public class


extends java.lang.Object

implements LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.wear.protolayout', name: 'protolayout-material', version: '1.2.0'

  • groupId: androidx.wear.protolayout
  • artifactId: protolayout-material
  • version: 1.2.0

Artifact androidx.wear.protolayout:protolayout-material:1.2.0 it located at Google repository (


ProtoLayout layout that represents a suggested layout style for Material ProtoLayout with the primary (compact) chip at the bottom with the given content in the center and the recommended margin and padding applied. There is a fixed slot for an optional primary label above or optional secondary label below the main content area. Visuals and design samples can be found here.

It is highly recommended that main content has max lines between 2 and 4 (dependant on labels present), i.e.: * No labels are present: content with max 4 lines, * 1 label is present: content with max 3 lines, * 2 labels are present: content with max 2 lines.

When accessing the contents of a container for testing, note that this element can't be simply casted back to the original type, i.e.:

 PrimaryLayout pl = new PrimaryLayout...
 Box box = new Box.Builder().addContent(pl).build();

 PrimaryLayout myPl = (PrimaryLayout) box.getContents().get(0);
will fail.

To be able to get PrimaryLayout object from any layout element, PrimaryLayout.fromLayoutElement(LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement) method should be used, i.e.:

 PrimaryLayout myPl = PrimaryLayout.fromLayoutElement(box.getContents().get(0));


public static PrimaryLayoutfromLayoutElement(LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement element)

Returns PrimaryLayout object from the given LayoutElement (e.g.

public LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElementgetContent()

Get the inner content from this layout.

public FingerprintgetFingerprint()

public LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElementgetPrimaryChipContent()

Get the primary chip content from this layout.

public LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElementgetPrimaryLabelTextContent()

Get the primary label content from this layout.

public LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElementgetSecondaryLabelTextContent()

Get the secondary label content from this layout.

public floatgetVerticalSpacerHeight()

Get the vertical spacer height from this layout.

public booleanisResponsiveContentInsetEnabled()

Returns whether the contents from this layout are using responsive inset.

public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElementtoLayoutElementProto()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement getPrimaryLabelTextContent()

Get the primary label content from this layout.

public LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement getSecondaryLabelTextContent()

Get the secondary label content from this layout.

Get the inner content from this layout.

public LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement getPrimaryChipContent()

Get the primary chip content from this layout.

public boolean isResponsiveContentInsetEnabled()

Returns whether the contents from this layout are using responsive inset.

public float getVerticalSpacerHeight()

Get the vertical spacer height from this layout.

public static PrimaryLayout fromLayoutElement(LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement element)

Returns PrimaryLayout object from the given LayoutElement (e.g. one retrieved from a container's content with container.getContents().get(index)) if that element can be converted to PrimaryLayout. Otherwise, it will return null.

public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto()

public Fingerprint getFingerprint()


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts;

import static androidx.annotation.Dimension.DP;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.dp;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.expand;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.wrap;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.ChipDefaults.MIN_TAPPABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.DEFAULT_VERTICAL_SPACER_HEIGHT;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.LAYOUTS_LABEL_PADDING_PERCENT;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.PRIMARY_LAYOUT_CHIP_HORIZONTAL_PADDING_PERCENT;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.PRIMARY_LAYOUT_CHIP_HORIZONTAL_PADDING_ROUND_DP;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.PRIMARY_LAYOUT_CHIP_HORIZONTAL_PADDING_SQUARE_DP;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.PRIMARY_LAYOUT_MARGIN_BOTTOM_ROUND_PERCENT;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.PRIMARY_LAYOUT_MARGIN_BOTTOM_SQUARE_PERCENT;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.PRIMARY_LAYOUT_MARGIN_HORIZONTAL_ROUND_PERCENT;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.PRIMARY_LAYOUT_MARGIN_HORIZONTAL_SQUARE_PERCENT;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.PRIMARY_LAYOUT_MARGIN_TOP_ROUND_PERCENT;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.PRIMARY_LAYOUT_MARGIN_TOP_SQUARE_PERCENT;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.PRIMARY_LAYOUT_PRIMARY_LABEL_SPACER_HEIGHT_ROUND_DP;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.PRIMARY_LAYOUT_PRIMARY_LABEL_SPACER_HEIGHT_SQUARE_DP;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.material.layouts.LayoutDefaults.insetElementWithPadding;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.materialcore.Helper.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.materialcore.Helper.checkTag;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.materialcore.Helper.getMetadataTagBytes;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.materialcore.Helper.getTagBytes;
import static androidx.wear.protolayout.materialcore.Helper.isRoundDevice;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;

import androidx.annotation.Dimension;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DeviceParametersBuilders.DeviceParameters;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.DpProp;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.DimensionBuilders.SpacerDimension;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Box;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Column;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Spacer;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.ElementMetadata;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Padding;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.Fingerprint;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.material.CompactChip;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.LayoutElementProto;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

