public final class


extends CompositeMediaSource<java.lang.Integer>





Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-exoplayer', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-exoplayer
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


Concatenates multiple MediaSources, combining everything in one single .

This class can be used under the following conditions:

  • All sources must be non-empty.
  • The in all windows (except for the first one) must not change during the lifetime of this media source. This excludes, for example, live streams with moving live windows or dynamic updates to the clipping start time of a ClippingMediaSource.


public booleancanUpdateMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem)

public MediaPeriodcreatePeriod(MediaSource.MediaPeriodId id, Allocator allocator, long startPositionUs)

protected voidenableInternal()

Enables the source, see MediaSource.enable(MediaSource.MediaSourceCaller).

public TimelinegetInitialTimeline()

public synchronized MediaItemgetMediaItem()

protected MediaSource.MediaPeriodIdgetMediaPeriodIdForChildMediaPeriodId(java.lang.Object childSourceId, MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId)

Returns the in the composite source corresponding to the specified in a child source.

protected longgetMediaTimeForChildMediaTime(java.lang.Object childSourceId, long mediaTimeMs, MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId)

Returns the media time in the MediaPeriod of the composite source corresponding to the specified media time in the MediaPeriod of the child source.

protected intgetWindowIndexForChildWindowIndex(java.lang.Object childSourceId, int windowIndex)

Returns the window index in the composite source corresponding to the specified window index in a child source.

protected abstract voidonChildSourceInfoRefreshed(java.lang.Object childSourceId, MediaSource mediaSource, Timeline newTimeline)

Called when the source info of a child source has been refreshed.

protected abstract voidprepareSourceInternal(TransferListener mediaTransferListener)

Starts source preparation and enables the source, see MediaSource.prepareSource(MediaSource.MediaSourceCaller, TransferListener, PlayerId).

public voidreleasePeriod(MediaPeriod mediaPeriod)

protected abstract voidreleaseSourceInternal()

Releases the source, see MediaSource.releaseSource(MediaSource.MediaSourceCaller).

public synchronized voidupdateMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem)

from CompositeMediaSource<T>disableChildSource, disableInternal, enableChildSource, maybeThrowSourceInfoRefreshError, prepareChildSource, releaseChildSource
from BaseMediaSourceaddDrmEventListener, addEventListener, createDrmEventDispatcher, createDrmEventDispatcher, createEventDispatcher, createEventDispatcher, createEventDispatcher, createEventDispatcher, disable, enable, getPlayerId, isEnabled, prepareSource, prepareSource, prepareSourceCalled, refreshSourceInfo, releaseSource, removeDrmEventListener, removeEventListener, setPlayerId
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Timeline getInitialTimeline()

public synchronized MediaItem getMediaItem()

public boolean canUpdateMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem)

public synchronized void updateMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem)

protected abstract void prepareSourceInternal(TransferListener mediaTransferListener)

Starts source preparation and enables the source, see MediaSource.prepareSource(MediaSource.MediaSourceCaller, TransferListener, PlayerId). This method is called at most once until the next call to BaseMediaSource.releaseSourceInternal().


mediaTransferListener: The transfer listener which should be informed of any media data transfers. May be null if no listener is available. Note that this listener should usually be only informed of transfers related to the media loads and not of auxiliary loads for manifests and other data.

protected void enableInternal()

Enables the source, see MediaSource.enable(MediaSource.MediaSourceCaller).

public MediaPeriod createPeriod(MediaSource.MediaPeriodId id, Allocator allocator, long startPositionUs)

public void releasePeriod(MediaPeriod mediaPeriod)

protected abstract void releaseSourceInternal()

Releases the source, see MediaSource.releaseSource(MediaSource.MediaSourceCaller). This method is called exactly once after each call to BaseMediaSource.prepareSourceInternal(TransferListener).

protected abstract void onChildSourceInfoRefreshed(java.lang.Object childSourceId, MediaSource mediaSource, Timeline newTimeline)

Called when the source info of a child source has been refreshed.


childSourceId: The unique id used to prepare the child source.
mediaSource: The child source whose source info has been refreshed.
newTimeline: The timeline of the child source.

protected MediaSource.MediaPeriodId getMediaPeriodIdForChildMediaPeriodId(java.lang.Object childSourceId, MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId)

Returns the in the composite source corresponding to the specified in a child source. The default implementation does not change the media period id.


childSourceId: The unique id used to prepare the child source.
mediaPeriodId: A of the child source.


