if (format.drmInitData == null) {
      int trackType = MimeTypes.getTrackType(format.sampleMimeType);
      return Util.linearSearch(useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes, trackType) != C.INDEX_UNSET
          ? cryptoType
          : C.CRYPTO_TYPE_NONE;
    } else {
      return canAcquireSession(format.drmInitData) ? cryptoType : C.CRYPTO_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED;

  // Internal methods.

  private DrmSession maybeAcquirePlaceholderSession(
      int trackType, boolean shouldReleasePreacquiredSessionsBeforeRetrying) {
    ExoMediaDrm exoMediaDrm = checkNotNull(this.exoMediaDrm);
    boolean avoidPlaceholderDrmSessions =
        exoMediaDrm.getCryptoType() == C.CRYPTO_TYPE_FRAMEWORK
    // Avoid attaching a session to sparse formats.
    if (avoidPlaceholderDrmSessions
        || Util.linearSearch(useDrmSessionsForClearContentTrackTypes, trackType) == C.INDEX_UNSET
        || exoMediaDrm.getCryptoType() == C.CRYPTO_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED) {
      return null;
    if (placeholderDrmSession == null) {
      DefaultDrmSession placeholderDrmSession =
              /* schemeDatas= */ ImmutableList.of(),
              /* isPlaceholderSession= */ true,
              /* eventDispatcher= */ null,
      this.placeholderDrmSession = placeholderDrmSession;
    } else {
      placeholderDrmSession.acquire(/* eventDispatcher= */ null);
    return placeholderDrmSession;

  private boolean canAcquireSession(DrmInitData drmInitData) {
    if (offlineLicenseKeySetId != null) {
      // An offline license can be restored so a session can always be acquired.
      return true;
    List<SchemeData> schemeDatas = getSchemeDatas(drmInitData, uuid, true);
    if (schemeDatas.isEmpty()) {
      if (drmInitData.schemeDataCount == 1 && drmInitData.get(0).matches(C.COMMON_PSSH_UUID)) {
        // Assume scheme specific data will be added before the session is opened.
            TAG, "DrmInitData only contains common PSSH SchemeData. Assuming support for: " + uuid);
      } else {
        // No data for this manager's scheme.
        return false;
    String schemeType = drmInitData.schemeType;
    if (schemeType == null || C.CENC_TYPE_cenc.equals(schemeType)) {
      // If there is no scheme information, assume patternless AES-CTR.
      return true;
    } else if (C.CENC_TYPE_cbcs.equals(schemeType)) {
      // Support for cbcs (AES-CBC with pattern encryption) was added in API 24. However, the
      // implementation was not stable until API 25.
      return Util.SDK_INT >= 25;
    } else if (C.CENC_TYPE_cbc1.equals(schemeType) || C.CENC_TYPE_cens.equals(schemeType)) {
      // Support for cbc1 (AES-CTR with pattern encryption) and cens (AES-CBC without pattern
      // encryption) was also added in API 24 and made stable from API 25, however support was
      // removed from API 30. Since the range of API levels for which these modes are usable is too
      // small to be useful, we don't indicate support on any API level.
      return false;
    // Unknown schemes, assume one of them is supported.
    return true;

  @EnsuresNonNull({"this.playbackLooper", "this.playbackHandler"})
  private synchronized void initPlaybackLooper(Looper playbackLooper) {
    if (this.playbackLooper == null) {
      this.playbackLooper = playbackLooper;
      this.playbackHandler = new Handler(playbackLooper);
    } else {
      checkState(this.playbackLooper == playbackLooper);

  private void maybeCreateMediaDrmHandler(Looper playbackLooper) {
    if (mediaDrmHandler == null) {
      mediaDrmHandler = new MediaDrmHandler(playbackLooper);

  private DefaultDrmSession createAndAcquireSessionWithRetry(
      @Nullable List<SchemeData> schemeDatas,
      boolean isPlaceholderSession,
      @Nullable DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher,
      boolean shouldReleasePreacquiredSessionsBeforeRetrying) {
    DefaultDrmSession session =
        createAndAcquireSession(schemeDatas, isPlaceholderSession, eventDispatcher);
    // If we're short on DRM session resources, first try eagerly releasing all our keepalive
    // sessions and then retry the acquisition.
    if (acquisitionFailedIndicatingResourceShortage(session) && !keepaliveSessions.isEmpty()) {
      undoAcquisition(session, eventDispatcher);
      session = createAndAcquireSession(schemeDatas, isPlaceholderSession, eventDispatcher);

