public class


extends java.lang.Object

implements Clock



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-test-utils', version: '1.0.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-test-utils
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-test-utils:1.0.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (


Fake Clock implementation that allows to advance the time manually to trigger pending timed messages.

All timed messages sent by a Handler created from this clock are governed by the clock's time. Messages sent through these handlers are not triggered until previous messages on any thread have been handled to ensure deterministic execution. Note that this includes messages sent from the main Robolectric test thread, meaning that these messages are only triggered if the main test thread is idle, which can be explicitly requested by calling ShadowLooper.idleMainLooper().

The clock also sets the time of the to match the clock's time.


publicFakeClock(boolean isAutoAdvancing)

Creates a fake clock that assumes that the system was booted exactly at time 0 (the Unix Epoch) and an initialTimeMs of 0.

publicFakeClock(long initialTimeMs)

Creates a fake clock that doesn't auto-advance and assumes that the system was booted exactly at time 0 (the Unix Epoch) and initialTimeMs milliseconds have passed since system boot.

publicFakeClock(long initialTimeMs, boolean isAutoAdvancing)

Creates a fake clock that assumes that the system was booted exactly at time 0 (the Unix Epoch) and initialTimeMs milliseconds have passed since system boot.

publicFakeClock(long bootTimeMs, long initialTimeMs, boolean isAutoAdvancing)

Creates a fake clock specifying when the system was booted and how much time has passed since then.

protected synchronized voidaddPendingHandlerMessage(FakeClock.HandlerMessage message)

Adds a message to the list of pending messages.

public synchronized voidadvanceTime(long timeDiffMs)

Advance timestamp of FakeClock by the specified duration.

public HandlerWrappercreateHandler(Looper looper, Callback callback)

public synchronized longcurrentTimeMillis()

public synchronized longelapsedRealtime()

public synchronized voidonThreadBlocked()

public longuptimeMillis()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public FakeClock(long initialTimeMs)

Creates a fake clock that doesn't auto-advance and assumes that the system was booted exactly at time 0 (the Unix Epoch) and initialTimeMs milliseconds have passed since system boot.


initialTimeMs: The initial elapsed time since the boot time, in milliseconds.

public FakeClock(boolean isAutoAdvancing)

Creates a fake clock that assumes that the system was booted exactly at time 0 (the Unix Epoch) and an initialTimeMs of 0.


isAutoAdvancing: Whether the clock should automatically advance the time to the time of next message that is due to be sent.

public FakeClock(long initialTimeMs, boolean isAutoAdvancing)

Creates a fake clock that assumes that the system was booted exactly at time 0 (the Unix Epoch) and initialTimeMs milliseconds have passed since system boot.


initialTimeMs: The initial elapsed time since the boot time, in milliseconds.
isAutoAdvancing: Whether the clock should automatically advance the time to the time of next message that is due to be sent.

public FakeClock(long bootTimeMs, long initialTimeMs, boolean isAutoAdvancing)

Creates a fake clock specifying when the system was booted and how much time has passed since then.


bootTimeMs: The time the system was booted since the Unix Epoch, in milliseconds.
initialTimeMs: The initial elapsed time since the boot time, in milliseconds.
isAutoAdvancing: Whether the clock should automatically advance the time to the time of next message that is due to be sent.


public synchronized void advanceTime(long timeDiffMs)

Advance timestamp of FakeClock by the specified duration.


timeDiffMs: The amount of time to add to the timestamp in milliseconds.

public synchronized long currentTimeMillis()

public synchronized long elapsedRealtime()

public long uptimeMillis()

public HandlerWrapper createHandler(Looper looper, Callback callback)

public synchronized void onThreadBlocked()

protected synchronized void addPendingHandlerMessage(FakeClock.HandlerMessage message)

Adds a message to the list of pending messages.


 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.test.utils;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;

import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Handler.Callback;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Clock;
import androidx.media3.common.util.HandlerWrapper;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

 * Fake {@link Clock} implementation that allows to {@link #advanceTime(long) advance the time}
 * manually to trigger pending timed messages.
 * <p>All timed messages sent by a {@link #createHandler(Looper, Callback) Handler} created from
 * this clock are governed by the clock's time. Messages sent through these handlers are not
 * triggered until previous messages on any thread have been handled to ensure deterministic
 * execution. Note that this includes messages sent from the main Robolectric test thread, meaning
 * that these messages are only triggered if the main test thread is idle, which can be explicitly
 * requested by calling {@code ShadowLooper.idleMainLooper()}.
 * <p>The clock also sets the time of the {@link SystemClock} to match the {@link #elapsedRealtime()
 * clock's time}.
public class FakeClock implements Clock {

  private static long messageIdProvider = 0;

  private final boolean isRobolectric;
  private final boolean isAutoAdvancing;

  private final List<HandlerMessage> handlerMessages;

  private final Set<Looper> busyLoopers;

  private final long bootTimeMs;

  private long timeSinceBootMs;

  private boolean waitingForMessage;