The corresponding in the composite source. Null if no corresponding media period id can be determined.

protected int getWindowIndexForChildWindowIndex(java.lang.Object childSourceId, int windowIndex)

Returns the window index in the composite source corresponding to the specified window index in a child source. The default implementation does not change the window index.


childSourceId: The unique id used to prepare the child source.
windowIndex: A window index of the child source.


The corresponding window index in the composite source.

protected long getMediaTimeForChildMediaTime(java.lang.Object childSourceId, long mediaTimeMs, MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId)

Returns the media time in the MediaPeriod of the composite source corresponding to the specified media time in the MediaPeriod of the child source. The default implementation does not change the media time.


childSourceId: The unique id used to prepare the child source.
mediaTimeMs: A media time in the MediaPeriod of the child source, in milliseconds.
mediaPeriodId: The of the MediaPeriod of the child source, or null if the time does not relate to a specific MediaPeriod.


The corresponding media time in the MediaPeriod of the composite source, in milliseconds.


 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.exoplayer.source;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkState;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkStateNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Util.usToMs;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.util.Pair;
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.MediaItem;
import androidx.media3.common.Player;
import androidx.media3.common.Timeline;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.datasource.TransferListener;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.Allocator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;

 * Concatenates multiple {@link MediaSource MediaSources}, combining everything in one single {@link
 * Timeline.Window}.
 * <p>This class can be used under the following conditions:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>All sources must be non-empty.
 *   <li>The {@link Timeline.Window#getPositionInFirstPeriodUs() period offset} in all windows
 *       (except for the first one) must not change during the lifetime of this media source. This
 *       excludes, for example, live streams with moving live windows or dynamic updates to the
 *       clipping start time of a {@link ClippingMediaSource}.
 * </ul>
public final class ConcatenatingMediaSource2 extends CompositeMediaSource<Integer> {

  /** A builder for {@link ConcatenatingMediaSource2} instances. */
  public static final class Builder {

    private final ImmutableList.Builder<MediaSourceHolder> mediaSourceHoldersBuilder;

    private int index;
    @Nullable private MediaItem mediaItem;
    @Nullable private MediaSource.Factory mediaSourceFactory;

    /** Creates the builder. */
    public Builder() {
      mediaSourceHoldersBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();

     * Instructs the builder to use a {@link DefaultMediaSourceFactory} to convert {@link MediaItem
     * MediaItems} to {@link MediaSource MediaSources} for all future calls to {@link
     * #add(MediaItem)} or {@link #add(MediaItem, long)}.
     * @param context A {@link Context}.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder useDefaultMediaSourceFactory(Context context) {
      return setMediaSourceFactory(new DefaultMediaSourceFactory(context));

     * Sets a {@link MediaSource.Factory} that is used to convert {@link MediaItem MediaItems} to
     * {@link MediaSource MediaSources} for all future calls to {@link #add(MediaItem)} or {@link
     * #add(MediaItem, long)}.
     * @param mediaSourceFactory A {@link MediaSource.Factory}.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setMediaSourceFactory(MediaSource.Factory mediaSourceFactory) {
      this.mediaSourceFactory = checkNotNull(mediaSourceFactory);
      return this;

     * Sets the {@link MediaItem} to be used for the concatenated media source.
     * <p>This {@link MediaItem} will be used as {@link Timeline.Window#mediaItem} for the
     * concatenated source and will be returned by {@link Player#getCurrentMediaItem()}.
     * <p>The default is {@code MediaItem.fromUri(Uri.EMPTY)}.
     * @param mediaItem The {@link MediaItem}.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder setMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem) {
      this.mediaItem = mediaItem;
      return this;

