public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.leanback', name: 'leanback', version: '1.2.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.leanback
  • artifactId: leanback
  • version: 1.2.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.leanback:leanback:1.2.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:


Androidx class mapping:



ShadowOverlayHelper is a helper class for shadow, overlay color and rounded corner. There are many choices to implement Shadow, overlay color. Initialize it with ShadowOverlayHelper.Builder and it decides the best strategy based on options user choose and current platform version.

  • For shadow: it may use 9-patch with opticalBounds or Z-value based shadow for API >= 21. When 9-patch is used, it requires a ShadowOverlayContainer to include 9-patch views.
  • For overlay: it may use ShadowOverlayContainer which overrides draw() or it may use setForeground(new ColorDrawable()) for API>=23. The foreground support might be disabled if rounded corner is applied due to performance reason.
  • For rounded-corner: it uses a ViewOutlineProvider for API>=21.
There are two different strategies: use Wrapper with a ShadowOverlayContainer; or apply rounded corner, overlay and rounded-corner to the view itself. Below is an example of how helper is used. ShadowOverlayHelper mHelper = new ShadowOverlayHelper.Builder(). .needsOverlay(true).needsRoundedCorner(true).needsShadow(true) .build(); mHelper.prepareParentForShadow(parentView); // apply optical-bounds for 9-patch shadow. mHelper.setOverlayColor(view, Color.argb(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80)); mHelper.setShadowFocusLevel(view, 1.0f); ... View initializeView(View view) { if (mHelper.needsWrapper()) { ShadowOverlayContainer wrapper = mHelper.createShadowOverlayContainer(context); wrapper.wrap(view); return wrapper; } else { mHelper.onViewCreated(view); return view; } } ...


public static final intSHADOW_DYNAMIC

Shadows depend on the size, shape, and position of the view.

public static final intSHADOW_NONE

No shadow.

public static final intSHADOW_STATIC

Shadows are fixed.

public ShadowOverlayContainercreateShadowOverlayContainer(Context context)

Create ShadowOverlayContainer for this helper.

public intgetShadowType()

public booleanneedsOverlay()

public booleanneedsRoundedCorner()

public booleanneedsWrapper()

Returns true if a "wrapper" ShadowOverlayContainer is needed.

public voidonViewCreated(View view)

Must be called when view is created for cases ShadowOverlayHelper.needsWrapper() is false.

public voidprepareParentForShadow(ViewGroup parent)

ShadowOverlayHelper.prepareParentForShadow(ViewGroup) must be called on parent of container before using shadow.

public static voidsetNoneWrapperOverlayColor(View view, int color)

Set overlay color for view other than ShadowOverlayContainer.

public static voidsetNoneWrapperShadowFocusLevel(View view, float level)

Set shadow focus level (0 to 1).

public voidsetOverlayColor(View view, int color)

Set overlay color for view, it can be a ShadowOverlayContainer if needsWrapper() is true, or other view type.

public voidsetShadowFocusLevel(View view, float level)

Set shadow focus level (0 to 1).

public static booleansupportsDynamicShadow()

Returns true if the platform sdk supports dynamic shadows.

public static booleansupportsForeground()

Returns true if view.setForeground() is supported.

public static booleansupportsRoundedCorner()

Returns true if the platform sdk supports rounded corner through outline.

public static booleansupportsShadow()

Return true if the platform sdk supports shadow.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int SHADOW_NONE

No shadow.

public static final int SHADOW_STATIC

Shadows are fixed.

public static final int SHADOW_DYNAMIC

Shadows depend on the size, shape, and position of the view.


public static boolean supportsShadow()

Return true if the platform sdk supports shadow.

public static boolean supportsDynamicShadow()

Returns true if the platform sdk supports dynamic shadows.

public static boolean supportsRoundedCorner()

Returns true if the platform sdk supports rounded corner through outline.

public static boolean supportsForeground()

Returns true if view.setForeground() is supported.

public void prepareParentForShadow(ViewGroup parent)

ShadowOverlayHelper.prepareParentForShadow(ViewGroup) must be called on parent of container before using shadow. Depending on Shadow type, optical bounds might be applied.

public int getShadowType()

public boolean needsOverlay()

public boolean needsRoundedCorner()

public boolean needsWrapper()

Returns true if a "wrapper" ShadowOverlayContainer is needed. When needsWrapper() is true, call ShadowOverlayHelper.createShadowOverlayContainer(Context) to create the wrapper.

public ShadowOverlayContainer createShadowOverlayContainer(Context context)

Create ShadowOverlayContainer for this helper.


context: Context to create view.



public static void setNoneWrapperOverlayColor(View view, int color)

Set overlay color for view other than ShadowOverlayContainer. See also ShadowOverlayContainer.setOverlayColor(int).

public void setOverlayColor(View view, int color)

Set overlay color for view, it can be a ShadowOverlayContainer if needsWrapper() is true, or other view type.

public void onViewCreated(View view)

Must be called when view is created for cases ShadowOverlayHelper.needsWrapper() is false.



public static void setNoneWrapperShadowFocusLevel(View view, float level)

Set shadow focus level (0 to 1). 0 for unfocused, 1 for fully focused. This is for view other than ShadowOverlayContainer. See also ShadowOverlayContainer.setShadowFocusLevel(float).

public void setShadowFocusLevel(View view, float level)

Set shadow focus level (0 to 1). 0 for unfocused, 1 for fully focused.


