public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.wear.protolayout', name: 'protolayout-expression', version: '1.2.0'

  • groupId: androidx.wear.protolayout
  • artifactId: protolayout-expression
  • version: 1.2.0

Artifact androidx.wear.protolayout:protolayout-expression:1.2.0 it located at Google repository (


Dynamic types for platform health sources.


public static final intHEART_RATE_ACCURACY_HIGH

Heart rate data is available with high accuracy.

public static final intHEART_RATE_ACCURACY_LOW

Heart rate data is available but the accuracy is low.

public static final intHEART_RATE_ACCURACY_MEDIUM

Heart rate data is available and the accuracy is medium.

public static final intHEART_RATE_ACCURACY_NO_CONTACT

Heart rate cannot be acquired because the sensor is not properly contacting skin.

public static final intHEART_RATE_ACCURACY_UNKNOWN

Heart rate accuracy is unknown.


Heart rate data is currently too unreliable to be used.

public static DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloatdailyCalories()

Creates a DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat which receives the current daily calories from platform health sources.

public static DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloatdailyDistanceMeters()

Creates a DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat which receives the current daily distance expressed in meters from platform health sources.

public static DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloatdailyFloors()

Creates a DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat which receives the current daily floors from platform health sources.

public static DynamicBuilders.DynamicInt32dailySteps()

Creates a DynamicBuilders.DynamicInt32 which receives the current daily steps from platform health sources.

public static PlatformHealthSources.DynamicHeartRateAccuracyheartRateAccuracy()

Creates a PlatformHealthSources.DynamicHeartRateAccuracy which receives the current heat rate sensor accuracy from platform sources.

public static DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloatheartRateBpm()

Creates a DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat which receives the current heat rate from platform sources.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_UNKNOWN

Heart rate accuracy is unknown.

public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_NO_CONTACT

Heart rate cannot be acquired because the sensor is not properly contacting skin.

public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_UNRELIABLE

Heart rate data is currently too unreliable to be used.

public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_LOW

Heart rate data is available but the accuracy is low.

public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_MEDIUM

Heart rate data is available and the accuracy is medium.

public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_HIGH

Heart rate data is available with high accuracy.


public static DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat heartRateBpm()

Creates a DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat which receives the current heat rate from platform sources.

This method provides backward compatibility and is preferred over using PlatformHealthSources.Keys.HEART_RATE_BPM directly.

public static PlatformHealthSources.DynamicHeartRateAccuracy heartRateAccuracy()

Creates a PlatformHealthSources.DynamicHeartRateAccuracy which receives the current heat rate sensor accuracy from platform sources.

The accuracy value is one of PlatformHealthSources.DynamicHeartRateAccuracy constants.

public static DynamicBuilders.DynamicInt32 dailySteps()

Creates a DynamicBuilders.DynamicInt32 which receives the current daily steps from platform health sources. This is the total step count over a day and it resets when 00:00 is reached (in whatever is the timezone set at that time). This can result in the DAILY period being greater than or less than 24 hours when the timezone of the device is changed.

This method provides backward compatibility and is preferred over using PlatformHealthSources.Keys.DAILY_STEPS directly.

public static DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat dailyFloors()

Creates a DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat which receives the current daily floors from platform health sources. This is the total number of floors climbed over a day and it resets when 00:00 is reached (in whatever is the timezone set at that time). This can result in the DAILY period being greater than or less than 24 hours when the timezone of the device is changed.

public static DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat dailyCalories()

Creates a DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat which receives the current daily calories from platform health sources. This is the total number of calories over a day (including both BMR and active calories) and it resets when 00:00 is reached (in whatever is the timezone set at that time). This can result in the DAILY period being greater than or less than 24 hours when the timezone of the device is changed.

public static DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat dailyDistanceMeters()

Creates a DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat which receives the current daily distance expressed in meters from platform health sources. This is the total distance over a day and it resets when 00:00 is reached (in whatever is the timezone set at that time). This can result in the DAILY period being greater than or less than 24 hours when the timezone of the device is changed.


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.protolayout.expression;

import android.Manifest;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresPermission;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.DynamicBuilders.DynamicFloat;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.DynamicBuilders.DynamicInt32;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.DynamicDataBuilders.DynamicDataValue;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.DynamicProto;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

/** Dynamic types for platform health sources. */
public class PlatformHealthSources {
    public @interface HeartRateAccuracy {}

    /** Heart rate accuracy is unknown. */
    public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_UNKNOWN = 0;

    /** Heart rate cannot be acquired because the sensor is not properly contacting skin. */
    public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_NO_CONTACT = 1;

    /** Heart rate data is currently too unreliable to be used. */
    public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_UNRELIABLE = 2;

    /** Heart rate data is available but the accuracy is low. */
    public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_LOW = 3;

    /** Heart rate data is available and the accuracy is medium. */
    public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_MEDIUM = 4;

    /** Heart rate data is available with high accuracy. */
    public static final int HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_HIGH = 5;

    /** Data sources keys for platform health sources. */
    public static class Keys {
        private Keys() {}

        /** The data source key for heart rate bpm data from platform health sources. */
        public static final PlatformDataKey<DynamicFloat> HEART_RATE_BPM =
                new PlatformDataKey<>("HeartRate");

         * The data source key for heart rate sensor accuracy data from platform health sources. The
         * accuracy value is one of {@code HEART_RATE_ACCURACY_*} constants.
        public static final PlatformDataKey<DynamicHeartRateAccuracy> HEART_RATE_ACCURACY =
                new PlatformDataKey<>("HeartRate Accuracy");

