public final class


extends java.lang.Object




A builder for FragmentedMp4Muxer instances.


publicBuilder( fileOutputStream)

Creates a FragmentedMp4Muxer.Builder instance with default values.

public FragmentedMp4Muxerbuild()

Builds a FragmentedMp4Muxer instance.

public FragmentedMp4Muxer.BuildersetFragmentDurationMs(long fragmentDurationMs)

Sets the fragment duration (in milliseconds).

public FragmentedMp4Muxer.BuildersetSampleCopyEnabled(boolean enabled)

Sets whether to enable the sample copy.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Builder( fileOutputStream)

Creates a FragmentedMp4Muxer.Builder instance with default values.


fileOutputStream: The to write the media data to.


public FragmentedMp4Muxer.Builder setFragmentDurationMs(long fragmentDurationMs)

Sets the fragment duration (in milliseconds).

The muxer will attempt to create fragments of the given duration but the actual duration might be greater depending upon the frequency of sync samples.

The default value is FragmentedMp4Muxer.DEFAULT_FRAGMENT_DURATION_MS.

public FragmentedMp4Muxer.Builder setSampleCopyEnabled(boolean enabled)

Sets whether to enable the sample copy.

If the sample copy is enabled, Muxer.writeSampleData(Muxer.TrackToken, ByteBuffer, BufferInfo) copies the input java.nio.ByteBuffer and before it returns, so it is safe to reuse them immediately. Otherwise, the muxer takes ownership of the java.nio.ByteBuffer and the and the caller must not modify them.

The default value is true.

public FragmentedMp4Muxer build()

Builds a FragmentedMp4Muxer instance.