public class


extends java.lang.Object

implements BandwidthEstimator



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-exoplayer', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-exoplayer
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


A BandwidthEstimator that captures a transfer sample each time all parallel transfers end.


public voidaddEventListener(Handler eventHandler, BandwidthMeter.EventListener eventListener)

public longgetBandwidthEstimate()

public voidonBytesTransferred(DataSource source, int bytesTransferred)

public voidonNetworkTypeChange(long newBandwidthEstimate)

public voidonTransferEnd(DataSource source)

public voidonTransferInitializing(DataSource source)

public voidonTransferStart(DataSource source)

public voidremoveEventListener(BandwidthMeter.EventListener eventListener)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public void addEventListener(Handler eventHandler, BandwidthMeter.EventListener eventListener)

public void removeEventListener(BandwidthMeter.EventListener eventListener)

public void onTransferInitializing(DataSource source)

public void onTransferStart(DataSource source)

public void onBytesTransferred(DataSource source, int bytesTransferred)

public void onTransferEnd(DataSource source)

public long getBandwidthEstimate()

public void onNetworkTypeChange(long newBandwidthEstimate)


 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.experimental;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkState;

import android.os.Handler;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Clock;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSource;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.BandwidthMeter;

 * A {@link BandwidthEstimator} that captures a transfer sample each time all parallel transfers
 * end.
public class CombinedParallelSampleBandwidthEstimator implements BandwidthEstimator {

  /** A builder to create {@link CombinedParallelSampleBandwidthEstimator} instances. */
  public static class Builder {
    private BandwidthStatistic bandwidthStatistic;
    private int minSamples;
    private long minBytesTransferred;
    private Clock clock;

    /** Creates a new builder instance. */
    public Builder() {
      bandwidthStatistic = new SlidingWeightedAverageBandwidthStatistic();
      clock = Clock.DEFAULT;

     * Sets the {@link BandwidthStatistic} to be used by the estimator. By default, this is set to a
     * {@link SlidingWeightedAverageBandwidthStatistic}.
     * @param bandwidthStatistic The {@link BandwidthStatistic}.
     * @return This builder for convenience.
    public Builder setBandwidthStatistic(BandwidthStatistic bandwidthStatistic) {
      this.bandwidthStatistic = bandwidthStatistic;
      return this;

     * Sets a minimum threshold of samples that need to be taken before the estimator can return a
     * bandwidth estimate. By default, this is set to {@code 0}.
     * @param minSamples The minimum number of samples.
     * @return This builder for convenience.
    public Builder setMinSamples(int minSamples) {
      checkArgument(minSamples >= 0);
      this.minSamples = minSamples;
      return this;

     * Sets a minimum threshold of bytes that need to be transferred before the estimator can return
     * a bandwidth estimate. By default, this is set to {@code 0}.
     * @param minBytesTransferred The minimum number of transferred bytes.
     * @return This builder for convenience.
    public Builder setMinBytesTransferred(long minBytesTransferred) {
      checkArgument(minBytesTransferred >= 0);
      this.minBytesTransferred = minBytesTransferred;
      return this;

     * Sets the {@link Clock} used by the estimator. By default, this is set to {@link
     * Clock#DEFAULT}.
     * @param clock The {@link Clock} to be used.
     * @return This builder for convenience.
    /* package */ Builder setClock(Clock clock) {
      this.clock = clock;
      return this;

    public CombinedParallelSampleBandwidthEstimator build() {
      return new CombinedParallelSampleBandwidthEstimator(this);

  private final BandwidthStatistic bandwidthStatistic;
  private final int minSamples;
  private final long minBytesTransferred;
  private final BandwidthMeter.EventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher;
  private final Clock clock;

  private int streamCount;
  private long sampleStartTimeMs;
  private long sampleBytesTransferred;
  private long bandwidthEstimate;
  private long lastReportedBandwidthEstimate;
  private int totalSamplesAdded;
  private long totalBytesTransferred;

  private CombinedParallelSampleBandwidthEstimator(Builder builder) {
    this.bandwidthStatistic = builder.bandwidthStatistic;
    this.minSamples = builder.minSamples;
    this.minBytesTransferred = builder.minBytesTransferred;
    this.clock = builder.clock;
    eventDispatcher = new BandwidthMeter.EventListener.EventDispatcher();
    bandwidthEstimate = ESTIMATE_NOT_AVAILABLE;
    lastReportedBandwidthEstimate = ESTIMATE_NOT_AVAILABLE;

  public void addEventListener(Handler eventHandler, BandwidthMeter.EventListener eventListener) {
    eventDispatcher.addListener(eventHandler, eventListener);

  public void removeEventListener(BandwidthMeter.EventListener eventListener) {

  public void onTransferInitializing(DataSource source) {}

  public void onTransferStart(DataSource source) {
    if (streamCount == 0) {
      sampleStartTimeMs = clock.elapsedRealtime();

  public void onBytesTransferred(DataSource source, int bytesTransferred) {
    sampleBytesTransferred += bytesTransferred;
    totalBytesTransferred += bytesTransferred;

  public void onTransferEnd(DataSource source) {
    checkState(streamCount > 0);
    if (streamCount > 0) {
    long nowMs = clock.elapsedRealtime();
    long sampleElapsedTimeMs = (int) (nowMs - sampleStartTimeMs);
    if (sampleElapsedTimeMs > 0) {
      bandwidthStatistic.addSample(sampleBytesTransferred, sampleElapsedTimeMs * 1000);
      if (totalSamplesAdded > minSamples && totalBytesTransferred > minBytesTransferred) {
        bandwidthEstimate = bandwidthStatistic.getBandwidthEstimate();
          (int) sampleElapsedTimeMs, sampleBytesTransferred, bandwidthEstimate);
      sampleBytesTransferred = 0;

  public long getBandwidthEstimate() {
    return bandwidthEstimate;

  public void onNetworkTypeChange(long newBandwidthEstimate) {
    long nowMs = clock.elapsedRealtime();
    int sampleElapsedTimeMs = streamCount > 0 ? (int) (nowMs - sampleStartTimeMs) : 0;
    maybeNotifyBandwidthSample(sampleElapsedTimeMs, sampleBytesTransferred, newBandwidthEstimate);
    bandwidthEstimate = ESTIMATE_NOT_AVAILABLE;
    sampleStartTimeMs = nowMs;
    sampleBytesTransferred = 0;
    totalSamplesAdded = 0;
    totalBytesTransferred = 0;

  private void maybeNotifyBandwidthSample(
      int elapsedMs, long bytesTransferred, long bandwidthEstimate) {
    if ((bandwidthEstimate == ESTIMATE_NOT_AVAILABLE)
        || (elapsedMs == 0
            && bytesTransferred == 0
            && bandwidthEstimate == lastReportedBandwidthEstimate)) {
    lastReportedBandwidthEstimate = bandwidthEstimate;
    eventDispatcher.bandwidthSample(elapsedMs, bytesTransferred, bandwidthEstimate);