public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.test', name: 'runner', version: '1.5.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.test
  • artifactId: runner
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.test:runner:1.5.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:



Provides arguments to TestEventClient.connect(Context, TestEventClientConnectListener, TestEventClientArgs) to determine which Orchestrator service connections are needed, if any.

The call will determine which Orchestrator version to use depending on which arguments are provided.


public final TestEventClientArgs.ConnectionFactoryconnectionFactory

public final booleanisOrchestrated

public final booleanisPrimaryInstrProcess

public final booleanisTestDiscoveryRequested

public final booleanisTestRunEventsRequested

public final intorchestratorVersion

public final java.lang.StringtestDiscoveryService

public final booleantestPlatformMigration

public final java.lang.StringtestRunEventService

public static TestEventClientArgs.Builderbuilder()

Creates a new TestEventClientArgs.Builder instance.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public final boolean isOrchestrated

public final boolean isPrimaryInstrProcess

public final boolean isTestDiscoveryRequested

public final boolean isTestRunEventsRequested

public final int orchestratorVersion

public final java.lang.String testDiscoveryService

public final java.lang.String testRunEventService

public final TestEventClientArgs.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory

public final boolean testPlatformMigration


public static TestEventClientArgs.Builder builder()

Creates a new TestEventClientArgs.Builder instance.


 * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

 * Provides arguments to {@link TestEventClient#connect(Context, TestEventClientConnectListener,
 * TestEventClientArgs)} to determine which Orchestrator service connections are needed, if any.
 * <p>The {@link Builder#build()} call will determine which Orchestrator version to use depending on
 * which arguments are provided.
public final class TestEventClientArgs {
  public final boolean isOrchestrated;
  public final boolean isPrimaryInstrProcess;
  public final boolean isTestDiscoveryRequested;
  public final boolean isTestRunEventsRequested;
  public final int orchestratorVersion;
  @Nullable public final String testDiscoveryService;
  @Nullable public final String testRunEventService;
  @Nullable public final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
  public final boolean testPlatformMigration;

  private TestEventClientArgs(
      boolean isOrchestrated, int orchestratorVersion, @NonNull Builder builder) {
    this.isOrchestrated = isOrchestrated;
    this.isPrimaryInstrProcess = builder.isPrimaryInstProcess;
    this.isTestDiscoveryRequested = builder.testDiscoveryRequested;
    this.isTestRunEventsRequested = builder.testRunEventsRequested;
    this.testDiscoveryService = builder.testDiscoveryService;
    this.testRunEventService = builder.testRunEventService;
    this.connectionFactory = builder.connectionFactory;
    this.orchestratorVersion = orchestratorVersion;
    this.testPlatformMigration = builder.testPlatformMigration;

  /** Creates a new {@link TestEventClientArgs.Builder} instance. */
  public static Builder builder() {
    return new Builder();

   * Creates a new {@link TestEventClientArgs} instance using the provided arguments. Use the
   * applicable setters to configure the arguments then call {@link #build()} to create the new
   * {@link TestEventClientArgs}.
  public static class Builder {
    private static final String TAG = "TestEventClient";
    boolean isPrimaryInstProcess = true;
    boolean testDiscoveryRequested = false;
    boolean testRunEventsRequested = false;
    boolean testPlatformMigration = false;
    @Nullable private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
    @Nullable private String orchestratorService;
    @Nullable private String testDiscoveryService;
    @Nullable private String testRunEventService;

     * Indicates whether this is the primary instrumentation process, as returned by {@code
     * MonitoringInstrumentation.isPrimaryInstrProcess(RunnerArgs)}.
    public Builder setPrimaryInstProcess(boolean isPrimaryInstProcess) {
      this.isPrimaryInstProcess = isPrimaryInstProcess;
      return this;

