public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.pdf', name: 'pdf-viewer', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.pdf
  • artifactId: pdf-viewer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.pdf:pdf-viewer:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


Helpers to create FutureValues that are ready to be used for UI operations: their callbacks will always execute on the UI thread.

Creates a FutureValue and gets its value using a Supplier in a background thread. The progress and result of are passed to FutureValue.Callback on the main thread.

   FutureValue FutureValueTask.execute(new Supplier() {
      public Cheese supply(Progress progress) {
          Cheese cheese = Cheese.createFresh();
          while (!cheese.isMature()) {
     / Cheese.MATURE_AGE);
          return cheese;

UiFutureValues.immediateValue(T) / UiFutureValues.immediateFail(Exception): Creates a FutureValue that will always run its callbacks on the UI thread, returning the value that was passed to it (an actual value or an Exception).


public static voidconvert(FutureValue<java.lang.Object> sourceFuture, FutureValues.SettableFutureValue<java.lang.Object> destFuture, FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> converter)

Using a FutureValues.Converter, convert the result of one FutureValue, and pipe that result into another destination FutureValues.SettableFutureValue.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object>execute(FutureValue<java.lang.Object> sourceFuture)

Converts an asynchronous interface into another one (using FutureValues) so that it gets executed the same way an is: the body on a background thread and the callbacks on the main thread.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object>execute(Supplier<java.lang.Object> supplier)

Offers an asynchronous interface (a FutureValue) on top of a synchronous one (a Supplier).

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object>executeAsync(Supplier<java.lang.Object> supplier)

Calls through to UiFutureValues.execute(Supplier) in order to disambigute it from UiFutureValues.execute(FutureValue).

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object>immediateFail(java.lang.Exception error)

Creates a FutureValue with an immediate failure (the passed value) that will always deliver it (in FutureValue.Callback.failed(Throwable)) on the UI thread.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object>immediateValue(java.lang.Object value)

Creates a FutureValue with an immediate result (the passed value) that will always deliver it (in FutureValue.Callback.available(T)) on the UI thread.

public static voidpipe(FutureValues.SettableFutureValue<java.lang.Object> targetFuture, FutureValue<java.lang.Object> sourceFuture)

Pipes the results of one FutureValue into a FutureValues.SettableFutureValue, making sure each callback call is run on the UI thread.

public static Supplier<java.lang.Object>postConvert(Supplier<java.lang.Object> supplier, FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> converter)

Wraps up a Supplier to supply a converted value.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object> immediateValue(java.lang.Object value)

Creates a FutureValue with an immediate result (the passed value) that will always deliver it (in FutureValue.Callback.available(T)) on the UI thread.


value: the value to be returned. If it is an java.lang.Exception, this will trigger FutureValue.Callback.failed(Throwable) to be called instead.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object> immediateFail(java.lang.Exception error)

Creates a FutureValue with an immediate failure (the passed value) that will always deliver it (in FutureValue.Callback.failed(Throwable)) on the UI thread.

Do not use this method in testing as a background thread flushing can never complete.


error: the exception to be delivered on fail.

public static Supplier<java.lang.Object> postConvert(Supplier<java.lang.Object> supplier, FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> converter)

Wraps up a Supplier to supply a converted value.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object> executeAsync(Supplier<java.lang.Object> supplier)

Calls through to UiFutureValues.execute(Supplier) in order to disambigute it from UiFutureValues.execute(FutureValue).

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object> execute(Supplier<java.lang.Object> supplier)

Offers an asynchronous interface (a FutureValue) on top of a synchronous one (a Supplier). The callbacks of the FutureValue are run on the main thread.


The value to be supplied at some point in the future.

public static FutureValue<java.lang.Object> execute(FutureValue<java.lang.Object> sourceFuture)

Converts an asynchronous interface into another one (using FutureValues) so that it gets executed the same way an is: the body on a background thread and the callbacks on the main thread.


a FutureValue that reports progress and result on the main thread.

public static void pipe(FutureValues.SettableFutureValue<java.lang.Object> targetFuture, FutureValue<java.lang.Object> sourceFuture)

Pipes the results of one FutureValue into a FutureValues.SettableFutureValue, making sure each callback call is run on the UI thread.

public static void convert(FutureValue<java.lang.Object> sourceFuture, FutureValues.SettableFutureValue<java.lang.Object> destFuture, FutureValues.Converter<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> converter)

Using a FutureValues.Converter, convert the result of one FutureValue, and pipe that result into another destination FutureValues.SettableFutureValue.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.pdf.util.ThreadUtils;

import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

 * Helpers to create {@link FutureValue}s that are ready to be used for UI operations: their
 * callbacks will always execute on the UI thread.
 * <p>
 * {@link #execute(Supplier)}:<br>
 * Creates a {@link FutureValue} and gets its value using a {@link Supplier} in a background thread.
 * The progress and result of {@link Supplier#supply(Progress)} are passed to {@link Callback} on
 * the main thread.
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 *   FutureValue<Cheese> FutureValueTask.execute(new Supplier() {
 *      public Cheese supply(Progress progress) {
 *          Cheese cheese = Cheese.createFresh();
 *          while (!cheese.isMature()) {
 *     / Cheese.MATURE_AGE);
 *          }
 *          return cheese;
 *      }
 *   });
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * {@link #immediateValue(Object)} / {@link #immediateFail(Exception)}:
 * Creates a {@link FutureValue} that will always run its callbacks on the UI thread, returning the
 * value that was passed to it (an actual value or an Exception).
public class UiFutureValues {
    private static final String TAG = UiFutureValues.class.getSimpleName();

    private static final Executor DEFAULT_EXECUTOR = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4,
            new ThreadFactory() {
                private final AtomicInteger mCount = new AtomicInteger(1);

                public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
                    return new Thread(r, "PdfViewer-" + TAG + "-" + mCount.getAndIncrement());
    private static Executor sExecutor = DEFAULT_EXECUTOR;

    private UiFutureValues() {

    static void overrideExecutor(Executor executor) {
        UiFutureValues.sExecutor = executor;

    static void resetExecutor() {
        sExecutor = DEFAULT_EXECUTOR;

