public class


extends java.lang.Object

implements LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.wear.protolayout', name: 'protolayout-material', version: '1.2.0'

  • groupId: androidx.wear.protolayout
  • artifactId: protolayout-material
  • version: 1.2.0

Artifact androidx.wear.protolayout:protolayout-material:1.2.0 it located at Google repository (


ProtoLayout component CompactChip that represents clickable object with the text.

The CompactChip is Stadium shape and has a max height designed to take no more than one line of text of Typography.TYPOGRAPHY_CAPTION1 style with included margin for tap target to meet accessibility requirements. Width of the chip is adjustable to the text size.

The recommended set of ChipColors styles can be obtained from ChipDefaults., e.g. ChipDefaults.COMPACT_PRIMARY_COLORS to get a color scheme for a primary CompactChip.

When accessing the contents of a container for testing, note that this element can't be simply casted back to the original type, i.e.:

 CompactChip chip = new CompactChip...
 Box box = new Box.Builder().addContent(chip).build();

 CompactChip myChip = (CompactChip) box.getContents().get(0);
will fail.

To be able to get CompactChip object from any layout element, CompactChip.fromLayoutElement(LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement) method should be used, i.e.:

 CompactChip myChip = CompactChip.fromLayoutElement(box.getContents().get(0));


public static CompactChipfromLayoutElement(LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement element)

Returns CompactChip object from the given LayoutElement (e.g.

public ChipColorsgetChipColors()

Returns chip color of this Chip.

public ModifiersBuilders.ClickablegetClickable()

Returns click event action associated with this Chip.

public TypeBuilders.StringPropgetContentDescription()

Returns content description of this CompactChip.

public FingerprintgetFingerprint()

public java.lang.StringgetIconContent()

Returns icon id from this CompactChip if it has been added.

public java.lang.StringgetText()

Returns text content of this Chip if it was set.

public booleanhasText()

Returns whether the text content of this Chip was set.

public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElementtoLayoutElementProto()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public ModifiersBuilders.Clickable getClickable()

Returns click event action associated with this Chip.

public ChipColors getChipColors()

Returns chip color of this Chip.

public java.lang.String getText()

Returns text content of this Chip if it was set. If the text content wasn't set (either with CompactChip.Builder.setTextContent(String) or constructor, this method will return an empty String. Whether text content exists on this Chip, that can be checked with CompactChip.hasText().

public boolean hasText()

Returns whether the text content of this Chip was set.

public java.lang.String getIconContent()

Returns icon id from this CompactChip if it has been added. Otherwise, it returns null.

public static CompactChip fromLayoutElement(LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement element)

Returns CompactChip object from the given LayoutElement (e.g. one retrieved from a container's content with container.getContents().get(index)) if that element can be converted to CompactChip. Otherwise, it will return null.

public TypeBuilders.StringProp getContentDescription()

Returns content description of this CompactChip.

public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto()

public Fingerprint getFingerprint()


 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.protolayout.material;

import static androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.wrap;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_START;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.ChipDefaults.COMPACT_HEIGHT;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.ChipDefaults.COMPACT_HORIZONTAL_PADDING;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.ChipDefaults.COMPACT_ICON_SIZE;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.ChipDefaults.COMPACT_MIN_WIDTH;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.ChipDefaults.COMPACT_PRIMARY_COLORS;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.materialcore.Helper.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.materialcore.Helper.staticString;

import android.content.Context;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.OptIn;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DeviceParametersBuilders.DeviceParameters;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.WrappedDimensionProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Clickable;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.TypeBuilders.StringProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.Fingerprint;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.ProtoLayoutExperimental;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElementProto;

 * ProtoLayout component {@link CompactChip} that represents clickable object with the text.
 * <p>The CompactChip is Stadium shape and has a max height designed to take no more than one line
 * of text of {@link Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_CAPTION1} style with included margin for tap target to
 * meet accessibility requirements. Width of the chip is adjustable to the text size.
 * <p>The recommended set of {@link ChipColors} styles can be obtained from {@link ChipDefaults}.,
 * e.g. {@link ChipDefaults#COMPACT_PRIMARY_COLORS} to get a color scheme for a primary {@link
 * CompactChip}.
 * <p>When accessing the contents of a container for testing, note that this element can't be simply
 * casted back to the original type, i.e.:
 * <pre>{@code
 * CompactChip chip = new CompactChip...
 * Box box = new Box.Builder().addContent(chip).build();
 * CompactChip myChip = (CompactChip) box.getContents().get(0);
 * }</pre>
 * will fail.
 * <p>To be able to get {@link CompactChip} object from any layout element, {@link
 * #fromLayoutElement} method should be used, i.e.:
 * <pre>{@code
 * CompactChip myChip = CompactChip.fromLayoutElement(box.getContents().get(0));
 * }</pre>
public class CompactChip implements LayoutElement {
    @NonNull private final Chip mElement;

    CompactChip(@NonNull Chip element) {
        this.mElement = element;

    /** Builder class for {@link CompactChip}. */
    public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
        @NonNull private final Context mContext;
        @Nullable private String mText;
        @NonNull private final Clickable mClickable;
        @NonNull private final DeviceParameters mDeviceParameters;
        @NonNull private ChipColors mChipColors = COMPACT_PRIMARY_COLORS;
        @Nullable private String mIconResourceId = null;
        @Nullable private StringProp mContentDescription = null;

