public interface




SsaParser, PgsParser, TtmlParser, DvbParser, SubripParser, Mp4WebvttParser, WebvttParser, Tx3gParser

Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-extractor', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-extractor
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-extractor:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


Parses subtitle data into timed CuesWithTiming instances.

Instances are stateful, so samples can be fed in repeated calls to SubtitleParser.parse(byte[], SubtitleParser.OutputOptions, Consumer), and one or more complete CuesWithTiming instances will be returned when enough data has been received. Due to this stateful-ness, SubtitleParser.reset() must be called after a seek or similar discontinuity in the source data.


public intgetCueReplacementBehavior()

Returns the Format.CueReplacementBehavior for consecutive CuesWithTiming emitted by this implementation.

public voidparse(byte[] data[], int offset, int length, SubtitleParser.OutputOptions outputOptions, Consumer<CuesWithTiming> output)

Parses data (and any data stored from previous invocations) and emits any resulting complete CuesWithTiming instances via output.

public voidparse(byte[] data[], SubtitleParser.OutputOptions outputOptions, Consumer<CuesWithTiming> output)

Parses data (and any data stored from previous invocations) and emits resulting CuesWithTiming instances.

public SubtitleparseToLegacySubtitle(byte[] data[], int offset, int length)

Parses data to a legacy Subtitle instance.

public voidreset()

Clears any data stored inside this parser from previous SubtitleParser.parse(byte[], SubtitleParser.OutputOptions, Consumer) calls.


public void parse(byte[] data[], SubtitleParser.OutputOptions outputOptions, Consumer<CuesWithTiming> output)

Parses data (and any data stored from previous invocations) and emits resulting CuesWithTiming instances.

Equivalent to parse(data, 0, data.length, outputOptions, output).

public void parse(byte[] data[], int offset, int length, SubtitleParser.OutputOptions outputOptions, Consumer<CuesWithTiming> output)

Parses data (and any data stored from previous invocations) and emits any resulting complete CuesWithTiming instances via output.

Any samples not used from data will be persisted and used during subsequent calls to this method.

CuesWithTiming.startTimeUs in an emitted instance is derived only from the provided sample data, so has to be considered together with any relevant Format.subsampleOffsetUs. If the provided sample doesn't contain any timing information then at most one CuesWithTiming instance will be emitted, with CuesWithTiming.startTimeUs set to C.TIME_UNSET, in which case Format.subsampleOffsetUs must be Format.OFFSET_SAMPLE_RELATIVE.


data: The subtitle data to parse. This must contain only complete samples. For subtitles muxed inside a media container, a sample is usually defined by the container. For subtitles read from a text file, a sample is usually the entire contents of the text file.
offset: The index in data to start reading from (inclusive).
length: The number of bytes to read from data.
outputOptions: Options to control how instances are emitted to output.
output: A consumer for CuesWithTiming instances emitted by this method. All calls will be made on the thread that called this method, and will be completed before this method returns.

public Subtitle parseToLegacySubtitle(byte[] data[], int offset, int length)

Parses data to a legacy Subtitle instance.

This method only exists temporarily to support the transition away from SubtitleDecoder and Subtitle. It will be removed in a future release.

The default implementation delegates to SubtitleParser.parse(byte[], int, int, SubtitleParser.OutputOptions, Consumer). Implementations can override this to provide a more efficient implementation if desired.


data: The subtitle data to parse. This must contain only complete samples. For subtitles muxed inside a media container, a sample is usually defined by the container. For subtitles read from a text file, a sample is usually the entire contents of the text file.
offset: The index in data to start reading from (inclusive).
length: The number of bytes to read from data.

public void reset()

Clears any data stored inside this parser from previous SubtitleParser.parse(byte[], SubtitleParser.OutputOptions, Consumer) calls.

This must be called after a seek or other similar discontinuity in the source data.

The default implementation is a no-op.

public int getCueReplacementBehavior()

Returns the Format.CueReplacementBehavior for consecutive CuesWithTiming emitted by this implementation.

A given instance must always return the same value from this method.


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.media3.extractor.text;

import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.Format;
import androidx.media3.common.Format.CueReplacementBehavior;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Consumer;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;

 * Parses subtitle data into timed {@linkplain CuesWithTiming} instances.
 * <p>Instances are stateful, so samples can be fed in repeated calls to {@link #parse}, and one or
 * more complete {@link CuesWithTiming} instances will be returned when enough data has been
 * received. Due to this stateful-ness, {@link #reset()} must be called after a seek or similar
 * discontinuity in the source data.
public interface SubtitleParser {

  /** Factory for {@link SubtitleParser} instances. */
  interface Factory {

    /** A subtitle parser factory that supports no formats. */
    public static final Factory UNSUPPORTED =
        new Factory() {
          public boolean supportsFormat(Format format) {
            return false;

          public @CueReplacementBehavior int getCueReplacementBehavior(Format format) {
            return Format.CUE_REPLACEMENT_BEHAVIOR_MERGE;

          public SubtitleParser create(Format format) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "This SubtitleParser.Factory doesn't support any formats.");

     * Returns whether the factory is able to instantiate a {@link SubtitleParser} for the given
     * {@link Format}.
     * @param format The {@link Format}.
     * @return Whether the factory can instantiate a suitable {@link SubtitleParser}.
    boolean supportsFormat(Format format);

     * Returns the {@link CueReplacementBehavior} of the {@link SubtitleParser} implementation that
     * handles {@code format}.
     * @return The replacement behavior.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code format} is {@linkplain #supportsFormat(Format) not
     *     supported} by this factory.
    int getCueReplacementBehavior(Format format);