 * ProtoLayout layout that represents a suggested layout style for Material ProtoLayout with the
 * primary (compact) chip at the bottom with the given content in the center and the recommended
 * margin and padding applied. There is a fixed slot for an optional primary label above or optional
 * secondary label below the main content area. Visuals and design samples can be found
 * <a href="">here</a>.
 * <p>It is highly recommended that main content has max lines between 2 and 4 (dependant on labels
 * present), i.e.: * No labels are present: content with max 4 lines, * 1 label is present: content
 * with max 3 lines, * 2 labels are present: content with max 2 lines.
 * <p>When accessing the contents of a container for testing, note that this element can't be simply
 * casted back to the original type, i.e.:
 * <pre>{@code
 * PrimaryLayout pl = new PrimaryLayout...
 * Box box = new Box.Builder().addContent(pl).build();
 * PrimaryLayout myPl = (PrimaryLayout) box.getContents().get(0);
 * }</pre>
 * will fail.
 * <p>To be able to get {@link PrimaryLayout} object from any layout element, {@link
 * #fromLayoutElement} method should be used, i.e.:
 * <pre>{@code
 * PrimaryLayout myPl = PrimaryLayout.fromLayoutElement(box.getContents().get(0));
 * }</pre>
public class PrimaryLayout implements LayoutElement {
     * Prefix tool tag for Metadata in Modifiers, so we know that Box is actually a PrimaryLayout.
    static final String METADATA_TAG_PREFIX = "PL_";

    /** Index for byte array that contains bits to check whether the contents are present or not. */
    static final int FLAG_INDEX = METADATA_TAG_PREFIX.length();

     * Base tool tag for Metadata in Modifiers, so we know that Box is actually a PrimaryLayout and
     * what optional content is added.
    static final byte[] METADATA_TAG_BASE =
            Arrays.copyOf(getTagBytes(METADATA_TAG_PREFIX), FLAG_INDEX + 1);

     * Bit position in a byte on {@link #FLAG_INDEX} index in metadata byte array to check whether
     * the primary chip is present or not.
    static final int CHIP_PRESENT = 0x1;

     * Bit position in a byte on {@link #FLAG_INDEX} index in metadata byte array to check whether
     * the primary label is present or not.
    static final int PRIMARY_LABEL_PRESENT = 1 << 1;

     * Bit position in a byte on {@link #FLAG_INDEX} index in metadata byte array to check whether
     * the secondary label is present or not.
    static final int SECONDARY_LABEL_PRESENT = 1 << 2;

     * Bit position in a byte on {@link #FLAG_INDEX} index in metadata byte array to check whether
     * the content is present or not.
    static final int CONTENT_PRESENT = 1 << 3;

     * Bit position in a byte on {@link #FLAG_INDEX} index in metadata byte array to check whether
     * the responsive content inset is used or not.
    static final int CONTENT_INSET_USED = 1 << 4;

    /** Position of the primary label in its own inner column if exists. */
    static final int PRIMARY_LABEL_POSITION = 1;
    /** Position of the content in its own inner column. */
    static final int CONTENT_ONLY_POSITION = 0;
    /** Position of the primary chip in main layout column. */
    static final int PRIMARY_CHIP_POSITION = 1;

    private final boolean mIsResponsiveInsetEnabled;

            flag = true,
            value = {
    @interface ContentBits {}

    @NonNull private final Box mImpl;

    // This contains inner columns and primary chip.
    @NonNull private final List<LayoutElement> mAllContent;
    // This contains primary label content.
    @NonNull private final List<LayoutElement> mPrimaryLabel;
    // This contains optional labels, spacers and main content.
    @NonNull private final List<LayoutElement> mContentAndSecondaryLabel;