         * The data source key for daily step count data from platform health sources. This is the
         * total step count over a day and it resets when 00:00 is reached (in whatever is the
         * timezone set at that time). This can result in the DAILY period being greater than or
         * less than 24 hours when the timezone of the device is changed.
        public static final PlatformDataKey<DynamicInt32> DAILY_STEPS =
                new PlatformDataKey<>("Daily Steps");

         * The data source key for daily distance data (in meters) from platform health sources.
         * This is the total distance over a day and it resets when 00:00 is reached (in whatever is
         * the timezone set at that time). This can result in the DAILY period being greater than or
         * less than 24 hours when the timezone of the device is changed.
        public static final PlatformDataKey<DynamicFloat> DAILY_DISTANCE_METERS =
                new PlatformDataKey<>("Daily Distance");

         * The data source key for daily calories (kcal) data from platform health sources. This is
         * the total number of kilocalories over a day (including both BMR and active calories) and
         * it resets when 00:00 is reached (in whatever is the timezone set at that time). This can
         * result in the DAILY period being greater than or less than 24 hours when the timezone of
         * the device is changed.
        public static final PlatformDataKey<DynamicFloat> DAILY_CALORIES =
                new PlatformDataKey<>("Daily Calories");

         * The data source key for daily floors data from platform health sources. This is the total
         * number of floors climbed over a day and it resets when 00:00 is reached (in whatever is
         * the timezone set at that time). This can result in the DAILY period being greater than or
         * less than 24 hours when the timezone of the device is changed.
        public static final PlatformDataKey<DynamicFloat> DAILY_FLOORS =
                new PlatformDataKey<>("Daily Floors");

    private PlatformHealthSources() {}

     * Creates a {@link DynamicFloat} which receives the current heat rate from platform sources.
     * <p>This method provides backward compatibility and is preferred over using {@link
     * Keys#HEART_RATE_BPM} directly.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static DynamicFloat heartRateBpm() {
        return DynamicFloat.from(Keys.HEART_RATE_BPM);

     * Creates a {@link DynamicHeartRateAccuracy} which receives the current heat rate sensor
     * accuracy from platform sources.
     * <p>The accuracy value is one of {@link DynamicHeartRateAccuracy} constants.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static DynamicHeartRateAccuracy heartRateAccuracy() {
        return new DynamicHeartRateAccuracy(
                new DynamicBuilders.StateInt32Source.Builder()

     * Creates a {@link DynamicInt32} which receives the current daily steps from platform health
     * sources. This is the total step count over a day and it resets when 00:00 is reached (in
     * whatever is the timezone set at that time). This can result in the DAILY period being greater
     * than or less than 24 hours when the timezone of the device is changed.
     * <p>This method provides backward compatibility and is preferred over using {@link
     * Keys#DAILY_STEPS} directly.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static DynamicInt32 dailySteps() {
        return DynamicInt32.from(Keys.DAILY_STEPS);

     * Creates a {@link DynamicFloat} which receives the current daily floors from platform health
     * sources. This is the total number of floors climbed over a day and it resets when 00:00 is
     * reached (in whatever is the timezone set at that time). This can result in the DAILY period
     * being greater than or less than 24 hours when the timezone of the device is changed.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static DynamicFloat dailyFloors() {
        return DynamicFloat.from(Keys.DAILY_FLOORS);

     * Creates a {@link DynamicFloat} which receives the current daily calories from platform health
     * sources. This is the total number of calories over a day (including both BMR and active
     * calories) and it resets when 00:00 is reached (in whatever is the timezone set at that time).
     * This can result in the DAILY period being greater than or less than 24 hours when the
     * timezone of the device is changed.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static DynamicFloat dailyCalories() {
        return DynamicFloat.from(Keys.DAILY_CALORIES);

     * Creates a {@link DynamicFloat} which receives the current daily distance expressed in meters
     * from platform health sources. This is the total distance over a day and it resets when 00:00
     * is reached (in whatever is the timezone set at that time). This can result in the DAILY
     * period being greater than or less than 24 hours when the timezone of the device is changed.
    @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    public static DynamicFloat dailyDistanceMeters() {
        return DynamicFloat.from(Keys.DAILY_DISTANCE_METERS);

    /** Dynamic heart rate sensor accuracy value. */
    public static final class DynamicHeartRateAccuracy implements DynamicInt32 {
        private final DynamicInt32 mImpl;

        DynamicHeartRateAccuracy(DynamicInt32 impl) {
            this.mImpl = impl;

        /** Creates a constant-valued {@link DynamicHeartRateAccuracy}. */
        @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
        public static DynamicHeartRateAccuracy constant(@HeartRateAccuracy int val) {
            return new DynamicHeartRateAccuracy(DynamicInt32.constant(val));

        /** Creates a value to be provided from a {@code PlatformDataProvider}. */
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // DynamicHeartRateAccuracy acts like DynamicInt32.
        @RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
        public static DynamicDataValue<DynamicHeartRateAccuracy> dynamicDataValueOf(
                @HeartRateAccuracy int val) {
            return (DynamicDataValue<DynamicHeartRateAccuracy>)
                    (DynamicDataValue<?>) DynamicDataValue.fromInt(val);

        public DynamicProto.DynamicInt32 toDynamicInt32Proto() {
            return mImpl.toDynamicInt32Proto();

        public DynamicProto.DynamicInt32 toDynamicInt32Proto(boolean withFingerprint) {
            return mImpl.toDynamicInt32Proto(withFingerprint);

        public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
            return mImpl.getFingerprint();