public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.pdf', name: 'pdf-viewer', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.pdf
  • artifactId: pdf-viewer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.pdf:pdf-viewer:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


Allows the caller to make asynchronous requests for data from a PdfDocument. The caller must provide a PdfLoaderCallbacks, which is only held as a java.lang.ref.WeakReference and called when the requested data is ready.

PdfLoader automatically opens and maintains a connection to the PdfDocumentService. This connection must be PdfLoader.disconnect()ed when no longer needed, and PdfLoader.reconnect()ed to when this activity is restarted.


public voidapplyPassword(java.lang.String password)

Tries to re-open the PDF with the given password.

public voidcancel(int pageNum)

Cancels all requests related to one page (bitmaps, texts,...).

public voidcancelAll()

Cancels all data requested for every page.

public voidcancelAllTileBitmaps(int pageNum)

Cancels requests for all tile bitmaps

public voidcancelExceptSearchAndFormFilling(int pageNum)

Cancel all tasks except search and form-filling.

public voidcancelTileBitmaps(int pageNum, java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.Integer> tileIds)

Cancels requests for some tile bitmaps

public static PdfLoadercreate(Context context, DisplayData data, BitmapRecycler bitmaps, PdfLoaderCallbacks callbacks)

Creates a new PdfLoader and loads the document from the given data.

public static PdfLoadercreate(Context context, DisplayData data, BitmapRecycler bitmaps, PdfLoaderCallbacks callbacks, boolean hideTextAnnotations)

Creates a new PdfLoader and loads the document from the given data.

public voiddisconnect()

Disconnect from the PdfDocumentService, which will close itself and free its resources.

public WeakPdfLoaderCallbacksgetCallbacks()

protected PdfDocumentRemotegetLoadedPdfDocument(java.lang.String forTask)

Returns a valid PdfDocumentRemote or null if there isn't one (i.e.

public intgetNumPages()

protected PdfDocumentRemotegetPdfDocument(java.lang.String forTask)

Returns a PdfDocumentRemote which maybe ready or not (i.e.

public voidloadPageBitmap(int pageNum, Dimensions pageSize)

Renders a bitmap for the given page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageBitmap(int, Bitmap) callback.

public voidloadPageDimensions(int pageNum)

Loads page dimensions for the given page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageDimensions(int, Dimensions) callback.

public voidloadPageGotoLinks(int pageNum)

Finds all the go-to links on the page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageGotoLinks(int, List) callback.

public voidloadPageText(int pageNum)

Loads text for the given page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageText(int, String) callback.

public voidloadPageUrlLinks(int pageNum)

Finds all the url links on the page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageUrlLinks(int, LinkRects) callback.

public voidloadTileBitmaps(int pageNum, Dimensions pageSize, java.lang.Iterable<TileBoard.TileInfo> tiles)

Renders bitmaps for the given tiles - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageBitmap(int, Bitmap) callback.

public voidreconnect()

Reconnect to the PdfDocumentService if needed, after it may have been killed by the system.

public voidreleasePage(int pageNum)

Releases object in memory related to a page when that page is no longer visible.

protected voidreleasePdfDocument()

public voidreloadDocument()

Schedule task to load a PdfDocument.

public voidsearchPageText(int pageNum, java.lang.String query)

Searches for the given term on the given page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setSearchResults(String, int, MatchRects) callback.

public voidselectPageText(int pageNum, SelectionBoundary start, SelectionBoundary stop)

Selects the text between the given two boundaries - once it is ready, will call the the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setSelection(int, PageSelection) callback.

public voidsetCallbacks(WeakPdfLoaderCallbacks callbacks)

public voidsetNumPages(int numPages)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static PdfLoader create(Context context, DisplayData data, BitmapRecycler bitmaps, PdfLoaderCallbacks callbacks)

Creates a new PdfLoader and loads the document from the given data.

public static PdfLoader create(Context context, DisplayData data, BitmapRecycler bitmaps, PdfLoaderCallbacks callbacks, boolean hideTextAnnotations)

Creates a new PdfLoader and loads the document from the given data.


hideTextAnnotations: whether to skip rendering text and highlight annotations in the PDF

public int getNumPages()

public void setNumPages(int numPages)

public void setCallbacks(WeakPdfLoaderCallbacks callbacks)

public void reloadDocument()

Schedule task to load a PdfDocument.

