public final class


extends java.lang.Object

implements TsPayloadReader.Factory



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-extractor', version: '1.0.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-extractor
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-extractor:1.0.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (


Default TsPayloadReader.Factory implementation.


public static final intFLAG_ALLOW_NON_IDR_KEYFRAMES

When extracting H.264 samples, whether to treat samples consisting of non-IDR I slices as synchronization samples (key-frames).

public static final intFLAG_DETECT_ACCESS_UNITS

When extracting H.264 samples, whether to split the input stream into access units (samples) based on slice headers.


Sets whether HDMV DTS audio streams will be handled.

public static final intFLAG_IGNORE_AAC_STREAM

Prevents the creation of AdtsReader and LatmReader instances.

public static final intFLAG_IGNORE_H264_STREAM

Prevents the creation of H264Reader instances.

public static final intFLAG_IGNORE_SPLICE_INFO_STREAM

Prevents the creation of SectionPayloadReaders for splice information sections (SCTE-35).


Whether the list of closedCaptionFormats passed to DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory(int, List) should be used in spite of any closed captions service descriptors.


publicDefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory(int flags)

publicDefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory(int flags, java.util.List<Format> closedCaptionFormats)

public <any>createInitialPayloadReaders()

public TsPayloadReadercreatePayloadReader(int streamType, TsPayloadReader.EsInfo esInfo)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int FLAG_ALLOW_NON_IDR_KEYFRAMES

When extracting H.264 samples, whether to treat samples consisting of non-IDR I slices as synchronization samples (key-frames).

public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_AAC_STREAM

Prevents the creation of AdtsReader and LatmReader instances. This flag should be enabled if the transport stream contains no packets for an AAC elementary stream that is declared in the PMT.

public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_H264_STREAM

Prevents the creation of H264Reader instances. This flag should be enabled if the transport stream contains no packets for an H.264 elementary stream that is declared in the PMT.

public static final int FLAG_DETECT_ACCESS_UNITS

When extracting H.264 samples, whether to split the input stream into access units (samples) based on slice headers. This flag should be disabled if the stream contains access unit delimiters (AUDs).

public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_SPLICE_INFO_STREAM

Prevents the creation of SectionPayloadReaders for splice information sections (SCTE-35).


Whether the list of closedCaptionFormats passed to DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory(int, List) should be used in spite of any closed captions service descriptors. If this flag is disabled, closedCaptionFormats will be ignored if the PMT contains closed captions service descriptors.

public static final int FLAG_ENABLE_HDMV_DTS_AUDIO_STREAMS

Sets whether HDMV DTS audio streams will be handled. If this flag is set, SCTE subtitles will not be detected, as they share the same elementary stream type as HDMV DTS.


public DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory()

public DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory(int flags)


flags: A combination of FLAG_* values that control the behavior of the created readers.

public DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory(int flags, java.util.List<Format> closedCaptionFormats)


flags: A combination of FLAG_* values that control the behavior of the created readers.
closedCaptionFormats: Formats to be exposed by payload readers for streams with embedded closed captions when no caption service descriptors are provided. If DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.FLAG_OVERRIDE_CAPTION_DESCRIPTORS is set, closedCaptionFormats overrides any descriptor information. If not set, and closedCaptionFormats is empty, a closed caption track with Format.accessibilityChannel Format.NO_VALUE will be exposed.


public <any> createInitialPayloadReaders()

public TsPayloadReader createPayloadReader(int streamType, TsPayloadReader.EsInfo esInfo)


 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.extractor.ts;

import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;

import android.util.SparseArray;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.Format;
import androidx.media3.common.MimeTypes;
import androidx.media3.common.util.CodecSpecificDataUtil;
import androidx.media3.common.util.ParsableByteArray;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.extractor.ts.TsPayloadReader.EsInfo;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

/** Default {@link TsPayloadReader.Factory} implementation. */
public final class DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory implements TsPayloadReader.Factory {

   * Flags controlling elementary stream readers' behavior. Possible flag values are {@link
      flag = true,
      value = {
  public @interface Flags {}

