public interface



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-core', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-core
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


A for drawing processed camera frames.

Contains a and its characteristics along with methods to manage the lifecycle of the .


public voidclose()

Call this method to mark the as no longer in use.

public intgetFormat()

This field indicates the format of the .

public MatrixgetSensorToBufferTransform()

Returns the sensor to image buffer transform matrix.

public SizegetSize()

Gets the size of the .

public SurfacegetSurface(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor, Consumer<SurfaceOutput.Event> listener)

Gets the for drawing processed frames.

public intgetTargets()

This field indicates that what purpose the will be used for.

public voidupdateTransformMatrix(float[] updated[], float[] original[])

Applies an additional 4x4 transformation on the original matrix.

public voidupdateTransformMatrix(float[] updated[], float[] original[], boolean isPrimary)

Applies an additional 4x4 transformation on the original matrix, in dual concurrent cameras.


public Surface getSurface(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor, Consumer<SurfaceOutput.Event> listener)

Gets the for drawing processed frames.

If there are multiple calls to the method, only the from the last call will be triggered.


executor: on which the listener should be invoked.
listener: a listener to notify the implementation about the end-of-life of the SurfaceOutput. The implementation should then invoke SurfaceOutput.close() to mark the as no longer in use.

public int getTargets()

This field indicates that what purpose the will be used for.

CameraEffect.PREVIEW if the will be used for Preview.

public int getFormat()

This field indicates the format of the .

public Size getSize()

Gets the size of the .

public void close()

Call this method to mark the as no longer in use.

Once the SurfaceProcessor implementation receives a request to close the , it should call this method to acknowledge after stop writing to the . Writing to the after calling this method might cause errors.

public void updateTransformMatrix(float[] updated[], float[] original[])

Applies an additional 4x4 transformation on the original matrix.

When the input of SurfaceProcessor is backed by a SurfaceTexture, use this method to update the texture transform matrix.

Typically, after retrieving the transform matrix from SurfaceTexture, the SurfaceProcessor implementation should always call this method to update the value. The result is a matrix of the same format, which is a transform matrix maps 2D homogeneous texture coordinates of the form (s, t, 0, 1) with s and t in the inclusive range [0, 1] to the texture coordinate that should be used to sample that location from the texture. The matrix is stored in column-major order so that it may be passed directly to OpenGL ES via the glLoadMatrixf or glUniformMatrix4fv functions.

The additional transformation is calculated based on the target rotation, target resolution and the ViewPort associated with the target UseCase. The value could also include workarounds for device specific bugs. For example, correcting a stretched camera output stream.

Code sample:

 float[] transform = new float[16];
 float[] updatedTransform = new float[16];

 surfaceTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(surfaceTexture -> {
     outputSurface.updateTransformMatrix(updatedTransform, transform);
     // Use the value of updatedTransform for OpenGL rendering.

To get the value of the additional transformation, pass in an identity matrix as the original value. This is useful when SurfaceTexture is not applied by the implementation.

Code sample:

 float[] identity = new float[16];
 Matrix.setIdentityM(identity, 0);
 float[] updatedTransform = new float[16];

 surfaceTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(surfaceTexture -> {
     outputSurface.updateTransformMatrix(updatedTransform, identity);
     // Use the value of updatedTransform for OpenGL rendering.


updated: the array into which the 4x4 matrix will be stored. The array must have exactly 16 elements.
original: the original 4x4 matrix. The array must have exactly 16 elements.

See also: SurfaceTexture

public void updateTransformMatrix(float[] updated[], float[] original[], boolean isPrimary)

Applies an additional 4x4 transformation on the original matrix, in dual concurrent cameras.

public Matrix getSensorToBufferTransform()

Returns the sensor to image buffer transform matrix.

The value is a mapping from sensor coordinates to buffer coordinates, which is, from the rect of CameraCharacteristics to the rect defined by (0, 0, #getSize()#getWidth(), #getSize()#getHeight()). The matrix can be used to map the coordinates from one UseCase to another. For example, detecting face with ImageAnalysis, and then highlighting the face in Preview.

