public interface





Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-exoplayer', version: '1.0.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-exoplayer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:1.0.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (


A policy that defines how load errors are handled.

Some loaders are able to choose between a number of alternate resources. Such loaders will call LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.getFallbackSelectionFor(LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackOptions, LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.LoadErrorInfo) when a load error occurs. The LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackSelection returned by the policy defines whether the loader should fall back to using another resource, and if so the duration for which the failing resource should be excluded.

When fallback does not take place, a loader will call LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.getRetryDelayMsFor(LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.LoadErrorInfo). The value returned by the policy defines whether the failed load can be retried, and if so the duration to wait before retrying. If the policy indicates that a load error should not be retried, it will be considered fatal by the loader. The loader may also consider load errors that can be retried fatal if at least LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.getMinimumLoadableRetryCount(int) retries have been attempted.

Methods are invoked on the playback thread.


public static final intFALLBACK_TYPE_LOCATION

Fallback to the same resource at a different location (i.e., a different URL through which the exact same data can be requested).

public static final intFALLBACK_TYPE_TRACK

Fallback to a different track (i.e., a different representation of the same content; for example the same video encoded at a different bitrate or resolution).

public LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackSelectiongetFallbackSelectionFor(LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackOptions fallbackOptions, LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.LoadErrorInfo loadErrorInfo)

Returns whether a loader should fall back to using another resource on encountering an error, and if so the duration for which the failing resource should be excluded.

public intgetMinimumLoadableRetryCount(int dataType)

Returns the minimum number of times to retry a load before a load error that can be retried may be considered fatal.

public longgetRetryDelayMsFor(LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.LoadErrorInfo loadErrorInfo)

Returns whether a loader can retry on encountering an error, and if so the duration to wait before retrying.

public voidonLoadTaskConcluded(long loadTaskId)

Called once loadTaskId will not be associated with any more load errors.


public static final int FALLBACK_TYPE_LOCATION

Fallback to the same resource at a different location (i.e., a different URL through which the exact same data can be requested).

public static final int FALLBACK_TYPE_TRACK

Fallback to a different track (i.e., a different representation of the same content; for example the same video encoded at a different bitrate or resolution).


Returns whether a loader should fall back to using another resource on encountering an error, and if so the duration for which the failing resource should be excluded.

If the returned fallback type was not advertised as available, then the loader will not fall back.


fallbackOptions: The available fallback options.
loadErrorInfo: A LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.LoadErrorInfo holding information about the load error.


The selected fallback, or null if the calling loader should not fall back.

public long getRetryDelayMsFor(LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.LoadErrorInfo loadErrorInfo)

Returns whether a loader can retry on encountering an error, and if so the duration to wait before retrying. A return value of C.TIME_UNSET indicates that the error is fatal and should not be retried.

For loads that can be retried, loaders may ignore the retry delay returned by this method in order to wait for a specific event before retrying.


loadErrorInfo: A LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.LoadErrorInfo holding information about the load error.


The duration to wait before retrying in milliseconds, or C.TIME_UNSET if the error is fatal and should not be retried.

public void onLoadTaskConcluded(long loadTaskId)

Called once loadTaskId will not be associated with any more load errors.

Implementations should clean up any resources associated with loadTaskId when this method is called.

public int getMinimumLoadableRetryCount(int dataType)

Returns the minimum number of times to retry a load before a load error that can be retried may be considered fatal.


dataType: One of the C.DATA_TYPE_* constants indicating the type of data being loaded.


The minimum number of times to retry a load before a load error that can be retried may be considered fatal.

See also: Loader.startLoading(T, Loader.Callback, int)


 * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.LoadEventInfo;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.MediaLoadData;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.Loader.Callback;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.Loader.Loadable;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

 * A policy that defines how load errors are handled.
 * <p>Some loaders are able to choose between a number of alternate resources. Such loaders will
 * call {@link #getFallbackSelectionFor(FallbackOptions, LoadErrorInfo)} when a load error occurs.
 * The {@link FallbackSelection} returned by the policy defines whether the loader should fall back
 * to using another resource, and if so the duration for which the failing resource should be
 * excluded.
 * <p>When fallback does not take place, a loader will call {@link
 * #getRetryDelayMsFor(LoadErrorInfo)}. The value returned by the policy defines whether the failed
 * load can be retried, and if so the duration to wait before retrying. If the policy indicates that
 * a load error should not be retried, it will be considered fatal by the loader. The loader may
 * also consider load errors that can be retried fatal if at least {@link
 * #getMinimumLoadableRetryCount(int)} retries have been attempted.
 * <p>Methods are invoked on the playback thread.
public interface LoadErrorHandlingPolicy {

  /** Fallback type. One of {@link #FALLBACK_TYPE_LOCATION} or {@link #FALLBACK_TYPE_TRACK}. */
  @interface FallbackType {}

   * Fallback to the same resource at a different location (i.e., a different URL through which the
   * exact same data can be requested).
   * Fallback to a different track (i.e., a different representation of the same content; for
   * example the same video encoded at a different bitrate or resolution).

