public class


extends OngoingActivityStatus





OngoingActivityStatus representing a timer or stopwatch.


publicTimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis)

Create a Status representing stopwatch.

publicTimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis, boolean countDown)

Create a Status representing a timer or stopwatch.

publicTimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis, boolean countDown, long pausedAtMillis)

Create a Status representing a timer or stopwatch.

publicTimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis, boolean countDown, long pausedAtMillis, long totalDurationMillis)

Create a Status representing a timer or stopwatch.

public booleanequals(java.lang.Object o)

public longgetNextChangeTimeMillis(long fromTimeMillis)

See OngoingActivityStatus.getNextChangeTimeMillis(long)

public longgetPausedAtMillis()

public java.lang.CharSequencegetText(Context context, long timeNowMillis)

See OngoingActivityStatus.getText(Context, long)]

public longgetTimeZeroMillis()

public longgetTotalDurationMillis()

public inthashCode()

public booleanhasTotalDuration()

Determines if this timer has a total duration set.

public booleanisCountDown()

public booleanisPaused()

Determines if this timer is paused.

from java.lang.Objectclone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public TimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis, boolean countDown, long pausedAtMillis, long totalDurationMillis)

Create a Status representing a timer or stopwatch.


timeZeroMillis: timestamp of the time at which this Timer should display 0, will be in the past for a stopwatch and usually in the future for timers.
countDown: indicates if this is a stopwatch (when false or timer (when true).
pausedAtMillis: timestamp of the time when this timer was paused. Or -1L if this timer is running.
totalDurationMillis: total duration of this timer/stopwatch, useful to display as a progress bar or similar.

public TimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis, boolean countDown, long pausedAtMillis)

Create a Status representing a timer or stopwatch.


timeZeroMillis: timestamp of the time at which this Timer should display 0, will be in the past for a stopwatch and usually in the future for timers.
countDown: indicates if this is a stopwatch (when false) or timer (when true).
pausedAtMillis: timestamp of the time when this timer was paused. Or -1L if this timer is running.

public TimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis, boolean countDown)

Create a Status representing a timer or stopwatch.


timeZeroMillis: timestamp of the time at which this Timer should display 0, will be in the past for a stopwatch and usually in the future for timers.
countDown: indicates if this is a stopwatch (when false) or timer (when true).

public TimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis)

Create a Status representing stopwatch.


timeZeroMillis: timestamp of the time at which this Stopwatch started.


public java.lang.CharSequence getText(Context context, long timeNowMillis)

See OngoingActivityStatus.getText(Context, long)]

public long getNextChangeTimeMillis(long fromTimeMillis)

See OngoingActivityStatus.getNextChangeTimeMillis(long)

public long getTimeZeroMillis()


the time at which this Timer will display 0, will be in the past for a stopwatch and usually in the future for timers.

public boolean isCountDown()


false if this is a stopwatch or true if this is a timer.

public boolean isPaused()

Determines if this timer is paused. i.e. the display representation will not change over time.


true if this timer is paused, false if it's running.

public long getPausedAtMillis()


the timestamp of the time when this timer was paused. Use TimerOngoingActivityStatus.isPaused() to determine if this timer is paused or not.

public boolean hasTotalDuration()

Determines if this timer has a total duration set.


true if this the total duration was set, false if not.

public long getTotalDurationMillis()


the total duration of this timer/stopwatch, if set. Use TimerOngoingActivityStatus.hasTotalDuration() to determine if this timer has a duration set.

public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)

public int hashCode()


 * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.ongoingactivity;

import android.content.Context;
import android.text.format.DateUtils;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.versionedparcelable.ParcelField;
import androidx.versionedparcelable.VersionedParcelize;

import java.util.Objects;

 * {@link OngoingActivityStatus} representing a timer or stopwatch.
public class TimerOngoingActivityStatus extends OngoingActivityStatus {
    @ParcelField(value = 1, defaultValue = "0")
    private long mTimeZeroMillis;

    @ParcelField(value = 2, defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean mCountDown = false;

    @ParcelField(value = 3, defaultValue = "-1")
    private long mPausedAtMillis = LONG_DEFAULT;

    @ParcelField(value = 4, defaultValue = "-1")
    private long mTotalDurationMillis = LONG_DEFAULT;

    private final StringBuilder mStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(8);
    private static final String NEGATIVE_DURATION_PREFIX = "-";

