public final class


extends MediaController




Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-session', version: '1.0.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-session
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-session:1.0.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (


Browses media content offered by a MediaLibraryService in addition to the MediaController functions.


public <any>getChildren(java.lang.String parentId, int page, int pageSize, MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams params)

Returns the children under a parent id.

public <any>getItem(java.lang.String mediaId)

Returns the media item with the given media id.

public <any>getLibraryRoot(MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams params)

Returns the library root item.

public <any>getSearchResult(java.lang.String query, int page, int pageSize, MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams params)

Returns the search result from the library service.

public <any>search(java.lang.String query, MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams params)

Requests a search from the library service.

public <any>subscribe(java.lang.String parentId, MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams params)

Subscribes to a parent id for changes to its children.

public <any>unsubscribe(java.lang.String parentId)

Unsubscribes from a parent id for changes to its children, which was previously subscribed by MediaBrowser.

from MediaControlleraddListener, addMediaItem, addMediaItem, addMediaItems, addMediaItems, canAdvertiseSession, clearMediaItems, clearVideoSurface, clearVideoSurface, clearVideoSurfaceHolder, clearVideoSurfaceView, clearVideoTextureView, decreaseDeviceVolume, getApplicationLooper, getAudioAttributes, getAvailableCommands, getAvailableSessionCommands, getBufferedPercentage, getBufferedPosition, getConnectedToken, getContentBufferedPosition, getContentDuration, getContentPosition, getCurrentAdGroupIndex, getCurrentAdIndexInAdGroup, getCurrentCues, getCurrentLiveOffset, getCurrentManifest, getCurrentMediaItem, getCurrentMediaItemIndex, getCurrentPeriodIndex, getCurrentPosition, getCurrentTimeline, getCurrentTrackGroups, getCurrentTrackSelections, getCurrentTracksInfo, getCurrentWindowIndex, getDeviceInfo, getDeviceVolume, getDuration, getMaxSeekToPreviousPosition, getMediaItemAt, getMediaItemCount, getMediaMetadata, getNextMediaItemIndex, getNextWindowIndex, getPlaybackParameters, getPlaybackState, getPlaybackSuppressionReason, getPlayerError, getPlaylistMetadata, getPlayWhenReady, getPreviousMediaItemIndex, getPreviousWindowIndex, getRepeatMode, getSeekBackIncrement, getSeekForwardIncrement, getSessionActivity, getShuffleModeEnabled, getTotalBufferedDuration, getTrackSelectionParameters, getVideoSize, getVolume, hasNext, hasNextMediaItem, hasNextWindow, hasPrevious, hasPreviousMediaItem, hasPreviousWindow, increaseDeviceVolume, isCommandAvailable, isConnected, isCurrentMediaItemDynamic, isCurrentMediaItemLive, isCurrentMediaItemSeekable, isCurrentWindowDynamic, isCurrentWindowLive, isCurrentWindowSeekable, isDeviceMuted, isLoading, isPlaying, isPlayingAd, isSessionCommandAvailable, isSessionCommandAvailable, moveMediaItem, moveMediaItems, next, pause, play, prepare, previous, release, releaseFuture, removeListener, removeMediaItem, removeMediaItems, seekBack, seekForward, seekTo, seekTo, seekToDefaultPosition, seekToDefaultPosition, seekToNext, seekToNextMediaItem, seekToNextWindow, seekToPrevious, seekToPreviousMediaItem, seekToPreviousWindow, sendCustomCommand, setDeviceMuted, setDeviceVolume, setMediaItem, setMediaItem, setMediaItem, setMediaItems, setMediaItems, setMediaItems, setMediaUri, setPlaybackParameters, setPlaybackSpeed, setPlaylistMetadata, setPlayWhenReady, setRating, setRating, setRepeatMode, setShuffleModeEnabled, setTrackSelectionParameters, setVideoSurface, setVideoSurfaceHolder, setVideoSurfaceView, setVideoTextureView, setVolume, stop, stop
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public <any> getLibraryRoot(MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams params)

Returns the library root item.

If it's successfully completed, LibraryResult.value will have the library root item.


params: The optional parameters for getting library root item.


A of LibraryResult that represents the pending result.

public <any> subscribe(java.lang.String parentId, MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams params)

Subscribes to a parent id for changes to its children. When there's a change, MediaBrowser.Listener will be called with the MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams. You may call MediaBrowser to get the children.


parentId: A non-empty parent id to subscribe to.
params: Optional parameters.


A of LibraryResult that represents the pending result.

public <any> unsubscribe(java.lang.String parentId)

Unsubscribes from a parent id for changes to its children, which was previously subscribed by MediaBrowser.