         * Creates a builder for the {@link CompactChip} with associated action and the given text.
         * @param context The application's context.
         * @param text The text to be displayed in this compact chip.
         * @param clickable Associated {@link Clickable} for click events. When the CompactChip is
         *     clicked it will fire the associated action.
         * @param deviceParameters The device parameters used for styling text.
        public Builder(
                @NonNull Context context,
                @NonNull String text,
                @NonNull Clickable clickable,
                @NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            this.mContext = context;
            this.mText = text;
            this.mClickable = clickable;
            this.mDeviceParameters = deviceParameters;

         * Creates a builder for the {@link CompactChip} with associated action. Please add text,
         * icon or both content with {@link #setTextContent} and {@link #setIconContent}.
         * @param context The application's context.
         * @param clickable Associated {@link Clickable} for click events. When the CompactChip is
         *     clicked it will fire the associated action.
         * @param deviceParameters The device parameters used for styling text.
        public Builder(
                @NonNull Context context,
                @NonNull Clickable clickable,
                @NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            this.mContext = context;
            this.mClickable = clickable;
            this.mDeviceParameters = deviceParameters;

        /** Sets the text for the {@link CompactChip}. */
        @SuppressWarnings("MissingGetterMatchingBuilder") // Exists as getText
        public Builder setTextContent(@NonNull String text) {
            this.mText = text;
            return this;

         * Sets the colors for the {@link CompactChip}. If set, {@link
         * ChipColors#getBackgroundColor()} will be used for the background of the button and {@link
         * ChipColors#getContentColor()} for the text. If not set, {@link
         * ChipDefaults#COMPACT_PRIMARY_COLORS} will be used.
        public Builder setChipColors(@NonNull ChipColors chipColors) {
            mChipColors = chipColors;
            return this;

         * Sets the icon for the {@link CompactChip}. Provided icon will be tinted to the given
         * content color from {@link ChipColors}. This icon should be image with chosen alpha
         * channel that can be tinted.
        public Builder setIconContent(@NonNull String imageResourceId) {
            this.mIconResourceId = imageResourceId;
            return this;

         * Sets the static content description for the {@link CompactChip}. It is highly recommended
         * to provide this for chip containing an icon.
        public Builder setContentDescription(@NonNull CharSequence contentDescription) {
            return setContentDescription(staticString(contentDescription.toString()));

         * Sets the content description for the {@link CompactChip}. It is highly recommended to
         * provide this for chip containing an icon.
         * <p>While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since version
         * 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).
        public Builder setContentDescription(@NonNull StringProp contentDescription) {
            this.mContentDescription = contentDescription;
            return this;

        /** Constructs and returns {@link CompactChip} with the provided content and look. */
        @OptIn(markerClass = ProtoLayoutExperimental.class)
        public CompactChip build() {
            if (mText == null && mIconResourceId == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one of text or icon must be set.");

            Chip.Builder chipBuilder =
                    new Chip.Builder(mContext, mClickable, mDeviceParameters)
                                    mContentDescription == null
                                            ? staticString(mText == null ? "" : mText)
                                            : mContentDescription)

            if (mText != null) {

            if (mIconResourceId != null) {

            return new CompactChip(;

        private WrappedDimensionProp resolveWidth() {
            // Min width applies to icon only CompactChip.
            return mText == null
                    // Icon only CompactChip.
                    ? new WrappedDimensionProp.Builder().setMinimumSize(COMPACT_MIN_WIDTH).build()
                    : wrap();

        private int getCorrectHorizontalAlignment() {
            return mIconResourceId == null || mText == null
                    ? HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER
                    : HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_START;

    /** Returns click event action associated with this Chip. */
    public Clickable getClickable() {
        return mElement.getClickable();

    /** Returns chip color of this Chip. */
    public ChipColors getChipColors() {
        return mElement.getChipColors();

     * Returns text content of this Chip if it was set. If the text content wasn't set (either with
     * {@link Builder#setTextContent} or constructor, this method will return an empty String.
     * Whether text content exists on this Chip, that can be checked with {@link #hasText()}.
    public String getText() {
        return hasText() ? checkNotNull(mElement.getPrimaryLabelContent()) : "";

     * Returns whether the text content of this Chip was set.
    public boolean hasText() {
        return mElement.getPrimaryLabelContent() != null;

    /** Returns icon id from this CompactChip if it has been added. Otherwise, it returns null. */
    public String getIconContent() {
        return mElement.getIconContent();

    /** Returns metadata tag set to this CompactChip. */
    String getMetadataTag() {
        return mElement.getMetadataTag();

     * Returns CompactChip object from the given LayoutElement (e.g. one retrieved from a
     * container's content with {@code container.getContents().get(index)}) if that element can be
     * converted to CompactChip. Otherwise, it will return null.
    public static CompactChip fromLayoutElement(@NonNull LayoutElement element) {
        if (element instanceof CompactChip) {
            return (CompactChip) element;
        androidx.wear.protolayout.materialcore.Chip coreChip =
        return coreChip == null ? null : new CompactChip(new Chip(coreChip));

    /** Returns content description of this CompactChip. */
    public StringProp getContentDescription() {
        return mElement.getContentDescription();

    public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
        return mElement.toLayoutElementProto();

    public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
        return mElement.getFingerprint();