     * If any non-empty value is present, then use Orchestrator v1 ({@code
     * androidx.test.orchestrator.OrchestratorService}) for test discovery or test run event
     * notifications. The actual value of {@link #orchestratorService} isn't used.
     * <p>Requires one of {@link #testDiscoveryRequested} or {@link #testRunEventsRequested} to be
     * set to {@code true}.
    public Builder setOrchestratorService(@Nullable String orchestratorService) {
      this.orchestratorService = orchestratorService;
      return this;

    /** Discover all available tests and send them back to the Orchestrator. */
    public Builder setTestDiscoveryRequested(boolean discoveryRequested) {
      this.testDiscoveryRequested = discoveryRequested;
      return this;

    /** Send test run status updates to the Orchestrator. */
    public Builder setTestRunEventsRequested(boolean runEventsRequested) {
      this.testRunEventsRequested = runEventsRequested;
      return this;

    /** Temporary workaround - should this use the new test platform event client */
    public Builder setTestPlatformMigration(boolean testPlatformMigration) {
      this.testPlatformMigration = testPlatformMigration;
      return this;

     * Discover available tests and send {@link
     *}s back to the Orchestrator v2
     * {@code} service.
     * <p>This implicitly sets {@link #testDiscoveryRequested} to {@code true}.
    public Builder setTestDiscoveryService(@Nullable String testDiscoveryService) {
      this.testDiscoveryService = testDiscoveryService;
      return this;

     * Send {@link}s back to the Orchestrator v2
     * {@code} service.
     * <p>This implicitly sets {@link #testRunEventsRequested} to {@code true}.
    public Builder setTestRunEventService(@Nullable String testRunEventService) {
      this.testRunEventService = testRunEventService;
      return this;

     * If a custom connectionFactory instance is provided, then {@link TestEventClient} will use
     * this factory to create the {@link TestEventServiceConnection}. This is used by {@code
     * AndroidJUnitRunner} to override the connection to use for the legacy v1 {@code
     * androidx.test.orchestrator.OrchestratorService}, i.e. when argument {@link
     * #orchestratorService} is provided.
    public Builder setConnectionFactory(@Nullable ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
      this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
      return this;

     * Determines which operation to perform (test discovery, or test run event notifications) by
     * evaluating the provided arguments.
     * @return a new {@link TestEventClientArgs} instance
    public TestEventClientArgs build() {
      int version = 0;
      if (testDiscoveryService != null && !testDiscoveryService.isEmpty()) {
        version = 2;
        testDiscoveryRequested = true;
        testRunEventsRequested = false;
      } else if (testRunEventService != null && !testRunEventService.isEmpty()) {
        version = 2;
        testRunEventsRequested = true;
        testDiscoveryRequested = false;
      } else if (orchestratorService != null) {
        if (connectionFactory == null) {
              "Orchestrator service ["
                  + orchestratorService
                  + "] argument given, but no connectionFactory was provided for the v1 service");
        } else if (testDiscoveryRequested || testRunEventsRequested) {
          version = 1;
        } else {
              "Orchestrator service ["
                  + orchestratorService
                  + "] argument given, but neither test discovery nor run event services "
                  + "was requested");
      } else {
            "No service name argument was given (testDiscoveryService, "
                + "testRunEventService or orchestratorService)");
        testDiscoveryRequested = false;
        testRunEventsRequested = false;
      if (testDiscoveryRequested && testRunEventsRequested) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Can't use both the test discovery and run event services simultaneously");
        testRunEventsRequested = false;
      if (version > 0) {
        Log.v(TAG, "Connecting to Orchestrator v" + version);
      return new TestEventClientArgs(version > 0, version, this);

   * A client may optionally provide a factory for the remote service connection. This is required
   * when using the Orchestrator v1 service from {@code AndroidJUnitRunner}.
  public interface ConnectionFactory {

     * Creates a new connection, e.g. {@code OrchestratorV1Connection} attached to the specified
     * listener.
    TestEventServiceConnection create(@NonNull TestEventClientConnectListener listener);