   * Creates a fake clock that doesn't auto-advance and assumes that the system was booted exactly
   * at time {@code 0} (the Unix Epoch) and {@code initialTimeMs} milliseconds have passed since
   * system boot.
   * @param initialTimeMs The initial elapsed time since the boot time, in milliseconds.
  public FakeClock(long initialTimeMs) {
    this(/* bootTimeMs= */ 0, initialTimeMs, /* isAutoAdvancing= */ false);

   * Creates a fake clock that assumes that the system was booted exactly at time {@code 0} (the
   * Unix Epoch) and an {@code initialTimeMs} of {@code 0}.
   * @param isAutoAdvancing Whether the clock should automatically advance the time to the time of
   *     next message that is due to be sent.
  public FakeClock(boolean isAutoAdvancing) {
    this(/* bootTimeMs= */ 0, /* initialTimeMs= */ 0, isAutoAdvancing);

   * Creates a fake clock that assumes that the system was booted exactly at time {@code 0} (the
   * Unix Epoch) and {@code initialTimeMs} milliseconds have passed since system boot.
   * @param initialTimeMs The initial elapsed time since the boot time, in milliseconds.
   * @param isAutoAdvancing Whether the clock should automatically advance the time to the time of
   *     next message that is due to be sent.
  public FakeClock(long initialTimeMs, boolean isAutoAdvancing) {
    this(/* bootTimeMs= */ 0, initialTimeMs, isAutoAdvancing);

   * Creates a fake clock specifying when the system was booted and how much time has passed since
   * then.
   * @param bootTimeMs The time the system was booted since the Unix Epoch, in milliseconds.
   * @param initialTimeMs The initial elapsed time since the boot time, in milliseconds.
   * @param isAutoAdvancing Whether the clock should automatically advance the time to the time of
   *     next message that is due to be sent.
  public FakeClock(long bootTimeMs, long initialTimeMs, boolean isAutoAdvancing) {
    this.bootTimeMs = bootTimeMs;
    this.timeSinceBootMs = initialTimeMs;
    this.isAutoAdvancing = isAutoAdvancing;
    this.handlerMessages = new ArrayList<>();
    this.busyLoopers = new HashSet<>();
    this.isRobolectric = "robolectric".equals(Build.FINGERPRINT);
    if (isRobolectric) {

   * Advance timestamp of {@link FakeClock} by the specified duration.
   * @param timeDiffMs The amount of time to add to the timestamp in milliseconds.
  public synchronized void advanceTime(long timeDiffMs) {

  public synchronized long currentTimeMillis() {
    return bootTimeMs + timeSinceBootMs;

  public synchronized long elapsedRealtime() {
    return timeSinceBootMs;

  public long uptimeMillis() {
    return elapsedRealtime();

  public HandlerWrapper createHandler(Looper looper, @Nullable Callback callback) {
    return new ClockHandler(looper, callback);

  public synchronized void onThreadBlocked() {
    @Nullable Looper currentLooper = Looper.myLooper();
    if (currentLooper == null || !waitingForMessage) {
      // This isn't a looper message created by this class, so no need to handle the blocking.
    waitingForMessage = false;

  /** Adds a message to the list of pending messages. */
  protected synchronized void addPendingHandlerMessage(HandlerMessage message) {
    if (!waitingForMessage) {
      // This method isn't executed from inside a looper message created by this class.
      @Nullable Looper currentLooper = Looper.myLooper();
      if (currentLooper == null) {
        // This message is triggered from a non-looper thread, so just execute it directly.
      } else {
        // Make sure the current looper message is finished before handling the new message.
        waitingForMessage = true;
        new Handler(checkNotNull(Looper.myLooper())).post(this::onMessageHandled);

  private synchronized void removePendingHandlerMessages(ClockHandler handler, int what) {
    for (int i = handlerMessages.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      HandlerMessage message = handlerMessages.get(i);
      if (message.handler.equals(handler) && message.what == what) {

  private synchronized void removePendingHandlerMessages(
      ClockHandler handler, @Nullable Object token) {
    for (int i = handlerMessages.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      HandlerMessage message = handlerMessages.get(i);
      if (message.handler.equals(handler) && (token == null || message.obj == token)) {

  private synchronized boolean hasPendingMessage(ClockHandler handler, int what) {
    for (int i = 0; i < handlerMessages.size(); i++) {
      HandlerMessage message = handlerMessages.get(i);
      if (message.handler.equals(handler) && message.what == what) {
        return true;
    return handler.handler.hasMessages(what);

