public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-common', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-common
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-common:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


Information about groups of tracks.


public static final TracksEMPTY

Empty tracks.

publicTracks(java.util.List<Tracks.Group> groups)

Constructs an instance.

public booleancontainsType(int trackType)

Returns true if there are tracks of type trackType, and false otherwise.

public booleanequals(java.lang.Object other)

public static TracksfromBundle(Bundle bundle)

Restores a Tracks from a .

public <any>getGroups()

Returns the groups of tracks.

public inthashCode()

public booleanisEmpty()

Returns true if there are no tracks, and false otherwise.

public booleanisTypeSelected(int trackType)

Returns true if at least one track of the type trackType is selected for playback.

public booleanisTypeSupported(int trackType)

Returns true if at least one track of type trackType is supported.

public booleanisTypeSupported(int trackType, boolean allowExceedsCapabilities)

Returns true if at least one track of type trackType is supported.

public booleanisTypeSupportedOrEmpty(int trackType)

public booleanisTypeSupportedOrEmpty(int trackType, boolean allowExceedsCapabilities)

public BundletoBundle()

from java.lang.Objectclone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final Tracks EMPTY

Empty tracks.


public Tracks(java.util.List<Tracks.Group> groups)

Constructs an instance.


groups: The groups of tracks.


public <any> getGroups()

Returns the groups of tracks.

public boolean isEmpty()

Returns true if there are no tracks, and false otherwise.

public boolean containsType(int trackType)

Returns true if there are tracks of type trackType, and false otherwise.

public boolean isTypeSupported(int trackType)

Returns true if at least one track of type trackType is supported.

public boolean isTypeSupported(int trackType, boolean allowExceedsCapabilities)

Returns true if at least one track of type trackType is supported.


trackType: The track type to query support for.
allowExceedsCapabilities: Whether to consider the track as supported if it has a supported MIME type, but otherwise exceeds the advertised capabilities of the device. For example, a video track for which there's a corresponding decoder whose maximum advertised resolution is exceeded by the resolution of the track. Such tracks may be playable in some cases.

public boolean isTypeSupportedOrEmpty(int trackType)

Deprecated: Use Tracks.containsType(int) and Tracks.isTypeSupported(int).

public boolean isTypeSupportedOrEmpty(int trackType, boolean allowExceedsCapabilities)

Deprecated: Use Tracks.containsType(int) and Tracks.isTypeSupported(int, boolean).

public boolean isTypeSelected(int trackType)

Returns true if at least one track of the type trackType is selected for playback.

public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)

public int hashCode()

public Bundle toBundle()

public static Tracks fromBundle(Bundle bundle)

Restores a Tracks from a .


 * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.common;

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.BundleCollectionUtil.toBundleArrayList;

import android.os.Bundle;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.util.BundleCollectionUtil;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

/** Information about groups of tracks. */
public final class Tracks {

   * Information about a single group of tracks, including the underlying {@link TrackGroup}, the
   * level to which each track is supported by the player, and whether any of the tracks are
   * selected.
  public static final class Group {

    /** The number of tracks in the group. */
    public final int length;

    private final TrackGroup mediaTrackGroup;
    private final boolean adaptiveSupported;
    private final @C.FormatSupport int[] trackSupport;
    private final boolean[] trackSelected;

     * Constructs an instance.
     * @param mediaTrackGroup The underlying {@link TrackGroup} defined by the media.
     * @param adaptiveSupported Whether the player supports adaptive selections containing more than
     *     one track in the group.
     * @param trackSupport The {@link C.FormatSupport} of each track in the group.
     * @param trackSelected Whether each track in the {@code trackGroup} is selected.
    public Group(
        TrackGroup mediaTrackGroup,
        boolean adaptiveSupported,
        @C.FormatSupport int[] trackSupport,
        boolean[] trackSelected) {
      length = mediaTrackGroup.length;
      checkArgument(length == trackSupport.length && length == trackSelected.length);
      this.mediaTrackGroup = mediaTrackGroup;
      this.adaptiveSupported = adaptiveSupported && length > 1;
      this.trackSupport = trackSupport.clone();
      this.trackSelected = trackSelected.clone();

     * Returns the underlying {@link TrackGroup} defined by the media.
     * <p>Unlike this class, {@link TrackGroup} only contains information defined by the media
     * itself, and does not contain runtime information such as which tracks are supported and
     * currently selected. This makes it suitable for use as a {@code key} in certain {@code (key,
     * value)} data structures.
    public TrackGroup getMediaTrackGroup() {
      return mediaTrackGroup;

     * Returns the {@link Format} for a specified track.
     * @param trackIndex The index of the track in the group.
     * @return The {@link Format} of the track.
    public Format getTrackFormat(int trackIndex) {
      return mediaTrackGroup.getFormat(trackIndex);