 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package androidx.leanback.widget;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;

import androidx.leanback.R;
import androidx.leanback.system.Settings;

 * ShadowOverlayHelper is a helper class for shadow, overlay color and rounded corner.
 * There are many choices to implement Shadow, overlay color.
 * Initialize it with ShadowOverlayHelper.Builder and it decides the best strategy based
 * on options user choose and current platform version.
 * <ul>
 * <li> For shadow:  it may use 9-patch with opticalBounds or Z-value based shadow for
 *                   API >= 21.  When 9-patch is used, it requires a ShadowOverlayContainer
 *                   to include 9-patch views.</li>
 * <li> For overlay: it may use ShadowOverlayContainer which overrides draw() or it may
 *                   use setForeground(new ColorDrawable()) for API>=23.  The foreground support
 *                   might be disabled if rounded corner is applied due to performance reason.</li>
 * <li> For rounded-corner:  it uses a ViewOutlineProvider for API>=21.</li>
 * </ul>
 * There are two different strategies: use Wrapper with a ShadowOverlayContainer;
 * or apply rounded corner, overlay and rounded-corner to the view itself.  Below is an example
 * of how helper is used.
 * <code>
 * ShadowOverlayHelper mHelper = new ShadowOverlayHelper.Builder().
 *         .needsOverlay(true).needsRoundedCorner(true).needsShadow(true)
 *         .build();
 * mHelper.prepareParentForShadow(parentView); // apply optical-bounds for 9-patch shadow.
 * mHelper.setOverlayColor(view, Color.argb(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80));
 * mHelper.setShadowFocusLevel(view, 1.0f);
 * ...
 * View initializeView(View view) {
 *     if (mHelper.needsWrapper()) {
 *         ShadowOverlayContainer wrapper = mHelper.createShadowOverlayContainer(context);
 *         wrapper.wrap(view);
 *         return wrapper;
 *     } else {
 *         mHelper.onViewCreated(view);
 *         return view;
 *     }
 * }
 * ...
 * </code>
public final class ShadowOverlayHelper {

     * Builder for creating ShadowOverlayHelper.
    public static final class Builder {

        private boolean needsOverlay;
        private boolean needsRoundedCorner;
        private boolean needsShadow;
        private boolean preferZOrder = true;
        private boolean keepForegroundDrawable;
        private Options options = Options.DEFAULT;

         * Set if needs overlay color.
         * @param needsOverlay   True if needs overlay.
         * @return  The Builder object itself.
        public Builder needsOverlay(boolean needsOverlay) {
            this.needsOverlay = needsOverlay;
            return this;

         * Set if needs shadow.
         * @param needsShadow   True if needs shadow.
         * @return  The Builder object itself.
        public Builder needsShadow(boolean needsShadow) {
            this.needsShadow = needsShadow;
            return this;

         * Set if needs rounded corner.
         * @param needsRoundedCorner   True if needs rounded corner.
         * @return  The Builder object itself.
        public Builder needsRoundedCorner(boolean needsRoundedCorner) {
            this.needsRoundedCorner = needsRoundedCorner;
            return this;

         * Set if prefer z-order shadow.  On old devices,  z-order shadow might be slow,
         * set to false to fall back to static 9-patch shadow.  Recommend to read
         * from system wide Setting value: see {@link Settings}.
         * @param preferZOrder   True if prefer Z shadow.  Default is true.
         * @return The Builder object itself.
        public Builder preferZOrder(boolean preferZOrder) {
            this.preferZOrder = preferZOrder;
            return this;

         * Set if not using foreground drawable for overlay color.  For example if
         * the view has already assigned a foreground drawable for other purposes.
         * When it's true, helper will use a ShadowOverlayContainer for overlay color.
         * @param keepForegroundDrawable   True to keep the original foreground drawable.
         * @return The Builder object itself.
        public Builder keepForegroundDrawable(boolean keepForegroundDrawable) {
            this.keepForegroundDrawable = keepForegroundDrawable;
            return this;