This unsubscribes from all previous subscriptions with the parent id, regardless of the MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams that was previously given.


parentId: A non-empty parent id to unsubscribe from.


A of LibraryResult that represents the pending result.

public <any> getChildren(java.lang.String parentId, int page, int pageSize, MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams params)

Returns the children under a parent id.

If it's successfully completed, LibraryResult.value will have the children.


parentId: A non-empty parent id for getting the children.
page: A page number to get the paginated result starting from 0.
pageSize: A page size to get the paginated result. Should be greater than 0.
params: Optional parameters.


A of LibraryResult that represents the pending result.

public <any> getItem(java.lang.String mediaId)

Returns the media item with the given media id.

If it's successfully completed, LibraryResult.value will have the media item.


mediaId: A non-empty media id.


A of LibraryResult that represents the pending result.

public <any> search(java.lang.String query, MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams params)

Requests a search from the library service.

Returned LibraryResult will only tell whether the attempt to search was successful. For getting the search result, listen to MediaBrowser.Listener and call MediaBrowser}.


query: A non-empty search query.
params: Optional parameters.


A of LibraryResult that represents the pending result.

public <any> getSearchResult(java.lang.String query, int page, int pageSize, MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams params)

Returns the search result from the library service.

If it's successfully completed, LibraryResult.value will have the search result.


query: A non-empty search query that you've specified with MediaBrowser.
page: A page number to get the paginated result starting from 0.
pageSize: A page size to get the paginated result. Should be greater than 0.
params: Optional parameters.


A of LibraryResult that represents the pending result.


 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.session;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotEmpty;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkState;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Util.postOrRun;
import static androidx.media3.session.LibraryResult.RESULT_ERROR_SESSION_DISCONNECTED;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.MediaItem;
import androidx.media3.common.Player;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Consumer;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.session.MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;

 * Browses media content offered by a {@link MediaLibraryService} in addition to the {@link
 * MediaController} functions.
public final class MediaBrowser extends MediaController {

  private static final String WRONG_THREAD_ERROR_MESSAGE =
      "MediaBrowser method is called from a wrong thread."
          + " See javadoc of MediaController for details.";

  private final MediaBrowserImpl impl;

  /** A builder for {@link MediaBrowser}. */
  public static final class Builder {

    private final Context context;
    private final SessionToken token;
    private Bundle connectionHints;
    private Listener listener;
    private Looper applicationLooper;

     * Creates a builder for {@link MediaBrowser}.
     * <p>The type of {@link SessionToken} for a browser would typically be a {@link
     * SessionToken#TYPE_LIBRARY_SERVICE} but it may be other types. The detailed behavior depending
     * on the type is described in {@link MediaController.Builder#Builder(Context, SessionToken)}.
     * @param context The context.
     * @param token The token to connect to.
    public Builder(Context context, SessionToken token) {
      this.context = checkNotNull(context);
      this.token = checkNotNull(token);
      connectionHints = Bundle.EMPTY;
      listener = new Listener() {};
      applicationLooper = Util.getCurrentOrMainLooper();

     * Sets connection hints for the browser.
     * <p>The hints are session-specific arguments sent to the session when connecting. The contents
     * of this bundle may affect the connection result.
     * <p>The hints are only used when connecting to the {@link MediaSession}. They will be ignored
     * when connecting to {@link MediaSessionCompat}.
     * @param connectionHints A bundle containing the connection hints.
     * @return The builder to allow chaining.
    public Builder setConnectionHints(Bundle connectionHints) {
      this.connectionHints = new Bundle(checkNotNull(connectionHints));
      return this;

     * Sets a listener for the browser.
     * @param listener The listener.
     * @return The builder to allow chaining.
    public Builder setListener(Listener listener) {
      this.listener = checkNotNull(listener);
      return this;

     * Sets a {@link Looper} that must be used for all calls to the {@link Player} methods and that
     * is used to call {@link Player.Listener} methods on. The {@link Looper#myLooper()} current
     * looper} at that time this builder is created will be used if not specified. The {@link
     * Looper#getMainLooper() main looper} will be used if the current looper doesn't exist.
     * @param looper The looper.
     * @return The builder to allow chaining.
    public Builder setApplicationLooper(Looper looper) {
      applicationLooper = checkNotNull(looper);
      return this;

