public abstract class


extends MediaSessionService





Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-session', version: '1.0.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-session
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-session:1.0.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (


Superclass to be extended by services hosting media library sessions.

It enables applications to browse media content provided by an application, ask the application to start playback, and control the playback.

To extend this class, declare the intent filter in your AndroidManifest.xml.


You may also declare for compatibility with so that this service can handle the case.


public static final java.lang.StringSERVICE_INTERFACE

The action for filter that must be declared by the service.


public IBinderonBind(Intent intent)

Called when a component is about to bind to the service.

public abstract MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySessiononGetSession(MediaSession.ControllerInfo controllerInfo)

from MediaSessionServiceaddSession, getSessions, onCreate, onDestroy, onStartCommand, removeSession, setMediaNotificationProvider
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_INTERFACE

The action for filter that must be declared by the service.


public MediaLibraryService()


public IBinder onBind(Intent intent)

Called when a component is about to bind to the service.

The default implementation handles the incoming requests from controllers. In this case, the intent will have the action MediaSessionService.SERVICE_INTERFACE. Override this method if this service also needs to handle actions other than MediaSessionService.SERVICE_INTERFACE.

public abstract MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySession onGetSession(MediaSession.ControllerInfo controllerInfo)

It must return a MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySession which is a subclass of MediaSession.


 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.session;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotEmpty;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.session.LibraryResult.RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.Bundleable;
import androidx.media3.common.MediaItem;
import androidx.media3.common.MediaMetadata;
import androidx.media3.common.Player;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.session.MediaSession.ControllerInfo;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

 * Superclass to be extended by services hosting {@link MediaLibrarySession media library sessions}.
 * <p>It enables applications to browse media content provided by an application, ask the
 * application to start playback, and control the playback.
 * <p>To extend this class, declare the intent filter in your {@code AndroidManifest.xml}.
 * <pre>{@code
 * <service android:name="NameOfYourService">
 *   <intent-filter>
 *     <action android:name="androidx.media3.session.MediaLibraryService">
 *   </intent-filter>
 * </service>
 * }</pre>
 * <p>You may also declare {@code} for compatibility with
 * {@link} so that this service can handle the case.
 * @see MediaSessionService
public abstract class MediaLibraryService extends MediaSessionService {

  /** The action for {@link Intent} filter that must be declared by the service. */
  public static final String SERVICE_INTERFACE = "androidx.media3.session.MediaLibraryService";

   * An extended {@link MediaSession} for the {@link MediaLibraryService}. Build an instance with
   * {@link Builder} and return it from {@link MediaSessionService#onGetSession(ControllerInfo)}.
   * <h2 id="BackwardCompatibility">Backward compatibility with legacy media browser APIs</h2>
   * <p>A library session supports connection from both {@link MediaBrowser} and {@link
   *}, but the {@link ControllerInfo} may not be
   * precise. Here are the details.
   * <table>
   * <caption>Summary when controller info isn't precise</caption>
   * <tr>
   *   <th>SDK version</th>
   *   <th>{@link ControllerInfo#getPackageName()}<br>for legacy browser</th>
   *   <th>{@link ControllerInfo#getUid()}<br>for legacy browser</th></tr>
   * <tr>
   *   <td>{@code SDK_INT < 21}</td>
   *   <td>Actual package name via {@link Context#getPackageName()}</td>
   *   <td>Actual UID</td>
   * </tr>
   * <tr>
   *   <td>
   *     {@code 21 <= SDK_INT < 28}<br>
   *     for {@link MediaLibrarySessionCallback#onConnect onConnect}<br>
   *     and {@link MediaLibrarySessionCallback#onGetLibraryRoot onGetLibraryRoot}
   *   </td>
   *   <td>Actual package name via {@link Context#getPackageName()}</td>
   *   <td>Actual UID</td>
   * </tr>
   * <tr>
   *   <td>
   *     {@code 21 <= SDK_INT < 28}<br>
   *     for other {@link MediaLibrarySessionCallback callbacks}
   *   </td>
   *   <td>{@link RemoteUserInfo#LEGACY_CONTROLLER}</td>
   *   <td>Negative value</td>
   * </tr>
   * <tr>
   *   <td>{@code 28 <= SDK_INT}</td>
   *   <td>Actual package name via {@link Context#getPackageName()}</td>
   *   <td>Actual UID</td>
   * </tr>
   * </table>
  public static final class MediaLibrarySession extends MediaSession {

