public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-core', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-core
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


A set of requirements and priorities used to select a resolution for the UseCase.

The resolution selection mechanism is determined by the following three steps:

  1. Collect the supported output sizes and add them to the candidate resolution list.
  2. Filter and sort the candidate resolution list according to the ResolutionSelector.Builder resolution settings.
  3. Consider all the resolution selector settings of bound UseCases to find the resolution that best suits each UseCase.

For the first step, all supported resolution output sizes are added to the candidate resolution list as the starting point.

ResolutionSelector provides the following function for applications to adjust the candidate resolution settings.

For the second step, ResolutionSelector provides the following three functions for applications to determine which resolution should be selected with higher priority.

CameraX sorts the collected sizes according to the specified aspect ratio and resolution strategies. The aspect ratio strategy has precedence over the resolution strategy for sorting the resolution candidate list. If applications specify a custom resolution filter, CameraX passes the resulting sizes list, sorted by the specified aspect ratio and resolution strategies, to the resolution filter to get the final desired list.

Different types of UseCases might have their own default settings. You can see the UseCase builders’ setResolutionSelector() function to know the details for each type of UseCase.

In the third step, CameraX selects the final resolution for the UseCase based on the camera device's hardware level, capabilities, and the bound UseCase combination. Applications can check which resolution is finally selected by using the UseCase's getResolutionInfo() function.

Note that a ResolutionSelector with more restricted settings may result in that no resolution can be selected to use. Applications will receive java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when binding the UseCases with such kind of ResolutionSelector. Applications can specify the AspectRatioStrategy and ResolutionStrategy with proper fallback rules to avoid the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException or try-catch it and show a proper message to the end users.

When creating a ResolutionSelector instance, the AspectRatioStrategy.RATIO_4_3_FALLBACK_AUTO_STRATEGY will be the default AspectRatioStrategy if it is not set. ResolutionSelector.PREFER_CAPTURE_RATE_OVER_HIGHER_RESOLUTION is the default allowed resolution mode. However, if neither the ResolutionStrategy nor the ResolutionFilter are set, there will be no default value specified.



This mode allows CameraX to select the normal output sizes on the camera device.


This mode allows CameraX to select the output sizes which might result in slower capture times.

public intgetAllowedResolutionMode()

Returns the specified allowed resolution mode.

public AspectRatioStrategygetAspectRatioStrategy()

Returns the specified AspectRatioStrategy, or AspectRatioStrategy.RATIO_4_3_FALLBACK_AUTO_STRATEGY if none is specified when creating the ResolutionSelector.

public ResolutionFiltergetResolutionFilter()

Returns the specified ResolutionFilter implementation, or null if not specified.

public ResolutionStrategygetResolutionStrategy()

Returns the specified ResolutionStrategy, or null if not specified.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait



This mode allows CameraX to select the normal output sizes on the camera device.

The available resolutions for this mode are obtained from the method from the stream configuration map obtained with the camera characteristics.


This mode allows CameraX to select the output sizes which might result in slower capture times.

The available resolutions for this mode are obtained from the and methods from the stream configuration map obtained with the camera characteristics. However, please note that using a resolution obtained from the may result in slower capture times. Please see the javadoc of for more details.

Since Android 12, some devices might support a maximum resolution sensor pixel mode, which allows them to capture additional ultra high resolutions retrieved from . This mode does not allow applications to select those ultra high resolutions.


public AspectRatioStrategy getAspectRatioStrategy()

Returns the specified AspectRatioStrategy, or AspectRatioStrategy.RATIO_4_3_FALLBACK_AUTO_STRATEGY if none is specified when creating the ResolutionSelector.

public ResolutionStrategy getResolutionStrategy()

Returns the specified ResolutionStrategy, or null if not specified.

public ResolutionFilter getResolutionFilter()

Returns the specified ResolutionFilter implementation, or null if not specified.

public int getAllowedResolutionMode()

Returns the specified allowed resolution mode.