     * Adds a {@link MediaItem} to the concatenation.
     * <p>{@link #useDefaultMediaSourceFactory(Context)} or {@link
     * #setMediaSourceFactory(MediaSource.Factory)} must be called before this method.
     * <p>This method must not be used with media items for progressive media that can't provide
     * their duration with their first {@link Timeline} update. Use {@link #add(MediaItem, long)}
     * instead.
     * @param mediaItem The {@link MediaItem}.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder add(MediaItem mediaItem) {
      return add(mediaItem, /* initialPlaceholderDurationMs= */ C.TIME_UNSET);

     * Adds a {@link MediaItem} to the concatenation and specifies its initial placeholder duration
     * used while the actual duration is still unknown.
     * <p>{@link #useDefaultMediaSourceFactory(Context)} or {@link
     * #setMediaSourceFactory(MediaSource.Factory)} must be called before this method.
     * <p>Setting a placeholder duration is required for media items for progressive media that
     * can't provide their duration with their first {@link Timeline} update. It may also be used
     * for other items to make the duration known immediately.
     * @param mediaItem The {@link MediaItem}.
     * @param initialPlaceholderDurationMs The initial placeholder duration in milliseconds used
     *     while the actual duration is still unknown, or {@link C#TIME_UNSET} to not define one.
     *     The placeholder duration is used for every {@link Timeline.Window} defined by {@link
     *     Timeline} of the {@link MediaItem}.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder add(MediaItem mediaItem, long initialPlaceholderDurationMs) {
      if (initialPlaceholderDurationMs == C.TIME_UNSET
          && mediaItem.clippingConfiguration.endPositionMs != C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE) {
        // If the item is going to be clipped, we can provide a placeholder duration automatically.
        initialPlaceholderDurationMs =
                    - mediaItem.clippingConfiguration.startPositionUs);
          "Must use useDefaultMediaSourceFactory or setMediaSourceFactory first.");
      return add(mediaSourceFactory.createMediaSource(mediaItem), initialPlaceholderDurationMs);

     * Adds a {@link MediaSource} to the concatenation.
     * <p>This method must not be used for sources like {@link ProgressiveMediaSource} that can't
     * provide their duration with their first {@link Timeline} update. Use {@link #add(MediaSource,
     * long)} instead.
     * @param mediaSource The {@link MediaSource}.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder add(MediaSource mediaSource) {
      return add(mediaSource, /* initialPlaceholderDurationMs= */ C.TIME_UNSET);

     * Adds a {@link MediaSource} to the concatenation and specifies its initial placeholder
     * duration used while the actual duration is still unknown.
     * <p>Setting a placeholder duration is required for sources like {@link ProgressiveMediaSource}
     * that can't provide their duration with their first {@link Timeline} update. It may also be
     * used for other sources to make the duration known immediately.
     * @param mediaSource The {@link MediaSource}.
     * @param initialPlaceholderDurationMs The initial placeholder duration in milliseconds used
     *     while the actual duration is still unknown, or {@link C#TIME_UNSET} to not define one.
     *     The placeholder duration is used for every {@link Timeline.Window} defined by {@link
     *     Timeline} of the {@link MediaSource}.
     * @return This builder.
    public Builder add(MediaSource mediaSource, long initialPlaceholderDurationMs) {
          !(mediaSource instanceof ProgressiveMediaSource)
              || initialPlaceholderDurationMs != C.TIME_UNSET,
          "Progressive media source must define an initial placeholder duration.");
          new MediaSourceHolder(mediaSource, index++, Util.msToUs(initialPlaceholderDurationMs)));
      return this;

