public interface



BaseAudioProcessor, SonicAudioProcessor, TeeAudioProcessor, SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor, BaseAudioProcessor, SonicAudioProcessor, ChannelMixingAudioProcessor, ToInt16PcmAudioProcessor, SpeedChangingAudioProcessor

Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-common', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-common
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-common:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


Interface for audio processors, which take audio data as input and transform it, potentially modifying its channel count, encoding and/or sample rate.

In addition to being able to modify the format of audio, implementations may allow parameters to be set that affect the output audio and whether the processor is active/inactive.


public static final java.nio.ByteBufferEMPTY_BUFFER

An empty, direct java.nio.ByteBuffer.

public AudioProcessor.AudioFormatconfigure(AudioProcessor.AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)

Configures the processor to process input audio with the specified format.

public voidflush()

Clears any buffered data and pending output.

public longgetDurationAfterProcessorApplied(long durationUs)

Returns the expected duration of the output stream when the processor is applied given a input durationUs.

public java.nio.ByteBuffergetOutput()

Returns a buffer containing processed output data between its position and limit.

public booleanisActive()

Returns whether the processor is configured and will process input buffers.

public booleanisEnded()

Returns whether this processor will return no more output from AudioProcessor.getOutput() until AudioProcessor.flush() has been called and more input has been queued.

public voidqueueEndOfStream()

Queues an end of stream signal.

public voidqueueInput(java.nio.ByteBuffer inputBuffer)

Queues audio data between the position and limit of the inputBuffer for processing.

public voidreset()

Resets the processor to its unconfigured state, releasing any resources.


public static final java.nio.ByteBuffer EMPTY_BUFFER

An empty, direct java.nio.ByteBuffer.


public long getDurationAfterProcessorApplied(long durationUs)

Returns the expected duration of the output stream when the processor is applied given a input durationUs.

public AudioProcessor.AudioFormat configure(AudioProcessor.AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)

Configures the processor to process input audio with the specified format. After calling this method, call AudioProcessor.isActive() to determine whether the audio processor is active. Returns the configured output audio format if this instance is active.

After calling this method, it is necessary to AudioProcessor.flush() the processor to apply the new configuration. Before applying the new configuration, it is safe to queue input and get output in the old input/output formats. Call AudioProcessor.queueEndOfStream() when no more input will be supplied in the old input format.


inputAudioFormat: The format of audio that will be queued after the next call to AudioProcessor.flush().


The configured output audio format if this instance is active.

public boolean isActive()

Returns whether the processor is configured and will process input buffers.

public void queueInput(java.nio.ByteBuffer inputBuffer)

Queues audio data between the position and limit of the inputBuffer for processing. After calling this method, processed output may be available via AudioProcessor.getOutput(). Calling queueInput(ByteBuffer) again invalidates any pending output.


inputBuffer: The input buffer to process. It must be a direct byte buffer with native byte order. Its contents are treated as read-only. Its position will be advanced by the number of bytes consumed (which may be zero). The caller retains ownership of the provided buffer.

public void queueEndOfStream()

Queues an end of stream signal. After this method has been called, AudioProcessor.queueInput(ByteBuffer) may not be called until after the next call to AudioProcessor.flush(). Calling AudioProcessor.getOutput() will return any remaining output data. Multiple calls may be required to read all of the remaining output data. AudioProcessor.isEnded() will return true once all remaining output data has been read.

public java.nio.ByteBuffer getOutput()

Returns a buffer containing processed output data between its position and limit. The buffer will always be a direct byte buffer with native byte order. Calling this method invalidates any previously returned buffer. The buffer will be empty if no output is available.


A buffer containing processed output data between its position and limit.

public boolean isEnded()

Returns whether this processor will return no more output from AudioProcessor.getOutput() until AudioProcessor.flush() has been called and more input has been queued.

public void flush()

Clears any buffered data and pending output. If the audio processor is active, also prepares the audio processor to receive a new stream of input in the last configured (pending) format.

public void reset()

Resets the processor to its unconfigured state, releasing any resources.


 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.Format;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;

 * Interface for audio processors, which take audio data as input and transform it, potentially
 * modifying its channel count, encoding and/or sample rate.
 * <p>In addition to being able to modify the format of audio, implementations may allow parameters
 * to be set that affect the output audio and whether the processor is active/inactive.
public interface AudioProcessor {

  /** PCM audio format that may be handled by an audio processor. */
  final class AudioFormat {
     * An {@link AudioFormat} instance to represent an unset {@link AudioFormat}. This should not be
     * returned by {@link #configure(AudioFormat)} if the processor {@link #isActive()}.
     * <p>Typically used to represent an inactive {@link AudioProcessor} {@linkplain
     * #configure(AudioFormat) output format}.
    public static final AudioFormat NOT_SET =
        new AudioFormat(
            /* sampleRate= */ Format.NO_VALUE,
            /* channelCount= */ Format.NO_VALUE,
            /* encoding= */ Format.NO_VALUE);