     * Creates a {@link FutureValue} with an immediate result (the passed value) that will always
     * deliver it (in {@link Callback#available}) on the UI thread.
     * @param value the value to be returned. If it is an {@link Exception}, this will trigger
     *              {@link
     *              Callback#failed(Throwable)} to be called instead.
    public static <T> FutureValue<T> immediateValue(final T value) {
        return callback -> ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(() -> callback.available(value));

     * Creates a {@link FutureValue} with an immediate failure (the passed value) that will always
     * deliver it (in {@link Callback#failed}) on the UI thread.
     * <p>Do not use this method in testing as a background thread flushing can never complete.
     * @param error the exception to be delivered on fail.
    public static <T> FutureValue<T> immediateFail(final @NonNull Exception error) {
        return callback -> ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(() -> callback.failed(error));

    /** Wraps up a {@link Supplier} to supply a converted value. */
    public static <F, T> Supplier<T> postConvert(final @NonNull Supplier<F> supplier,
            final @NonNull Converter<F, T> converter) {
        return new Supplier<T>() {

            public T supply(@NonNull Progress progress) throws Exception {
                return converter.convert(;

     * Calls through to {@link #execute(Supplier)} in order to disambigute it from {@link
     * #execute(FutureValue)}.
    public static <T> FutureValue<T> executeAsync(@NonNull Supplier<T> supplier) {
        return execute(supplier);

     * Offers an asynchronous interface (a {@link FutureValue}) on top of a synchronous one (a
     * {@link Supplier}). The callbacks of the {@link FutureValue} are run on the main thread.
     * @return The value to be supplied at some point in the future.
    public static <T> FutureValue<T> execute(@NonNull Supplier<T> supplier) {
        SettableFutureValue<T> future = FutureValues.newSettableValue();
        new FutureAsyncTask<>(supplier, future).executeOnExecutor(sExecutor);
        return future;

     * Converts an asynchronous interface into another one (using {@link FutureValue}s) so that it
     * gets executed the same way an {@link android.os.AsyncTask} is: the body on a background
     * thread and the callbacks on the main thread.
     * @return a {@link FutureValue} that reports progress and result on the main thread.
    public static <T> FutureValue<T> execute(final @NonNull FutureValue<T> sourceFuture) {
        final SettableFutureValue<T> future = FutureValues.newSettableValue();
        sExecutor.execute(() -> pipe(future, sourceFuture));
        return future;

     * Pipes the results of one {@link FutureValue} into a {@link SettableFutureValue}, making sure
     * each callback call is run on the UI thread.
    public static <T> void pipe(@NonNull SettableFutureValue<T> targetFuture,
            @NonNull FutureValue<T> sourceFuture) {
        FutureValue.Callback<T> pipeCallback = runOnUi(FutureValues.setterCallback(targetFuture));

     * A {@link FutureValue.Callback} wrapper interface around another
     * {@link FutureValue.Callback} that ensures that each
     * callback call is run on the UI thread.
    private static <T> FutureValue.Callback<T> runOnUi(
            final FutureValue.Callback<T> targetCallback) {

        return new FutureValue.Callback<T>() {

            public void progress(final float progress) {
                if (ThreadUtils.isUiThread()) {
                } else {
                    ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(() -> targetCallback.progress(progress));

            public void failed(@NonNull final Throwable thrown) {
                if (ThreadUtils.isUiThread()) {
                } else {
                    ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(() -> targetCallback.failed(thrown));

            public void available(final T value) {
                if (ThreadUtils.isUiThread()) {
                } else {
                    ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(() -> targetCallback.available(value));

     * Using a {@link Converter}, convert the result of one {@link FutureValue}, and pipe that
     * result
     * into another destination {@link SettableFutureValue}.
    public static <F, T> void convert(@NonNull FutureValue<F> sourceFuture,
            final @NonNull SettableFutureValue<T> destFuture, @NonNull Converter<F, T> converter) {
        FutureValue<T> convertedValue = FutureValues.convert(sourceFuture, converter);

        convertedValue.get(new FutureValue.Callback<T>() {
            public void available(final T value) {
                ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(() -> destFuture.set(value));

            public void failed(@NonNull final Throwable thrown) {
                ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(() ->;

            public void progress(final float progress) {
                ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(() -> destFuture.progress(progress));

     * Execute a {@link Supplier} and give its result to a {@link SettableFutureValue}.
     * @param <T> The type of the value being supplied.
    private static class FutureAsyncTask<T> extends android.os.AsyncTask<Void, Float, T> {

        private final Supplier<T> mSupplier;
        private final FutureValues.SettableFutureValue<T> mFuture;
        // Any throwable caught during the call to supply() is kept here for onPostExecute.
        private Throwable mCaught;

        FutureAsyncTask(Supplier<T> supplier, SettableFutureValue<T> settable) {
            this.mSupplier = supplier;
            this.mFuture = settable;

        protected T doInBackground(Void... params) {
            try {
                Progress progress = new Progress() {
                    public void report(float progress) {
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                mCaught = e;
                return null;

        protected void onProgressUpdate(Float... values) {

        protected void onPostExecute(T result) {
            try {
                if (mCaught != null) {
                } else {
            } catch (Exception ignored) {
                // TODO: Rethrow exception or return error code