    /** Builds the concatenating media source. */
    public ConcatenatingMediaSource2 build() {
      checkArgument(index > 0, "Must add at least one source to the concatenation.");
      if (mediaItem == null) {
        mediaItem = MediaItem.fromUri(Uri.EMPTY);
      return new ConcatenatingMediaSource2(mediaItem,;

  private static final int MSG_UPDATE_TIMELINE = 1;

  private final ImmutableList<MediaSourceHolder> mediaSourceHolders;
  private final IdentityHashMap<MediaPeriod, MediaSourceHolder> mediaSourceByMediaPeriod;

  @Nullable private Handler playbackThreadHandler;
  private boolean timelineUpdateScheduled;

  private MediaItem mediaItem;

  private ConcatenatingMediaSource2(
      MediaItem mediaItem, ImmutableList<MediaSourceHolder> mediaSourceHolders) {
    this.mediaItem = mediaItem;
    this.mediaSourceHolders = mediaSourceHolders;
    mediaSourceByMediaPeriod = new IdentityHashMap<>();

  public Timeline getInitialTimeline() {
    return maybeCreateConcatenatedTimeline();

  public synchronized MediaItem getMediaItem() {
    return mediaItem;

  public boolean canUpdateMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem) {
    return true;

  public synchronized void updateMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem) {
    this.mediaItem = mediaItem;

  protected void prepareSourceInternal(@Nullable TransferListener mediaTransferListener) {
    playbackThreadHandler = new Handler(/* callback= */ this::handleMessage);
    for (int i = 0; i < mediaSourceHolders.size(); i++) {
      MediaSourceHolder holder = mediaSourceHolders.get(i);
      prepareChildSource(/* id= */ i, holder.mediaSource);

  protected void enableInternal() {
    // Suppress enabling all child sources here as they can be lazily enabled when creating periods.

  public MediaPeriod createPeriod(MediaPeriodId id, Allocator allocator, long startPositionUs) {
    int holderIndex = getChildIndex(id.periodUid);
    MediaSourceHolder holder = mediaSourceHolders.get(holderIndex);
    MediaPeriodId childMediaPeriodId =
                    id.windowSequenceNumber, mediaSourceHolders.size(), holder.index));
    long timeOffsetUs =
            ? 0
            : checkNotNull(holder.periodTimeOffsetsByUid.get(childMediaPeriodId.periodUid));
    MediaPeriod mediaPeriod =
        new TimeOffsetMediaPeriod(
                childMediaPeriodId, allocator, startPositionUs - timeOffsetUs),
    mediaSourceByMediaPeriod.put(mediaPeriod, holder);
    return mediaPeriod;

  public void releasePeriod(MediaPeriod mediaPeriod) {
    MediaSourceHolder holder = checkNotNull(mediaSourceByMediaPeriod.remove(mediaPeriod));
    holder.mediaSource.releasePeriod(((TimeOffsetMediaPeriod) mediaPeriod).getWrappedMediaPeriod());
    if (!mediaSourceByMediaPeriod.isEmpty()) {

  protected void releaseSourceInternal() {
    if (playbackThreadHandler != null) {
      playbackThreadHandler = null;
    timelineUpdateScheduled = false;

  protected void onChildSourceInfoRefreshed(
      Integer childSourceId, MediaSource mediaSource, Timeline newTimeline) {

  protected MediaPeriodId getMediaPeriodIdForChildMediaPeriodId(
      Integer childSourceId, MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId) {
    int childIndex =
            mediaPeriodId.windowSequenceNumber, mediaSourceHolders.size());
    if (childSourceId != childIndex) {
      // Ensure the reported media period id has the expected window sequence number. Otherwise it
      // does not belong to this child source.
      return null;
    long windowSequenceNumber =
            mediaPeriodId.windowSequenceNumber, mediaSourceHolders.size());
    Object periodUid = getPeriodUid(childSourceId, mediaPeriodId.periodUid);
    return mediaPeriodId

  protected int getWindowIndexForChildWindowIndex(Integer childSourceId, int windowIndex) {
    return 0;

