public final class


extends java.lang.Object




Builder for AnimationParameterBuilders.Repeatable



public AnimationParameterBuilders.Repeatablebuild()

Builds an instance from accumulated values.

public AnimationParameterBuilders.Repeatable.BuildersetForwardRepeatOverride(AnimationParameterBuilders.AnimationParameters forwardRepeatOverride)

Sets optional custom parameters for the forward passes of animation.

public AnimationParameterBuilders.Repeatable.BuildersetIterations(int iterations)

Sets the number specifying how many times animation will be repeated.

public AnimationParameterBuilders.Repeatable.BuildersetRepeatMode(int repeatMode)

Sets the repeat mode to specify how animation will behave when repeated.

public AnimationParameterBuilders.Repeatable.BuildersetReverseRepeatOverride(AnimationParameterBuilders.AnimationParameters reverseRepeatOverride)

Sets optional custom parameters for the reverse passes of animation.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Builder()


public AnimationParameterBuilders.Repeatable.Builder setIterations(int iterations)

Sets the number specifying how many times animation will be repeated. If not set, defaults to repeating infinitely.

public AnimationParameterBuilders.Repeatable.Builder setRepeatMode(int repeatMode)

Sets the repeat mode to specify how animation will behave when repeated. If not set, defaults to restart.

Sets optional custom parameters for the forward passes of animation. If not set, use the main animation parameters set outside of AnimationParameterBuilders.Repeatable.

Sets optional custom parameters for the reverse passes of animation. If not set, use the main animation parameters set outside of AnimationParameterBuilders.Repeatable.

Builds an instance from accumulated values.