public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'app-automotive', version: '1.7.0-beta01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: app-automotive
  • version: 1.7.0-beta01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Container class for information about property profile such as the car zones and supported property values associated with them.

PropertyManager uses it to give response to front-end components such as AutomotiveCarClimate.


public static final intDEFROST

Refers to 'defrost' value of fan direction.

public static final intFACE

Refers to 'face' value of fan direction.

public static final intFACE_DEFROST

Refers to 'face and defrost' value of fan direction.

public static final intFACE_FLOOR

Refers to 'fan and floor' value of fan direction.

public static final intFACE_FLOOR_DEFROST

Refers to 'face, floor and defrost' value of fan direction.

public static final intFLOOR

Refers to 'floor' value of fan direction.

public static final intFLOOR_DEFROST

Refers to 'defrost and floor' value of fan direction.

public static final intUNKNOWN

Refers to 'unknown' value of fan direction.


public static CarPropertyProfile.Builder<java.lang.Object>builder()

Gets a builder class for CarPropertyProfile.

public abstract <any>getCarZones()

Returns a list of set of CarZones controlled together.

public abstract <any>getCarZoneSetsToMinMaxRange()

Returns a map of min/max values for a property corresponding to a set of car zones.

public abstract floatgetCelsiusIncrement()

Returns the increment value for the temperature set config in Celsius.

public abstract <any>getCelsiusRange()

Returns a pair of min and max values for the temperature set in Celsius.

public abstract floatgetFahrenheitIncrement()

Returns the increment value for the temperature set config in Fahrenheit.

public abstract <any>getFahrenheitRange()

Returns a pair of min and max values for the temperature set in Fahrenheit.

public abstract <any>getHvacFanDirection()

Returns combination of the values in HvacFanDirection corresponding to a set of car zones.

public abstract intgetPropertyId()

Returns one of the values in .

public abstract intgetStatus()

Returns one of the values in CarValue.StatusCode.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int UNKNOWN

Refers to 'unknown' value of fan direction.

public static final int FACE

Refers to 'face' value of fan direction.

public static final int FLOOR

Refers to 'floor' value of fan direction.

public static final int FACE_FLOOR

Refers to 'fan and floor' value of fan direction.

public static final int DEFROST

Refers to 'defrost' value of fan direction.

public static final int FACE_DEFROST

Refers to 'face and defrost' value of fan direction.

public static final int FLOOR_DEFROST

Refers to 'defrost and floor' value of fan direction.

public static final int FACE_FLOOR_DEFROST

Refers to 'face, floor and defrost' value of fan direction.


public CarPropertyProfile()


public abstract int getPropertyId()

Returns one of the values in .

public abstract <any> getHvacFanDirection()

Returns combination of the values in HvacFanDirection corresponding to a set of car zones.

The set of car zones represent the zones in which the associated feature can be regulated together.

public abstract <any> getCarZoneSetsToMinMaxRange()

Returns a map of min/max values for a property corresponding to a set of car zones.

The set of car zones represent the zones in which the associated feature can be regulated together.

public abstract <any> getCelsiusRange()

Returns a pair of min and max values for the temperature set in Celsius.

Not all the values within this range may be supported in the car. If getCelsiusIncrement() returns a non-null value, then Min/Max values combined with the Celsius increment can be used to determine the supported temperature values.

public abstract <any> getFahrenheitRange()

Returns a pair of min and max values for the temperature set in Fahrenheit.

Not all the values within this range may be supported in the car. If getFahrenheitRange() returns a non-null value, then Min/Max values combined with the Fahrenheit increment can be used to determine the supported temperature values.

public abstract float getCelsiusIncrement()

Returns the increment value for the temperature set config in Celsius.

public abstract float getFahrenheitIncrement()

Returns the increment value for the temperature set config in Fahrenheit.

public abstract <any> getCarZones()

Returns a list of set of CarZones controlled together.

public abstract int getStatus()

Returns one of the values in CarValue.StatusCode.

public static CarPropertyProfile.Builder<java.lang.Object> builder()

Gets a builder class for CarPropertyProfile.


