public interface





Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-common', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-common
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-common:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


Provider to customize the creation and maintenance of GL objects.


public GlTextureInfocreateBuffersForTexture(int texId, int width, int height)

Returns a GlTextureInfo containing the identifiers of the newly created buffers.

public EGLContextcreateEglContext(EGLDisplay eglDisplay, int openGlVersion, int[] configAttributes[])

Creates a new for the specified .

public EGLSurfacecreateEglSurface(EGLDisplay eglDisplay, java.lang.Object surface, int colorTransfer, boolean isEncoderInputSurface)

Creates a new wrapping the specified surface.

public EGLSurfacecreateFocusedPlaceholderEglSurface(EGLContext eglContext, EGLDisplay eglDisplay)

Creates and focuses a placeholder .

public voidrelease(EGLDisplay eglDisplay)

Releases the created objects.


public EGLContext createEglContext(EGLDisplay eglDisplay, int openGlVersion, int[] configAttributes[])

Creates a new for the specified .


eglDisplay: The to create an for.
openGlVersion: The version of OpenGL ES to configure. Accepts either 2, for OpenGL ES 2.0, or 3, for OpenGL ES 3.0.
configAttributes: The attributes to configure EGL with.

public EGLSurface createEglSurface(EGLDisplay eglDisplay, java.lang.Object surface, int colorTransfer, boolean isEncoderInputSurface)

Creates a new wrapping the specified surface.


eglDisplay: The to attach the surface to.
surface: The surface to wrap; must be a surface, surface texture or surface holder.
colorTransfer: The color transfer characteristics to which the surface is configured.
isEncoderInputSurface: Whether the surface is the input surface of an encoder.

public EGLSurface createFocusedPlaceholderEglSurface(EGLContext eglContext, EGLDisplay eglDisplay)

Creates and focuses a placeholder .


eglContext: The to make current.
eglDisplay: The to attach the surface to.


A placeholder that has been focused to allow rendering to take place, or if the current context supports rendering without a surface.

public GlTextureInfo createBuffersForTexture(int texId, int width, int height)

Returns a GlTextureInfo containing the identifiers of the newly created buffers.


texId: The identifier of the texture to attach to the buffers.
width: The width of the texture in pixels.
height: The height of the texture in pixels.

public void release(EGLDisplay eglDisplay)

Releases the created objects.


eglDisplay: The to release the objects for.


 * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.media3.common;

import android.opengl.EGL14;
import android.opengl.EGLContext;
import android.opengl.EGLDisplay;
import android.opengl.EGLSurface;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.media3.common.util.GlUtil.GlException;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;

// TODO(b/271433904): Expand this class to cover more methods in GlUtil.
/** Provider to customize the creation and maintenance of GL objects. */
public interface GlObjectsProvider {

   * Creates a new {@link EGLContext} for the specified {@link EGLDisplay}.
   * @param eglDisplay The {@link EGLDisplay} to create an {@link EGLContext} for.
   * @param openGlVersion The version of OpenGL ES to configure. Accepts either {@code 2}, for
   *     OpenGL ES 2.0, or {@code 3}, for OpenGL ES 3.0.
   * @param configAttributes The attributes to configure EGL with.
   * @throws GlException If an error occurs during creation.
  EGLContext createEglContext(
      EGLDisplay eglDisplay, @IntRange(from = 2, to = 3) int openGlVersion, int[] configAttributes)
      throws GlException;

   * Creates a new {@link EGLSurface} wrapping the specified {@code surface}.
   * @param eglDisplay The {@link EGLDisplay} to attach the surface to.
   * @param surface The surface to wrap; must be a surface, surface texture or surface holder.
   * @param colorTransfer The {@linkplain C.ColorTransfer color transfer characteristics} to which
   *     the {@code surface} is configured.
   * @param isEncoderInputSurface Whether the {@code surface} is the input surface of an encoder.
   * @throws GlException If an error occurs during creation.
  EGLSurface createEglSurface(
      EGLDisplay eglDisplay,
      Object surface,
      @C.ColorTransfer int colorTransfer,
      boolean isEncoderInputSurface)
      throws GlException;

   * Creates and focuses a placeholder {@link EGLSurface}.
   * @param eglContext The {@link EGLContext} to make current.
   * @param eglDisplay The {@link EGLDisplay} to attach the surface to.
   * @return A placeholder {@link EGLSurface} that has been focused to allow rendering to take
   *     place, or {@link EGL14#EGL_NO_SURFACE} if the current context supports rendering without a
   *     surface.
   * @throws GlException If an error occurs during creation.
  EGLSurface createFocusedPlaceholderEglSurface(EGLContext eglContext, EGLDisplay eglDisplay)
      throws GlException;

   * Returns a {@link GlTextureInfo} containing the identifiers of the newly created buffers.
   * @param texId The identifier of the texture to attach to the buffers.
   * @param width The width of the texture in pixels.
   * @param height The height of the texture in pixels.
   * @throws GlException If an error occurs during creation.
  GlTextureInfo createBuffersForTexture(int texId, int width, int height) throws GlException;

   * Releases the created objects.
   * @param eglDisplay The {@link EGLDisplay} to release the objects for.
  void release(EGLDisplay eglDisplay) throws GlException;