public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'app', version: '1.7.0-beta01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: app
  • version: 1.7.0-beta01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Allows specification of a car zone using rows and columns. For example, CarZone.Driver allows modification of Driver's seat controls without knowing whether it is a left side driving car or right side driving car. This class is different from CarOccupantZoneManager in that CarZone is specifically for AndroidX APIs' implementation to control car features such as temperature based on zones while CarOccupantZoneManager class provides APIs to get displays and users information.

CarValue.getCarZones() returns a list of these CarZones. It indicates the CarValue happens in those CarValues of the vehicle.


public static final intCAR_ZONE_COLUMN_ALL

Refers to all the columns in the vehicle.

public static final intCAR_ZONE_COLUMN_CENTER

Refers to the center column of the vehicle only.

public static final intCAR_ZONE_COLUMN_DRIVER

Refers to either CarZone.CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_LEFT or CarZone.CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_RIGHT, depending on the vehicle configuration.

public static final intCAR_ZONE_COLUMN_LEFT

Refers to the left-most column of the vehicle only.

public static final intCAR_ZONE_COLUMN_PASSENGER

Refers to either CarZone.CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_LEFT or CarZone.CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_RIGHT, depending on the vehicle configuration.

public static final intCAR_ZONE_COLUMN_RIGHT

Refers to the right-most column of the vehicle only.

public static final CarZoneCAR_ZONE_GLOBAL

Refers to the global zone, represented by CarZone.CAR_ZONE_ROW_ALL, CarZone.CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_ALL.

public static final intCAR_ZONE_ROW_ALL

Refers to all the rows in the vehicle.

public static final intCAR_ZONE_ROW_EXCLUDE_FIRST

Refers to the all rows, except for CarZone.CAR_ZONE_ROW_FIRST of the vehicle.

public static final intCAR_ZONE_ROW_FIRST

Refers to the front row of the vehicle only.

public static final intCAR_ZONE_ROW_SECOND

Refers to the second row of the vehicle only.

public static final intCAR_ZONE_ROW_THIRD

Refers to the third row of the vehicle only.

public booleanequals(java.lang.Object object)

public intgetColumn()

Returns one of the values in CarZoneColumn.

public intgetRow()

Returns one of the values in CarZoneRow.

public inthashCode()

public java.lang.StringtoString()

from java.lang.Objectclone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


public static final int CAR_ZONE_ROW_ALL

Refers to all the rows in the vehicle.

public static final int CAR_ZONE_ROW_FIRST

Refers to the front row of the vehicle only.

public static final int CAR_ZONE_ROW_SECOND

Refers to the second row of the vehicle only.

public static final int CAR_ZONE_ROW_THIRD

Refers to the third row of the vehicle only.

public static final int CAR_ZONE_ROW_EXCLUDE_FIRST

Refers to the all rows, except for CarZone.CAR_ZONE_ROW_FIRST of the vehicle.

public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_ALL

Refers to all the columns in the vehicle.

public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_LEFT

Refers to the left-most column of the vehicle only.

public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_CENTER

Refers to the center column of the vehicle only.

public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_RIGHT

Refers to the right-most column of the vehicle only.

public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_DRIVER

Refers to either CarZone.CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_LEFT or CarZone.CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_RIGHT, depending on the vehicle configuration.

public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_PASSENGER

Refers to either CarZone.CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_LEFT or CarZone.CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_RIGHT, depending on the vehicle configuration.

public static final CarZone CAR_ZONE_GLOBAL

Refers to the global zone, represented by CarZone.CAR_ZONE_ROW_ALL, CarZone.CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_ALL.


public int getRow()

Returns one of the values in CarZoneRow.

public int getColumn()

Returns one of the values in CarZoneColumn.

public java.lang.String toString()

public int hashCode()

public boolean equals(java.lang.Object object)


 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.Objects;

 * Allows specification of a car zone using rows and columns. For example, CarZone.Driver allows
 * modification of Driver's seat controls without knowing whether it is a left side driving car
 * or right side driving car.
 * This class is different from CarOccupantZoneManager in that CarZone is specifically for
 * AndroidX APIs' implementation to control car features such as temperature based on zones while
 * CarOccupantZoneManager class provides APIs to get displays and users information.
 * <p> {@link CarValue#getCarZones()} returns a list of these {@link CarZone}s. It indicates the
 * {@link CarValue} happens in those {@link CarValue}s of the vehicle.
public final class CarZone {
     * Possible row values.
    public @interface CarZoneRow {

    /** Refers to all the rows in the vehicle. */
    public static final int CAR_ZONE_ROW_ALL = 0x0;

    /** Refers to the front row of the vehicle only. */
    public static final int CAR_ZONE_ROW_FIRST = 0x1;