     * An extended {@link SessionCallback} for the {@link MediaLibrarySession}.
     * <p>When you return {@link LibraryResult} with {@link MediaItem media items}, each item must
     * have valid {@link MediaItem#mediaId} and specify {@link MediaMetadata#folderType} and {@link
     * MediaMetadata#isPlayable} in its {@link MediaItem#mediaMetadata}.
    public interface MediaLibrarySessionCallback extends SessionCallback {

      default ConnectionResult onConnect(MediaSession session, ControllerInfo controller) {
        SessionCommands sessionCommands =
            new SessionCommands.Builder().addAllLibraryCommands().addAllSessionCommands().build();
        Player.Commands playerCommands = new Player.Commands.Builder().addAllCommands().build();
        return ConnectionResult.accept(sessionCommands, playerCommands);

       * Called when a {@link MediaBrowser} requests the root {@link MediaItem} by {@link
       * MediaBrowser#getLibraryRoot(LibraryParams)}.
       * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} to send a {@link LibraryResult} back to the browser
       * asynchronously. You can also return a {@link LibraryResult} directly by using Guava's
       * {@link Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}.
       * <p>The {@link LibraryResult#params} may differ from the given {@link LibraryParams params}
       * if the session can't provide a root that matches with the {@code params}.
       * <p>To allow browsing the media library, return a {@link LibraryResult} with {@link
       * LibraryResult#RESULT_SUCCESS} and a root {@link MediaItem} with a valid {@link
       * MediaItem#mediaId}. The media id is required for the browser to get the children under the
       * root.
       * <p>Interoperability: If this callback is called because a legacy {@link
       *} has requested a {@link
       *}, then the main thread may be blocked
       * until the returned future is done. If your service may be queried by a legacy {@link
       *}, you should ensure that the future completes
       * quickly to avoid blocking the main thread for a long period of time.
       * @param session The session for this event.
       * @param browser The browser information.
       * @param params The optional parameters passed by the browser.
       * @return A pending result that will be resolved with a root media item.
      default ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<MediaItem>> onGetLibraryRoot(
          MediaLibrarySession session, ControllerInfo browser, @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
        return Futures.immediateFuture(LibraryResult.ofError(RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

       * Called when a {@link MediaBrowser} requests a {@link MediaItem} by {@link
       * MediaBrowser#getItem(String)}.
       * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} to send a {@link LibraryResult} back to the browser
       * asynchronously. You can also return a {@link LibraryResult} directly by using Guava's
       * {@link Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}.
       * <p>To allow getting the item, return a {@link LibraryResult} with {@link
       * LibraryResult#RESULT_SUCCESS} and a {@link MediaItem} with a valid {@link
       * MediaItem#mediaId}.
       * @param session The session for this event.
       * @param browser The browser information.
       * @param mediaId The non-empty media id of the requested item.
       * @return A pending result that will be resolved with a media item.
       * @see SessionCommand#COMMAND_CODE_LIBRARY_GET_ITEM
      default ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<MediaItem>> onGetItem(
          MediaLibrarySession session, ControllerInfo browser, String mediaId) {
        return Futures.immediateFuture(LibraryResult.ofError(RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

       * Called when a {@link MediaBrowser} requests the child {@link MediaItem media items} of the
       * given parent id by {@link MediaBrowser#getChildren(String, int, int, LibraryParams)}.
       * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} to send a {@link LibraryResult} back to the browser
       * asynchronously. You can also return a {@link LibraryResult} directly by using Guava's
       * {@link Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}.
       * <p>The {@link LibraryResult#params} should be the same as the given {@link LibraryParams
       * params}.
       * <p>To allow getting the children, return a {@link LibraryResult} with {@link
       * LibraryResult#RESULT_SUCCESS} and a list of {@link MediaItem media items}. Return an empty
       * list for no children rather than using error codes.
       * @param session The session for this event
       * @param browser The browser information.
       * @param parentId The non-empty parent id.
       * @param page The page number to get the paginated result starting from {@code 0}.
       * @param pageSize The page size to get the paginated result. Will be greater than {@code 0}.
       * @param params The optional parameters passed by the browser.
       * @return A pending result that will be resolved with a list of media items.
       * @see SessionCommand#COMMAND_CODE_LIBRARY_GET_CHILDREN
      default ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<ImmutableList<MediaItem>>> onGetChildren(
          MediaLibrarySession session,
          ControllerInfo browser,
          String parentId,
          @IntRange(from = 0) int page,
          @IntRange(from = 1) int pageSize,
          @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
        return Futures.immediateFuture(LibraryResult.ofError(RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

