public final class


extends java.lang.Object




Builder for a bandwidth meter.


publicBuilder(Context context)

Creates a builder with default parameters and without listener.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeterbuild()

Builds the bandwidth meter.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.BuildersetBandwidthEstimator(BandwidthEstimator bandwidthEstimator)

Sets the BandwidthEstimator used.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.BuildersetInitialBitrateEstimate(int networkType, long initialBitrateEstimate)

Sets the initial bitrate estimate in bits per second that should be assumed when a bandwidth estimate is unavailable and the current network connection is of the specified type.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.BuildersetInitialBitrateEstimate(long initialBitrateEstimate)

Sets the initial bitrate estimate in bits per second that should be assumed when a bandwidth estimate is unavailable.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.BuildersetInitialBitrateEstimate(java.lang.String countryCode)

Sets the initial bitrate estimates to the default values of the specified country.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.BuildersetResetOnNetworkTypeChange(boolean resetOnNetworkTypeChange)

Sets whether to reset if the network type changes.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.BuildersetTimeToFirstByteEstimator(TimeToFirstByteEstimator timeToFirstByteEstimator)

Sets the TimeToFirstByteEstimator to be used.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Builder(Context context)

Creates a builder with default parameters and without listener.


context: A context.


public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.Builder setInitialBitrateEstimate(long initialBitrateEstimate)

Sets the initial bitrate estimate in bits per second that should be assumed when a bandwidth estimate is unavailable.


initialBitrateEstimate: The initial bitrate estimate in bits per second.


This builder.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.Builder setInitialBitrateEstimate(int networkType, long initialBitrateEstimate)

Sets the initial bitrate estimate in bits per second that should be assumed when a bandwidth estimate is unavailable and the current network connection is of the specified type.


networkType: The this initial estimate is for.
initialBitrateEstimate: The initial bitrate estimate in bits per second.


This builder.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.Builder setInitialBitrateEstimate(java.lang.String countryCode)

Sets the initial bitrate estimates to the default values of the specified country. The initial estimates are used when a bandwidth estimate is unavailable.


countryCode: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country whose default bitrate estimates should be used.


This builder.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.Builder setTimeToFirstByteEstimator(TimeToFirstByteEstimator timeToFirstByteEstimator)

Sets the TimeToFirstByteEstimator to be used.

Default is PercentileTimeToFirstByteEstimator with a sliding window size of ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_FIRST_BYTE_SAMPLES that uses a percentile of ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_FIRST_BYTE_PERCENTILE.


timeToFirstByteEstimator: The TimeToFirstByteEstimator to be used.


This builder.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.Builder setBandwidthEstimator(BandwidthEstimator bandwidthEstimator)

Sets the BandwidthEstimator used. By default, this is set to a SplitParallelSampleBandwidthEstimator using a SlidingWeightedAverageBandwidthStatistic.

public ExperimentalBandwidthMeter.Builder setResetOnNetworkTypeChange(boolean resetOnNetworkTypeChange)

Sets whether to reset if the network type changes. The default value is true.


resetOnNetworkTypeChange: Whether to reset if the network type changes.


This builder.

Builds the bandwidth meter.


A bandwidth meter with the configured properties.