  protected long getMediaTimeForChildMediaTime(
      Integer childSourceId, long mediaTimeMs, @Nullable MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId) {
    if (mediaTimeMs == C.TIME_UNSET || mediaPeriodId == null || mediaPeriodId.isAd()) {
      return mediaTimeMs;
    Long timeOffsetUs =
    if (timeOffsetUs == null) {
      return mediaTimeMs;
    return mediaTimeMs + usToMs(timeOffsetUs);

  private boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
    if (msg.what == MSG_UPDATE_TIMELINE) {
    return true;

  private void scheduleTimelineUpdate() {
    if (!timelineUpdateScheduled) {
      timelineUpdateScheduled = true;

  private void updateTimeline() {
    timelineUpdateScheduled = false;
    @Nullable ConcatenatedTimeline timeline = maybeCreateConcatenatedTimeline();
    if (timeline != null) {

  private void disableUnusedMediaSources() {
    for (int i = 0; i < mediaSourceHolders.size(); i++) {
      MediaSourceHolder holder = mediaSourceHolders.get(i);
      if (holder.activeMediaPeriods == 0) {

  private ConcatenatedTimeline maybeCreateConcatenatedTimeline() {
    Timeline.Window window = new Timeline.Window();
    Timeline.Period period = new Timeline.Period();
    ImmutableList.Builder<Timeline> timelinesBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    ImmutableList.Builder<Integer> firstPeriodIndicesBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    ImmutableList.Builder<Long> periodOffsetsInWindowUsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    int periodCount = 0;
    boolean isSeekable = true;
    boolean isDynamic = false;
    long durationUs = 0;
    long defaultPositionUs = 0;
    long nextPeriodOffsetInWindowUs = 0;
    boolean manifestsAreIdentical = true;
    boolean hasInitialManifest = false;
    @Nullable Object initialManifest = null;
    int mediaSourceHoldersCount = mediaSourceHolders.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < mediaSourceHoldersCount; i++) {
      MediaSourceHolder holder = mediaSourceHolders.get(i);
      Timeline timeline = holder.mediaSource.getTimeline();
      checkArgument(!timeline.isEmpty(), "Can't concatenate empty child Timeline.");
      int periodCountInMediaSourceHolder = timeline.getPeriodCount();
      periodCount += periodCountInMediaSourceHolder;
      for (int j = 0; j < timeline.getWindowCount(); j++) {
        timeline.getWindow(/* windowIndex= */ j, window);
        if (!hasInitialManifest) {
          initialManifest = window.manifest;
          hasInitialManifest = true;
        manifestsAreIdentical =
            manifestsAreIdentical && Util.areEqual(initialManifest, window.manifest);

        long windowDurationUs = window.durationUs;
        if (windowDurationUs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
          if (holder.initialPlaceholderDurationUs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
            // Source duration isn't known yet and we have no placeholder duration.
            return null;
          windowDurationUs = holder.initialPlaceholderDurationUs;
        durationUs += windowDurationUs;
        if (holder.index == 0 && j == 0) {
          defaultPositionUs = window.defaultPositionUs;
          nextPeriodOffsetInWindowUs = -window.positionInFirstPeriodUs;
        // Assume placeholder windows are seekable to not prevent seeking in other periods.
        isSeekable &= window.isSeekable || window.isPlaceholder;
        isDynamic |= window.isDynamic;