     * Builds a {@link MediaBrowser} asynchronously.
     * <p>The browser instance can be obtained like the following example:
     * <pre>{@code
     * MediaBrowser.Builder builder = ...;
     * ListenableFuture<MediaBrowser> future = builder.buildAsync();
     * future.addListener(() -> {
     *   try {
     *     MediaBrowser browser = future.get();
     *     // The session accepted the connection.
     *   } catch (ExecutionException e) {
     *     if (e.getCause() instanceof SecurityException) {
     *       // The session rejected the connection.
     *     }
     *   }
     * }, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor());
     * }</pre>
     * <p>The future must be kept by callers until the future is complete to get the controller
     * instance. Otherwise, the future might be garbage collected and the listener added by {@link
     * ListenableFuture#addListener(Runnable, Executor)} would never be called.
     * @return A future of the browser instance.
    public ListenableFuture<MediaBrowser> buildAsync() {
      MediaControllerHolder<MediaBrowser> holder = new MediaControllerHolder<>(applicationLooper);
      MediaBrowser browser =
          new MediaBrowser(context, token, connectionHints, listener, applicationLooper, holder);
      postOrRun(new Handler(applicationLooper), () -> holder.setController(browser));
      return holder;

   * A listener for events from {@link MediaLibraryService}.
   * <p>The methods will be called from the application thread associated with the {@link
   * #getApplicationLooper() application looper} of the controller.
  public interface Listener extends MediaController.Listener {

     * Called when there's change in the parent's children after you've subscribed to the parent
     * with {@link #subscribe}.
     * <p>This method is called when the library service called {@link
     * MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySession#notifyChildrenChanged} for the parent.
     * @param browser The browser for this event.
     * @param parentId The non-empty parent id that you've specified with {@link #subscribe(String,
     *     LibraryParams)}.
     * @param itemCount The number of children.
     * @param params The optional parameters from the library service. Can be differ from the {@code
     *     params} that you've specified with {@link #subscribe(String, LibraryParams)}.
    default void onChildrenChanged(
        MediaBrowser browser,
        String parentId,
        @IntRange(from = 0) int itemCount,
        @Nullable LibraryParams params) {}

     * Called when there's change in the search result requested by the previous {@link
     * MediaBrowser#search(String, LibraryParams)}.
     * @param browser The browser for this event.
     * @param query The non-empty search query that you've specified with {@link #search(String,
     *     LibraryParams)}.
     * @param itemCount The number of items for the search result.
     * @param params The optional parameters from the library service. Can be differ from the {@code
     *     params} that you've specified with {@link #search(String, LibraryParams)}.
    default void onSearchResultChanged(
        MediaBrowser browser,
        String query,
        @IntRange(from = 0) int itemCount,
        @Nullable LibraryParams params) {}

  /** Creates an instance from the {@link SessionToken}. */
  /* package */ MediaBrowser(
      Context context,
      SessionToken token,
      Bundle connectionHints,
      Listener listener,
      Looper applicationLooper,
      ConnectionCallback connectionCallback) {
    super(context, token, connectionHints, listener, applicationLooper, connectionCallback);
    this.impl = (MediaBrowserImpl) super.impl;

  /* package */ MediaBrowserImpl createImpl(
      Context context, MediaController thisRef, SessionToken token, Bundle connectionHints) {
    if (token.isLegacySession()) {
      return new MediaBrowserImplLegacy(context, (MediaBrowser) thisRef, token);
    } else {
      return new MediaBrowserImplBase(context, thisRef, token, connectionHints);

   * Returns the library root item.
   * <p>If it's successfully completed, {@link LibraryResult#value} will have the library root item.
   * @param params The optional parameters for getting library root item.
   * @return A {@link ListenableFuture} of {@link LibraryResult} that represents the pending result.
  public ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<MediaItem>> getLibraryRoot(@Nullable LibraryParams params) {
    if (isConnected()) {
      return impl.getLibraryRoot(params);
    return createDisconnectedFuture();

   * Subscribes to a parent id for changes to its children. When there's a change, {@link
   * Listener#onChildrenChanged(MediaBrowser, String, int, LibraryParams)} will be called with the
   * {@link LibraryParams}. You may call {@link #getChildren(String, int, int, LibraryParams)} to
   * get the children.
   * @param parentId A non-empty parent id to subscribe to.
   * @param params Optional parameters.
   * @return A {@link ListenableFuture} of {@link LibraryResult} that represents the pending result.
  public ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<Void>> subscribe(
      String parentId, @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
    checkNotEmpty(parentId, "parentId must not be empty");
    if (isConnected()) {
      return impl.subscribe(parentId, params);
    return createDisconnectedFuture();

   * Unsubscribes from a parent id for changes to its children, which was previously subscribed by
   * {@link #subscribe(String, LibraryParams)}.
   * <p>This unsubscribes from all previous subscriptions with the parent id, regardless of the
   * {@link LibraryParams} that was previously given.
   * @param parentId A non-empty parent id to unsubscribe from.
   * @return A {@link ListenableFuture} of {@link LibraryResult} that represents the pending result.
  public ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<Void>> unsubscribe(String parentId) {
    checkNotEmpty(parentId, "parentId must not be empty");
    if (isConnected()) {
      return impl.unsubscribe(parentId);
    return createDisconnectedFuture();