    PrimaryLayout(@NonNull Box layoutElement) {
        this.mImpl = layoutElement;
        this.mAllContent = ((Column) layoutElement.getContents().get(0)).getContents();
        List<LayoutElement> innerContent = ((Column) mAllContent.get(0)).getContents();
        this.mPrimaryLabel = ((Column) innerContent.get(0)).getContents();
        this.mContentAndSecondaryLabel =
                ((Column) ((Box) innerContent.get(1)).getContents().get(0)).getContents();
        this.mIsResponsiveInsetEnabled = areElementsPresent(CONTENT_INSET_USED);

    /** Builder class for {@link PrimaryLayout}. */
    public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
        @NonNull private final DeviceParameters mDeviceParameters;
        @Nullable private LayoutElement mPrimaryChip = null;
        private boolean mIsResponsiveInsetEnabled = false;
        @Nullable private LayoutElement mPrimaryLabelText = null;
        @Nullable private LayoutElement mSecondaryLabelText = null;
        @NonNull private LayoutElement mContent = new Box.Builder().build();
        @NonNull private DpProp mVerticalSpacerHeight = DEFAULT_VERTICAL_SPACER_HEIGHT;
        private byte mMetadataContentByte = 0;

         * Creates a builder for the {@link PrimaryLayout} from the given content. Content inside of
         * it can later be set with {@link #setContent}, {@link #setPrimaryChipContent}, {@link
         * #setPrimaryLabelTextContent} and {@link #setSecondaryLabelTextContent}.
         * <p>For optimal layouts across different screen sizes, it is highly recommended to call
         * {@link #setResponsiveContentInsetEnabled}.
        public Builder(@NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            this.mDeviceParameters = deviceParameters;

         * Changes this {@link PrimaryLayout} to use responsive insets for its content (primary
         * label, secondary label and primary bottom chip) by adding an additional space on
         * the side of this element to avoid that content going off the screen edge.
         * <p>It is highly recommended to call this method with {@code true} when using this layout
         * to optimize it for different screen sizes.
        public Builder setResponsiveContentInsetEnabled(boolean enabled) {
            this.mIsResponsiveInsetEnabled = enabled;
            if (enabled) {
                mMetadataContentByte = (byte) (mMetadataContentByte | CONTENT_INSET_USED);
            } else {
                mMetadataContentByte = (byte) (mMetadataContentByte & ~CONTENT_INSET_USED);
            return this;

         * Sets the element which is in the slot at the bottom of the layout. Note that it is
         * accepted to pass in any {@link LayoutElement}, but it is strongly recommended to add a
         * {@link CompactChip} as the layout is optimized for it.
        public Builder setPrimaryChipContent(@NonNull LayoutElement compactChip) {
            this.mPrimaryChip = compactChip;
            mMetadataContentByte = (byte) (mMetadataContentByte | CHIP_PRESENT);
            return this;

        /** Sets the content in the primary label slot which will be above the main content. */
        public Builder setPrimaryLabelTextContent(@NonNull LayoutElement primaryLabelText) {
            this.mPrimaryLabelText = primaryLabelText;
            mMetadataContentByte = (byte) (mMetadataContentByte | PRIMARY_LABEL_PRESENT);
            return this;

         * Sets the content in the primary label slot which will be below the main content. It is
         * highly recommended to have primary label set when having secondary label.
        public Builder setSecondaryLabelTextContent(@NonNull LayoutElement secondaryLabelText) {
            this.mSecondaryLabelText = secondaryLabelText;
            mMetadataContentByte = (byte) (mMetadataContentByte | SECONDARY_LABEL_PRESENT);
            return this;

         * Sets the additional content to this layout, above the primary chip.
         * <p>The content slot will wrap the elements' height, so the height of the given content
         * must be fixed or set to wrap ({@code expand} can't be used).
         * <p>This layout has built-in horizontal margins, so the given content should have width
         * set to {@code expand} to use all the available space, rather than an explicit width which
         * may lead to clipping.
        public Builder setContent(@NonNull LayoutElement content) {
            this.mContent = content;
            mMetadataContentByte = (byte) (mMetadataContentByte | CONTENT_PRESENT);
            return this;

         * Sets the vertical spacer height which is used as a space between main content and
         * secondary label if there is any. If not set, {@link
         * LayoutDefaults#DEFAULT_VERTICAL_SPACER_HEIGHT} will be used.
        // The @Dimension(unit = DP) on dp() is seemingly being ignored, so lint complains that
        // we're passing PX to something expecting DP. Just suppress the warning for now.
        public Builder setVerticalSpacerHeight(@Dimension(unit = DP) float height) {
            this.mVerticalSpacerHeight = dp(height);
            return this;