     * Creates a {@link SubtitleParser} for the given {@link Format}.
     * @return The {@link SubtitleParser} instance.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code format} is {@linkplain #supportsFormat(Format) not
     *     supported} by this factory.
    SubtitleParser create(Format format);

   * Options to control the output behavior of {@link SubtitleParser} methods that emit their output
   * incrementally using a {@link Consumer} provided by the caller.
  class OutputOptions {

    private static final OutputOptions ALL =
        new OutputOptions(C.TIME_UNSET, /* outputAllCues= */ false);

     * Cues after this time (inclusive) will be emitted first. Cues before this time might be
     * emitted later, depending on {@link #outputAllCues}. Can be {@link C#TIME_UNSET} to emit all
     * cues.
    public final long startTimeUs;

     * Whether to eventually emit all cues, or only those after {@link #startTimeUs}. Ignored if
     * {@link #startTimeUs} is not set.
    public final boolean outputAllCues;

    private OutputOptions(long startTimeUs, boolean outputAllCues) {
      this.startTimeUs = startTimeUs;
      this.outputAllCues = outputAllCues;

    /** Output all {@link CuesWithTiming} instances. */
    public static OutputOptions allCues() {
      return ALL;

     * Only output {@link CuesWithTiming} instances where {@link CuesWithTiming#startTimeUs} is at
     * least {@code startTimeUs}.
     * <p>The order in which {@link CuesWithTiming} instances are emitted is not defined.
    public static OutputOptions onlyCuesAfter(long startTimeUs) {
      return new OutputOptions(startTimeUs, /* outputAllCues= */ false);

     * Output {@link CuesWithTiming} where {@link CuesWithTiming#startTimeUs} is at least {@code
     * startTimeUs}, followed by the remaining {@link CuesWithTiming} instances.
     * <p>Beyond this, the order in which {@link CuesWithTiming} instances are emitted is not
     * defined.
    public static OutputOptions cuesAfterThenRemainingCuesBefore(long startTimeUs) {
      return new OutputOptions(startTimeUs, /* outputAllCues= */ true);

   * Parses {@code data} (and any data stored from previous invocations) and emits resulting {@link
   * CuesWithTiming} instances.
   * <p>Equivalent to {@link #parse(byte[], int, int, OutputOptions, Consumer) parse(data, 0,
   * data.length, outputOptions, output)}.
  default void parse(byte[] data, OutputOptions outputOptions, Consumer<CuesWithTiming> output) {
    parse(data, /* offset= */ 0, data.length, outputOptions, output);

   * Parses {@code data} (and any data stored from previous invocations) and emits any resulting
   * complete {@link CuesWithTiming} instances via {@code output}.
   * <p>Any samples not used from {@code data} will be persisted and used during subsequent calls to
   * this method.
   * <p>{@link CuesWithTiming#startTimeUs} in an emitted instance is derived only from the provided
   * sample data, so has to be considered together with any relevant {@link
   * Format#subsampleOffsetUs}. If the provided sample doesn't contain any timing information then
   * at most one {@link CuesWithTiming} instance will be emitted, with {@link
   * CuesWithTiming#startTimeUs} set to {@link C#TIME_UNSET}, in which case {@link
   * Format#subsampleOffsetUs} <b>must</b> be {@link Format#OFFSET_SAMPLE_RELATIVE}.
   * @param data The subtitle data to parse. This must contain only complete samples. For subtitles
   *     muxed inside a media container, a sample is usually defined by the container. For subtitles
   *     read from a text file, a sample is usually the entire contents of the text file.
   * @param offset The index in {@code data} to start reading from (inclusive).
   * @param length The number of bytes to read from {@code data}.
   * @param outputOptions Options to control how instances are emitted to {@code output}.
   * @param output A consumer for {@link CuesWithTiming} instances emitted by this method. All calls
   *     will be made on the thread that called this method, and will be completed before this
   *     method returns.
  void parse(
      byte[] data,
      int offset,
      int length,
      OutputOptions outputOptions,
      Consumer<CuesWithTiming> output);

   * Parses {@code data} to a legacy {@link Subtitle} instance.
   * <p>This method only exists temporarily to support the transition away from {@link
   * SubtitleDecoder} and {@link Subtitle}. It will be removed in a future release.
   * <p>The default implementation delegates to {@link #parse(byte[], int, int, OutputOptions,
   * Consumer)}. Implementations can override this to provide a more efficient implementation if
   * desired.
   * @param data The subtitle data to parse. This must contain only complete samples. For subtitles
   *     muxed inside a media container, a sample is usually defined by the container. For subtitles
   *     read from a text file, a sample is usually the entire contents of the text file.
   * @param offset The index in {@code data} to start reading from (inclusive).
   * @param length The number of bytes to read from {@code data}.
  default Subtitle parseToLegacySubtitle(byte[] data, int offset, int length) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<CuesWithTiming> cuesWithTimingList = ImmutableList.builder();
    parse(data, offset, length, OutputOptions.ALL, cuesWithTimingList::add);
    return new CuesWithTimingSubtitle(;

   * Clears any data stored inside this parser from previous {@link #parse} calls.
   * <p>This must be called after a seek or other similar discontinuity in the source data.
   * <p>The default implementation is a no-op.
  default void reset() {}

   * Returns the {@link CueReplacementBehavior} for consecutive {@link CuesWithTiming} emitted by
   * this implementation.
   * <p>A given instance must always return the same value from this method.
  int getCueReplacementBehavior();