    /** The sample rate in Hertz. */
    public final int sampleRate;

    /** The number of interleaved channels. */
    public final int channelCount;

    /** The type of linear PCM encoding. */
    public final @C.PcmEncoding int encoding;

    /** The number of bytes used to represent one audio frame. */
    public final int bytesPerFrame;

     * Creates an instance using the {@link Format#sampleRate}, {@link Format#channelCount} and
     * {@link Format#pcmEncoding}.
    public AudioFormat(Format format) {
      this(format.sampleRate, format.channelCount, format.pcmEncoding);

    public AudioFormat(int sampleRate, int channelCount, @C.PcmEncoding int encoding) {
      this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
      this.channelCount = channelCount;
      this.encoding = encoding;
      bytesPerFrame =
              ? Util.getPcmFrameSize(encoding, channelCount)
              : Format.NO_VALUE;

    public String toString() {
      return "AudioFormat["
          + "sampleRate="
          + sampleRate
          + ", channelCount="
          + channelCount
          + ", encoding="
          + encoding
          + ']';

    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
      if (this == o) {
        return true;
      if (!(o instanceof AudioFormat)) {
        return false;
      AudioFormat that = (AudioFormat) o;
      return sampleRate == that.sampleRate
          && channelCount == that.channelCount
          && encoding == that.encoding;

    public int hashCode() {
      return Objects.hashCode(sampleRate, channelCount, encoding);

  /** Exception thrown when the given {@link AudioFormat} can not be handled. */
  final class UnhandledAudioFormatException extends Exception {
    public final AudioFormat inputAudioFormat;

    public UnhandledAudioFormatException(AudioFormat inputAudioFormat) {
      this("Unhandled input format:", inputAudioFormat);

    public UnhandledAudioFormatException(String message, AudioFormat audioFormat) {
      super(message + " " + audioFormat);
      this.inputAudioFormat = audioFormat;

  /** An empty, direct {@link ByteBuffer}. */
  ByteBuffer EMPTY_BUFFER = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());

   * Returns the expected duration of the output stream when the processor is applied given a input
   * {@code durationUs}.
  default long getDurationAfterProcessorApplied(long durationUs) {
    return durationUs;

   * Configures the processor to process input audio with the specified format. After calling this
   * method, call {@link #isActive()} to determine whether the audio processor is active. Returns
   * the configured output audio format if this instance is active.
   * <p>After calling this method, it is necessary to {@link #flush()} the processor to apply the
   * new configuration. Before applying the new configuration, it is safe to queue input and get
   * output in the old input/output formats. Call {@link #queueEndOfStream()} when no more input
   * will be supplied in the old input format.
   * @param inputAudioFormat The format of audio that will be queued after the next call to {@link
   *     #flush()}.
   * @return The configured output audio format if this instance is {@link #isActive() active}.
   * @throws UnhandledAudioFormatException Thrown if the specified format can't be handled as input.
  AudioFormat configure(AudioFormat inputAudioFormat) throws UnhandledAudioFormatException;

  /** Returns whether the processor is configured and will process input buffers. */
  boolean isActive();

   * Queues audio data between the position and limit of the {@code inputBuffer} for processing.
   * After calling this method, processed output may be available via {@link #getOutput()}. Calling
   * {@code queueInput(ByteBuffer)} again invalidates any pending output.
   * @param inputBuffer The input buffer to process. It must be a direct byte buffer with native
   *     byte order. Its contents are treated as read-only. Its position will be advanced by the
   *     number of bytes consumed (which may be zero). The caller retains ownership of the provided
   *     buffer.
  void queueInput(ByteBuffer inputBuffer);

   * Queues an end of stream signal. After this method has been called, {@link
   * #queueInput(ByteBuffer)} may not be called until after the next call to {@link #flush()}.
   * Calling {@link #getOutput()} will return any remaining output data. Multiple calls may be
   * required to read all of the remaining output data. {@link #isEnded()} will return {@code true}
   * once all remaining output data has been read.
  void queueEndOfStream();

   * Returns a buffer containing processed output data between its position and limit. The buffer
   * will always be a direct byte buffer with native byte order. Calling this method invalidates any
   * previously returned buffer. The buffer will be empty if no output is available.
   * @return A buffer containing processed output data between its position and limit.
  ByteBuffer getOutput();

   * Returns whether this processor will return no more output from {@link #getOutput()} until
   * {@link #flush()} has been called and more input has been queued.
  boolean isEnded();

   * Clears any buffered data and pending output. If the audio processor is active, also prepares
   * the audio processor to receive a new stream of input in the last configured (pending) format.
  void flush();

  /** Resets the processor to its unconfigured state, releasing any resources. */
  void reset();