public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-core', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-core
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


The resolution strategy defines the resolution selection sequence to select the best size.

Applications can create a ResolutionSelector with a proper ResolutionStrategy to choose the preferred resolution.


public static final intFALLBACK_RULE_CLOSEST_HIGHER

When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to the closest higher resolution size.


When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to select the closest higher resolution size.

public static final intFALLBACK_RULE_CLOSEST_LOWER

When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to the closest lower resolution size.


When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to select the closest lower resolution size.

public static final intFALLBACK_RULE_NONE

CameraX doesn't select an alternate size when the specified bound size is unavailable.

public static final ResolutionStrategyHIGHEST_AVAILABLE_STRATEGY

A resolution strategy chooses the highest available resolution.

publicResolutionStrategy(Size boundSize, int fallbackRule)

Creates a new ResolutionStrategy instance, configured with the specified bound size and fallback rule.

public SizegetBoundSize()

Returns the specified bound size.

public intgetFallbackRule()

Returns the fallback rule for choosing an alternate size when the specified bound size is unavailable.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final ResolutionStrategy HIGHEST_AVAILABLE_STRATEGY

A resolution strategy chooses the highest available resolution. This strategy does not have a bound size or fallback rule. When using this strategy, CameraX selects the available resolutions to use in descending order, starting with the highest quality resolution available.

public static final int FALLBACK_RULE_NONE

CameraX doesn't select an alternate size when the specified bound size is unavailable.

Applications will receive java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when binding the UseCases with this fallback rule if the device doesn't support the specified bound size.


When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to select the closest higher resolution size. If CameraX still cannot find any available resolution, it will fallback to select other lower resolutions.

public static final int FALLBACK_RULE_CLOSEST_HIGHER

When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to the closest higher resolution size.


When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to select the closest lower resolution size. If CameraX still cannot find any available resolution, it will fallback to select other higher resolutions.

public static final int FALLBACK_RULE_CLOSEST_LOWER

When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to the closest lower resolution size.


public ResolutionStrategy(Size boundSize, int fallbackRule)

Creates a new ResolutionStrategy instance, configured with the specified bound size and fallback rule.

If the resolution candidate list contains the bound size and the bound size can fulfill all resolution selector settings, CameraX can also select the specified bound size as the result for the UseCase.

Some devices may have issues using sizes of the preferred aspect ratios. CameraX recommends that applications use the following fallback rule setting to avoid no resolution being available, as an java.lang.IllegalArgumentException may be thrown when calling ProcessCameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(LifecycleOwner, CameraSelector, UseCase...) to bind UseCases with the ResolutionStrategy specified in the ResolutionSelector.


boundSize: the bound size to select the best resolution with the fallback rule.
fallbackRule: the rule to follow when the specified bound size is not available.


public Size getBoundSize()

Returns the specified bound size.


the specified bound size or null if this is instance of ResolutionStrategy.HIGHEST_AVAILABLE_STRATEGY.

public int getFallbackRule()

Returns the fallback rule for choosing an alternate size when the specified bound size is unavailable.


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.util.Size;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

 * The resolution strategy defines the resolution selection sequence to select the best size.
 * <p>Applications can create a {@link ResolutionSelector} with a proper ResolutionStrategy to
 * choose the preferred resolution.
public final class ResolutionStrategy {
     * A resolution strategy chooses the highest available resolution. This strategy does not
     * have a bound size or fallback rule. When using this strategy, CameraX selects the
     * available resolutions to use in descending order, starting with the highest quality
     * resolution available.
    public static final ResolutionStrategy HIGHEST_AVAILABLE_STRATEGY = new ResolutionStrategy();

     * CameraX doesn't select an alternate size when the specified bound size is unavailable.
     * <p>Applications will receive {@link IllegalArgumentException} when binding the
     * {@link UseCase}s with this fallback rule if the device doesn't support the specified bound
     * size.
    public static final int FALLBACK_RULE_NONE = 0;
     * When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to select the closest
     * higher resolution size. If CameraX still cannot find any available resolution, it will
     * fallback to select other lower resolutions.
    public static final int FALLBACK_RULE_CLOSEST_HIGHER_THEN_LOWER = 1;
     * When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to the closest higher
     * resolution size.
    public static final int FALLBACK_RULE_CLOSEST_HIGHER = 2;
     * When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to select the closest
     * lower resolution size. If CameraX still cannot find any available resolution, it will
     * fallback to select other higher resolutions.
    public static final int FALLBACK_RULE_CLOSEST_LOWER_THEN_HIGHER = 3;
     * When the specified bound size is unavailable, CameraX falls back to the closest lower
     * resolution size.
    public static final int FALLBACK_RULE_CLOSEST_LOWER = 4;

     * Defines the available fallback rules for ResolutionStrategy.
    public @interface ResolutionFallbackRule {

    private Size mBoundSize = null;
    private int mFallbackRule = ResolutionStrategy.FALLBACK_RULE_NONE;

     * Creates a default ResolutionStrategy instance to select the highest available resolution.
    private ResolutionStrategy() {

     * Creates a new ResolutionStrategy instance, configured with the specified bound size and
     * fallback rule.
     * <p>If the resolution candidate list contains the bound size and the bound size can fulfill
     * all resolution selector settings, CameraX can also select the specified bound size as the
     * result for the {@link UseCase}.
     * <p>Some devices may have issues using sizes of the preferred aspect ratios. CameraX
     * recommends that applications use the following fallback rule setting to avoid no
     * resolution being available, as an {@link IllegalArgumentException} may be thrown when
     * calling
     * {@link, CameraSelector, UseCase...)}
     * to bind {@link UseCase}s with the ResolutionStrategy specified in the
     * {@link ResolutionSelector}.
     * <ul>
     * </ul>
     * @param boundSize the bound size to select the best resolution with the fallback rule.
     * @param fallbackRule the rule to follow when the specified bound size is not available.
    public ResolutionStrategy(@NonNull Size boundSize, @ResolutionFallbackRule int fallbackRule) {
        mBoundSize = boundSize;
        mFallbackRule = fallbackRule;

     * Returns the specified bound size.
     * @return the specified bound size or {@code null} if this is instance of
    public Size getBoundSize() {
        return mBoundSize;

     * Returns the fallback rule for choosing an alternate size when the specified bound size is
     * unavailable.
    public int getFallbackRule() {
        return mFallbackRule;