public void reconnect()

Reconnect to the PdfDocumentService if needed, after it may have been killed by the system.

public void disconnect()

Disconnect from the PdfDocumentService, which will close itself and free its resources.

public void applyPassword(java.lang.String password)

Tries to re-open the PDF with the given password.

public void cancel(int pageNum)

Cancels all requests related to one page (bitmaps, texts,...).

public void cancelExceptSearchAndFormFilling(int pageNum)

Cancel all tasks except search and form-filling.

public void releasePage(int pageNum)

Releases object in memory related to a page when that page is no longer visible.

public void loadPageDimensions(int pageNum)

Loads page dimensions for the given page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageDimensions(int, Dimensions) callback.

public void loadPageBitmap(int pageNum, Dimensions pageSize)

Renders a bitmap for the given page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageBitmap(int, Bitmap) callback.

public void loadTileBitmaps(int pageNum, Dimensions pageSize, java.lang.Iterable<TileBoard.TileInfo> tiles)

Renders bitmaps for the given tiles - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageBitmap(int, Bitmap) callback.

public void cancelAllTileBitmaps(int pageNum)

Cancels requests for all tile bitmaps

public void cancelTileBitmaps(int pageNum, java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.Integer> tileIds)

Cancels requests for some tile bitmaps

public void loadPageText(int pageNum)

Loads text for the given page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageText(int, String) callback.

public void searchPageText(int pageNum, java.lang.String query)

Searches for the given term on the given page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setSearchResults(String, int, MatchRects) callback.

public void selectPageText(int pageNum, SelectionBoundary start, SelectionBoundary stop)

Selects the text between the given two boundaries - once it is ready, will call the the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setSelection(int, PageSelection) callback.

public void loadPageUrlLinks(int pageNum)

Finds all the url links on the page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageUrlLinks(int, LinkRects) callback.

public void loadPageGotoLinks(int pageNum)

Finds all the go-to links on the page - once it is ready, will call the PdfLoaderCallbacks.setPageGotoLinks(int, List) callback.

public void cancelAll()

Cancels all data requested for every page.

protected PdfDocumentRemote getPdfDocument(java.lang.String forTask)

Returns a PdfDocumentRemote which maybe ready or not (i.e. still initializing).

protected void releasePdfDocument()

protected PdfDocumentRemote getLoadedPdfDocument(java.lang.String forTask)

Returns a valid PdfDocumentRemote or null if there isn't one (i.e. the service is not currently bound, or it is but still initializing).

public WeakPdfLoaderCallbacks getCallbacks()


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.pdf.viewer.loader;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.SparseArray;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.pdf.models.Dimensions;
import androidx.pdf.models.PdfDocumentRemote;
import androidx.pdf.models.SelectionBoundary;
import androidx.pdf.service.PdfDocumentRemoteProto;
import androidx.pdf.util.BitmapRecycler;
import androidx.pdf.util.TileBoard.TileInfo;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;

 * Allows the caller to make asynchronous requests for data from a PdfDocument.
 * The caller must provide a {@link PdfLoaderCallbacks}, which is only held as a
 * {@link WeakReference} and called when the requested data is ready.
 * <p>
 * PdfLoader automatically opens and maintains a connection to the PdfDocumentService.
 * This connection must be {@link #disconnect}ed when no longer needed, and {@link #reconnect}ed to
 * when this activity is restarted.
public class PdfLoader {
    private static final String TAG = PdfLoader.class.getSimpleName();

    final Context mContext;
    private final Opener mOpener;
    final PdfTaskExecutor mExecutor;
    final BitmapRecycler mBitmapRecycler;
    private final PdfConnection mConnection;

    // Keep a reference to the PDF data until it's successfully opened.
    private final DisplayData mData;
    private final boolean mHideTextAnnotations;

    private WeakPdfLoaderCallbacks mCallbacks;

    private final SparseArray<PdfPageLoader> mPageLoaders;
    private String mLoadedPassword;
    private int mNumPages;

    /** Creates a new {@link PdfLoader} and loads the document from the given data. */
    public static PdfLoader create(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull DisplayData data,
            @NonNull BitmapRecycler bitmaps,
            @NonNull PdfLoaderCallbacks callbacks) {
        return create(context, data, bitmaps, callbacks, false /* hideTextAnnotations */);

