protected final class


extends java.lang.Object




An immutable description of an item in the playlist, containing both static setup information like MediaItem and dynamic data that is generally read from the media like the duration.


public final longdefaultPositionUs

The default position relative to the start of the media item at which to begin playback, in microseconds.

public final longdurationUs

The duration of the media item, in microseconds, or C.TIME_UNSET if unknown.

public final longelapsedRealtimeEpochOffsetMs

The offset between and the time since the Unix epoch according to the clock of the media origin server, or C.TIME_UNSET if unknown or not applicable.

public final booleanisDynamic

Whether this media item may change over time, for example a moving live window.

public final booleanisPlaceholder

Whether this media item contains placeholder information because the real information has yet to be loaded.

public final booleanisSeekable

Whether it's possible to seek within this media item.

public final MediaItem.LiveConfigurationliveConfiguration

The active MediaItem.LiveConfiguration, or null if the media item is not live.

public final java.lang.Objectmanifest

The manifest of the media item, or null if not applicable.

public final MediaItemmediaItem

The MediaItem.

public final MediaMetadatamediaMetadata

The MediaMetadata, including static data from the MediaItem and the media's Format, as well any dynamic metadata that has been parsed from the media.

public final <any>periods

The list of periods in this media item, or an empty list to assume a single period without ads and the same duration as the media item.

public final longpositionInFirstPeriodUs

The position of the start of this media item relative to the start of the first period belonging to it, in microseconds.

public final longpresentationStartTimeMs

The start time of the live presentation, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch, or C.TIME_UNSET if unknown or not applicable.

public final Trackstracks

The Tracks of this media item.

public final java.lang.Objectuid

The unique identifier of this media item.

public final longwindowStartTimeMs

The start time of the live window, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch, or C.TIME_UNSET if unknown or not applicable.

public SimpleBasePlayer.MediaItemData.BuilderbuildUpon()

Returns a SimpleBasePlayer.MediaItemData.Builder pre-populated with the current values.

public booleanequals(java.lang.Object o)

public inthashCode()

from java.lang.Objectclone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public final java.lang.Object uid

The unique identifier of this media item.

public final Tracks tracks

The Tracks of this media item.

public final MediaItem mediaItem

The MediaItem.

public final MediaMetadata mediaMetadata

The MediaMetadata, including static data from the MediaItem and the media's Format, as well any dynamic metadata that has been parsed from the media. If null, the metadata is assumed to be the simple combination of the MediaItem metadata and the metadata of the selected Formats.

public final java.lang.Object manifest

The manifest of the media item, or null if not applicable.

public final MediaItem.LiveConfiguration liveConfiguration

The active MediaItem.LiveConfiguration, or null if the media item is not live.

public final long presentationStartTimeMs

The start time of the live presentation, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch, or C.TIME_UNSET if unknown or not applicable.

public final long windowStartTimeMs

The start time of the live window, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch, or C.TIME_UNSET if unknown or not applicable.

public final long elapsedRealtimeEpochOffsetMs

The offset between and the time since the Unix epoch according to the clock of the media origin server, or C.TIME_UNSET if unknown or not applicable.

public final boolean isSeekable

Whether it's possible to seek within this media item.

public final boolean isDynamic

Whether this media item may change over time, for example a moving live window.

public final long defaultPositionUs

The default position relative to the start of the media item at which to begin playback, in microseconds.

public final long durationUs

The duration of the media item, in microseconds, or C.TIME_UNSET if unknown.

public final long positionInFirstPeriodUs

The position of the start of this media item relative to the start of the first period belonging to it, in microseconds.

public final boolean isPlaceholder

Whether this media item contains placeholder information because the real information has yet to be loaded.

public final <any> periods

The list of periods in this media item, or an empty list to assume a single period without ads and the same duration as the media item.


Returns a SimpleBasePlayer.MediaItemData.Builder pre-populated with the current values.

public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)

public int hashCode()