       * Called when a {@link MediaBrowser} subscribes to the given parent id by {@link
       * MediaBrowser#subscribe(String, LibraryParams)}.
       * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} to send a {@link LibraryResult} back to the browser
       * asynchronously. You can also return a {@link LibraryResult} directly by using Guava's
       * {@link Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}.
       * <p>The {@link LibraryResult#params} should be the same as the given {@link LibraryParams
       * params}.
       * <p>It's your responsibility to keep subscriptions and call {@link
       * MediaLibrarySession#notifyChildrenChanged(ControllerInfo, String, int, LibraryParams)} when
       * the children of the parent are changed until it's {@link #onUnsubscribe unsubscribed}.
       * <p>Interoperability: This will be called by {@link
       *}, but won't be called by {@link
       * @param session The session for this event.
       * @param browser The browser information.
       * @param parentId The non-empty parent id.
       * @param params The optional parameters passed by the browser.
       * @return A pending result that will be resolved with a result code.
       * @see SessionCommand#COMMAND_CODE_LIBRARY_SUBSCRIBE
      default ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<Void>> onSubscribe(
          MediaLibrarySession session,
          ControllerInfo browser,
          String parentId,
          @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
        return Futures.immediateFuture(LibraryResult.ofError(RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

       * Called when a {@link MediaBrowser} unsubscribes from the given parent id by {@link
       * MediaBrowser#unsubscribe(String)}.
       * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} to send a {@link LibraryResult} back to the browser
       * asynchronously. You can also return a {@link LibraryResult} directly by using Guava's
       * {@link Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}.
       * <p>Interoperability: This will be called by {@link
       *}, but won't be called by {@link
       * @param session The session for this event.
       * @param browser The browser information.
       * @param parentId The non-empty parent id.
       * @return A pending result that will be resolved with a result code.
      default ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<Void>> onUnsubscribe(
          MediaLibrarySession session, ControllerInfo browser, String parentId) {
        return Futures.immediateFuture(LibraryResult.ofError(RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

       * Called when a {@link MediaBrowser} requests a search with {@link
       * MediaBrowser#search(String, LibraryParams)}.
       * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} to send a {@link LibraryResult} back to the browser
       * asynchronously. You can also return a {@link LibraryResult} directly by using Guava's
       * {@link Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}.
       * <p>The {@link LibraryResult#params} should be the same as the given {@link LibraryParams
       * params}.
       * <p>Return {@link LibraryResult} with a result code for the search and notify the number of
       * search result ({@link MediaItem media items}) through {@link
       * #notifySearchResultChanged(ControllerInfo, String, int, LibraryParams)}. {@link
       * MediaBrowser} will ask the search result afterwards through {@link
       * #onGetSearchResult(MediaLibrarySession, ControllerInfo, String, int, int, LibraryParams)}.
       * @param session The session for this event.
       * @param browser The browser information.
       * @param query The non-empty search query.
       * @param params The optional parameters passed by the browser.
       * @return A pending result that will be resolved with a result code.
       * @see SessionCommand#COMMAND_CODE_LIBRARY_SEARCH
      default ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<Void>> onSearch(
          MediaLibrarySession session,
          ControllerInfo browser,
          String query,
          @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
        return Futures.immediateFuture(LibraryResult.ofError(RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

