public final class


extends BasePreloadManager<java.lang.Integer>




Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-exoplayer', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-exoplayer
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


A preload manager that preloads with the PreloadMediaSource to load the media data into the SampleQueue.


from BasePreloadManager<T>rankingDataComparator
publicDefaultPreloadManager(TargetPreloadStatusControl<java.lang.Integer> targetPreloadStatusControl, MediaSource.Factory mediaSourceFactory, TrackSelector trackSelector, BandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter, RendererCapabilitiesList.Factory rendererCapabilitiesListFactory, Allocator allocator, Looper preloadLooper)

Constructs a new instance.

protected abstract voidclearSourceInternal(MediaSource mediaSource)

Clears the preloaded data of the given MediaSource, while not releasing the instance of it.

protected MediaSourcecreateMediaSourceForPreloading(MediaSource mediaSource)

Returns the MediaSource that the preload manager creates for preloading based on the given source.

protected abstract voidpreloadSourceInternal(MediaSource mediaSource, long startPositionsUs)

Preloads the given MediaSource.

protected voidreleaseInternal()

Releases the preload manager, see BasePreloadManager.release().

protected abstract voidreleaseSourceInternal(MediaSource mediaSource)

Releases the given MediaSource.

public voidsetCurrentPlayingIndex(int currentPlayingIndex)

Sets the index of the current playing media.

from BasePreloadManager<T>add, add, addListener, clearListeners, getMediaSource, getSourceCount, getTargetPreloadStatus, invalidate, onPreloadCompleted, onPreloadError, onPreloadSkipped, release, remove, remove, removeListener, reset, shouldStartPreloadingNextSource
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public DefaultPreloadManager(TargetPreloadStatusControl<java.lang.Integer> targetPreloadStatusControl, MediaSource.Factory mediaSourceFactory, TrackSelector trackSelector, BandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter, RendererCapabilitiesList.Factory rendererCapabilitiesListFactory, Allocator allocator, Looper preloadLooper)

Constructs a new instance.


targetPreloadStatusControl: The TargetPreloadStatusControl.
mediaSourceFactory: The .
trackSelector: The TrackSelector. The instance passed should be initialized.
bandwidthMeter: The BandwidthMeter. It should be the same bandwidth meter of the ExoPlayer that will play the managed PreloadMediaSource.
rendererCapabilitiesListFactory: The . To make preloading work properly, it must create a RendererCapabilitiesList holding an array of renderer capabilities that matches the count and the renderer types of the array of renderers created by the RenderersFactory used by the ExoPlayer that will play the managed PreloadMediaSource.
allocator: The Allocator. It should be the same allocator of the ExoPlayer that will play the managed PreloadMediaSource.
preloadLooper: The that will be used for preloading. It should be the same playback looper of the ExoPlayer that will play the manager PreloadMediaSource.


public void setCurrentPlayingIndex(int currentPlayingIndex)

Sets the index of the current playing media.


currentPlayingIndex: The index of current playing media.

protected MediaSource createMediaSourceForPreloading(MediaSource mediaSource)

Returns the MediaSource that the preload manager creates for preloading based on the given source. The default implementation returns the same source.


mediaSource: The source based on which the preload manager creates for preloading.


The source the preload manager creates for preloading.

protected abstract void preloadSourceInternal(MediaSource mediaSource, long startPositionsUs)

Preloads the given MediaSource.


mediaSource: The media source to preload.
startPositionsUs: The expected starting position in microseconds, or C.TIME_UNSET to indicate the default start position.

protected abstract void clearSourceInternal(MediaSource mediaSource)

Clears the preloaded data of the given MediaSource, while not releasing the instance of it.


mediaSource: The media source to clear.

protected abstract void releaseSourceInternal(MediaSource mediaSource)

Releases the given MediaSource.


mediaSource: The media source to release.

protected void releaseInternal()

Releases the preload manager, see BasePreloadManager.release().