Code sample

  // Get the transformation from sensor to effect output.
  Matrix sensorToEffect = surfaceOutput.getSensorToBufferTransform();
  // Get the transformation from sensor to ImageAnalysis.
  Matrix sensorToAnalysis = imageProxy.getSensorToBufferTransform();
  // Concatenate the two matrices to get the transformation from ImageAnalysis to effect.
  Matrix analysisToEffect = Matrix()


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;

import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics;
import android.util.Size;
import android.view.Surface;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.core.util.Consumer;


import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;

 * A {@link Surface} for drawing processed camera frames.
 * <p>Contains a {@link Surface} and its characteristics along with methods to manage the
 * lifecycle of the {@link Surface}.
 * @see SurfaceProcessor#onOutputSurface(SurfaceOutput)
public interface SurfaceOutput extends Closeable {

     * Gets the {@link Surface} for drawing processed frames.
     * <p> If there are multiple calls to the method, only the {@link Consumer<Event>}
     * from the last call will be triggered.
     * @param executor on which the listener should be invoked.
     * @param listener a listener to notify the implementation about the end-of-life of the
     *                 {@link SurfaceOutput}. The implementation should then invoke
     *                 {@link #close()} to mark the {@link Surface} as no longer in use.
    Surface getSurface(
            @NonNull Executor executor,
            @NonNull Consumer<Event> listener);

     * This field indicates that what purpose the {@link Surface} will be used for.
     * <p>{@link CameraEffect#PREVIEW} if the {@link Surface} will be used for {@link Preview}.
    int getTargets();

     * This field indicates the format of the {@link Surface}.
    default int getFormat() {

     * Gets the size of the {@link Surface}.
    Size getSize();

     * Call this method to mark the {@link Surface} as no longer in use.
     * <p>Once the {@link SurfaceProcessor} implementation receives a request to close the
     * {@link Surface}, it should call this method to acknowledge after stop writing to the
     * {@link Surface}. Writing to the {@link Surface} after calling this method might cause
     * errors.
    void close();

     * Applies an additional 4x4 transformation on the original matrix.
     * <p>When the input {@link Surface} of {@link SurfaceProcessor} is backed by a
     * {@link SurfaceTexture}, use this method to update the texture transform matrix.
     * <p>Typically, after retrieving the transform matrix from
     * {@link SurfaceTexture#getTransformMatrix}, the {@link SurfaceProcessor} implementation
     * should always call this method to update the value. The result is a matrix of the same
     * format, which is a transform matrix maps 2D homogeneous texture coordinates of the form
     * (s, t, 0, 1) with s and t in the inclusive range [0, 1] to the texture coordinate that
     * should be used to sample that location from the texture. The matrix is stored in
     * column-major order so that it may be passed directly to OpenGL ES via the {@code
     * glLoadMatrixf} or {@code glUniformMatrix4fv} functions.
     * <p>The additional transformation is calculated based on the target rotation, target
     * resolution and the {@link ViewPort} associated with the target {@link UseCase}. The value
     * could also include workarounds for device specific bugs. For example, correcting a
     * stretched camera output stream.
     * <p>Code sample:
     * <pre><code>
     * float[] transform = new float[16];
     * float[] updatedTransform = new float[16];
     * surfaceTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(surfaceTexture -> {
     *     surfaceTexture.getTransformMatrix(transform);
     *     outputSurface.updateTransformMatrix(updatedTransform, transform);
     *     // Use the value of updatedTransform for OpenGL rendering.
     * });
     * </code></pre>
     * <p>To get the value of the additional transformation, pass in an identity matrix as the
     * original value. This is useful when {@link SurfaceTexture#getTransformMatrix} is not
     * applied by the implementation.
     * <p>Code sample:
     * <pre><code>
     * float[] identity = new float[16];
     * Matrix.setIdentityM(identity, 0);
     * float[] updatedTransform = new float[16];
     * surfaceTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(surfaceTexture -> {
     *     outputSurface.updateTransformMatrix(updatedTransform, identity);
     *     // Use the value of updatedTransform for OpenGL rendering.
     * });
     * </code></pre>
     * @param updated  the array into which the 4x4 matrix will be stored. The array must
     *                 have exactly 16 elements.
     * @param original the original 4x4 matrix. The array must have exactly 16 elements.
     * @see SurfaceTexture#getTransformMatrix(float[])
    void updateTransformMatrix(@NonNull float[] updated, @NonNull float[] original);