        for (int k = window.firstPeriodIndex; k <= window.lastPeriodIndex; k++) {
          timeline.getPeriod(/* periodIndex= */ k, period, /* setIds= */ true);
          long periodDurationUs = period.durationUs;
          if (periodDurationUs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
                window.firstPeriodIndex == window.lastPeriodIndex,
                "Can't apply placeholder duration to multiple periods with unknown duration "
                    + "in a single window.");
            periodDurationUs = windowDurationUs + window.positionInFirstPeriodUs;
          long timeOffsetUsForPeriod = 0;
          boolean isFirstPeriodInNonFirstWindow =
              k == window.firstPeriodIndex && (holder.index != 0 || j != 0);
          if (isFirstPeriodInNonFirstWindow && periodDurationUs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
            timeOffsetUsForPeriod = -window.positionInFirstPeriodUs;
            periodDurationUs += timeOffsetUsForPeriod;
          Object periodUid = checkNotNull(period.uid);
              holder.activeMediaPeriods == 0
                  || !holder.periodTimeOffsetsByUid.containsKey(periodUid)
                  || holder.periodTimeOffsetsByUid.get(periodUid).equals(timeOffsetUsForPeriod),
              "Can't handle windows with changing offset in first period.");
          holder.periodTimeOffsetsByUid.put(periodUid, timeOffsetUsForPeriod);
          nextPeriodOffsetInWindowUs += periodDurationUs;
    return new ConcatenatedTimeline(
        manifestsAreIdentical ? initialManifest : null);

   * Returns the period uid for the concatenated source from the child index and child period uid.
  private static Object getPeriodUid(int childIndex, Object childPeriodUid) {
    return Pair.create(childIndex, childPeriodUid);

  /** Returns the child index from the period uid of the concatenated source. */
  private static int getChildIndex(Object periodUid) {
    return ((Pair<Integer, Object>) periodUid).first;

  /** Returns the uid of child period from the period uid of the concatenated source. */
  private static Object getChildPeriodUid(Object periodUid) {
    return ((Pair<Integer, Object>) periodUid).second;

  /** Returns the window sequence number used for the child source. */
  private static long getChildWindowSequenceNumber(
      long windowSequenceNumber, int childCount, int childIndex) {
    return windowSequenceNumber * childCount + childIndex;

  /** Returns the index of the child source from a child window sequence number. */
  private static int getChildIndexFromChildWindowSequenceNumber(
      long childWindowSequenceNumber, int childCount) {
    return (int) (childWindowSequenceNumber % childCount);

  /** Returns the concatenated window sequence number from a child window sequence number. */
  private static long getWindowSequenceNumberFromChildWindowSequenceNumber(
      long childWindowSequenceNumber, int childCount) {
    return childWindowSequenceNumber / childCount;

  /* package */ static final class MediaSourceHolder {

    public final MaskingMediaSource mediaSource;
    public final int index;
    public final long initialPlaceholderDurationUs;
    public final HashMap<Object, Long> periodTimeOffsetsByUid;

    public int activeMediaPeriods;

    public MediaSourceHolder(
        MediaSource mediaSource, int index, long initialPlaceholderDurationUs) {
      this.mediaSource = new MaskingMediaSource(mediaSource, /* useLazyPreparation= */ false);
      this.index = index;
      this.initialPlaceholderDurationUs = initialPlaceholderDurationUs;
      this.periodTimeOffsetsByUid = new HashMap<>();

  private static final class ConcatenatedTimeline extends Timeline {

    private final MediaItem mediaItem;
    private final ImmutableList<Timeline> timelines;
    private final ImmutableList<Integer> firstPeriodIndices;
    private final ImmutableList<Long> periodOffsetsInWindowUs;
    private final boolean isSeekable;
    private final boolean isDynamic;
    private final long durationUs;
    private final long defaultPositionUs;
    @Nullable private final Object manifest;

    public ConcatenatedTimeline(
        MediaItem mediaItem,
        ImmutableList<Timeline> timelines,
        ImmutableList<Integer> firstPeriodIndices,
        ImmutableList<Long> periodOffsetsInWindowUs,
        boolean isSeekable,
        boolean isDynamic,
        long durationUs,
        long defaultPositionUs,
        @Nullable Object manifest) {
      this.mediaItem = mediaItem;
      this.timelines = timelines;
      this.firstPeriodIndices = firstPeriodIndices;
      this.periodOffsetsInWindowUs = periodOffsetsInWindowUs;
      this.isSeekable = isSeekable;
      this.isDynamic = isDynamic;
      this.durationUs = durationUs;
      this.defaultPositionUs = defaultPositionUs;
      this.manifest = manifest;

