public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-core', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-core
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Configuration of how to create an output stream from an input stream.

The value in this class will override the corresponding value in the SurfaceEdge class. The override is necessary when a single stream is shared to multiple output streams with different transformations. For example, if a single 4:3 preview stream is shared to a 16:9 video stream, the video stream must override the crop rect.



public abstract RectgetCropRect()

How the input should be cropped.

public abstract intgetFormat()

The format of the output stream.

public abstract intgetRotationDegrees()

How the input should be rotated clockwise.

public abstract SizegetSize()

The stream should scale to this size after cropping and rotating.

public abstract intgetTargets()

The target UseCase of the output stream.

public abstract booleanisMirroring()

Whether the stream should be mirrored.

public static OutConfigof(int targets, int format, Rect cropRect, Size size, int rotationDegrees, boolean mirroring)

Creates an OutConfig instance with custom transformations.

public static OutConfigof(int targets, int format, Rect cropRect, Size size, int rotationDegrees, boolean mirroring, boolean shouldRespectInputCropRect)

Creates an OutConfig instance with custom transformations.

public static OutConfigof(SurfaceEdge inputEdge)

Creates an OutConfig instance from the input edge.

public abstract booleanshouldRespectInputCropRect()

Whether the node should respect the input's crop rect.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public OutConfig()


public abstract int getTargets()

The target UseCase of the output stream.

public abstract int getFormat()

The format of the output stream.

public abstract Rect getCropRect()

How the input should be cropped.

public abstract Size getSize()

The stream should scale to this size after cropping and rotating.

The input stream should be scaled to match this size after cropping and rotating

public abstract int getRotationDegrees()

How the input should be rotated clockwise.

public abstract boolean isMirroring()

Whether the stream should be mirrored.

public abstract boolean shouldRespectInputCropRect()

Whether the node should respect the input's crop rect.

If true, the output's crop rect will be calculated based OutConfig.getCropRect() AND the input's crop rect. In this case, the OutConfig.getCropRect() must contain the input's crop rect. This applies to the scenario where the input crop rect is valid but the current node cannot apply crop rect. For example, when CameraEffect.TRANSFORMATION_CAMERA_AND_SURFACE_ROTATION option is used.

If false, then the node will override input's crop rect with OutConfig.getCropRect(). This mostly applies to the sharing node. For example, the children want to crop the input stream to different sizes, in which case, the input crop rect is invalid.

public static OutConfig of(SurfaceEdge inputEdge)

Creates an OutConfig instance from the input edge.

The result is an output edge with the input's transformation applied.

public static OutConfig of(int targets, int format, Rect cropRect, Size size, int rotationDegrees, boolean mirroring)

Creates an OutConfig instance with custom transformations. // TODO: remove this method and make the shouldRespectInputCropRect bit explicit.

public static OutConfig of(int targets, int format, Rect cropRect, Size size, int rotationDegrees, boolean mirroring, boolean shouldRespectInputCropRect)

Creates an OutConfig instance with custom transformations.


 * Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;

import static java.util.UUID.randomUUID;

import android.util.Size;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.UUID;

 * Configuration of how to create an output stream from an input stream.
 * <p>The value in this class will override the corresponding value in the
 * {@link SurfaceEdge} class. The override is necessary when a single stream is shared
 * to multiple output streams with different transformations. For example, if a single 4:3
 * preview stream is shared to a 16:9 video stream, the video stream must override the crop
 * rect.
public abstract class OutConfig {

     * Unique ID of the config.
     * <p> This is for making sure two {@link OutConfig} with the same value can be stored as
     * different keys in a {@link HashMap}.
    abstract UUID getUuid();

     * The target {@link UseCase} of the output stream.
    public abstract int getTargets();

     * The format of the output stream.
    public abstract int getFormat();

     * How the input should be cropped.
    public abstract Rect getCropRect();

     * The stream should scale to this size after cropping and rotating.
     * <p>The input stream should be scaled to match this size after cropping and rotating
    public abstract Size getSize();

     * How the input should be rotated clockwise.
    public abstract int getRotationDegrees();

     * Whether the stream should be mirrored.
    public abstract boolean isMirroring();

     * Whether the node should respect the input's crop rect.
     * <p>If true, the output's crop rect will be calculated based
     * {@link OutConfig#getCropRect()} AND the input's crop rect. In this case, the
     * {@link OutConfig#getCropRect()} must contain the input's crop rect. This applies to
     * the scenario where the input crop rect is valid but the current node cannot apply crop
     * rect. For example, when
     * {@link CameraEffect#TRANSFORMATION_CAMERA_AND_SURFACE_ROTATION} option is used.
     * <p>If false, then the node will override input's crop rect with
     * {@link OutConfig#getCropRect()}. This mostly applies to the sharing node. For example,
     * the children want to crop the input stream to different sizes, in which case, the
     * input crop rect is invalid.
    public abstract boolean shouldRespectInputCropRect();

     * Creates an {@link OutConfig} instance from the input edge.
     * <p>The result is an output edge with the input's transformation applied.
    public static OutConfig of(@NonNull SurfaceEdge inputEdge) {
        return of(inputEdge.getTargets(),
                getRotatedSize(inputEdge.getCropRect(), inputEdge.getRotationDegrees()),

     * Creates an {@link OutConfig} instance with custom transformations.
     * // TODO: remove this method and make the shouldRespectInputCropRect bit explicit.
    public static OutConfig of(@CameraEffect.Targets int targets,
            @CameraEffect.Formats int format,
            @NonNull Rect cropRect,
            @NonNull Size size,
            int rotationDegrees,
            boolean mirroring) {
        return of(targets, format, cropRect, size, rotationDegrees, mirroring,

     * Creates an {@link OutConfig} instance with custom transformations.
    public static OutConfig of(@CameraEffect.Targets int targets,
            @CameraEffect.Formats int format,
            @NonNull Rect cropRect,
            @NonNull Size size,
            int rotationDegrees,
            boolean mirroring,
            boolean shouldRespectInputCropRect) {
        return new AutoValue_OutConfig(randomUUID(), targets, format,
                cropRect, size, rotationDegrees, mirroring, shouldRespectInputCropRect);