public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.pdf', name: 'pdf-viewer', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.pdf
  • artifactId: pdf-viewer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.pdf:pdf-viewer:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


Basic FutureValues and related helpers.


public static FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object>combine(FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> converter1, FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> converter2)

Creates a new Converter that chains 2 other converters.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object>convert(FutureValue<java.lang.Object> sourceFuture, FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> converter)

Creates a FutureValue that converts the results of a source FutureValue on the fly.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object>immediateFail(java.lang.Exception error)

Creates a FutureValue with an immediate failure (the passed value).

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object>newImmediateValue(java.lang.Object value)

Creates a FutureValue with the given value.

public static FutureValues.SettableFutureValue<java.lang.Object>newSettableValue()

Creates a FutureValue that decouples setting and reading progress and results.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object>observeAsFuture(ObservableValue<java.lang.Object> obs, java.lang.Object target[])

Observe an ObservableValue as a FutureValue: wait for it to next hit one of the given target values.

public static FutureValue.Callback<java.lang.Object>setterCallback(FutureValues.SettableFutureValue<java.lang.Object> targetFuture)

A FutureValue.Callback wrapper interface around a FutureValues.SettableFutureValue.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object> newImmediateValue(java.lang.Object value)

Creates a FutureValue with the given value.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object> immediateFail(java.lang.Exception error)

Creates a FutureValue with an immediate failure (the passed value).


error: the exception to be delivered on fail.

public static FutureValues.SettableFutureValue<java.lang.Object> newSettableValue()

Creates a FutureValue that decouples setting and reading progress and results.

public static FutureValue.Callback<java.lang.Object> setterCallback(FutureValues.SettableFutureValue<java.lang.Object> targetFuture)

A FutureValue.Callback wrapper interface around a FutureValues.SettableFutureValue.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object> convert(FutureValue<java.lang.Object> sourceFuture, FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> converter)

Creates a FutureValue that converts the results of a source FutureValue on the fly. If the conversion fails, the resulting future will report a failure with the corresponding exception.


sourceFuture: the source FutureValue.
converter: the FutureValues.Converter used to convert results from source to returned

public static FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> combine(FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> converter1, FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> converter2)

Creates a new Converter that chains 2 other converters.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object> observeAsFuture(ObservableValue<java.lang.Object> obs, java.lang.Object target[])

Observe an ObservableValue as a FutureValue: wait for it to next hit one of the given target values. It will start observing the observable value after FutureValue.get(FutureValue.Callback) is called. The Future might complete immediately (if the observable value already equals the target), in the future (when it changes to it), or never. It never fails (Note that there is not time-out to trigger an automatic fail in case the condition never materializes).

This FutureValue cannot be used more than once (i.e. a second call to FutureValue.get(FutureValue.Callback) is illegal).


obs: the observable value.
target: the value(s) that will trigger the FutureValue's completion.


A FutureValue that completes when the observable value changes to target.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread;
import androidx.pdf.util.ObservableValue;
import androidx.pdf.util.Preconditions;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;

/** Basic {@link FutureValue}s and related helpers. */
public class FutureValues {
    private FutureValues() {

    /** Creates a {@link FutureValue} with the given value. */
    public static <T> FutureValue<T> newImmediateValue(T value) {
        return new ImmediateValue<T>(value);

     * Creates a {@link FutureValue} with an immediate failure (the passed value).
     * @param error the exception to be delivered on fail.
    public static <T> FutureValue<T> immediateFail(final @NonNull Exception error) {
        return callback -> callback.failed(error);

    /** Creates a {@link FutureValue} that decouples setting and reading progress and results. */
    public static <T> SettableFutureValue<T> newSettableValue() {
        return new SettableFutureValue<T>();

    /** A {@link FutureValue.Callback} wrapper interface around a {@link SettableFutureValue}. */
    public static <T> FutureValue.Callback<T> setterCallback(
            final @NonNull SettableFutureValue<T> targetFuture) {
        return new FutureValue.Callback<T>() {

            public void available(T value) {

            public void failed(@NonNull Throwable thrown) {

            public void progress(float progress) {

     * Creates a {@link FutureValue} that converts the results of a source {@link FutureValue} on
     * the fly. If the conversion fails, the resulting future will report a failure with the
     * corresponding exception.
     * @param sourceFuture the source {@link FutureValue}.
     * @param converter    the {@link Converter} used to convert results from source to returned
    public static <F, T> FutureValue<T> convert(final @NonNull FutureValue<F> sourceFuture,
            final @NonNull Converter<F, T> converter) {
        return new FutureValue<T>() {
            public void get(final FutureValue.Callback<T> target) {
                final FutureValue.Callback<F> convertCallback = new FutureValue.Callback<F>() {
                    public void progress(float progress) {

                    public void failed(@NonNull Throwable thrown) {

                    public void available(F sourceValue) {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {


    /** Creates a new Converter that chains 2 other converters. */
    public static <F, T, V> Converter<F, T> combine(final @NonNull Converter<F, V> converter1,
            final @NonNull Converter<V, T> converter2) {
        return new Converter<F, T>() {
            public T convert(F from) {
                return converter2.convert(converter1.convert(from));

     * Observe an {@link ObservableValue} as a {@link FutureValue}: wait for it to next hit one of
     * the given target values. It will start observing the observable value after
     * {@link FutureValue#get} is called. The Future might complete immediately (if the observable
     * value already equals the target), in the future (when it changes to it), or never. It never
     * fails (Note that there is not time-out to trigger an automatic fail in case the condition
     * never materializes).
     * <p>This {@link FutureValue} cannot be used more than once (i.e. a second call to {@link
     * FutureValue#get} is illegal).
     * @param obs    the observable value.
     * @param target the value(s) that will trigger the {@link FutureValue}'s completion.
     * @return A {@link FutureValue} that completes when the observable value changes to target.
    public static <T> FutureValue<T> observeAsFuture(final @NonNull ObservableValue<T> obs,
            @NonNull T... target) {
        final Set<T> targetSet = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(target));
        return new FutureValue<T>() {