    // If the acquisition failed again due to continued resource shortage, and
    // shouldReleasePreacquiredSessionsBeforeRetrying is true, try releasing all pre-acquired
    // sessions and then retry the acquisition.
    if (acquisitionFailedIndicatingResourceShortage(session)
        && shouldReleasePreacquiredSessionsBeforeRetrying
        && !preacquiredSessionReferences.isEmpty()) {
      if (!keepaliveSessions.isEmpty()) {
        // Some preacquired sessions released above are now in their keepalive timeout phase. We
        // release the keepalive references immediately.
      undoAcquisition(session, eventDispatcher);
      session = createAndAcquireSession(schemeDatas, isPlaceholderSession, eventDispatcher);
    return session;

  private static boolean acquisitionFailedIndicatingResourceShortage(DrmSession session) {
    // ResourceBusyException is only available at API 19, so on earlier versions we
    // assume any error indicates resource shortage (ensuring we retry).
    return session.getState() == DrmSession.STATE_ERROR
        && (Util.SDK_INT < 19
            || checkNotNull(session.getError()).getCause() instanceof ResourceBusyException);

   * Undoes the acquisitions from {@link #createAndAcquireSession(List, boolean,
   * DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher)}.
  private void undoAcquisition(
      DrmSession session, @Nullable DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher) {
    if (sessionKeepaliveMs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
      session.release(/* eventDispatcher= */ null);

  private void releaseAllKeepaliveSessions() {
    // Make a local copy, because sessions are removed from this.keepaliveSessions during
    // release (via callback).
    ImmutableSet<DefaultDrmSession> keepaliveSessions = ImmutableSet.copyOf(this.keepaliveSessions);
    for (DrmSession keepaliveSession : keepaliveSessions) {
      keepaliveSession.release(/* eventDispatcher= */ null);

  private void releaseAllPreacquiredSessions() {
    // Make a local copy, because sessions are removed from this.preacquiredSessionReferences
    // during release (via callback).
    ImmutableSet<PreacquiredSessionReference> preacquiredSessionReferences =
    for (PreacquiredSessionReference preacquiredSessionReference : preacquiredSessionReferences) {

   * Creates a new {@link DefaultDrmSession} and acquires it on behalf of the caller (passing in
   * {@code eventDispatcher}).
   * <p>If {@link #sessionKeepaliveMs} != {@link C#TIME_UNSET} then acquires it again to allow the
   * manager to keep it alive (passing in {@code eventDispatcher=null}.
  private DefaultDrmSession createAndAcquireSession(
      @Nullable List<SchemeData> schemeDatas,
      boolean isPlaceholderSession,
      @Nullable DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher) {
    // Placeholder sessions should always play clear samples without keys.
    boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys = this.playClearSamplesWithoutKeys | isPlaceholderSession;
    DefaultDrmSession session =
        new DefaultDrmSession(
            /* provisioningManager= */ provisioningManagerImpl,
    // Acquire the session once on behalf of the caller to DrmSessionManager - this is the
    // reference 'assigned' to the caller which they're responsible for releasing. Do this first,
    // to ensure that eventDispatcher receives all events related to the initial
    // acquisition/opening.
    if (sessionKeepaliveMs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
      // Acquire the session once more so the Manager can keep it alive.
      session.acquire(/* eventDispatcher= */ null);
    return session;

  private void maybeReleaseMediaDrm() {
    if (exoMediaDrm != null
        && prepareCallsCount == 0
        && sessions.isEmpty()
        && preacquiredSessionReferences.isEmpty()) {
      // This manager and all its sessions are fully released so we can release exoMediaDrm.
      exoMediaDrm = null;

   * Extracts {@link SchemeData} instances suitable for the given DRM scheme {@link UUID}.
   * @param drmInitData The {@link DrmInitData} from which to extract the {@link SchemeData}.
   * @param uuid The UUID.
   * @param allowMissingData Whether a {@link SchemeData} with null {@link SchemeData#data} may be
   *     returned.
   * @return The extracted {@link SchemeData} instances, or an empty list if no suitable data is
   *     present.
  private static List<SchemeData> getSchemeDatas(
      DrmInitData drmInitData, UUID uuid, boolean allowMissingData) {
    // Look for matching scheme data (matching the Common PSSH box for ClearKey).
    List<SchemeData> matchingSchemeDatas = new ArrayList<>(drmInitData.schemeDataCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < drmInitData.schemeDataCount; i++) {
      SchemeData schemeData = drmInitData.get(i);
      boolean uuidMatches =
              || (C.CLEARKEY_UUID.equals(uuid) && schemeData.matches(C.COMMON_PSSH_UUID));
      if (uuidMatches && ( != null || allowMissingData)) {
    return matchingSchemeDatas;