     * Creates a new {@link PdfLoader} and loads the document from the given data.
     * @param hideTextAnnotations whether to skip rendering text and highlight annotations in the
     *                            PDF
    public static PdfLoader create(
            @NonNull Context context,
            @NonNull DisplayData data,
            @NonNull BitmapRecycler bitmaps,
            @NonNull PdfLoaderCallbacks callbacks,
            boolean hideTextAnnotations) {
        final WeakPdfLoaderCallbacks weakCallbacks = WeakPdfLoaderCallbacks.wrap(callbacks);
        PdfConnection conn = new PdfConnection(context);
        final PdfLoader pdfLoader =
                new PdfLoader(
                () -> pdfLoader.mExecutor.schedule( LoadDocumentTask()));
        conn.setConnectionFailureHandler(() -> weakCallbacks.documentNotLoaded(PdfStatus.NONE));

        return pdfLoader;

            Context context,
            PdfConnection mConnection,
            DisplayData data,
            BitmapRecycler mBitmapRecycler,
            WeakPdfLoaderCallbacks callbacks,
            boolean hideTextAnnotations) {
        this.mContext = context;
        this.mOpener = new Opener(context);
        this.mConnection = mConnection;
        this.mData = data;
        this.mHideTextAnnotations = hideTextAnnotations;
        this.mExecutor = new PdfTaskExecutor();
        this.mBitmapRecycler = mBitmapRecycler;
        this.mCallbacks = callbacks;
        this.mPageLoaders = new SparseArray<>();

    public int getNumPages() {
        return mNumPages;

    public void setNumPages(int numPages) {
        mNumPages = numPages;

    public void setCallbacks(@NonNull WeakPdfLoaderCallbacks callbacks) {
        mCallbacks = callbacks;

    /** Schedule task to load a PdfDocument. */
    public void reloadDocument() {
        mExecutor.schedule(new LoadDocumentTask(mLoadedPassword));

     * Reconnect to the PdfDocumentService if needed, after it may have been killed by the
     * system.
    public void reconnect() {

    /** Disconnect from the PdfDocumentService, which will close itself and free its resources. */
    public void disconnect() {

    /** Tries to re-open the PDF with the given password. */
    public void applyPassword(@NonNull String password) {
        mExecutor.schedule(new LoadDocumentTask(password));

    /** Cancels all requests related to one page (bitmaps, texts,...). */
    public void cancel(int pageNum) {

    /** Cancel all tasks except search and form-filling. */
    public void cancelExceptSearchAndFormFilling(int pageNum) {

    /** Releases object in memory related to a page when that page is no longer visible. */
    public void releasePage(int pageNum) {

     * Loads page dimensions for the given page - once it is ready, will call the
     * {@link PdfLoaderCallbacks#setPageDimensions} callback.
    public void loadPageDimensions(int pageNum) {

     * Renders a bitmap for the given page - once it is ready, will call the
     * {@link PdfLoaderCallbacks#setPageBitmap} callback.
    public void loadPageBitmap(int pageNum, @NonNull Dimensions pageSize) {

     * Renders bitmaps for the given tiles - once it is ready, will call the
     * {@link PdfLoaderCallbacks#setPageBitmap} callback.
    public void loadTileBitmaps(int pageNum, @NonNull Dimensions pageSize,
            @NonNull Iterable<TileInfo> tiles) {
        getPageLoader(pageNum).loadTilesBitmaps(pageSize, tiles);

    /** Cancels requests for all tile bitmaps */
    public void cancelAllTileBitmaps(int pageNum) {

    /** Cancels requests for some tile bitmaps */
    public void cancelTileBitmaps(int pageNum, @NonNull Iterable<Integer> tileIds) {

     * Loads text for the given page - once it is ready, will call the
     * {@link PdfLoaderCallbacks#setPageText} callback.
    public void loadPageText(int pageNum) {

     * Searches for the given term on the given page - once it is ready, will call the
     * {@link PdfLoaderCallbacks#setSearchResults} callback.
    public void searchPageText(int pageNum, @NonNull String query) {

     * Selects the text between the given two boundaries - once it is ready, will call the
     * the {@link PdfLoaderCallbacks#setSelection} callback.
    public void selectPageText(int pageNum, @NonNull SelectionBoundary start,
            @NonNull SelectionBoundary stop) {
        getPageLoader(pageNum).selectPageText(start, stop);

