public class


extends java.lang.Object

implements LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.wear.tiles', name: 'tiles-material', version: '1.1.0-alpha07'

  • groupId: androidx.wear.tiles
  • artifactId: tiles-material
  • version: 1.1.0-alpha07

Artifact androidx.wear.tiles:tiles-material:1.1.0-alpha07 it located at Google repository (


Tiles component Chip that represents clickable object with the text, optional label and optional icon or with custom content.

The Chip is Stadium shape and has a max height designed to take no more than two lines of text of Typography.TYPOGRAPHY_BUTTON style. The Chip can have an icon horizontally parallel to the two lines of text. Width of chip can very, and the recommended size is screen dependent with the recommended margin being applied.

The recommended set of ChipColors styles can be obtained from ChipDefaults., e.g. ChipDefaults.PRIMARY_COLORS to get a color scheme for a primary Chip.


public ChipColorsgetChipColors()

Returns chip colors of this Chip.

public ModifiersBuilders.ClickablegetClickable()

Returns click event action associated with this Chip.

public LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElementgetContent()

Returns content of this Chip.

public java.lang.CharSequencegetContentDescription()

Returns content description of this Chip.

public DimensionBuilders.ContainerDimensiongetHeight()

Returns height of this Chip.

public intgetHorizontalAlignment()

Returns the horizontal alignment of the content in this Chip.

public DimensionBuilders.ContainerDimensiongetWidth()

Returns width of this Chip.

public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElementtoLayoutElementProto()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Returns height of this Chip.

Returns width of this Chip.

public ModifiersBuilders.Clickable getClickable()

Returns click event action associated with this Chip.

public ChipColors getChipColors()

Returns chip colors of this Chip.

public java.lang.CharSequence getContentDescription()

Returns content description of this Chip.

Returns content of this Chip.

public int getHorizontalAlignment()

Returns the horizontal alignment of the content in this Chip.

public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto()


 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.tiles.material;

import static androidx.annotation.Dimension.DP;
import static androidx.wear.tiles.DimensionBuilders.dp;
import static androidx.wear.tiles.LayoutElementBuilders.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_START;
import static androidx.wear.tiles.material.ChipDefaults.DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
import static androidx.wear.tiles.material.ChipDefaults.DEFAULT_MARGIN_PERCENT;
import static androidx.wear.tiles.material.ChipDefaults.HORIZONTAL_PADDING;
import static androidx.wear.tiles.material.ChipDefaults.ICON_SIZE;
import static androidx.wear.tiles.material.ChipDefaults.ICON_SPACER_WIDTH;
import static androidx.wear.tiles.material.ChipDefaults.PRIMARY_COLORS;
import static androidx.wear.tiles.material.Helper.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.wear.tiles.material.Helper.radiusOf;

import android.content.Context;

import androidx.annotation.Dimension;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope;
import androidx.wear.tiles.ColorBuilders.ColorProp;
import androidx.wear.tiles.DeviceParametersBuilders.DeviceParameters;
import androidx.wear.tiles.DimensionBuilders.ContainerDimension;
import androidx.wear.tiles.DimensionBuilders.DpProp;
import androidx.wear.tiles.LayoutElementBuilders;
import androidx.wear.tiles.LayoutElementBuilders.Box;
import androidx.wear.tiles.LayoutElementBuilders.ColorFilter;
import androidx.wear.tiles.LayoutElementBuilders.Column;
import androidx.wear.tiles.LayoutElementBuilders.HorizontalAlignment;
import androidx.wear.tiles.LayoutElementBuilders.Image;
import androidx.wear.tiles.LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement;
import androidx.wear.tiles.LayoutElementBuilders.Row;
import androidx.wear.tiles.LayoutElementBuilders.Spacer;
import androidx.wear.tiles.ModifiersBuilders;
import androidx.wear.tiles.ModifiersBuilders.Background;
import androidx.wear.tiles.ModifiersBuilders.Clickable;
import androidx.wear.tiles.ModifiersBuilders.Corner;
import androidx.wear.tiles.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers;
import androidx.wear.tiles.ModifiersBuilders.Padding;
import androidx.wear.tiles.ModifiersBuilders.Semantics;
import androidx.wear.tiles.material.Typography.TypographyName;
import androidx.wear.tiles.proto.LayoutElementProto;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.List;