        /** Constructs and returns {@link PrimaryLayout} with the provided content and look. */
        // The @Dimension(unit = DP) on dp() is seemingly being ignored, so lint complains that
        // we're passing DP to something expecting PX. Just suppress the warning for now.
        public PrimaryLayout build() {
            float topPadding = getTopPadding();
            float bottomPadding = getBottomPadding();
            float horizontalPadding = getHorizontalPadding();

            float primaryChipHeight =
                    mPrimaryChip != null ? MIN_TAPPABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH.getValue() : 0;

            DpProp mainContentHeight =
                                    - primaryChipHeight
                                    - bottomPadding
                                    - topPadding);

            // Layout organization: column(column(primary label + spacer + (box(column(content +
            // secondary label))) + chip)

            // First column that has all other content and chip.
            Column.Builder layoutBuilder = new Column.Builder();

            // Contains primary label, main content and secondary label. Primary label will be
            // wrapped, while other content will be expanded so it can be centered in the remaining
            // space.
            Column.Builder contentAreaBuilder =
                    new Column.Builder()

            // Contains main content and secondary label with wrapped height so it can be put inside
            // of the Box to be centered.
            Column.Builder contentSecondaryLabelBuilder =
                    new Column.Builder()

            // Needs to be in column because of the spacers.
            Column.Builder primaryLabelBuilder =
                    new Column.Builder().setWidth(expand()).setHeight(wrap());

            if (mPrimaryLabelText != null) {
                        new Spacer.Builder().setHeight(getPrimaryLabelTopSpacerHeight()).build());


                    new Box.Builder()

            if (mSecondaryLabelText != null) {
                        new Spacer.Builder().setHeight(mVerticalSpacerHeight).build());
                        // We only need to add extra padding to the secondary label if there's no
                        // bottom chip.
                        mPrimaryChip == null
                                ? maybeInsetLabel(mSecondaryLabelText) : mSecondaryLabelText);

                    new Box.Builder()

                            new Modifiers.Builder()
                                            new Padding.Builder()


            if (mPrimaryChip != null) {
                // Depending on setter for responsive inset, this method will return either fixed or
                // percentage based padding.
                float horizontalChipPadding = getChipHorizontalPadding();
                        new Box.Builder()
                                        new Modifiers.Builder()
                                                        new Padding.Builder()

            byte[] metadata = METADATA_TAG_BASE.clone();
            metadata[FLAG_INDEX] = mMetadataContentByte;

            Box.Builder element =
                    new Box.Builder()
                                    new Modifiers.Builder()
                                                    new ElementMetadata.Builder()

            return new PrimaryLayout(;

         * Wraps the given label (for primary or secondary label content) if responsive inset is
         * set.
        private LayoutElement maybeInsetLabel(@NonNull LayoutElement label) {
            if (!mIsResponsiveInsetEnabled) {
                return label;

            return insetElementWithPadding(
                    label, mDeviceParameters.getScreenWidthDp() * LAYOUTS_LABEL_PADDING_PERCENT);

         * Returns the recommended bottom padding, based on percentage values in {@link
         * LayoutDefaults}.
        private float getBottomPadding() {
            return mPrimaryChip != null
                    ? (mDeviceParameters.getScreenHeightDp()
                            * (isRoundDevice(mDeviceParameters)
                                    ? PRIMARY_LAYOUT_MARGIN_BOTTOM_ROUND_PERCENT
                                    : PRIMARY_LAYOUT_MARGIN_BOTTOM_SQUARE_PERCENT))
                    : getTopPadding();

         * Returns the recommended top padding, based on percentage values in {@link
         * LayoutDefaults}.
        @Dimension(unit = DP)
        private float getTopPadding() {
            return mDeviceParameters.getScreenHeightDp()
                    * (isRoundDevice(mDeviceParameters)
                            ? PRIMARY_LAYOUT_MARGIN_TOP_ROUND_PERCENT
                            : PRIMARY_LAYOUT_MARGIN_TOP_SQUARE_PERCENT);

         * Returns the recommended horizontal padding, based on percentage values in {@link
         * LayoutDefaults}.
        @Dimension(unit = DP)
        private float getHorizontalPadding() {
            return mDeviceParameters.getScreenWidthDp()
                    * (isRoundDevice(mDeviceParameters)