         * Set option values e.g. Shadow Z value, rounded corner radius.
         * @param options   The Options object to create ShadowOverlayHelper.
        public Builder options(Options options) {
            this.options = options;
            return this;

         * Create ShadowOverlayHelper object
         * @param context    The context uses to read Resources settings.
         * @return           The ShadowOverlayHelper object.
        public ShadowOverlayHelper build(Context context) {
            final ShadowOverlayHelper helper = new ShadowOverlayHelper();
            helper.mNeedsOverlay = needsOverlay;
            helper.mNeedsRoundedCorner = needsRoundedCorner && supportsRoundedCorner();
            helper.mNeedsShadow = needsShadow && supportsShadow();

            if (helper.mNeedsRoundedCorner) {
                helper.setupRoundedCornerRadius(options, context);

            // figure out shadow type and if we need use wrapper:
            if (helper.mNeedsShadow) {
                // if static shadow is preferred or dynamic shadow is not supported,
                // use static shadow,  otherwise use dynamic shadow.
                if (!preferZOrder || !supportsDynamicShadow()) {
                    helper.mShadowType = SHADOW_STATIC;
                    // static shadow requires ShadowOverlayContainer to support crossfading
                    // of two shadow views.
                    helper.mNeedsWrapper = true;
                } else {
                    helper.mShadowType = SHADOW_DYNAMIC;
                    helper.setupDynamicShadowZ(options, context);
                    helper.mNeedsWrapper = ((!supportsForeground() || keepForegroundDrawable)
                            && helper.mNeedsOverlay);
            } else {
                helper.mShadowType = SHADOW_NONE;
                helper.mNeedsWrapper = ((!supportsForeground() || keepForegroundDrawable)
                        && helper.mNeedsOverlay);

            return helper;


     * Option values for ShadowOverlayContainer.
    public static final class Options {

         * Default Options for values.
        public static final Options DEFAULT = new Options();

        private int roundedCornerRadius = 0; // 0 for default value
        private float dynamicShadowUnfocusedZ = -1; // < 0 for default value
        private float dynamicShadowFocusedZ = -1;   // < 0 for default value
         * Set value of rounded corner radius.
         * @param roundedCornerRadius   Number of pixels of rounded corner radius.
         *                              Set to 0 to use default settings.
         * @return  The Options object itself.
        public Options roundedCornerRadius(int roundedCornerRadius){
            this.roundedCornerRadius = roundedCornerRadius;
            return this;

         * Set value of focused and unfocused Z value for shadow.
         * @param unfocusedZ   Number of pixels for unfocused Z value.
         * @param focusedZ     Number of pixels for focused Z value.
         * @return  The Options object itself.
        public Options dynamicShadowZ(float unfocusedZ, float focusedZ){
            this.dynamicShadowUnfocusedZ = unfocusedZ;
            this.dynamicShadowFocusedZ = focusedZ;
            return this;

         * Get radius of rounded corner in pixels.
         * @return Radius of rounded corner in pixels.
        public final int getRoundedCornerRadius() {
            return roundedCornerRadius;

         * Get z value of shadow when a view is not focused.
         * @return Z value of shadow when a view is not focused.
        public final float getDynamicShadowUnfocusedZ() {
            return dynamicShadowUnfocusedZ;

         * Get z value of shadow when a view is focused.
         * @return Z value of shadow when a view is focused.
        public final float getDynamicShadowFocusedZ() {
            return dynamicShadowFocusedZ;

     * No shadow.
    public static final int SHADOW_NONE = 1;

     * Shadows are fixed.
    public static final int SHADOW_STATIC = 2;

     * Shadows depend on the size, shape, and position of the view.
    public static final int SHADOW_DYNAMIC = 3;

    int mShadowType = SHADOW_NONE;
    boolean mNeedsOverlay;
    boolean mNeedsRoundedCorner;
    boolean mNeedsShadow;
    boolean mNeedsWrapper;

    int mRoundedCornerRadius;
    float mUnfocusedZ;
    float mFocusedZ;

     * Return true if the platform sdk supports shadow.
    public static boolean supportsShadow() {
        return StaticShadowHelper.supportsShadow();

     * Returns true if the platform sdk supports dynamic shadows.
    public static boolean supportsDynamicShadow() {
        return ShadowHelper.supportsDynamicShadow();

     * Returns true if the platform sdk supports rounded corner through outline.
    public static boolean supportsRoundedCorner() {
        return RoundedRectHelper.supportsRoundedCorner();

     * Returns true if view.setForeground() is supported.
    public static boolean supportsForeground() {
        return ForegroundHelper.supportsForeground();

     * hide from external, should be only created by ShadowOverlayHelper.Options.
    ShadowOverlayHelper() {