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

 * A set of requirements and priorities used to select a resolution for the {@link UseCase}.
 * <p>The resolution selection mechanism is determined by the following three steps:
 * <ol>
 *     <li> Collect the supported output sizes and add them to the candidate resolution list.
 *     <li> Filter and sort the candidate resolution list according to the {@link Builder}
 *     resolution settings.
 *     <li> Consider all the resolution selector settings of bound {@link UseCase}s to find the
 *     resolution that best suits each {@link UseCase}.
 * </ol>
 * <p>For the first step, all supported resolution output sizes are added to the candidate
 * resolution list as the starting point.
 * <p>ResolutionSelector provides the following function for applications to adjust the candidate
 * resolution settings.
 * <ul>
 *     <li> {@link Builder#setAllowedResolutionMode(int)}
 * </ul>
 * <p>For the second step, ResolutionSelector provides the following three functions for
 * applications to determine which resolution should be selected with higher priority.
 * <ul>
 *     <li> {@link Builder#setAspectRatioStrategy(AspectRatioStrategy)}
 *     <li> {@link Builder#setResolutionStrategy(ResolutionStrategy)}
 *     <li> {@link Builder#setResolutionFilter(ResolutionFilter)}
 * </ul>
 * <p>CameraX sorts the collected sizes according to the specified aspect ratio and resolution
 * strategies. The aspect ratio strategy has precedence over the resolution strategy for sorting
 * the resolution candidate list. If applications specify a custom resolution filter, CameraX
 * passes the resulting sizes list, sorted by the specified aspect ratio and resolution
 * strategies, to the resolution filter to get the final desired list.
 * <p>Different types of {@link UseCase}s might have their own default settings. You can see the
 * {@link UseCase} builders’ {@code setResolutionSelector()} function to know the details for each
 * type of {@link UseCase}.
 * <p>In the third step, CameraX selects the final resolution for the {@link UseCase} based on the
 * camera device's hardware level, capabilities, and the bound {@link UseCase} combination.
 * Applications can check which resolution is finally selected by using the {@link UseCase}'s
 * {@code getResolutionInfo()} function.
 * <p>Note that a ResolutionSelector with more restricted settings may result in that no
 * resolution can be selected to use. Applications will receive {@link IllegalArgumentException}
 * when binding the {@link UseCase}s with such kind of ResolutionSelector. Applications can
 * specify the {@link AspectRatioStrategy} and {@link ResolutionStrategy} with proper fallback
 * rules to avoid the {@link IllegalArgumentException} or try-catch it and show a proper message
 * to the end users.
 * <p>When creating a ResolutionSelector instance, the
 * {@link AspectRatioStrategy#RATIO_4_3_FALLBACK_AUTO_STRATEGY} will be the default
 * {@link AspectRatioStrategy} if it is not set.
 * {@link ResolutionSelector#PREFER_CAPTURE_RATE_OVER_HIGHER_RESOLUTION} is the default allowed
 * resolution mode. However, if neither the {@link ResolutionStrategy} nor the
 * {@link ResolutionFilter} are set, there will be no default value specified.
public final class ResolutionSelector {
     * This mode allows CameraX to select the normal output sizes on the camera device.
     * <p>The available resolutions for this mode are obtained from the
     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes(int)} method
     * from the stream configuration map obtained with the
     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP}
     * camera characteristics.
    public static final int PREFER_CAPTURE_RATE_OVER_HIGHER_RESOLUTION = 0;
     * This mode allows CameraX to select the output sizes which might result in slower capture
     * times.
     * <p>The available resolutions for this mode are obtained from the
     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes(int)} and
     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getHighResolutionOutputSizes(int)}
     * methods from the stream configuration map obtained with the
     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP}
     * camera characteristics. However, please note that using a resolution obtained from the
     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getHighResolutionOutputSizes(int)}
     * may result in slower capture times. Please see the javadoc of
     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getHighResolutionOutputSizes(int)}
     * for more details.
     * <p>Since Android 12, some devices might support a maximum resolution sensor pixel mode,
     * which allows them to capture additional ultra high resolutions retrieved from
     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics#SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP_MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION}
     * . This mode does not allow applications to select those ultra high resolutions.
    public static final int PREFER_HIGHER_RESOLUTION_OVER_CAPTURE_RATE = 1;

    public @interface AllowedResolutionMode {
    private final AspectRatioStrategy mAspectRatioStrategy;
    private final ResolutionStrategy mResolutionStrategy;
    private final ResolutionFilter mResolutionFilter;
    private final int mAllowedResolutionMode;

            @NonNull AspectRatioStrategy aspectRatioStrategy,
            @Nullable ResolutionStrategy resolutionStrategy,
            @Nullable ResolutionFilter resolutionFilter,
            @AllowedResolutionMode int allowedResolutionMode) {
        mAspectRatioStrategy = aspectRatioStrategy;
        mResolutionStrategy = resolutionStrategy;
        mResolutionFilter = resolutionFilter;
        mAllowedResolutionMode = allowedResolutionMode;

     * Returns the specified {@link AspectRatioStrategy}, or
     * {@link AspectRatioStrategy#RATIO_4_3_FALLBACK_AUTO_STRATEGY} if none is specified when
     * creating the ResolutionSelector.
    public AspectRatioStrategy getAspectRatioStrategy() {
        return mAspectRatioStrategy;

     * Returns the specified {@link ResolutionStrategy}, or null if not specified.
    public ResolutionStrategy getResolutionStrategy() {
        return mResolutionStrategy;