  private class MediaDrmHandler extends Handler {

    public MediaDrmHandler(Looper looper) {

    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
      byte[] sessionId = (byte[]) msg.obj;
      if (sessionId == null) {
        // The event is not associated with any particular session.
      for (DefaultDrmSession session : sessions) {
        if (session.hasSessionId(sessionId)) {

  private class ProvisioningManagerImpl implements DefaultDrmSession.ProvisioningManager {

    private final Set<DefaultDrmSession> sessionsAwaitingProvisioning;
    @Nullable private DefaultDrmSession provisioningSession;

    public ProvisioningManagerImpl() {
      sessionsAwaitingProvisioning = new HashSet<>();

    public void provisionRequired(DefaultDrmSession session) {
      if (provisioningSession != null) {
        // Provisioning is already in-flight.
      provisioningSession = session;

    public void onProvisionCompleted() {
      provisioningSession = null;
      ImmutableList<DefaultDrmSession> sessionsToNotify =
      // Clear the list before calling onProvisionComplete in case provisioning is re-requested.
      for (DefaultDrmSession session : sessionsToNotify) {

    public void onProvisionError(Exception error, boolean thrownByExoMediaDrm) {
      provisioningSession = null;
      ImmutableList<DefaultDrmSession> sessionsToNotify =
      // Clear the list before calling onProvisionError in case provisioning is re-requested.
      for (DefaultDrmSession session : sessionsToNotify) {
        session.onProvisionError(error, thrownByExoMediaDrm);

    public void onSessionFullyReleased(DefaultDrmSession session) {
      if (provisioningSession == session) {
        provisioningSession = null;
        if (!sessionsAwaitingProvisioning.isEmpty()) {
          // Other sessions were waiting for the released session to complete a provision operation.
          // We need to have one of those sessions perform the provision operation instead.
          provisioningSession = sessionsAwaitingProvisioning.iterator().next();

  private class ReferenceCountListenerImpl implements DefaultDrmSession.ReferenceCountListener {

    public void onReferenceCountIncremented(DefaultDrmSession session, int newReferenceCount) {
      if (sessionKeepaliveMs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
        // The session has been acquired elsewhere so we want to cancel our timeout.

    public void onReferenceCountDecremented(DefaultDrmSession session, int newReferenceCount) {
      if (newReferenceCount == 1 && prepareCallsCount > 0 && sessionKeepaliveMs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
        // Only the internal keep-alive reference remains, so we can start the timeout. We only
        // do this if the manager isn't released, because a released manager has already released
        // all its internal session keep-alive references.
                () -> session.release(/* eventDispatcher= */ null),
                /* uptimeMillis= */ SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + sessionKeepaliveMs);
      } else if (newReferenceCount == 0) {
        // This session is fully released.
        if (placeholderDrmSession == session) {
          placeholderDrmSession = null;
        if (noMultiSessionDrmSession == session) {
          noMultiSessionDrmSession = null;
        if (sessionKeepaliveMs != C.TIME_UNSET) {

  private class MediaDrmEventListener implements OnEventListener {

    public void onEvent(
        ExoMediaDrm md, @Nullable byte[] sessionId, int event, int extra, @Nullable byte[] data) {
      checkNotNull(mediaDrmHandler).obtainMessage(event, sessionId).sendToTarget();

   * An implementation of {@link DrmSessionReference} that lazily acquires the underlying {@link
   * DrmSession}.
   * <p>A new instance is needed for each reference (compared to maintaining exactly one instance
   * for each {@link DrmSession}) because each associated {@link
   * DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher} might be different. The {@link
   * DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher} is required to implement the zero-arg {@link
   * DrmSessionReference#release()} method.
  private class PreacquiredSessionReference implements DrmSessionReference {

    @Nullable private final DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher;

    @Nullable private DrmSession session;
    private boolean isReleased;

     * Constructs an instance.
     * @param eventDispatcher The {@link DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher} passed to {@link
     *     #acquireSession(DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher, Format)}.
    public PreacquiredSessionReference(
        @Nullable DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher) {
      this.eventDispatcher = eventDispatcher;

     * Acquires the underlying session.
     * <p>Must be called at most once. Can be called from any thread.
    public void acquire(Format format) {
              () -> {
                if (prepareCallsCount == 0 || isReleased) {
                  // The manager has been fully released or this reference has already been
                  // released. Abort the acquisition attempt.
                this.session =
                        /* shouldReleasePreacquiredSessionsBeforeRetrying= */ false);

    public void release() {
      // Ensure the underlying session is released immediately if we're already on the playback
      // thread, to allow a failed session opening to be immediately retried.
          () -> {
            if (isReleased) {
            if (session != null) {
            isReleased = true;