  /** Holds information about a load task error. */
  final class LoadErrorInfo {

    /** The {@link LoadEventInfo} associated with the load that encountered an error. */
    public final LoadEventInfo loadEventInfo;
    /** {@link MediaLoadData} associated with the load that encountered an error. */
    public final MediaLoadData mediaLoadData;
    /** The exception associated to the load error. */
    public final IOException exception;
    /** The number of errors this load task has encountered, including this one. */
    public final int errorCount;

    /** Creates an instance with the given values. */
    public LoadErrorInfo(
        LoadEventInfo loadEventInfo,
        MediaLoadData mediaLoadData,
        IOException exception,
        int errorCount) {
      this.loadEventInfo = loadEventInfo;
      this.mediaLoadData = mediaLoadData;
      this.exception = exception;
      this.errorCount = errorCount;

  /** Holds information about the available fallback options. */
  final class FallbackOptions {
    /** The number of available locations. */
    public final int numberOfLocations;
    /** The number of locations that are already excluded. */
    public final int numberOfExcludedLocations;
    /** The number of tracks. */
    public final int numberOfTracks;
    /** The number of tracks that are already excluded. */
    public final int numberOfExcludedTracks;

    /** Creates an instance. */
    public FallbackOptions(
        int numberOfLocations,
        int numberOfExcludedLocations,
        int numberOfTracks,
        int numberOfExcludedTracks) {
      this.numberOfLocations = numberOfLocations;
      this.numberOfExcludedLocations = numberOfExcludedLocations;
      this.numberOfTracks = numberOfTracks;
      this.numberOfExcludedTracks = numberOfExcludedTracks;

    /** Returns whether a fallback is available for the given {@link FallbackType fallback type}. */
    public boolean isFallbackAvailable(@FallbackType int type) {
      return type == FALLBACK_TYPE_LOCATION
          ? numberOfLocations - numberOfExcludedLocations > 1
          : numberOfTracks - numberOfExcludedTracks > 1;

  /** A selected fallback option. */
  final class FallbackSelection {
    /** The type of fallback. */
    public final @FallbackType int type;
    /** The duration for which the failing resource should be excluded, in milliseconds. */
    public final long exclusionDurationMs;

     * Creates an instance.
     * @param type The type of fallback.
     * @param exclusionDurationMs The duration for which the failing resource should be excluded, in
     *     milliseconds. Must be non-negative.
    public FallbackSelection(@FallbackType int type, long exclusionDurationMs) {
      checkArgument(exclusionDurationMs >= 0);
      this.type = type;
      this.exclusionDurationMs = exclusionDurationMs;

   * Returns whether a loader should fall back to using another resource on encountering an error,
   * and if so the duration for which the failing resource should be excluded.
   * <p>If the returned {@link FallbackSelection#type fallback type} was not {@link
   * FallbackOptions#isFallbackAvailable(int) advertised as available}, then the loader will not
   * fall back.
   * @param fallbackOptions The available fallback options.
   * @param loadErrorInfo A {@link LoadErrorInfo} holding information about the load error.
   * @return The selected fallback, or {@code null} if the calling loader should not fall back.
  FallbackSelection getFallbackSelectionFor(
      FallbackOptions fallbackOptions, LoadErrorInfo loadErrorInfo);

   * Returns whether a loader can retry on encountering an error, and if so the duration to wait
   * before retrying. A return value of {@link C#TIME_UNSET} indicates that the error is fatal and
   * should not be retried.
   * <p>For loads that can be retried, loaders may ignore the retry delay returned by this method in
   * order to wait for a specific event before retrying.
   * @param loadErrorInfo A {@link LoadErrorInfo} holding information about the load error.
   * @return The duration to wait before retrying in milliseconds, or {@link C#TIME_UNSET} if the
   *     error is fatal and should not be retried.
  long getRetryDelayMsFor(LoadErrorInfo loadErrorInfo);

   * Called once {@code loadTaskId} will not be associated with any more load errors.
   * <p>Implementations should clean up any resources associated with {@code loadTaskId} when this
   * method is called.
  default void onLoadTaskConcluded(long loadTaskId) {}

   * Returns the minimum number of times to retry a load before a load error that can be retried may
   * be considered fatal.
   * @param dataType One of the {@link C C.DATA_TYPE_*} constants indicating the type of data being
   *     loaded.
   * @return The minimum number of times to retry a load before a load error that can be retried may
   *     be considered fatal.
   * @see Loader#startLoading(Loadable, Callback, int)
  int getMinimumLoadableRetryCount(int dataType);