       * Called when a {@link MediaBrowser} requests a search result with {@link
       * MediaBrowser#getSearchResult(String, int, int, LibraryParams)}.
       * <p>Return a {@link ListenableFuture} to send a {@link LibraryResult} back to the browser
       * asynchronously. You can also return a {@link LibraryResult} directly by using Guava's
       * {@link Futures#immediateFuture(Object)}.
       * <p>The {@link LibraryResult#params} should be the same as the given {@link LibraryParams
       * params}.
       * <p>To allow getting the search result, return a {@link LibraryResult} with {@link
       * LibraryResult#RESULT_SUCCESS} and a list of {@link MediaItem media items}. Return an empty
       * list for no children rather than using error codes.
       * <p>Typically, the {@code query} is requested through {@link #onSearch(MediaLibrarySession,
       * ControllerInfo, String, LibraryParams)} before, but it may not especially when {@link
       *} is used.
       * @param session The session for this event.
       * @param browser The browser information.
       * @param query The non-empty search query.
       * @param page The page number to get the paginated result starting from {@code 0}.
       * @param pageSize The page size to get the paginated result. Will be greater than {@code 0}.
       * @param params The optional parameters passed by the browser.
       * @return A pending result that will be resolved with a list of media items.
      default ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<ImmutableList<MediaItem>>> onGetSearchResult(
          MediaLibrarySession session,
          ControllerInfo browser,
          String query,
          @IntRange(from = 0) int page,
          @IntRange(from = 1) int pageSize,
          @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
        return Futures.immediateFuture(LibraryResult.ofError(RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

     * A builder for {@link MediaLibrarySession}.
     * <p>Any incoming requests from the {@link MediaBrowser} will be handled on the application
     * thread of the underlying {@link Player}.
    // Note: Don't override #setSessionCallback() because the callback can be set by the
    // constructor.
    public static final class Builder
        extends BuilderBase<MediaLibrarySession, Builder, MediaLibrarySessionCallback> {

       * Creates a builder for {@link MediaLibrarySession}.
       * @param service The {@link MediaLibraryService} that instantiates the {@link
       *     MediaLibrarySession}.
       * @param player The underlying player to perform playback and handle transport controls.
       * @param callback The callback to handle requests from {@link MediaBrowser}.
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link Player#canAdvertiseSession()} returns false.
      // Builder requires MediaLibraryService instead of Context just to ensure that the
      // builder can be only instantiated within the MediaLibraryService.
      // Ideally it's better to make it inner class of service to enforce, but it violates API
      // guideline that Builders should be the inner class of the building target.
      public Builder(
          MediaLibraryService service, Player player, MediaLibrarySessionCallback callback) {
        super(service, player, callback);

       * Sets a {@link PendingIntent} to launch an {@link} for the {@link
       * MediaLibrarySession}. This can be used as a quick link to an ongoing media screen.
       * @param pendingIntent The pending intent.
       * @return The builder to allow chaining.
      public Builder setSessionActivity(PendingIntent pendingIntent) {
        return super.setSessionActivity(pendingIntent);

       * Sets an ID of the {@link MediaLibrarySession}. If not set, an empty string will be used.
       * <p>Use this if and only if your app supports multiple playback at the same time and also
       * wants to provide external apps to have finer-grained controls.
       * @param id The ID. Must be unique among all {@link MediaSession sessions} per package.
       * @return The builder to allow chaining.
      public Builder setId(String id) {
        return super.setId(id);

       * Sets the logic used to fill in the fields of a {@link MediaItem}.
       * @param mediaItemFiller The filler.
       * @return The builder to allow chaining.
      public Builder setMediaItemFiller(MediaItemFiller mediaItemFiller) {
        return super.setMediaItemFiller(mediaItemFiller);

       * Sets an extra {@link Bundle} for the {@link MediaLibrarySession}. The {@link
       * MediaLibrarySession#getToken()} session token} will have the {@link
       * SessionToken#getExtras() extras}. If not set, an empty {@link Bundle} will be used.
       * @param extras The extra {@link Bundle}.
       * @return The builder to allow chaining.
      public Builder setExtras(Bundle extras) {
        return super.setExtras(extras);

       * Builds a {@link MediaLibrarySession}.
       * @return A new session.
       * @throws IllegalStateException if a {@link MediaSession} with the same {@link #setId(String)
       *     ID} already exists in the package.
      public MediaLibrarySession build() {
        return new MediaLibrarySession(
            context, id, player, sessionActivity, callback, mediaItemFiller, extras);