 * Tiles component {@link Chip} that represents clickable object with the text, optional label and
 * optional icon or with custom content.
 * <p>The Chip is Stadium shape and has a max height designed to take no more than two lines of text
 * of {@link Typography#TYPOGRAPHY_BUTTON} style. The {@link Chip} can have an icon horizontally
 * parallel to the two lines of text. Width of chip can very, and the recommended size is screen
 * dependent with the recommended margin being applied.
 * <p>The recommended set of {@link ChipColors} styles can be obtained from {@link ChipDefaults}.,
 * e.g. {@link ChipDefaults#PRIMARY_COLORS} to get a color scheme for a primary {@link Chip}.
public class Chip implements LayoutElement {
    @NonNull private final Box mElement;

    Chip(@NonNull Box element) {
        mElement = element;

    /** Builder class for {@link androidx.wear.tiles.material.Chip}. */
    public static final class Builder implements LayoutElement.Builder {
        private static final int NOT_SET = 0;
        private static final int TEXT = 1;
        private static final int ICON = 2;
        private static final int CUSTOM_CONTENT = 3;
        private int mMaxLines = 0; // 0 indicates that is not set.

        /** @hide */
        @interface ChipType {}

        @NonNull private final Context mContext;
        @Nullable private LayoutElement mCustomContent;
        @NonNull private String mResourceId = "";
        @NonNull private String mPrimaryText = "";
        @Nullable private String mLabelText = null;
        @NonNull private final Clickable mClickable;
        @NonNull private CharSequence mContentDescription = "";
        @NonNull private ContainerDimension mWidth;
        @NonNull private DpProp mHeight = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
        @NonNull private ChipColors mChipColors = PRIMARY_COLORS;
        @ChipType private int mType = NOT_SET;
        @HorizontalAlignment private int mHorizontalAlign = HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_START;
        @TypographyName private int mPrimaryTextTypography;
        @NonNull private DpProp mHorizontalPadding = HORIZONTAL_PADDING;
        private boolean mIsScalable = true;

         * Creates a builder for the {@link Chip} with associated action. It is required to add
         * content later with setters.
         * @param context The application's context.
         * @param clickable Associated {@link Clickable} for click events. When the Chip is clicked
         *     it will fire the associated action.
         * @param deviceParameters The device parameters used to derive defaults for this Chip.
        public Builder(
                @NonNull Context context,
                @NonNull Clickable clickable,
                @NonNull DeviceParameters deviceParameters) {
            mContext = context;
            mClickable = clickable;
            mWidth =
                            (100 - 2 * DEFAULT_MARGIN_PERCENT)
                                    * deviceParameters.getScreenWidthDp()
                                    / 100);
            mPrimaryTextTypography = Typography.TYPOGRAPHY_BUTTON;

         * Sets the width of {@link Chip}. If not set, default value will be set to fill the screen.
        public Builder setWidth(@NonNull ContainerDimension width) {
            mWidth = width;
            return this;

         * Sets the width of {@link TitleChip}. If not set, default value will be set to fill the
         * screen.
        public Builder setWidth(@Dimension(unit = DP) float width) {
            mWidth = dp(width);
            return this;

         * Sets the custom content for the {@link Chip}. Any previously added content will be
         * overridden.
        public Builder setContent(@NonNull LayoutElement content) {
            this.mCustomContent = content;
            this.mType = CUSTOM_CONTENT;
            return this;

         * Sets the content description for the {@link Chip}. It is highly recommended to provide
         * this for chip containing icon.
        public Builder setContentDescription(@NonNull CharSequence contentDescription) {
            this.mContentDescription = contentDescription;
            return this;

         * Sets the content of the {@link Chip} to be the given primary text. Any previously added
         * content will be overridden. Primary text can be on 1 or 2 lines, depending on the length.
        // There are multiple methods to set different type of content, but there is general getter
        // getContent that will return LayoutElement set by any of them. b/217197259
        public Builder setPrimaryTextContent(@NonNull String primaryText) {
            this.mPrimaryText = primaryText;
            this.mLabelText = null;
            this.mType = TEXT;
            return this;

         * Used for creating CompactChip and TitleChip.
         * <p>Sets the font for the primary text and should only be used internally.
        Builder setPrimaryTextTypography(@TypographyName int typography) {
            this.mPrimaryTextTypography = typography;
            return this;

         * Used for creating CompactChip and TitleChip.
         * <p>Sets whether the font for the primary text is scalable.
        Builder setIsPrimaryTextScalable(boolean isScalable) {
            this.mIsScalable = isScalable;
            return this;