  private synchronized void maybeTriggerMessage() {
    if (waitingForMessage) {
    if (handlerMessages.isEmpty()) {
    int messageIndex = 0;
    HandlerMessage message = handlerMessages.get(messageIndex);
    int messageCount = handlerMessages.size();
    while (busyLoopers.contains(message.handler.getLooper()) && messageIndex < messageCount) {
      if (messageIndex == messageCount) {
      message = handlerMessages.get(messageIndex);
    if (message.timeMs > timeSinceBootMs) {
      if (isAutoAdvancing) {
        advanceTimeInternal(message.timeMs - timeSinceBootMs);
      } else {
    waitingForMessage = true;
    if (message.runnable != null) {;
    } else {
          .obtainMessage(message.what, message.arg1, message.arg2, message.obj)

  private synchronized void onMessageHandled() {
    waitingForMessage = false;

  private synchronized void advanceTimeInternal(long timeDiffMs) {
    timeSinceBootMs += timeDiffMs;
    if (isRobolectric) {

  private static synchronized long getNextMessageId() {
    return messageIdProvider++;

  /** Message data saved to send messages or execute runnables at a later time on a Handler. */
  protected final class HandlerMessage
      implements Comparable<HandlerMessage>, HandlerWrapper.Message {

    private final long messageId;
    private final long timeMs;
    private final ClockHandler handler;
    @Nullable private final Runnable runnable;
    private final int what;
    private final int arg1;
    private final int arg2;
    @Nullable private final Object obj;

    public HandlerMessage(
        long timeMs,
        ClockHandler handler,
        int what,
        int arg1,
        int arg2,
        @Nullable Object obj,
        @Nullable Runnable runnable) {
      this.messageId = getNextMessageId();
      this.timeMs = timeMs;
      this.handler = handler;
      this.runnable = runnable;
      this.what = what;
      this.arg1 = arg1;
      this.arg2 = arg2;
      this.obj = obj;

    /** Returns the time of the message, in milliseconds since boot. */
    /* package */ long getTimeMs() {
      return timeMs;

    public void sendToTarget() {
      addPendingHandlerMessage(/* message= */ this);

    public HandlerWrapper getTarget() {
      return handler;

    public int compareTo(HandlerMessage other) {
      return ComparisonChain.start()
          .compare(this.timeMs, other.timeMs)
              timeMs == Long.MIN_VALUE ? Ordering.natural().reverse() : Ordering.natural())

  /** HandlerWrapper implementation using the enclosing Clock to schedule delayed messages. */
  private final class ClockHandler implements HandlerWrapper {

    public final Handler handler;
    public final Handler internalHandler;

    public ClockHandler(Looper looper, @Nullable Callback callback) {
      handler = new Handler(looper, callback);
      internalHandler = new Handler(looper);

    public Looper getLooper() {
      return handler.getLooper();

    public boolean hasMessages(int what) {
      return hasPendingMessage(/* handler= */ this, what);

    public Message obtainMessage(int what) {
      return obtainMessage(what, /* obj= */ null);

    public Message obtainMessage(int what, @Nullable Object obj) {
      return obtainMessage(what, /* arg1= */ 0, /* arg2= */ 0, obj);

    public Message obtainMessage(int what, int arg1, int arg2) {
      return obtainMessage(what, arg1, arg2, /* obj= */ null);

    public Message obtainMessage(int what, int arg1, int arg2, @Nullable Object obj) {
      return new HandlerMessage(
          uptimeMillis(), /* handler= */ this, what, arg1, arg2, obj, /* runnable= */ null);

    public boolean sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(Message msg) {
      HandlerMessage message = (HandlerMessage) msg;
      new HandlerMessage(
              /* timeMs= */ Long.MIN_VALUE,
              /* handler= */ this,
      return true;

    public boolean sendEmptyMessage(int what) {
      return sendEmptyMessageAtTime(what, uptimeMillis());

    public boolean sendEmptyMessageDelayed(int what, int delayMs) {
      return sendEmptyMessageAtTime(what, uptimeMillis() + delayMs);

    public boolean sendEmptyMessageAtTime(int what, long uptimeMs) {
      new HandlerMessage(
              /* handler= */ this,
              /* arg1= */ 0,
              /* arg2= */ 0,
              /* obj= */ null,
              /* runnable= */ null)
      return true;

    public void removeMessages(int what) {
      removePendingHandlerMessages(/* handler= */ this, what);

    public void removeCallbacksAndMessages(@Nullable Object token) {
      removePendingHandlerMessages(/* handler= */ this, token);

    public boolean post(Runnable runnable) {
      return postDelayed(runnable, /* delayMs= */ 0);

    public boolean postDelayed(Runnable runnable, long delayMs) {
      postRunnableAtTime(runnable, uptimeMillis() + delayMs);
      return true;

    public boolean postAtFrontOfQueue(Runnable runnable) {
      postRunnableAtTime(runnable, /* timeMs= */ Long.MIN_VALUE);
      return true;

    private void postRunnableAtTime(Runnable runnable, long timeMs) {
      new HandlerMessage(
              /* handler= */ this,
              /* what= */ 0,
              /* arg1= */ 0,
              /* arg2= */ 0,
              /* obj= */ null,