    /* package */ MediaLibrarySession(
        Context context,
        String id,
        Player player,
        @Nullable PendingIntent sessionActivity,
        SessionCallback callback,
        MediaItemFiller mediaItemFiller,
        Bundle tokenExtras) {
      super(context, id, player, sessionActivity, callback, mediaItemFiller, tokenExtras);

    /* package */ MediaLibrarySessionImpl createImpl(
        Context context,
        String id,
        Player player,
        @Nullable PendingIntent sessionActivity,
        SessionCallback callback,
        MediaItemFiller mediaItemFiller,
        Bundle tokenExtras) {
      return new MediaLibrarySessionImpl(
          (MediaLibrarySession.MediaLibrarySessionCallback) callback,

    /* package */ MediaLibrarySessionImpl getImpl() {
      return (MediaLibrarySessionImpl) super.getImpl();

     * Notifies a browser that is {@link MediaLibrarySessionCallback#onSubscribe subscribing} to the
     * change to a parent's children. If the browser isn't subscribing to the parent, nothing will
     * happen.
     * <p>This only tells the number of child {@link MediaItem media items}. {@link
     * MediaLibrarySessionCallback#onGetChildren} will be called by the browser afterwards to get
     * the list of {@link MediaItem media items}.
     * @param browser The browser to notify.
     * @param parentId The non-empty id of the parent with changes to its children.
     * @param itemCount The number of children.
     * @param params The parameters given by {@link MediaLibrarySessionCallback#onSubscribe}.
    public void notifyChildrenChanged(
        ControllerInfo browser,
        String parentId,
        @IntRange(from = 0) int itemCount,
        @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
      checkArgument(itemCount >= 0);
          .notifyChildrenChanged(checkNotNull(browser), checkNotEmpty(parentId), itemCount, params);

     * Notifies all browsers that are {@link MediaLibrarySessionCallback#onSubscribe subscribing} to
     * the parent of the change to its children regardless of the {@link LibraryParams params} given
     * by {@link MediaLibrarySessionCallback#onSubscribe}.
     * @param parentId The non-empty id of the parent with changes to its children.
     * @param itemCount The number of children.
     * @param params The optional parameters.
    // This is for the backward compatibility.
    public void notifyChildrenChanged(
        String parentId, @IntRange(from = 0) int itemCount, @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
      checkArgument(itemCount >= 0);
      getImpl().notifyChildrenChanged(checkNotEmpty(parentId), itemCount, params);

     * Notifies a browser of a change to the {@link MediaLibrarySessionCallback#onSearch search}
     * result.
     * @param browser The browser to notify.
     * @param query The non-empty search query given by {@link
     *     MediaLibrarySessionCallback#onSearch}.
     * @param itemCount The number of items that have been found in the search.
     * @param params The parameters given by {@link MediaLibrarySessionCallback#onSearch}.
    public void notifySearchResultChanged(
        ControllerInfo browser,
        String query,
        @IntRange(from = 0) int itemCount,
        @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
      checkArgument(itemCount >= 0);
              checkNotNull(browser), checkNotEmpty(query), itemCount, params);

   * Parameters for the interaction between {@link MediaBrowser} and {@link MediaLibrarySession}.
   * <p>When a {@link MediaBrowser} specifies the parameters, the {@link MediaLibrarySession} is
   * recommended to do the best effort to provide a result regarding the parameters, but it's not an
   * error even though {@link MediaLibrarySession} doesn't return the parameters since they are
   * optional.
  public static final class LibraryParams implements Bundleable {

     * An extra {@link Bundle} for the private contract between {@link MediaBrowser} and {@link
     * MediaLibrarySession}.
    @UnstableApi public final Bundle extras;

     * Whether the media items are recently played.
     * <p>When a {@link MediaBrowser} specifies it as {@code true}, the {@link MediaLibrarySession}
     * is recommended to provide the recently played media items. If so, the implementation must
     * return the parameter with {@code true} as well. The list of media items is sorted by
     * relevance, the first being the most recent.
     * <p>When a {@link MediaBrowser} specifies it as {@code false}, the {@link MediaLibrarySession}
     * doesn't have to care about the recentness of media items.
    public final boolean isRecent;