   * When extracting H.264 samples, whether to treat samples consisting of non-IDR I slices as
   * synchronization samples (key-frames).
  public static final int FLAG_ALLOW_NON_IDR_KEYFRAMES = 1;
   * Prevents the creation of {@link AdtsReader} and {@link LatmReader} instances. This flag should
   * be enabled if the transport stream contains no packets for an AAC elementary stream that is
   * declared in the PMT.
  public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_AAC_STREAM = 1 << 1;
   * Prevents the creation of {@link H264Reader} instances. This flag should be enabled if the
   * transport stream contains no packets for an H.264 elementary stream that is declared in the
   * PMT.
  public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_H264_STREAM = 1 << 2;
   * When extracting H.264 samples, whether to split the input stream into access units (samples)
   * based on slice headers. This flag should be disabled if the stream contains access unit
   * delimiters (AUDs).
  public static final int FLAG_DETECT_ACCESS_UNITS = 1 << 3;
   * Prevents the creation of {@link SectionPayloadReader}s for splice information sections
   * (SCTE-35).
  public static final int FLAG_IGNORE_SPLICE_INFO_STREAM = 1 << 4;
   * Whether the list of {@code closedCaptionFormats} passed to {@link
   * DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory#DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory(int, List)} should be used in spite
   * of any closed captions service descriptors. If this flag is disabled, {@code
   * closedCaptionFormats} will be ignored if the PMT contains closed captions service descriptors.
  public static final int FLAG_OVERRIDE_CAPTION_DESCRIPTORS = 1 << 5;
   * Sets whether HDMV DTS audio streams will be handled. If this flag is set, SCTE subtitles will
   * not be detected, as they share the same elementary stream type as HDMV DTS.
  public static final int FLAG_ENABLE_HDMV_DTS_AUDIO_STREAMS = 1 << 6;

  private static final int DESCRIPTOR_TAG_CAPTION_SERVICE = 0x86;

  private final @Flags int flags;
  private final List<Format> closedCaptionFormats;

  public DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory() {

   * @param flags A combination of {@code FLAG_*} values that control the behavior of the created
   *     readers.
  public DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory(@Flags int flags) {
    this(flags, ImmutableList.of());

   * @param flags A combination of {@code FLAG_*} values that control the behavior of the created
   *     readers.
   * @param closedCaptionFormats {@link Format}s to be exposed by payload readers for streams with
   *     embedded closed captions when no caption service descriptors are provided. If {@link
   *     #FLAG_OVERRIDE_CAPTION_DESCRIPTORS} is set, {@code closedCaptionFormats} overrides any
   *     descriptor information. If not set, and {@code closedCaptionFormats} is empty, a closed
   *     caption track with {@link Format#accessibilityChannel} {@link Format#NO_VALUE} will be
   *     exposed.
  public DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory(@Flags int flags, List<Format> closedCaptionFormats) {
    this.flags = flags;
    this.closedCaptionFormats = closedCaptionFormats;

  public SparseArray<TsPayloadReader> createInitialPayloadReaders() {
    return new SparseArray<>();

  public TsPayloadReader createPayloadReader(int streamType, EsInfo esInfo) {
    switch (streamType) {
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_MPA:
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_MPA_LSF:
        return new PesReader(new MpegAudioReader(esInfo.language));
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_AAC_ADTS:
        return isSet(FLAG_IGNORE_AAC_STREAM)
            ? null
            : new PesReader(new AdtsReader(false, esInfo.language));
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_AAC_LATM:
        return isSet(FLAG_IGNORE_AAC_STREAM)
            ? null
            : new PesReader(new LatmReader(esInfo.language));
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_AC3:
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_E_AC3:
        return new PesReader(new Ac3Reader(esInfo.language));
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_AC4:
        return new PesReader(new Ac4Reader(esInfo.language));
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_HDMV_DTS:
          return null;
        // Fall through.
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_DTS:
        return new PesReader(new DtsReader(esInfo.language));
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_H262:
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_DC2_H262:
        return new PesReader(new H262Reader(buildUserDataReader(esInfo)));
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_H263:
        return new PesReader(new H263Reader(buildUserDataReader(esInfo)));
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_H264:
        return isSet(FLAG_IGNORE_H264_STREAM)
            ? null
            : new PesReader(
                new H264Reader(
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_H265:
        return new PesReader(new H265Reader(buildSeiReader(esInfo)));
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_SPLICE_INFO:
            ? null
            : new SectionReader(new PassthroughSectionPayloadReader(MimeTypes.APPLICATION_SCTE35));
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_ID3:
        return new PesReader(new Id3Reader());
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_DVBSUBS:
        return new PesReader(new DvbSubtitleReader(esInfo.dvbSubtitleInfos));
      case TsExtractor.TS_STREAM_TYPE_AIT:
        return new SectionReader(new PassthroughSectionPayloadReader(MimeTypes.APPLICATION_AIT));
        return null;