     * Returns the level of support for a specified track.
     * @param trackIndex The index of the track in the group.
     * @return The {@link C.FormatSupport} of the track.
    public @C.FormatSupport int getTrackSupport(int trackIndex) {
      return trackSupport[trackIndex];

     * Returns whether a specified track is supported for playback, without exceeding the advertised
     * capabilities of the device. Equivalent to {@code isTrackSupported(trackIndex, false)}.
     * @param trackIndex The index of the track in the group.
     * @return True if the track's format can be played, false otherwise.
    public boolean isTrackSupported(int trackIndex) {
      return isTrackSupported(trackIndex, /* allowExceedsCapabilities= */ false);

     * Returns whether a specified track is supported for playback.
     * @param trackIndex The index of the track in the group.
     * @param allowExceedsCapabilities Whether to consider the track as supported if it has a
     *     supported {@link Format#sampleMimeType MIME type}, but otherwise exceeds the advertised
     *     capabilities of the device. For example, a video track for which there's a corresponding
     *     decoder whose maximum advertised resolution is exceeded by the resolution of the track.
     *     Such tracks may be playable in some cases.
     * @return True if the track's format can be played, false otherwise.
    public boolean isTrackSupported(int trackIndex, boolean allowExceedsCapabilities) {
      return trackSupport[trackIndex] == C.FORMAT_HANDLED
          || (allowExceedsCapabilities
              && trackSupport[trackIndex] == C.FORMAT_EXCEEDS_CAPABILITIES);

    /** Returns whether at least one track in the group is selected for playback. */
    public boolean isSelected() {
      return Booleans.contains(trackSelected, true);

    /** Returns whether adaptive selections containing more than one track are supported. */
    public boolean isAdaptiveSupported() {
      return adaptiveSupported;

     * Returns whether at least one track in the group is supported for playback, without exceeding
     * the advertised capabilities of the device. Equivalent to {@code isSupported(false)}.
    public boolean isSupported() {
      return isSupported(/* allowExceedsCapabilities= */ false);

     * Returns whether at least one track in the group is supported for playback.
     * @param allowExceedsCapabilities Whether to consider a track as supported if it has a
     *     supported {@link Format#sampleMimeType MIME type}, but otherwise exceeds the advertised
     *     capabilities of the device. For example, a video track for which there's a corresponding
     *     decoder whose maximum advertised resolution is exceeded by the resolution of the track.
     *     Such tracks may be playable in some cases.
    public boolean isSupported(boolean allowExceedsCapabilities) {
      for (int i = 0; i < trackSupport.length; i++) {
        if (isTrackSupported(i, allowExceedsCapabilities)) {
          return true;
      return false;

     * Returns whether a specified track is selected for playback.
     * <p>Note that multiple tracks in the group may be selected. This is common in adaptive
     * streaming, where tracks of different qualities are selected and the player switches between
     * them during playback (e.g., based on the available network bandwidth).
     * <p>This class doesn't provide a way to determine which of the selected tracks is currently
     * playing, however some player implementations have ways of getting such information. For
     * example, ExoPlayer provides this information via {@code ExoTrackSelection.getSelectedFormat}.
     * @param trackIndex The index of the track in the group.
     * @return True if the track is selected, false otherwise.
    public boolean isTrackSelected(int trackIndex) {
      return trackSelected[trackIndex];

    /** Returns the {@link C.TrackType} of the group. */
    public @C.TrackType int getType() {
      return mediaTrackGroup.type;

     * Copies the {@code Group} with a new {@link TrackGroup#id}.
     * @param groupId The new {@link TrackGroup#id}
     * @return The copied {@code Group}.
    public Group copyWithId(String groupId) {
      return new Group(
          mediaTrackGroup.copyWithId(groupId), adaptiveSupported, trackSupport, trackSelected);

    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) {
      if (this == other) {
        return true;
      if (other == null || getClass() != other.getClass()) {
        return false;
      Group that = (Group) other;
      return adaptiveSupported == that.adaptiveSupported
          && mediaTrackGroup.equals(that.mediaTrackGroup)
          && Arrays.equals(trackSupport, that.trackSupport)
          && Arrays.equals(trackSelected, that.trackSelected);

    public int hashCode() {
      int result = mediaTrackGroup.hashCode();
      result = 31 * result + (adaptiveSupported ? 1 : 0);
      result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(trackSupport);
      result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(trackSelected);
      return result;

    private static final String FIELD_TRACK_GROUP = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(0);
    private static final String FIELD_TRACK_SUPPORT = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(1);
    private static final String FIELD_TRACK_SELECTED = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(3);
    private static final String FIELD_ADAPTIVE_SUPPORTED = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(4);

    public Bundle toBundle() {
      Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
      bundle.putBundle(FIELD_TRACK_GROUP, mediaTrackGroup.toBundle());
      bundle.putIntArray(FIELD_TRACK_SUPPORT, trackSupport);
      bundle.putBooleanArray(FIELD_TRACK_SELECTED, trackSelected);
      bundle.putBoolean(FIELD_ADAPTIVE_SUPPORTED, adaptiveSupported);
      return bundle;