         * Sets the content of the {@link Chip} to be the given primary text and secondary label.
         * Any previously added content will be overridden. Primary text can be shown on 1 line
         * only.
        // There are multiple methods to set different type of content, but there is general getter
        // getContent that will return LayoutElement set by any of them. b/217197259
        public Builder setPrimaryTextLabelContent(
                @NonNull String primaryText, @NonNull String label) {
            this.mPrimaryText = primaryText;
            this.mLabelText = label;
            this.mType = TEXT;
            return this;

         * Sets the content of the {@link Chip} to be the given primary text with an icon and
         * secondary label. Any previously added content will be overridden. Provided icon will be
         * tinted to the given content color from {@link ChipColors}. This icon should be image with
         * chosen alpha channel and not an actual image.
        // There are multiple methods to set different type of content, but there is general getter
        // getContent that will return LayoutElement set by any of them. b/217197259
        public Builder setPrimaryTextIconContent(
                @NonNull String primaryText, @NonNull String resourceId) {
            this.mPrimaryText = primaryText;
            this.mResourceId = resourceId;
            this.mLabelText = null;
            this.mType = ICON;
            return this;

         * Sets the content of the {@link Chip} to be the given primary text with an icon. Any
         * previously added content will be overridden. Provided icon will be tinted to the given
         * content color from {@link ChipColors}. This icon should be image with chosen alpha
         * channel and not an actual image. Primary text can be shown on 1 line only.
        // There are multiple methods to set different type of content, but there is general getter
        // getContent that will return LayoutElement set by any of them. b/217197259
        public Builder setPrimaryTextLabelIconContent(
                @NonNull String primaryText, @NonNull String label, @NonNull String resourceId) {
            this.mPrimaryText = primaryText;
            this.mLabelText = label;
            this.mResourceId = resourceId;
            this.mType = ICON;
            return this;

         * Sets the colors for the {@link Chip}. If set, {@link ChipColors#getBackgroundColor()}
         * will be used for the background of the button, {@link ChipColors#getContentColor()} for
         * main text, {@link ChipColors#getSecondaryContentColor()} for label text and {@link
         * ChipColors#getIconColor()} will be used as color for the icon itself. If not set, {@link
         * ChipDefaults#PRIMARY_COLORS} will be used.
        public Builder setChipColors(@NonNull ChipColors chipColors) {
            mChipColors = chipColors;
            return this;

         * Sets the horizontal alignment in the chip. It is strongly recommended that the content of
         * the chip is start-aligned if there is more than primary text in it. If not set, {@link
         * HorizontalAlignment#HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_START} will be used.
        public Builder setHorizontalAlignment(@HorizontalAlignment int horizontalAlignment) {
            mHorizontalAlign = horizontalAlignment;
            return this;

        /** Used for creating CompactChip and TitleChip. */
        Builder setHorizontalPadding(@NonNull DpProp horizontalPadding) {
            this.mHorizontalPadding = horizontalPadding;
            return this;

        /** Used for creating CompactChip and TitleChip. */
        Builder setHeight(@NonNull DpProp height) {
            this.mHeight = height;
            return this;

        /** Used for creating CompactChip and TitleChip. */
        Builder setMaxLines(int maxLines) {
            this.mMaxLines = maxLines;
            return this;

        /** Constructs and returns {@link Chip} with the provided content and look. */
        public Chip build() {
            Modifiers.Builder modifiers =
                    new Modifiers.Builder()
                                    new Padding.Builder()
                                    new Background.Builder()
                                                    new Corner.Builder()
            if (mContentDescription.length() > 0) {
                        new ModifiersBuilders.Semantics.Builder()

            Box.Builder element =
                    new Box.Builder()

            return new Chip(;

        private LayoutElement getCorrectContent() {
            if (mType == NOT_SET) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "No content set. Use setPrimaryTextContent or similar method to add"
                            + " content");
            if (mType == CUSTOM_CONTENT) {
                return checkNotNull(mCustomContent);
            Text mainTextElement =
                    new Text.Builder(mContext, mPrimaryText)

            // Placeholder for text.
            Column.Builder column =
                    new Column.Builder()

            if (mLabelText != null) {
                Text labelTextElement =
                        new Text.Builder(mContext, mLabelText)