     * Applies an additional 4x4 transformation on the original matrix, in dual concurrent cameras.
    default void updateTransformMatrix(
            @NonNull float[] updated, @NonNull float[] original, boolean isPrimary) {

     * Returns the sensor to image buffer transform matrix.
     * <p>The value is a mapping from sensor coordinates to buffer coordinates, which is,
     * from the rect of {@link CameraCharacteristics#SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE} to the
     * rect defined by {@code (0, 0, #getSize()#getWidth(), #getSize()#getHeight())}. The matrix can
     * be used to map the coordinates from one {@link UseCase} to another. For example,
     * detecting face with {@link ImageAnalysis}, and then highlighting the face in
     * {@link Preview}.
     * <p>Code sample
     * <code><pre>
     *  // Get the transformation from sensor to effect output.
     *  Matrix sensorToEffect = surfaceOutput.getSensorToBufferTransform();
     *  // Get the transformation from sensor to ImageAnalysis.
     *  Matrix sensorToAnalysis = imageProxy.getSensorToBufferTransform();
     *  // Concatenate the two matrices to get the transformation from ImageAnalysis to effect.
     *  Matrix analysisToEffect = Matrix()
     *  sensorToAnalysis.invert(analysisToEffect);
     *  analysisToEffect.postConcat(sensorToEffect);
     * </pre></code>
    default Matrix getSensorToBufferTransform() {
        return new Matrix();

     * Events of the {@link Surface} retrieved from
     * {@link SurfaceOutput#getSurface(Executor, Consumer)}.
    abstract class Event {

        Event() {

         * Possible event codes.
        public @interface EventCode {

         * The {@link Surface} provider is requesting to release the {@link Surface}.
         * <p> Releasing a {@link Surface} while it's still being written into is not safe on
         * some devices. This is why the provider of the {@link Surface} will not release the
         * {@link Surface} without the CameraX's permission. Once this event is received, the
         * implementation should stop accessing the {@link Surface} as soon as possible, then
         * mark the {@link SurfaceOutput} as closed by calling {@link SurfaceOutput#close()}.
         * Once closed, CameraX will notify the {@link Surface} provider that it's safe to
         * release the {@link Surface}.
        public static final int EVENT_REQUEST_CLOSE = 0;

         * Returns the event associated with the {@link SurfaceOutput}.
        public abstract int getEventCode();

         * Gets the {@link SurfaceOutput} associated with this event.
        public abstract SurfaceOutput getSurfaceOutput();

         * Creates a {@link Event} for sending to the implementation.
        public static SurfaceOutput.Event of(@EventCode int code,
                @NonNull SurfaceOutput surfaceOutput) {
            return new AutoValue_SurfaceOutput_Event(code, surfaceOutput);

     * Camera input information for transformation matrix calculation in {@link SurfaceOutput}.
    abstract class CameraInputInfo {

         * Gets input size.
        public abstract Size getInputSize();

         * Gets input crop rect.
        public abstract Rect getInputCropRect();

         * Gets {@link CameraInternal}.
        public abstract CameraInternal getCameraInternal();

         * Gets input rotation degrees.
        public abstract int getRotationDegrees();

         * Gets input mirroring state.
        public abstract boolean getMirroring();

         * Creates a {@link CameraInputInfo}.
        public static SurfaceOutput.CameraInputInfo of(
                @NonNull Size inputSize,
                @NonNull Rect inputCropRect,
                @Nullable CameraInternal cameraInternal,
                int rotationDegrees,
                boolean mirroring) {
            return new AutoValue_SurfaceOutput_CameraInputInfo(
                    inputSize, inputCropRect, cameraInternal,
                    rotationDegrees, mirroring);