         * Returns the recommended horizontal padding for primary chip, based on percentage values
         * and DP values in {@link LayoutDefaults}.
        @Dimension(unit = DP)
        private float getChipHorizontalPadding() {
            return mIsResponsiveInsetEnabled
                        * mDeviceParameters.getScreenWidthDp()
                    : isRoundDevice(mDeviceParameters)

        /** Returns the spacer height to be placed above primary label to accommodate Tile icon. */
        private DpProp getPrimaryLabelTopSpacerHeight() {
            return isRoundDevice(mDeviceParameters)

    /** Get the primary label content from this layout. */
    public LayoutElement getPrimaryLabelTextContent() {
        if (!areElementsPresent(PRIMARY_LABEL_PRESENT)) {
            return null;
        LayoutElement primaryLabelWrapper = mPrimaryLabel.get(PRIMARY_LABEL_POSITION);
        // If responsive inset are used, label passed in is wrapped in a Box.
        return mIsResponsiveInsetEnabled
                ? ((Box) primaryLabelWrapper).getContents().get(0)
                : primaryLabelWrapper;

    /** Get the secondary label content from this layout. */
    public LayoutElement getSecondaryLabelTextContent() {
        if (!areElementsPresent(SECONDARY_LABEL_PRESENT)) {
            return null;
        // By tag we know that secondary label exists. It will always be at last position.
        LayoutElement secondaryLabelWrapper =
                mContentAndSecondaryLabel.get(mContentAndSecondaryLabel.size() - 1);
        return mIsResponsiveInsetEnabled && !areElementsPresent(CHIP_PRESENT)
                ? ((Box) secondaryLabelWrapper).getContents().get(0)
                : secondaryLabelWrapper;

    /** Get the inner content from this layout. */
    public LayoutElement getContent() {
        if (!areElementsPresent(CONTENT_PRESENT)) {
            return null;
        return ((Box) mContentAndSecondaryLabel.get(CONTENT_ONLY_POSITION)).getContents().get(0);

    /** Get the primary chip content from this layout. */
    public LayoutElement getPrimaryChipContent() {
        if (areElementsPresent(CHIP_PRESENT)) {
            return ((Box) mAllContent.get(PRIMARY_CHIP_POSITION)).getContents().get(0);
        return null;

    /** Returns whether the contents from this layout are using responsive inset. */
    public boolean isResponsiveContentInsetEnabled() {
        return mIsResponsiveInsetEnabled;

    /** Get the vertical spacer height from this layout. */
    // The @Dimension(unit = DP) on getValue() is seemingly being ignored, so lint complains that
    // we're passing PX to something expecting DP. Just suppress the warning for now.
    @Dimension(unit = DP)
    public float getVerticalSpacerHeight() {
        if (areElementsPresent(SECONDARY_LABEL_PRESENT)) {
            LayoutElement element = mContentAndSecondaryLabel.get(CONTENT_ONLY_POSITION + 1);
            if (element instanceof Spacer) {
                SpacerDimension height = ((Spacer) element).getHeight();
                if (height instanceof DpProp) {
                    return ((DpProp) height).getValue();
        return DEFAULT_VERTICAL_SPACER_HEIGHT.getValue();

    private boolean areElementsPresent(@ContentBits int elementFlag) {
        return (getMetadataTag()[FLAG_INDEX] & elementFlag) == elementFlag;

    /** Returns metadata tag set to this PrimaryLayout. */
    byte[] getMetadataTag() {
        return getMetadataTagBytes(checkNotNull(checkNotNull(mImpl.getModifiers()).getMetadata()));

     * Returns PrimaryLayout object from the given LayoutElement (e.g. one retrieved from a
     * container's content with {@code container.getContents().get(index)}) if that element can be
     * converted to PrimaryLayout. Otherwise, it will return null.
    public static PrimaryLayout fromLayoutElement(@NonNull LayoutElement element) {
        if (element instanceof PrimaryLayout) {
            return (PrimaryLayout) element;
        if (!(element instanceof Box)) {
            return null;
        Box boxElement = (Box) element;
        if (!checkTag(boxElement.getModifiers(), METADATA_TAG_PREFIX, METADATA_TAG_BASE)) {
            return null;
        // Now we are sure that this element is a PrimaryLayout.
        return new PrimaryLayout(boxElement);

    public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
        return mImpl.toLayoutElementProto();

    public Fingerprint getFingerprint() {
        return mImpl.getFingerprint();