     * Create a Status representing a timer or stopwatch.
     * @param timeZeroMillis      timestamp of the time at which this Timer should display 0,
     *                            will be in the
     *                            past for a stopwatch and usually in the future for timers.
     * @param countDown           indicates if this is a stopwatch (when {@code false} or timer
     *                            (when {@code true}).
     * @param pausedAtMillis      timestamp of the time when this timer was paused. Or
     *                            {@code -1L} if this
     *                            timer is running.
     * @param totalDurationMillis total duration of this timer/stopwatch, useful to display as a
     *                            progress bar or similar.
    public TimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis, boolean countDown, long pausedAtMillis,
            long totalDurationMillis) {
        this.mTimeZeroMillis = timeZeroMillis;
        this.mCountDown = countDown;
        this.mPausedAtMillis = pausedAtMillis;
        this.mTotalDurationMillis = totalDurationMillis;

     * Create a Status representing a timer or stopwatch.
     * @param timeZeroMillis      timestamp of the time at which this Timer should display 0,
     *                            will be in the
     *                            past for a stopwatch and usually in the future for timers.
     * @param countDown           indicates if this is a stopwatch (when {@code false}) or timer
     *                            (when {@code true}).
     * @param pausedAtMillis      timestamp of the time when this timer was paused. Or
     *                            {@code -1L} if this timer is running.
    public TimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis, boolean countDown, long pausedAtMillis) {
        this(timeZeroMillis, countDown, pausedAtMillis, LONG_DEFAULT);

     * Create a Status representing a timer or stopwatch.
     * @param timeZeroMillis      timestamp of the time at which this Timer should display 0,
     *                            will be in the
     *                            past for a stopwatch and usually in the future for timers.
     * @param countDown           indicates if this is a stopwatch (when {@code false}) or timer
     *                            (when {@code true}).
    public TimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis, boolean countDown) {
        this(timeZeroMillis, countDown, LONG_DEFAULT);

     * Create a Status representing stopwatch.
     * @param timeZeroMillis      timestamp of the time at which this Stopwatch started.
    public TimerOngoingActivityStatus(long timeZeroMillis) {
        this(timeZeroMillis, false);

     * See {@link OngoingActivityStatus#getText(Context, long)}]
    public CharSequence getText(@NonNull Context context, long timeNowMillis) {
        long timeMillis = isPaused() ? mPausedAtMillis : timeNowMillis;
        long milliSeconds = timeMillis - mTimeZeroMillis;
        long seconds = milliSeconds >= 0 ? milliSeconds / 1000
                // Always round down (instead of the default round to 0) so all values are displayed
                // for 1 second.
                : (milliSeconds - 999) / 1000;

        if (mCountDown) {
            seconds = -seconds;

        String prefix = "";
        if (seconds < 0) {
            seconds = -seconds;
            prefix = NEGATIVE_DURATION_PREFIX;

        return prefix + DateUtils.formatElapsedTime(mStringBuilder, seconds);

     * See {@link OngoingActivityStatus#getNextChangeTimeMillis(long)}
    public long getNextChangeTimeMillis(long fromTimeMillis) {
        return isPaused() ? Long.MAX_VALUE :
                // We always want to return a value:
                //    * Strictly greater than fromTimeMillis.
                //    * Has the same millis as timeZero.
                //    * It's as small as possible.
                fromTimeMillis + ((mTimeZeroMillis - fromTimeMillis) % 1000 + 1999) % 1000 + 1;

     * @return the time at which this Timer will display 0, will be in the past for a stopwatch
     * and usually in the future for timers.
    public long getTimeZeroMillis() {
        return mTimeZeroMillis;

     * @return {@code false} if this is a stopwatch or {@code true} if this is a timer.
    public boolean isCountDown() {
        return mCountDown;

     * Determines if this timer is paused. i.e. the display representation will not change over
     * time.
     * @return {@code true} if this timer is paused, {@code false} if it's running.
    public boolean isPaused() {
        return mPausedAtMillis >= 0L;

     * @return the timestamp of the time when this timer was paused. Use
     * {@link TimerOngoingActivityStatus#isPaused()} to determine if this timer is paused or not.
    public long getPausedAtMillis() {
        return mPausedAtMillis;

     * Determines if this timer has a total duration set.
     * @return {@code true} if this the total duration was set, {@code false} if not.
    public boolean hasTotalDuration() {
        return mTotalDurationMillis >= 0L;

     * @return the total duration of this timer/stopwatch, if set. Use
     * {@link TimerOngoingActivityStatus#hasTotalDuration()} to determine if this timer has a
     * duration set.
    public long getTotalDurationMillis() {
        return mTotalDurationMillis;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (!(o instanceof TimerOngoingActivityStatus)) return false;
        TimerOngoingActivityStatus that = (TimerOngoingActivityStatus) o;
        return mTimeZeroMillis == that.mTimeZeroMillis
                && mCountDown == that.mCountDown
                && mPausedAtMillis == that.mPausedAtMillis
                && mTotalDurationMillis == that.mTotalDurationMillis;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(mTimeZeroMillis, mCountDown, mPausedAtMillis, mTotalDurationMillis);