     * Whether the media items can be played without an internet connection.
     * <p>When a {@link MediaBrowser} specifies it as {@code true}, the {@link MediaLibrarySession}
     * is recommended to provide offline media items. If so, the implementation must return the
     * parameter with {@code true} as well.
     * <p>When a {@link MediaBrowser} specifies it as {@code false}, the {@link MediaLibrarySession}
     * doesn't have to care about the offline playability of media items.
    public final boolean isOffline;

     * Whether the media items are suggested.
     * <p>When a {@link MediaBrowser} specifies it as {@code true}, the {@link MediaLibrarySession}
     * is recommended to provide suggested media items. If so, the implementation must return the
     * parameter with {@code true} as well. The list of media items is sorted by relevance, the
     * first being the top suggestion.
     * <p>When a {@link MediaBrowser} specifies it as {@code false}, the {@link MediaLibrarySession}
     * doesn't have to care about the suggestion for media items.
    public final boolean isSuggested;

    private LibraryParams(Bundle extras, boolean recent, boolean offline, boolean suggested) {
      this.extras = new Bundle(extras);
      this.isRecent = recent;
      this.isOffline = offline;
      this.isSuggested = suggested;

    /** A builder for {@link LibraryParams}. */
    public static final class Builder {

      private boolean recent;
      private boolean offline;
      private boolean suggested;
      private Bundle extras;

      public Builder() {
        extras = Bundle.EMPTY;

      /** Sets whether the media items are recently played. */
      public Builder setRecent(boolean recent) {
        this.recent = recent;
        return this;

      /** Sets whether the media items can be played without an internet connection. */
      public Builder setOffline(boolean offline) {
        this.offline = offline;
        return this;

      /** Sets whether the media items are suggested. */
      public Builder setSuggested(boolean suggested) {
        this.suggested = suggested;
        return this;

      /** Set an extra {@link Bundle}. */
      public Builder setExtras(Bundle extras) {
        this.extras = checkNotNull(extras);
        return this;

      /** Builds {@link LibraryParams}. */
      public LibraryParams build() {
        return new LibraryParams(extras, recent, offline, suggested);

    // Bundleable implementation.

    private @interface FieldNumber {}

    private static final int FIELD_EXTRAS = 0;
    private static final int FIELD_RECENT = 1;
    private static final int FIELD_OFFLINE = 2;
    private static final int FIELD_SUGGESTED = 3;

    public Bundle toBundle() {
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putBundle(keyForField(FIELD_EXTRAS), extras);
      bundle.putBoolean(keyForField(FIELD_RECENT), isRecent);
      bundle.putBoolean(keyForField(FIELD_OFFLINE), isOffline);
      bundle.putBoolean(keyForField(FIELD_SUGGESTED), isSuggested);
      return bundle;

    /** Object that can restore {@link LibraryParams} from a {@link Bundle}. */
    @UnstableApi public static final Creator<LibraryParams> CREATOR = LibraryParams::fromBundle;

    private static LibraryParams fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
      @Nullable Bundle extras = bundle.getBundle(keyForField(FIELD_EXTRAS));
      boolean recent = bundle.getBoolean(keyForField(FIELD_RECENT), /* defaultValue= */ false);
      boolean offline = bundle.getBoolean(keyForField(FIELD_OFFLINE), /* defaultValue= */ false);
      boolean suggested =
          bundle.getBoolean(keyForField(FIELD_SUGGESTED), /* defaultValue= */ false);
      return new LibraryParams(extras == null ? Bundle.EMPTY : extras, recent, offline, suggested);

    private static String keyForField(@FieldNumber int field) {
      return Integer.toString(field, Character.MAX_RADIX);

  public IBinder onBind(@Nullable Intent intent) {
    if (intent == null) {
      return null;
    if (MediaLibraryService.SERVICE_INTERFACE.equals(intent.getAction())) {
      return getServiceBinder();
    return super.onBind(intent);

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * <p>It must return a {@link MediaLibrarySession} which is a subclass of {@link MediaSession}.
  public abstract MediaLibrarySession onGetSession(ControllerInfo controllerInfo);