public interface





Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.pdf', name: 'pdf-viewer', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.pdf
  • artifactId: pdf-viewer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.pdf:pdf-viewer:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


Callback interface - should be implemented by a client of PdfLoader, so that they can be notified when PdfLoader has loaded the requested data from the PDF document.


public voiddocumentLoaded(int numPages, DisplayData data)

This when the PDF is first successfully loaded by PdfLoader.

public voiddocumentNotLoaded(PdfStatus status)

Called if the Document can't be loaded.

public voidpageBroken(int page)

Called if pdfClient chokes on one page of the document.

public voidrequestPassword(boolean incorrect)

This is called if the PDF is password protected, to request a password.

public voidsetInvalidRects(int pageNum, java.util.List<Rect> invalidRects)

Called in response to form editing operations in PdfLoader to inform implementations that portions of the page bitmap that have been invalidated.

public voidsetPageBitmap(int pageNum, Bitmap bitmap)

This is called in response to a call to loadPageBitmap.

public voidsetPageDimensions(int pageNum, Dimensions dimensions)

This is called in response to a call to loadPageDimensions.

public voidsetPageGotoLinks(int pageNum, java.util.List<GotoLink> links)

This is called in response to getPageGotoLinks.

public voidsetPageText(int pageNum, java.lang.String text)

This is called in response to a call to loadPageText.

public voidsetPageUrlLinks(int pageNum, LinkRects result)

This is called in response to getPageUrlLinks.

public voidsetSearchResults(java.lang.String query, int pageNum, MatchRects matches)

This is called in response to a call to searchPageText.

public voidsetSelection(int pageNum, PageSelection selection)

This is called in response to selectPageText.

public voidsetTileBitmap(int pageNum, TileBoard.TileInfo tileInfo, Bitmap bitmap)

This is called in response to a call to loadTileBitmap.


public void requestPassword(boolean incorrect)

This is called if the PDF is password protected, to request a password.


incorrect: True if an incorrect password was just provided.

public void documentLoaded(int numPages, DisplayData data)

This when the PDF is first successfully loaded by PdfLoader.

public void documentNotLoaded(PdfStatus status)

Called if the Document can't be loaded.

public void pageBroken(int page)

Called if pdfClient chokes on one page of the document.

public void setPageDimensions(int pageNum, Dimensions dimensions)

This is called in response to a call to loadPageDimensions.

public void setPageBitmap(int pageNum, Bitmap bitmap)

This is called in response to a call to loadPageBitmap.

public void setTileBitmap(int pageNum, TileBoard.TileInfo tileInfo, Bitmap bitmap)

This is called in response to a call to loadTileBitmap.

public void setPageText(int pageNum, java.lang.String text)

This is called in response to a call to loadPageText.

public void setSearchResults(java.lang.String query, int pageNum, MatchRects matches)

This is called in response to a call to searchPageText.

public void setSelection(int pageNum, PageSelection selection)

This is called in response to selectPageText.

public void setPageUrlLinks(int pageNum, LinkRects result)

This is called in response to getPageUrlLinks.

public void setPageGotoLinks(int pageNum, java.util.List<GotoLink> links)

This is called in response to getPageGotoLinks.

public void setInvalidRects(int pageNum, java.util.List<Rect> invalidRects)

Called in response to form editing operations in PdfLoader to inform implementations that portions of the page bitmap that have been invalidated.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.pdf.viewer.loader;


import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.pdf.models.Dimensions;
import androidx.pdf.models.GotoLink;
import androidx.pdf.models.LinkRects;
import androidx.pdf.models.MatchRects;
import androidx.pdf.models.PageSelection;
import androidx.pdf.util.TileBoard.TileInfo;

import java.util.List;

 * Callback interface - should be implemented by a client of PdfLoader, so that
 * they can be notified when PdfLoader has loaded the requested data from the
 * PDF document.
public interface PdfLoaderCallbacks {

     * This is called if the PDF is password protected, to request a password.
     * @param incorrect True if an incorrect password was just provided.
    void requestPassword(boolean incorrect);

    /** This when the PDF is first successfully loaded by PdfLoader. */
    void documentLoaded(int numPages, @NonNull DisplayData data);

    /** Called if the Document can't be loaded. */
    void documentNotLoaded(@NonNull PdfStatus status);

    /** Called if pdfClient chokes on one page of the document. */
    void pageBroken(int page);

    /** This is called in response to a call to loadPageDimensions. */
    void setPageDimensions(int pageNum, @NonNull Dimensions dimensions);

    /** This is called in response to a call to loadPageBitmap. */
    void setPageBitmap(int pageNum, @NonNull Bitmap bitmap);

    /** This is called in response to a call to loadTileBitmap. */
    void setTileBitmap(int pageNum, @NonNull TileInfo tileInfo, @NonNull Bitmap bitmap);

    /** This is called in response to a call to loadPageText. */
    void setPageText(int pageNum, @NonNull String text);

    /** This is called in response to a call to searchPageText. */
    void setSearchResults(@NonNull String query, int pageNum, @NonNull MatchRects matches);

    /** This is called in response to selectPageText. */
    void setSelection(int pageNum, @NonNull PageSelection selection);

    /** This is called in response to getPageUrlLinks. */
    void setPageUrlLinks(int pageNum, @NonNull LinkRects result);

    /** This is called in response to getPageGotoLinks. */
    void setPageGotoLinks(int pageNum, @NonNull List<GotoLink> links);

     * Called in response to form editing operations in {@link PdfLoader} to inform implementations
     * that portions of the page bitmap that have been invalidated.
    void setInvalidRects(int pageNum, @NonNull List<Rect> invalidRects);