            Box texts = putLayoutInBox(;
            if (mType == TEXT) {
                return texts;
            } else {
                return new Row.Builder()
                                new Image.Builder()
                                                new ColorFilter.Builder()
                                new Spacer.Builder()

        private int getCorrectMaxLines() {
            if (mMaxLines > 0) {
                return mMaxLines;
            return mLabelText != null ? 1 : 2;

        private Box.Builder putLayoutInBox(@NonNull LayoutElement element) {
            // Wrapped and centered content are default.
            return new Box.Builder().addContent(element);

    /** Returns height of this Chip. */
    public ContainerDimension getHeight() {
        return checkNotNull(mElement.getHeight());

    /** Returns width of this Chip. */
    public ContainerDimension getWidth() {
        return checkNotNull(mElement.getWidth());

    /** Returns click event action associated with this Chip. */
    public Clickable getClickable() {
        return checkNotNull(checkNotNull(mElement.getModifiers()).getClickable());

    /** Returns background color of this Chip. */
    private ColorProp getBackgroundColor() {
        return checkNotNull(

    /** Returns chip colors of this Chip. */
    public ChipColors getChipColors() {
        ColorProp backgroundColor = getBackgroundColor();
        ColorProp contentColor = null;
        ColorProp secondaryContentColor = null;
        ColorProp iconTintColor = null;

        LayoutElement content = getContent();
        if (content instanceof Row) {
            Row rowContent = (Row) content;
            List<LayoutElement> contents = rowContent.getContents();
            if (contents.size() == 3) {
                // This is potentially our built chip with icon and column that has text. Column
                // part will be extracted in the next condition.
                LayoutElement element = contents.get(0);
                if (element instanceof Image) {
                    // Extract icon tint color and prepare content for the second condition. If it
                    // is our chip, it will be a Column.
                    iconTintColor = getIconTintColorFromContent((Image) element);
                    content = contents.get(2);
        if (content instanceof Box && ((Box) content).getContents().get(0) instanceof Column) {
            Column columnContent = (Column) ((Box) content).getContents().get(0);
            List<LayoutElement> contents = columnContent.getContents();

            if (contents.size() == 1 || contents.size() == 2) {
                // This is potentially our chip and this part contains 1 or 2 lines of text.
                LayoutElement element = contents.get(0);
                if (element instanceof Box
                        && ((Box) element).getContents().get(0)
                                instanceof LayoutElementBuilders.Text) {
                    // To elementary Text class as Material Text when it goes to proto disappears.
                    contentColor =
                                            ((Box) element).getContents().get(0));

                    if (contents.size() == 2) {
                        element = contents.get(1);
                        if (element instanceof Box
                                && ((Box) element).getContents().get(0)
                                        instanceof LayoutElementBuilders.Text) {
                            // To elementary Text class as Material Text when it goes to proto
                            // disappears.
                            secondaryContentColor =
                                                    ((Box) element).getContents().get(0));

        // Populate other colors if they are not found.
        if (contentColor == null) {
            contentColor = new ColorProp.Builder().build();
        if (secondaryContentColor == null) {
            secondaryContentColor = contentColor;
        if (iconTintColor == null) {
            iconTintColor = contentColor;

        return new ChipColors(backgroundColor, iconTintColor, contentColor, secondaryContentColor);

    private ColorProp getTextColorFromContent(LayoutElementBuilders.Text text) {
        ColorProp color = new ColorProp.Builder().build();
        if (text.getFontStyle() != null && text.getFontStyle().getColor() != null) {
            color = checkNotNull(checkNotNull(text.getFontStyle()).getColor());
        return color;

    private ColorProp getIconTintColorFromContent(Image image) {
        ColorProp color = new ColorProp.Builder().build();
        if (image.getColorFilter() != null && image.getColorFilter().getTint() != null) {
            color = checkNotNull(checkNotNull(image.getColorFilter()).getTint());
        return color;

    /** Returns content description of this Chip. */
    public CharSequence getContentDescription() {
        Semantics semantics = checkNotNull(mElement.getModifiers()).getSemantics();
        if (semantics == null) {
            return null;
        return semantics.getContentDescription();

    /** Returns content of this Chip. */
    public LayoutElement getContent() {
        return checkNotNull(checkNotNull(mElement.getContents()).get(0));

    /** Returns the horizontal alignment of the content in this Chip. */
    public int getHorizontalAlignment() {
        return checkNotNull(mElement.getHorizontalAlignment()).getValue();

    /** @hide */
    public LayoutElementProto.LayoutElement toLayoutElementProto() {
        return mElement.toLayoutElementProto();