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.preload;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static java.lang.Math.abs;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;

import android.os.Looper;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.ExoPlayer;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.Renderer;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.RendererCapabilitiesList;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.RenderersFactory;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.MediaSource;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.SampleQueue;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.trackselection.TrackSelector;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.Allocator;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.BandwidthMeter;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.Comparator;

 * A preload manager that preloads with the {@link PreloadMediaSource} to load the media data into
 * the {@link SampleQueue}.
public final class DefaultPreloadManager extends BasePreloadManager<Integer> {

   * An implementation of {@link TargetPreloadStatusControl.PreloadStatus} that describes the
   * preload status of the {@link PreloadMediaSource}.
  public static class Status implements TargetPreloadStatusControl.PreloadStatus {

     * Stages for the preload status. One of {@link #STAGE_SOURCE_PREPARED}, {@link
        value = {
    public @interface Stage {}

    /** The {@link PreloadMediaSource} has completed preparation. */
    public static final int STAGE_SOURCE_PREPARED = 0;

    /** The {@link PreloadMediaSource} has tracks selected. */
    public static final int STAGE_TRACKS_SELECTED = 1;

    /** The {@link PreloadMediaSource} is loaded to a specific position in microseconds. */
    public static final int STAGE_LOADED_TO_POSITION_MS = 2;

    private final @Stage int stage;
    private final long value;

    public Status(@Stage int stage, long value) {
      this.stage = stage;
      this.value = value;

    public Status(@Stage int stage) {
      this(stage, C.TIME_UNSET);

    public @Stage int getStage() {
      return stage;

    public long getValue() {
      return value;

  private final RendererCapabilitiesList rendererCapabilitiesList;
  private final PreloadMediaSource.Factory preloadMediaSourceFactory;

   * Constructs a new instance.
   * @param targetPreloadStatusControl The {@link TargetPreloadStatusControl}.
   * @param mediaSourceFactory The {@link MediaSource.Factory}.
   * @param trackSelector The {@link TrackSelector}. The instance passed should be {@link
   *     TrackSelector#init(TrackSelector.InvalidationListener, BandwidthMeter) initialized}.
   * @param bandwidthMeter The {@link BandwidthMeter}. It should be the same bandwidth meter of the
   *     {@link ExoPlayer} that will play the managed {@link PreloadMediaSource}.
   * @param rendererCapabilitiesListFactory The {@link RendererCapabilitiesList.Factory}. To make
   *     preloading work properly, it must create a {@link RendererCapabilitiesList} holding an
   *     {@linkplain RendererCapabilitiesList#getRendererCapabilities() array of renderer
   *     capabilities} that matches the {@linkplain ExoPlayer#getRendererCount() count} and the
   *     {@linkplain ExoPlayer#getRendererType(int) renderer types} of the array of {@linkplain
   *     Renderer renderers} created by the {@link RenderersFactory} used by the {@link ExoPlayer}
   *     that will play the managed {@link PreloadMediaSource}.
   * @param allocator The {@link Allocator}. It should be the same allocator of the {@link
   *     ExoPlayer} that will play the managed {@link PreloadMediaSource}.
   * @param preloadLooper The {@link Looper} that will be used for preloading. It should be the same
   *     playback looper of the {@link ExoPlayer} that will play the manager {@link
   *     PreloadMediaSource}.
  public DefaultPreloadManager(
      TargetPreloadStatusControl<Integer> targetPreloadStatusControl,
      MediaSource.Factory mediaSourceFactory,
      TrackSelector trackSelector,
      BandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter,
      RendererCapabilitiesList.Factory rendererCapabilitiesListFactory,
      Allocator allocator,
      Looper preloadLooper) {
    super(new RankingDataComparator(), targetPreloadStatusControl, mediaSourceFactory);
    this.rendererCapabilitiesList =
    preloadMediaSourceFactory =
        new PreloadMediaSource.Factory(
            new SourcePreloadControl(),