    /** Refers to the second row of the vehicle only. */
    public static final int CAR_ZONE_ROW_SECOND = 0x2;

    /** Refers to the third row of the vehicle only. */
    public static final int CAR_ZONE_ROW_THIRD = 0x3;

    /** Refers to the all rows, except for {@link CarZone#CAR_ZONE_ROW_FIRST} of the vehicle. */
    public static final int CAR_ZONE_ROW_EXCLUDE_FIRST = 0x4;

     * Possible column values.
    public @interface CarZoneColumn {

    /** Refers to all the columns in the vehicle. */
    public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_ALL = 0x10;

    /** Refers to the left-most column of the vehicle only. */
    public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_LEFT = 0x20;

    /** Refers to the center column of the vehicle only. */
    public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_CENTER = 0x30;

    /** Refers to the right-most column of the vehicle only. */
    public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_RIGHT = 0x40;

     * Refers to either {@link CarZone#CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_LEFT} or
     * {@link CarZone#CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_RIGHT}, depending on the vehicle
     * configuration.
    public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_DRIVER = 0x50;

     * Refers to either {@link CarZone#CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_LEFT} or
     * {@link CarZone#CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_RIGHT}, depending on the vehicle
     * configuration.
    public static final int CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_PASSENGER = 0x60;

     * Refers to the global zone, represented by {@link CarZone#CAR_ZONE_ROW_ALL},
     * {@link CarZone#CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_ALL}.
    public static final CarZone CAR_ZONE_GLOBAL = new CarZone.Builder().build();

    private final int mRow;
    private final int mColumn;

    /** Returns one of the values in CarZoneRow. */
    public @CarZoneRow int getRow() {
        return mRow;

    /** Returns one of the values in CarZoneColumn. */
    public @CarZoneColumn int getColumn() {
        return mColumn;

    /** Constructs a new instance by using {@link Builder}. */
    CarZone(@NonNull Builder builder) {
        mRow = builder.mRow;
        mColumn = builder.mColumn;

    public String toString() {
        String rowName;
        switch (mRow) {
            case CAR_ZONE_ROW_ALL:
                rowName = "CAR_ZONE_ROW_ALL";
            case CAR_ZONE_ROW_FIRST:
                rowName = "CAR_ZONE_ROW_FIRST";
            case CAR_ZONE_ROW_SECOND:
                rowName = "CAR_ZONE_ROW_SECOND";
            case CAR_ZONE_ROW_THIRD:
                rowName = "CAR_ZONE_ROW_THIRD";
            case CAR_ZONE_ROW_EXCLUDE_FIRST:
                rowName = "CAR_ZONE_ROW_EXCLUDE_FIRST";
                rowName = "UNKNOWN";
        String columnName;
        switch (mColumn) {
            case CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_ALL:
                columnName = "CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_ALL";
            case CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_LEFT:
                columnName = "CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_LEFT";
            case CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_CENTER:
                columnName = "CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_CENTER";
            case CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_RIGHT:
                columnName = "CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_RIGHT";
            case CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_DRIVER:
                columnName = "CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_DRIVER";
                columnName = "CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_PASSENGER";
                columnName = "UNKNOWN";
        return "[CarZone row value: " + rowName + ", column value: " + columnName + "]";

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(mRow, mColumn);

    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) {
        if (this == object) {
            return true;
        if (!(object instanceof CarZone)) {
            return false;
        CarZone otherZone = (CarZone) object;
        return Objects.equals(mColumn, otherZone.getColumn())
                && Objects.equals(mRow, otherZone.getRow());

    /** Constructs an empty instance, used by serialization code. */
    private CarZone() {
        mRow = 0;
        mColumn = 0;

    /** A builder for instantiating {@link CarZone}. */
    public static final class Builder {
        int mRow = CAR_ZONE_ROW_ALL;
        int mColumn = CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_ALL;

         * Sets the row value for the {@link CarZone}.
         * <p> The row value should be in the CarZoneRow list.
        public @NonNull Builder setRow(@CarZoneRow int row) {
            this.mRow = row;
            return this;

         * Sets the column value for the {@link CarZone}.
         * <p> The column value should be in the CarZoneColumn list.
        public @NonNull Builder setColumn(@CarZoneColumn int column) {
            this.mColumn = column;
            return this;

         * Constructs the {@link CarZone} defined by this builder.
         * <p> {@link CarZoneRow#CAR_ZONE_ROW_ALL} will be used by default if the row value is not
         * set using {@link Builder#setRow(int)}. {@link CarZoneColumn#CAR_ZONE_COLUMN_ALL} will be
         * used by default if the column value is not set {@link Builder#setColumn(int)}.
        public CarZone build() {
            return new CarZone(this);