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY;

import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;

import android.util.Pair;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;


import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Container class for information about property profile such as the car zones and supported
 * property values associated with them.
 * <p>{@link PropertyManager} uses it to give response to front-end components such as
 * {@link}.
 * @param <T> is the value type of response.
public abstract class CarPropertyProfile<T> {

     * Possible hvac fan direction values.
             * FACE_FLOOR = FACE | FLOOR
    @Target(value = TYPE_USE)
    public @interface HvacFanDirection {

    /** Refers to 'unknown' value of fan direction. */
    public static final int UNKNOWN = 0x0;

    /** Refers to 'face' value of fan direction. */
    public static final int FACE = 0x1;

    /** Refers to 'floor' value of fan direction. */
    public static final int FLOOR = 0x2;

    /** Refers to 'fan and floor' value of fan direction. */
    public static final int FACE_FLOOR = 0x3;

    /** Refers to 'defrost' value of fan direction. */
    public static final int DEFROST = 0x4;

    /** Refers to 'face and defrost' value of fan direction. */
    public static final int FACE_DEFROST = 0x5;

    /** Refers to 'defrost and floor' value of fan direction. */
    public static final int FLOOR_DEFROST = 0x6;

    /** Refers to 'face, floor and defrost' value of fan direction. */
    public static final int FACE_FLOOR_DEFROST = 0x7;

    /** Returns one of the values in {@link}. */
    public abstract int getPropertyId();

     * Returns combination of the values in HvacFanDirection corresponding to a set of car zones.
     * <p>The set of car zones represent the zones in which the associated feature can be regulated
     * together.
    public abstract ImmutableMap<Set<CarZone>, Set<Integer>> getHvacFanDirection();

    /** Returns a map of min/max values for a property corresponding to a set of car zones.
     * <p>The set of car zones represent the zones in which the associated feature can be regulated
     * together.
    public abstract ImmutableMap<Set<CarZone>, Pair<T, T>> getCarZoneSetsToMinMaxRange();

    /** Returns a pair of min and max values for the temperature set in Celsius.
     * <p> Not all the values within this range may be supported in the car.
     * If getCelsiusIncrement() returns a non-null value, then Min/Max values combined with the
     * Celsius increment can be used to determine the supported temperature values.</p>
    public abstract Pair<Float, Float> getCelsiusRange();

    /** Returns a pair of min and max values for the temperature set in Fahrenheit.
     * <p> Not all the values within this range may be supported in the car.
     * If getFahrenheitRange() returns a non-null value, then Min/Max values combined with the
     * Fahrenheit increment can be used to determine the supported temperature values.</p>

    public abstract Pair<Float, Float> getFahrenheitRange();

    /** Returns the increment value for the temperature set config in Celsius. */
    public abstract float getCelsiusIncrement();

    /** Returns the increment value for the temperature set config in Fahrenheit. */
    public abstract float getFahrenheitIncrement();

    /** Returns a list of set of {@link CarZone}s controlled together. */
    public abstract ImmutableList<Set<CarZone>> getCarZones();

    /** Returns one of the values in {@link CarValue.StatusCode}. */
    public abstract @CarValue.StatusCode int getStatus();

    /** Gets a builder class for {@link CarPropertyProfile}. */
    public static <T> Builder<T> builder() {
        return new AutoValue_CarPropertyProfile.Builder<T>()

     * A builder for {@link CarPropertyProfile}
     * @param <T> is the type for all min/max values.
    public abstract static class Builder<T> {
        /** Sets a property ID for the {@link CarPropertyProfile}. */
        public abstract Builder<T> setPropertyId(int propertyId);

         * Sets the fan direction values grouped per car zone for the
         * {@link CarPropertyProfile}.
        public abstract Builder<T> setHvacFanDirection(@Nullable Map<Set<CarZone>,
                Set<@HvacFanDirection Integer>> hvacFanDirection);

         * Sets a status code for the {@link CarPropertyProfile}.
        public abstract Builder<T> setStatus(@CarValue.StatusCode int status);

        /** Sets a min/max range pair value for the {@link CarPropertyProfile}. */
        public abstract Builder<T> setCarZoneSetsToMinMaxRange(
                @Nullable Map<Set<CarZone>, Pair<T, T>> minMaxRange);

        /** Sets a min/max range for temperature in Celsius. */
        public abstract Builder<T> setCelsiusRange(
                @Nullable Pair<Float, Float> celsiusRange);

        /** Sets a min/max range for temperature in Fahrenheit. */
        public abstract Builder<T> setFahrenheitRange(
                @Nullable Pair<Float, Float> fahrenheitRange);

        /** Sets the value of increment for temperature set config in Celsius. */
        public abstract Builder<T> setCelsiusIncrement(
                float celsiusIncrement);

        /** Sets the value of increment for temperature set config in Fahrenheit. */
        public abstract Builder<T> setFahrenheitIncrement(
                float fahrenheitIncrement);

        /** Sets the list of set of {@link CarZone}s for the {@link CarPropertyProfile}. */
        public abstract Builder<T> setCarZones(
                @NonNull List<Set<CarZone>> carZones);

        /** Creates an instance of {@link CarPropertyProfile}. */
        public abstract CarPropertyProfile<T> build();