     * {@link #prepareParentForShadow(ViewGroup)} must be called on parent of container
     * before using shadow.  Depending on Shadow type, optical bounds might be applied.
    public void prepareParentForShadow(ViewGroup parent) {
        if (mShadowType == SHADOW_STATIC) {

    public int getShadowType() {
        return mShadowType;

    public boolean needsOverlay() {
        return mNeedsOverlay;

    public boolean needsRoundedCorner() {
        return mNeedsRoundedCorner;

     * Returns true if a "wrapper" ShadowOverlayContainer is needed.
     * When needsWrapper() is true,  call {@link #createShadowOverlayContainer(Context)}
     * to create the wrapper.
    public boolean needsWrapper() {
        return mNeedsWrapper;

     * Create ShadowOverlayContainer for this helper.
     * @param context   Context to create view.
     * @return          ShadowOverlayContainer.
    public ShadowOverlayContainer createShadowOverlayContainer(Context context) {
        if (!needsWrapper()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        return new ShadowOverlayContainer(context, mShadowType, mNeedsOverlay,
                mUnfocusedZ, mFocusedZ, mRoundedCornerRadius);

     * Set overlay color for view other than ShadowOverlayContainer.
     * See also {@link ShadowOverlayContainer#setOverlayColor(int)}.
    public static void setNoneWrapperOverlayColor(View view, int color) {
        Drawable d = ForegroundHelper.getForeground(view);
        if (d instanceof ColorDrawable) {
            ((ColorDrawable) d).setColor(color);
        } else {
            ForegroundHelper.setForeground(view, new ColorDrawable(color));

     * Set overlay color for view, it can be a ShadowOverlayContainer if needsWrapper() is true,
     * or other view type.
    public void setOverlayColor(View view, int color) {
        if (needsWrapper()) {
            ((ShadowOverlayContainer) view).setOverlayColor(color);
        } else {
            setNoneWrapperOverlayColor(view, color);

     * Must be called when view is created for cases {@link #needsWrapper()} is false.
     * @param view
    public void onViewCreated(View view) {
        if (!needsWrapper()) {
            if (!mNeedsShadow) {
                if (mNeedsRoundedCorner) {
                    RoundedRectHelper.setClipToRoundedOutline(view, true, mRoundedCornerRadius);
            } else {
                if (mShadowType == SHADOW_DYNAMIC) {
                    Object tag = ShadowHelper.addDynamicShadow(
                            view, mUnfocusedZ, mFocusedZ, mRoundedCornerRadius);
                    view.setTag(, tag);
                } else if (mNeedsRoundedCorner) {
                    RoundedRectHelper.setClipToRoundedOutline(view, true, mRoundedCornerRadius);

     * Set shadow focus level (0 to 1). 0 for unfocused, 1 for fully focused.
     * This is for view other than ShadowOverlayContainer.
     * See also {@link ShadowOverlayContainer#setShadowFocusLevel(float)}.
    public static void setNoneWrapperShadowFocusLevel(View view, float level) {
        setShadowFocusLevel(getNoneWrapperDynamicShadowImpl(view), SHADOW_DYNAMIC, level);

     * Set shadow focus level (0 to 1). 0 for unfocused, 1 for fully focused.
    public void setShadowFocusLevel(View view, float level) {
        if (needsWrapper()) {
            ((ShadowOverlayContainer) view).setShadowFocusLevel(level);
        } else {
            setShadowFocusLevel(getNoneWrapperDynamicShadowImpl(view), SHADOW_DYNAMIC, level);

    void setupDynamicShadowZ(Options options, Context context) {
        if (options.getDynamicShadowUnfocusedZ() < 0f) {
            Resources res = context.getResources();
            mFocusedZ = res.getDimension(R.dimen.lb_material_shadow_focused_z);
            mUnfocusedZ = res.getDimension(R.dimen.lb_material_shadow_normal_z);
        } else {
            mFocusedZ = options.getDynamicShadowFocusedZ();
            mUnfocusedZ = options.getDynamicShadowUnfocusedZ();

    void setupRoundedCornerRadius(Options options, Context context) {
        if (options.getRoundedCornerRadius() == 0) {
            Resources res = context.getResources();
            mRoundedCornerRadius = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
        } else {
            mRoundedCornerRadius = options.getRoundedCornerRadius();

    static Object getNoneWrapperDynamicShadowImpl(View view) {
        return view.getTag(;

    static void setShadowFocusLevel(Object impl, int shadowType, float level) {
        if (impl != null) {
            if (level < 0f) {
                level = 0f;
            } else if (level > 1f) {
                level = 1f;
            switch (shadowType) {
                case SHADOW_DYNAMIC:
                    ShadowHelper.setShadowFocusLevel(impl, level);
                case SHADOW_STATIC:
                    StaticShadowHelper.setShadowFocusLevel(impl, level);