             * key is null as long as this Future hasn't been used (before
             * {@link FutureValue#get} is called). It becomes non-null after that (holds the
             * {@link ValueObserver}'s registration key if applicable).
            private Object mKey;

            public void get(final FutureValue.Callback<T> callback) {
                Preconditions.checkState(mKey == null, "Can't reuse this future twice: " + mKey);
                if (targetSet.contains(obs.get())) {
                    mKey = Boolean.TRUE;
                } else {
                    mKey = obs.addObserver((oldValue, newValue) -> {
                        if (targetSet.contains(newValue)) {
                            mKey = Boolean.FALSE;

     * An object that can be used for converting an object of type F to one of type T.
     * @param <F> original type of the object
     * @param <T> type to be converted to
    public interface Converter<F, T> {

        /** Converts object of type F to type T */
        T convert(F from);

     * A convenient base implementation of {@link FutureValue.Callback} that does nothing. It
     * assumes no failures are reported and thus handles them.
     * Subclasses should override {@link #failed} if failures are expected.
     * @param <T> the type of result
    public static class SimpleCallback<T> implements FutureValue.Callback<T> {

        public void available(T value) {

        public void failed(@NonNull Throwable thrown) {

        public void progress(float progress) {

        public String toString() {
            return "SimpleCallback (unspecified)";

     * Allows for a blocking get.
     * <p>Useful for when waiting for an execution to complete.
     * @param <T> the type of result
    public static class BlockingCallback<T> extends SimpleCallback<T> {
        Semaphore mSemaphore = new Semaphore(0);
        T mSuccess = null;
        Throwable mFail = null;

        public void available(T value) {
            mSuccess = value;

        public void failed(@NonNull Throwable thrown) {
            mFail = thrown;

        /** Acquires semaphore until data comes through callback. */
        public T getBlocking() {
            try {
                mSemaphore.acquire(); // wait until data comes through the callback.
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);
            } finally {
                // Release as someone else is probably now waiting
            if (mFail != null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(mFail);
            return mSuccess;

     * A simple {@link FutureValue} that is constructed with a value and returns it immediately when
     * {@link #get(Callback)} is called.
    private static class ImmediateValue<T> implements FutureValue<T> {
        private final T mValue;

        ImmediateValue(T value) {
            this.mValue = value;

        public void get(Callback<T> callback) {

     * A {@link FutureValue} which wraps a {@link Supplier} for another {@link FutureValue}. This
     * is designed so that a computation which returns a {@link FutureValue} is not started until
     * {@link #get(Callback)} is called for the first time (a "lazy" future).
     * @param <T> the type of the value
    public static class DeferredFutureValue<T> implements FutureValue<T> {

         * Represents an operation which should not be started until {@link #get(Callback)} is
         * called for the first time.
        private final Supplier<FutureValue<T>> mComputation;

        public DeferredFutureValue(@NonNull Supplier<FutureValue<T>> computation) {
            this.mComputation = computation;

        public void get(@Nullable Callback<T> callback) {
            try {
       -> {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Most errors should be piped through the computation's Future to the callback.
                // This captures errors thrown during the supply.

     * A {@link FutureValue} that accepts multiple {@link FutureValue.Callback}s and can be set.
     * @param <T> the type of the value to be returned
    public static class SettableFutureValue<T> implements FutureValue<T> {
        private final Collection<Callback<T>> mCallbacks = new ArrayList<>(2);
        private T mValue;
        private Throwable mThrown;

         * Set the successful value resulting from the asynchronous operation. Any callbacks will be
         * called immediately. The value will be retained to call any new callbacks. All callback
         * references will be removed.
         * @param value The result of the asynchronous operation.
        public void set(T value) {
            this.mValue = value;
            for (Callback<T> callback : mCallbacks) {

         * Notify all the callbacks of a progress update. This implementation will not store
         * intermediate progress values. So if a callback is registered after the last progress
         * value has been sent, it will not get the previous progress values. Progress is no longer
         * reported after this future completes (i.e. if {@link #isSet()}).
         * @param progress is a measure of how much progress has been done [0-1].
        public void progress(float progress) {
            if (!isSet()) {
                for (Callback<T> callback : mCallbacks) {

         * Set the exception thrown while getting the value. Any callbacks will be called
         * immediately. The exception will be retained to call any new callbacks. All callback
         * references will be removed.
         * @param thrown The problem encountered while getting the result of the asynchronous
         *               operation.
        public void fail(@NonNull Throwable thrown) {
            this.mThrown = Preconditions.checkNotNull(thrown);
            for (Callback<T> callback : mCallbacks) {

         * Wraps a {@link String} error message in an {@link Exception}. Otherwise, it has the same
         * behaviour as {@link SettableFutureValue#fail(Throwable)}.
        public void fail(@NonNull String errorMessage) {
            fail(new Exception(errorMessage));

        public void get(@Nullable Callback<T> callback) {
            if (mValue != null) {
            } else if (mThrown != null) {
            } else {

        public boolean isSet() {
            return (mValue != null || mThrown != null);

        private void checkNotSet(String newValue) {
            Preconditions.checkState(mValue == null,
                    String.format("Value has already been set (%s) : %s", mValue, newValue));
            Preconditions.checkState(mThrown == null,
                    String.format("Exception was already set (%s) : %s", mThrown, newValue));