   * Sets the index of the current playing media.
   * @param currentPlayingIndex The index of current playing media.
  public void setCurrentPlayingIndex(int currentPlayingIndex) {
    RankingDataComparator rankingDataComparator =
        (RankingDataComparator) this.rankingDataComparator;
    rankingDataComparator.currentPlayingIndex = currentPlayingIndex;

  public MediaSource createMediaSourceForPreloading(MediaSource mediaSource) {
    return preloadMediaSourceFactory.createMediaSource(mediaSource);

  protected void preloadSourceInternal(MediaSource mediaSource, long startPositionsUs) {
    checkArgument(mediaSource instanceof PreloadMediaSource);
    ((PreloadMediaSource) mediaSource).preload(startPositionsUs);

  protected void clearSourceInternal(MediaSource mediaSource) {
    checkArgument(mediaSource instanceof PreloadMediaSource);
    ((PreloadMediaSource) mediaSource).clear();

  protected void releaseSourceInternal(MediaSource mediaSource) {
    checkArgument(mediaSource instanceof PreloadMediaSource);
    ((PreloadMediaSource) mediaSource).releasePreloadMediaSource();

  protected void releaseInternal() {

  private static final class RankingDataComparator implements Comparator<Integer> {

    public int currentPlayingIndex;

    public RankingDataComparator() {
      this.currentPlayingIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;

    public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
      return - currentPlayingIndex), abs(o2 - currentPlayingIndex));

  private final class SourcePreloadControl implements PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControl {
    public boolean onSourcePrepared(PreloadMediaSource mediaSource) {
      // The PreloadMediaSource may have more data preloaded than the target preload status if it
      // has been preloaded before, thus we set `clearExceededDataFromTargetPreloadStatus` to
      // `true` to clear the exceeded data.
      return continueOrCompletePreloading(
          /* continueLoadingPredicate= */ status ->
              status.getStage() > Status.STAGE_SOURCE_PREPARED,
          /* clearExceededDataFromTargetPreloadStatus= */ true);

    public boolean onTracksSelected(PreloadMediaSource mediaSource) {
      // Set `clearExceededDataFromTargetPreloadStatus` to `false` as clearing the exceeded data
      // from the status STAGE_TRACKS_SELECTED is not supported.
      return continueOrCompletePreloading(
          /* continueLoadingPredicate= */ status ->
              status.getStage() > Status.STAGE_TRACKS_SELECTED,
          /* clearExceededDataFromTargetPreloadStatus= */ false);

    public boolean onContinueLoadingRequested(
        PreloadMediaSource mediaSource, long bufferedPositionUs) {
      // Set `clearExceededDataFromTargetPreloadStatus` to `false` as clearing the exceeded data
      // from the status STAGE_LOADED_TO_POSITION_MS is not supported.
      return continueOrCompletePreloading(
          /* continueLoadingPredicate= */ status ->
              status.getStage() == Status.STAGE_LOADED_TO_POSITION_MS
                  && status.getValue() > Util.usToMs(bufferedPositionUs),
          /* clearExceededDataFromTargetPreloadStatus= */ false);

    public void onUsedByPlayer(PreloadMediaSource mediaSource) {

    public void onLoadedToTheEndOfSource(PreloadMediaSource mediaSource) {

    public void onPreloadError(PreloadException error, PreloadMediaSource mediaSource) {
      DefaultPreloadManager.this.onPreloadError(error, mediaSource);

    private boolean continueOrCompletePreloading(
        PreloadMediaSource mediaSource,
        Predicate<Status> continueLoadingPredicate,
        boolean clearExceededDataFromTargetPreloadStatus) {
      TargetPreloadStatusControl.PreloadStatus targetPreloadStatus =
      if (targetPreloadStatus != null) {
        Status status = (Status) targetPreloadStatus;
        if (continueLoadingPredicate.apply(checkNotNull(status))) {
          return true;
        if (clearExceededDataFromTargetPreloadStatus) {
      } else {
      return false;