   * If {@link #FLAG_OVERRIDE_CAPTION_DESCRIPTORS} is set, returns a {@link SeiReader} for {@link
   * #closedCaptionFormats}. If unset, parses the PMT descriptor information and returns a {@link
   * SeiReader} for the declared formats, or {@link #closedCaptionFormats} if the descriptor is not
   * present.
   * @param esInfo The {@link EsInfo} passed to {@link #createPayloadReader(int, EsInfo)}.
   * @return A {@link SeiReader} for closed caption tracks.
  private SeiReader buildSeiReader(EsInfo esInfo) {
    return new SeiReader(getClosedCaptionFormats(esInfo));

   * If {@link #FLAG_OVERRIDE_CAPTION_DESCRIPTORS} is set, returns a {@link UserDataReader} for
   * {@link #closedCaptionFormats}. If unset, parses the PMT descriptor information and returns a
   * {@link UserDataReader} for the declared formats, or {@link #closedCaptionFormats} if the
   * descriptor is not present.
   * @param esInfo The {@link EsInfo} passed to {@link #createPayloadReader(int, EsInfo)}.
   * @return A {@link UserDataReader} for closed caption tracks.
  private UserDataReader buildUserDataReader(EsInfo esInfo) {
    return new UserDataReader(getClosedCaptionFormats(esInfo));

   * If {@link #FLAG_OVERRIDE_CAPTION_DESCRIPTORS} is set, returns a {@link List<Format>} of {@link
   * #closedCaptionFormats}. If unset, parses the PMT descriptor information and returns a {@link
   * List<Format>} for the declared formats, or {@link #closedCaptionFormats} if the descriptor is
   * not present.
   * @param esInfo The {@link EsInfo} passed to {@link #createPayloadReader(int, EsInfo)}.
   * @return A {@link List<Format>} containing list of closed caption formats.
  private List<Format> getClosedCaptionFormats(EsInfo esInfo) {
      return closedCaptionFormats;
    ParsableByteArray scratchDescriptorData = new ParsableByteArray(esInfo.descriptorBytes);
    List<Format> closedCaptionFormats = this.closedCaptionFormats;
    while (scratchDescriptorData.bytesLeft() > 0) {
      int descriptorTag = scratchDescriptorData.readUnsignedByte();
      int descriptorLength = scratchDescriptorData.readUnsignedByte();
      int nextDescriptorPosition = scratchDescriptorData.getPosition() + descriptorLength;
      if (descriptorTag == DESCRIPTOR_TAG_CAPTION_SERVICE) {
        // Note: see ATSC A/65 for detailed information about the caption service descriptor.
        closedCaptionFormats = new ArrayList<>();
        int numberOfServices = scratchDescriptorData.readUnsignedByte() & 0x1F;
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfServices; i++) {
          String language = scratchDescriptorData.readString(3);
          int captionTypeByte = scratchDescriptorData.readUnsignedByte();
          boolean isDigital = (captionTypeByte & 0x80) != 0;
          String mimeType;
          int accessibilityChannel;
          if (isDigital) {
            mimeType = MimeTypes.APPLICATION_CEA708;
            accessibilityChannel = captionTypeByte & 0x3F;
          } else {
            mimeType = MimeTypes.APPLICATION_CEA608;
            accessibilityChannel = 1;

          // easy_reader(1), wide_aspect_ratio(1), reserved(6).
          byte flags = (byte) scratchDescriptorData.readUnsignedByte();
          // Skip reserved (8).

          @Nullable List<byte[]> initializationData = null;
          // The wide_aspect_ratio flag only has meaning for CEA-708.
          if (isDigital) {
            boolean isWideAspectRatio = (flags & 0x40) != 0;
            initializationData =

              new Format.Builder()
      } else {
        // Unknown descriptor. Ignore.

    return closedCaptionFormats;

  private boolean isSet(@Flags int flag) {
    return (flags & flag) != 0;