    /** Restores a group of tracks from a {@link Bundle}. */
    public static Group fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
      // Can't create a Tracks.Group without a TrackGroup
      TrackGroup trackGroup =
      final @C.FormatSupport int[] trackSupport =
              bundle.getIntArray(FIELD_TRACK_SUPPORT), new int[trackGroup.length]);
      boolean[] selected =
              bundle.getBooleanArray(FIELD_TRACK_SELECTED), new boolean[trackGroup.length]);
      boolean adaptiveSupported = bundle.getBoolean(FIELD_ADAPTIVE_SUPPORTED, false);
      return new Group(trackGroup, adaptiveSupported, trackSupport, selected);

  /** Empty tracks. */
  public static final Tracks EMPTY = new Tracks(ImmutableList.of());

  private final ImmutableList<Group> groups;

   * Constructs an instance.
   * @param groups The {@link Group groups} of tracks.
  public Tracks(List<Group> groups) {
    this.groups = ImmutableList.copyOf(groups);

  /** Returns the {@link Group groups} of tracks. */
  public ImmutableList<Group> getGroups() {
    return groups;

  /** Returns {@code true} if there are no tracks, and {@code false} otherwise. */
  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return groups.isEmpty();

  /** Returns true if there are tracks of type {@code trackType}, and false otherwise. */
  public boolean containsType(@C.TrackType int trackType) {
    for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
      if (groups.get(i).getType() == trackType) {
        return true;
    return false;

   * Returns true if at least one track of type {@code trackType} is {@link
   * Group#isTrackSupported(int) supported}.
  public boolean isTypeSupported(@C.TrackType int trackType) {
    return isTypeSupported(trackType, /* allowExceedsCapabilities= */ false);

   * Returns true if at least one track of type {@code trackType} is {@link
   * Group#isTrackSupported(int, boolean) supported}.
   * @param trackType The track type to query support for.
   * @param allowExceedsCapabilities Whether to consider the track as supported if it has a
   *     supported {@link Format#sampleMimeType MIME type}, but otherwise exceeds the advertised
   *     capabilities of the device. For example, a video track for which there's a corresponding
   *     decoder whose maximum advertised resolution is exceeded by the resolution of the track.
   *     Such tracks may be playable in some cases.
  public boolean isTypeSupported(@C.TrackType int trackType, boolean allowExceedsCapabilities) {
    for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
      if (groups.get(i).getType() == trackType) {
        if (groups.get(i).isSupported(allowExceedsCapabilities)) {
          return true;
    return false;

   * @deprecated Use {@link #containsType(int)} and {@link #isTypeSupported(int)}.
  public boolean isTypeSupportedOrEmpty(@C.TrackType int trackType) {
    return isTypeSupportedOrEmpty(trackType, /* allowExceedsCapabilities= */ false);

   * @deprecated Use {@link #containsType(int)} and {@link #isTypeSupported(int, boolean)}.
  public boolean isTypeSupportedOrEmpty(
      @C.TrackType int trackType, boolean allowExceedsCapabilities) {
    return !containsType(trackType) || isTypeSupported(trackType, allowExceedsCapabilities);

  /** Returns true if at least one track of the type {@code trackType} is selected for playback. */
  public boolean isTypeSelected(@C.TrackType int trackType) {
    for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
      Group group = groups.get(i);
      if (group.isSelected() && group.getType() == trackType) {
        return true;
    return false;

  public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) {
    if (this == other) {
      return true;
    if (other == null || getClass() != other.getClass()) {
      return false;
    Tracks that = (Tracks) other;
    return groups.equals(that.groups);

  public int hashCode() {
    return groups.hashCode();

  private static final String FIELD_TRACK_GROUPS = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(0);

  public Bundle toBundle() {
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putParcelableArrayList(FIELD_TRACK_GROUPS, toBundleArrayList(groups, Group::toBundle));
    return bundle;

  /** Restores a {@code Tracks} from a {@link Bundle}. */
  public static Tracks fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
    @Nullable List<Bundle> groupBundles = bundle.getParcelableArrayList(FIELD_TRACK_GROUPS);
    List<Group> groups =
        groupBundles == null
            ? ImmutableList.of()
            : BundleCollectionUtil.fromBundleList(Group::fromBundle, groupBundles);
    return new Tracks(groups);