public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object

implements AudioProcessor




BaseAudioProcessor, TeeAudioProcessor, SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor, ChannelMixingAudioProcessor, ToInt16PcmAudioProcessor, SpeedChangingAudioProcessor

Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-common', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-common
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-common:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


Base class for audio processors that keep an output buffer and an internal buffer that is reused whenever input is queued. Subclasses should override BaseAudioProcessor to return the output audio format for the processor if it's active.


protected AudioProcessor.AudioFormatinputAudioFormat

The current input audio format.

protected AudioProcessor.AudioFormatoutputAudioFormat

The current output audio format.


public final AudioProcessor.AudioFormatconfigure(AudioProcessor.AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)

public final voidflush()

public java.nio.ByteBuffergetOutput()

protected final booleanhasPendingOutput()

Returns whether the current output buffer has any data remaining.

public booleanisActive()

public booleanisEnded()

protected AudioProcessor.AudioFormatonConfigure(AudioProcessor.AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)

Called when the processor is configured for a new input format.

protected voidonFlush()

Called when the processor is flushed, directly or as part of resetting.

protected voidonQueueEndOfStream()

Called when the end-of-stream is queued to the processor.

protected voidonReset()

Called when the processor is reset.

public final voidqueueEndOfStream()

protected final java.nio.ByteBufferreplaceOutputBuffer(int size)

Replaces the current output buffer with a buffer of at least size bytes and returns it.

public final voidreset()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


protected AudioProcessor.AudioFormat inputAudioFormat

The current input audio format.

protected AudioProcessor.AudioFormat outputAudioFormat

The current output audio format.


public BaseAudioProcessor()


public final AudioProcessor.AudioFormat configure(AudioProcessor.AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)

public boolean isActive()

public final void queueEndOfStream()

public java.nio.ByteBuffer getOutput()

public boolean isEnded()

public final void flush()

public final void reset()

protected final java.nio.ByteBuffer replaceOutputBuffer(int size)

Replaces the current output buffer with a buffer of at least size bytes and returns it. Callers should write to the returned buffer then flip it so it can be read via BaseAudioProcessor.getOutput().

protected final boolean hasPendingOutput()

Returns whether the current output buffer has any data remaining.

protected AudioProcessor.AudioFormat onConfigure(AudioProcessor.AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)

Called when the processor is configured for a new input format.

protected void onQueueEndOfStream()

Called when the end-of-stream is queued to the processor.

protected void onFlush()

Called when the processor is flushed, directly or as part of resetting.

protected void onReset()

Called when the processor is reset.


 * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import androidx.annotation.CallSuper;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;

 * Base class for audio processors that keep an output buffer and an internal buffer that is reused
 * whenever input is queued. Subclasses should override {@link #onConfigure(AudioFormat)} to return
 * the output audio format for the processor if it's active.
public abstract class BaseAudioProcessor implements AudioProcessor {

  /** The current input audio format. */
  protected AudioFormat inputAudioFormat;

  /** The current output audio format. */
  protected AudioFormat outputAudioFormat;

  private AudioFormat pendingInputAudioFormat;
  private AudioFormat pendingOutputAudioFormat;
  private ByteBuffer buffer;
  private ByteBuffer outputBuffer;
  private boolean inputEnded;

  public BaseAudioProcessor() {
    buffer = EMPTY_BUFFER;
    outputBuffer = EMPTY_BUFFER;
    pendingInputAudioFormat = AudioFormat.NOT_SET;
    pendingOutputAudioFormat = AudioFormat.NOT_SET;
    inputAudioFormat = AudioFormat.NOT_SET;
    outputAudioFormat = AudioFormat.NOT_SET;

  public final AudioFormat configure(AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)
      throws UnhandledAudioFormatException {
    pendingInputAudioFormat = inputAudioFormat;
    pendingOutputAudioFormat = onConfigure(inputAudioFormat);
    return isActive() ? pendingOutputAudioFormat : AudioFormat.NOT_SET;

  public boolean isActive() {
    return pendingOutputAudioFormat != AudioFormat.NOT_SET;

  public final void queueEndOfStream() {
    inputEnded = true;

  public ByteBuffer getOutput() {
    ByteBuffer outputBuffer = this.outputBuffer;
    this.outputBuffer = EMPTY_BUFFER;
    return outputBuffer;

  public boolean isEnded() {
    return inputEnded && outputBuffer == EMPTY_BUFFER;

  public final void flush() {
    outputBuffer = EMPTY_BUFFER;
    inputEnded = false;
    inputAudioFormat = pendingInputAudioFormat;
    outputAudioFormat = pendingOutputAudioFormat;

  public final void reset() {
    buffer = EMPTY_BUFFER;
    pendingInputAudioFormat = AudioFormat.NOT_SET;
    pendingOutputAudioFormat = AudioFormat.NOT_SET;
    inputAudioFormat = AudioFormat.NOT_SET;
    outputAudioFormat = AudioFormat.NOT_SET;

   * Replaces the current output buffer with a buffer of at least {@code size} bytes and returns it.
   * Callers should write to the returned buffer then {@link ByteBuffer#flip()} it so it can be read
   * via {@link #getOutput()}.
  protected final ByteBuffer replaceOutputBuffer(int size) {
    if (buffer.capacity() < size) {
      buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
    } else {
    outputBuffer = buffer;
    return buffer;

  /** Returns whether the current output buffer has any data remaining. */
  protected final boolean hasPendingOutput() {
    return outputBuffer.hasRemaining();

  /** Called when the processor is configured for a new input format. */
  protected AudioFormat onConfigure(AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)
      throws UnhandledAudioFormatException {
    return AudioFormat.NOT_SET;

  /** Called when the end-of-stream is queued to the processor. */
  protected void onQueueEndOfStream() {
    // Do nothing.

  /** Called when the processor is flushed, directly or as part of resetting. */
  protected void onFlush() {
    // Do nothing.

  /** Called when the processor is reset. */
  protected void onReset() {
    // Do nothing.