     * Returns the specified {@link ResolutionFilter} implementation, or null if not specified.
    public ResolutionFilter getResolutionFilter() {
        return mResolutionFilter;

     * Returns the specified allowed resolution mode.
    public int getAllowedResolutionMode() {
        return mAllowedResolutionMode;

     * Builder for a {@link ResolutionSelector}.
    public static final class Builder {
        private AspectRatioStrategy mAspectRatioStrategy = RATIO_4_3_FALLBACK_AUTO_STRATEGY;
        private ResolutionStrategy mResolutionStrategy = null;
        private ResolutionFilter mResolutionFilter = null;
        private int mAllowedResolutionMode = PREFER_CAPTURE_RATE_OVER_HIGHER_RESOLUTION;

         * Creates a Builder instance.
        public Builder() {

        private Builder(@NonNull ResolutionSelector resolutionSelector) {
            mAspectRatioStrategy = resolutionSelector.getAspectRatioStrategy();
            mResolutionStrategy = resolutionSelector.getResolutionStrategy();
            mResolutionFilter = resolutionSelector.getResolutionFilter();
            mAllowedResolutionMode = resolutionSelector.getAllowedResolutionMode();

         * Creates a Builder from an existing resolution selector.
        public static Builder fromResolutionSelector(
                @NonNull ResolutionSelector resolutionSelector) {
            return new Builder(resolutionSelector);

         * Sets the aspect ratio selection strategy for the {@link UseCase}. The aspect ratio
         * selection strategy determines how the {@link UseCase} will choose the aspect ratio of
         * the captured image.
         * <p>If the aspect ratio strategy is not specified,
         * {@link AspectRatioStrategy#RATIO_4_3_FALLBACK_AUTO_STRATEGY} will be used as the default.
         * <p>{@link UseCase}s can be bound by a {@link UseCaseGroup} with a {@link ViewPort}
         * setting. If a {@link ViewPort} is set, it is recommended that the {@link ViewPort} and
         * the bound {@link UseCase}s should have matching aspect ratio settings. Otherwise, the
         * output crop rectangles may be double-cropped from the full camera sensor field of view.
         * See {@link ViewPort.Builder} for details.
         * <p>CameraX only supports the common 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio settings. Some devices may
         * offer additional output sizes. To access these, you'll need to create a
         * {@link ResolutionSelector} with a {@link ResolutionFilter} to find and select those
         * specific sizes.
        public Builder setAspectRatioStrategy(@NonNull AspectRatioStrategy aspectRatioStrategy) {
            mAspectRatioStrategy = aspectRatioStrategy;
            return this;

         * Sets the resolution selection strategy for the {@link UseCase}. The resolution selection
         * strategy determines how the {@link UseCase} will choose the resolution of the captured
         * image.
         * <p>Note: {@link ResolutionStrategy} works in conjunction with
         * {@link AspectRatioStrategy} and the default {@link AspectRatioStrategy} is
         * {@link AspectRatioStrategy#RATIO_4_3_FALLBACK_AUTO_STRATEGY}. Ensure you set a
         * corresponding {@link AspectRatioStrategy} alongside your {@link ResolutionStrategy}.
         * For example, if your {@link ResolutionStrategy} uses a bound size of {@code 1920x1080}
         * and a 16:9 aspect ratio is preferred, set
         * {@link AspectRatioStrategy#RATIO_16_9_FALLBACK_AUTO_STRATEGY} when building the
         * {@link ResolutionSelector}.
         * <p>CameraX only supports the common 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio settings. To select
         * resolution of other aspect ratios, you'll need to create a {@link ResolutionSelector}
         * with a {@link ResolutionFilter} to find and select those specific sizes.
        public Builder setResolutionStrategy(@NonNull ResolutionStrategy resolutionStrategy) {
            mResolutionStrategy = resolutionStrategy;
            return this;

         * Sets the resolution filter to output the final desired sizes list. The resolution
         * filter will filter out unsuitable sizes and sort the resolution list in the preferred
         * order. The preferred order is the order in which the resolutions should be tried first.
        public Builder setResolutionFilter(@NonNull ResolutionFilter resolutionFilter) {
            mResolutionFilter = resolutionFilter;
            return this;

         * Sets the allowed resolution mode.
         * <p>If not specified, the default setting is
         * {@link ResolutionSelector#PREFER_CAPTURE_RATE_OVER_HIGHER_RESOLUTION}.
        public Builder setAllowedResolutionMode(@AllowedResolutionMode int mode) {
            mAllowedResolutionMode = mode;
            return this;

         * Builds the resolution selector. This will create a resolution selector that can be
         * used to select the desired resolution for the captured image.
        public ResolutionSelector build() {
            return new ResolutionSelector(mAspectRatioStrategy, mResolutionStrategy,
                    mResolutionFilter, mAllowedResolutionMode);