   * Returns the children under a parent id.
   * <p>If it's successfully completed, {@link LibraryResult#value} will have the children.
   * @param parentId A non-empty parent id for getting the children.
   * @param page A page number to get the paginated result starting from {@code 0}.
   * @param pageSize A page size to get the paginated result. Should be greater than {@code 0}.
   * @param params Optional parameters.
   * @return A {@link ListenableFuture} of {@link LibraryResult} that represents the pending result.
  public ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<ImmutableList<MediaItem>>> getChildren(
      String parentId,
      @IntRange(from = 0) int page,
      @IntRange(from = 1) int pageSize,
      @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
    checkNotEmpty(parentId, "parentId must not be empty");
    checkArgument(page >= 0, "page must not be negative");
    checkArgument(pageSize >= 1, "pageSize must not be less than 1");
    if (isConnected()) {
      return impl.getChildren(parentId, page, pageSize, params);
    return createDisconnectedFuture();

   * Returns the media item with the given media id.
   * <p>If it's successfully completed, {@link LibraryResult#value} will have the media item.
   * @param mediaId A non-empty media id.
   * @return A {@link ListenableFuture} of {@link LibraryResult} that represents the pending result.
  public ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<MediaItem>> getItem(String mediaId) {
    checkNotEmpty(mediaId, "mediaId must not be empty");
    if (isConnected()) {
      return impl.getItem(mediaId);
    return createDisconnectedFuture();

   * Requests a search from the library service.
   * <p>Returned {@link LibraryResult} will only tell whether the attempt to search was successful.
   * For getting the search result, listen to {@link Listener#onSearchResultChanged(MediaBrowser,
   * String, int, LibraryParams)} and call {@link #getSearchResult(String, int, int,
   * LibraryParams)}}.
   * @param query A non-empty search query.
   * @param params Optional parameters.
   * @return A {@link ListenableFuture} of {@link LibraryResult} that represents the pending result.
  public ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<Void>> search(
      String query, @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
    checkNotEmpty(query, "query must not be empty");
    if (isConnected()) {
      return, params);
    return createDisconnectedFuture();

   * Returns the search result from the library service.
   * <p>If it's successfully completed, {@link LibraryResult#value} will have the search result.
   * @param query A non-empty search query that you've specified with {@link #search(String,
   *     LibraryParams)}.
   * @param page A page number to get the paginated result starting from {@code 0}.
   * @param pageSize A page size to get the paginated result. Should be greater than {@code 0}.
   * @param params Optional parameters.
   * @return A {@link ListenableFuture} of {@link LibraryResult} that represents the pending result.
  public ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<ImmutableList<MediaItem>>> getSearchResult(
      String query,
      @IntRange(from = 0) int page,
      @IntRange(from = 1) int pageSize,
      @Nullable LibraryParams params) {
    checkNotEmpty(query, "query must not be empty");
    checkArgument(page >= 0, "page must not be negative");
    checkArgument(pageSize >= 1, "pageSize must not be less than 1");
    if (isConnected()) {
      return impl.getSearchResult(query, page, pageSize, params);
    return createDisconnectedFuture();

  private static <V> ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<V>> createDisconnectedFuture() {
    return Futures.immediateFuture(LibraryResult.ofError(RESULT_ERROR_SESSION_DISCONNECTED));

  private void verifyApplicationThread() {
    checkState(Looper.myLooper() == getApplicationLooper(), WRONG_THREAD_ERROR_MESSAGE);

  /* package */ void notifyBrowserListener(Consumer<Listener> listenerConsumer) {
    @Nullable Listener listener = (Listener) this.listener;
    if (listener != null) {
      postOrRun(applicationHandler, () -> listenerConsumer.accept(listener));

  /* package */ interface MediaBrowserImpl extends MediaControllerImpl {

    ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<MediaItem>> getLibraryRoot(@Nullable LibraryParams rootHints);

    ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<Void>> subscribe(
        String parentId, @Nullable LibraryParams params);

    ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<Void>> unsubscribe(String parentId);

    ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<ImmutableList<MediaItem>>> getChildren(
        String parentId, int page, int pageSize, @Nullable LibraryParams params);

    ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<MediaItem>> getItem(String mediaId);

    ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<Void>> search(String query, @Nullable LibraryParams params);

    ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<ImmutableList<MediaItem>>> getSearchResult(
        String query, int page, int pageSize, @Nullable LibraryParams params);