    public int getWindowCount() {
      return 1;

    public int getPeriodCount() {
      return periodOffsetsInWindowUs.size();

    public Window getWindow(int windowIndex, Window window, long defaultPositionProjectionUs) {
      return window.set(
          /* presentationStartTimeMs= */ C.TIME_UNSET,
          /* windowStartTimeMs= */ C.TIME_UNSET,
          /* elapsedRealtimeEpochOffsetMs= */ C.TIME_UNSET,
          /* liveConfiguration= */ null,
          /* firstPeriodIndex= */ 0,
          /* lastPeriodIndex= */ getPeriodCount() - 1,
          /* positionInFirstPeriodUs= */ -periodOffsetsInWindowUs.get(0));

    public Period getPeriodByUid(Object periodUid, Period period) {
      int childIndex = getChildIndex(periodUid);
      Object childPeriodUid = getChildPeriodUid(periodUid);
      Timeline timeline = timelines.get(childIndex);
      int periodIndex =
          firstPeriodIndices.get(childIndex) + timeline.getIndexOfPeriod(childPeriodUid);
      timeline.getPeriodByUid(childPeriodUid, period);
      period.windowIndex = 0;
      period.positionInWindowUs = periodOffsetsInWindowUs.get(periodIndex);
      period.durationUs = getPeriodDurationUs(period, periodIndex);
      period.uid = periodUid;
      return period;

    public Period getPeriod(int periodIndex, Period period, boolean setIds) {
      int childIndex = getChildIndexByPeriodIndex(periodIndex);
      int firstPeriodIndexInChild = firstPeriodIndices.get(childIndex);
      timelines.get(childIndex).getPeriod(periodIndex - firstPeriodIndexInChild, period, setIds);
      period.windowIndex = 0;
      period.positionInWindowUs = periodOffsetsInWindowUs.get(periodIndex);
      period.durationUs = getPeriodDurationUs(period, periodIndex);
      if (setIds) {
        period.uid = getPeriodUid(childIndex, checkNotNull(period.uid));
      return period;

    public int getIndexOfPeriod(Object uid) {
      if (!(uid instanceof Pair) || !(((Pair<?, ?>) uid).first instanceof Integer)) {
        return C.INDEX_UNSET;
      int childIndex = getChildIndex(uid);
      Object periodUid = getChildPeriodUid(uid);
      int periodIndexInChild = timelines.get(childIndex).getIndexOfPeriod(periodUid);
      return periodIndexInChild == C.INDEX_UNSET
          ? C.INDEX_UNSET
          : firstPeriodIndices.get(childIndex) + periodIndexInChild;

    public Object getUidOfPeriod(int periodIndex) {
      int childIndex = getChildIndexByPeriodIndex(periodIndex);
      int firstPeriodIndexInChild = firstPeriodIndices.get(childIndex);
      Object periodUidInChild =
          timelines.get(childIndex).getUidOfPeriod(periodIndex - firstPeriodIndexInChild);
      return getPeriodUid(childIndex, periodUidInChild);

    private int getChildIndexByPeriodIndex(int periodIndex) {
      return Util.binarySearchFloor(
          firstPeriodIndices, periodIndex + 1, /* inclusive= */ false, /* stayInBounds= */ false);

    private long getPeriodDurationUs(Timeline.Period childPeriod, int periodIndex) {
      // Keep unset duration, but force duration to match offset of next period otherwise.
      if (childPeriod.durationUs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
        return C.TIME_UNSET;
      long periodStartTimeInWindowUs = periodOffsetsInWindowUs.get(periodIndex);
      long periodEndTimeInWindowUs =
          periodIndex == periodOffsetsInWindowUs.size() - 1
              ? durationUs
              : periodOffsetsInWindowUs.get(periodIndex + 1);
      return periodEndTimeInWindowUs - periodStartTimeInWindowUs;