     * Finds all the url links on the page - once it is ready, will call the {@link
     * PdfLoaderCallbacks#setPageUrlLinks} callback.
    public void loadPageUrlLinks(int pageNum) {

     * Finds all the go-to links on the page - once it is ready, will call the {@link
     * PdfLoaderCallbacks#setPageGotoLinks} callback.
    public void loadPageGotoLinks(int pageNum) {

    /** Cancels all data requested for every page. */
    public void cancelAll() {
        for (int i = 0; i < mPageLoaders.size(); i++) {

     * Returns a {@link PdfDocumentRemote} which maybe ready or not (i.e. still initializing).
    protected PdfDocumentRemote getPdfDocument(@NonNull String forTask) {
        return mConnection.getPdfDocument(forTask);

    protected void releasePdfDocument() {

     * Returns a valid {@link PdfDocumentRemote} or null if there isn't one (i.e. the service is not
     * currently bound, or it is but still initializing).
    protected PdfDocumentRemote getLoadedPdfDocument(@NonNull String forTask) {
        return mConnection.isLoaded() ? mConnection.getPdfDocument(forTask) : null;

    // Always returns a non-null callbacks - however the callbacks hold only a weak reference to the
    // PdfViewer, so it can be garbage collected if no longer in use, in which case the callbacks
    // all become no-ops.
    public WeakPdfLoaderCallbacks getCallbacks() {
        return mCallbacks;

    PdfPageLoader getPageLoader(int pageNum) {
        PdfPageLoader pageLoader = mPageLoaders.get(pageNum);
        if (pageLoader == null) {
            pageLoader = new PdfPageLoader(this, pageNum, mHideTextAnnotations);
            mPageLoaders.put(pageNum, pageLoader);
        return pageLoader;

    /** AsyncTask for loading a PdfDocument. */
    class LoadDocumentTask extends AbstractPdfTask<PdfStatus> {
        private final String mPassword;
//        private boolean mIsLinearized;

        LoadDocumentTask() {

        LoadDocumentTask(String password) {
            super(PdfLoader.this, Priority.INITIALIZE);
            this.mPassword = password;

        protected String getLogTag() {
            return "LoadDocumentTask";

        protected PdfDocumentRemote getPdfDocument() {
            // This Task needs to work with an uninitialized PdfDocument.
            return PdfLoader.this.getPdfDocument(getLogTag());

        protected PdfStatus doInBackground(PdfDocumentRemoteProto pdfDocument)
                throws RemoteException {
            PdfStatus result;
            if (mConnection.isLoaded()) {
                // Already loaded, skip the loading process (e.g., during screen rotation).
                result = PdfStatus.LOADED;
            } else {
                if (mData == null) {
                    return PdfStatus.FILE_ERROR;

                // NOTE: This filedescriptor is not closed since it continues to be used by Pdfium.
                // TODO: StrictMode- Look into filedescriptors more and document
                // exactly when they should be opened and closed, making sure they are not leaked.
                ParcelFileDescriptor fd = mData.openFd(mOpener);

                if (fd == null || fd.getFd() == -1) {
                    return PdfStatus.FILE_ERROR;
                int statusIndex = pdfDocument.getPdfDocumentRemote().create(fd, mPassword);
                result = PdfStatus.values()[statusIndex];

            if (result == PdfStatus.LOADED) {
                mNumPages = pdfDocument.getPdfDocumentRemote().numPages();
//                mIsLinearized = pdfDocument.getPdfDocumentRemote().isPdfLinearized();
            return result;

        protected void doCallback(PdfLoaderCallbacks callbacks, PdfStatus status) {
            // TODO: Track the state of the FileInfo object.
            switch (status) {
                case LOADED:
                    mLoadedPassword = mPassword;
                    // TODO: Track loaded PDF info.
                    callbacks.documentLoaded(mNumPages, mData);
                case REQUIRES_PASSWORD:
                    // TODO: Reflect this in the state of the FileInfo object.
                    boolean wrongPasswordSupplied = !TextUtils.isEmpty(mPassword);
                case FILE_ERROR:
                case PDF_ERROR:
                case NONE:
                    // TODO: Add default case to non-exhaustive switches on Java enums

        protected void cleanup() { /* nothing to do. */ }

        public String toString() {
            return "LoadDocumentTask(" + mData + ")";