Gradle dependencies
compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-exoplayer', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'
- groupId: androidx.media3
- artifactId: media3-exoplayer
- version: 1.5.0-alpha01
Artifact androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:1.5.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (
An AudioProcessor that skips silence in the input stream. Input and output are 16-bit
Constructors |
public | SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor()
Creates a new silence skipping audio processor. |
public | SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(long minimumSilenceDurationUs, float silenceRetentionRatio, long maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs, int minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting, short silenceThresholdLevel)
Creates a new silence trimming audio processor. |
public | SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(long minimumSilenceDurationUs, long paddingSilenceUs, short silenceThresholdLevel)
Methods |
public long | getSkippedFrames()
Returns the total number of frames of input audio that were skipped due to being classified as
silence since the last call to BaseAudioProcessor.flush(). |
public boolean | isActive()
protected AudioProcessor.AudioFormat | onConfigure(AudioProcessor.AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)
Called when the processor is configured for a new input format. |
protected void | onFlush()
Called when the processor is flushed, directly or as part of resetting. |
protected void | onQueueEndOfStream()
Called when the end-of-stream is queued to the processor. |
protected void | onReset()
Called when the processor is reset. |
public void | queueInput(java.nio.ByteBuffer inputBuffer)
public void | setEnabled(boolean enabled)
Sets whether to shorten silence in the input. |
from BaseAudioProcessor | configure, flush, getOutput, hasPendingOutput, isEnded, queueEndOfStream, replaceOutputBuffer, reset |
from java.lang.Object | clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
public static final float
DEFAULT_SILENCE_RETENTION_RATIODefault fraction of the original silence to keep. Between [0, 1]. 1 means keep all silence. 0
means remove all silence.
public static final int
DEFAULT_MIN_VOLUME_TO_KEEP_PERCENTAGEDefault volume percentage to keep.
Even when modifying the volume to a mute state, it is ideal to decrease the volume instead
of making the volume zero. Completely silent audio sounds like playback has stopped. While
decreased volume sounds like very light background noise at a recording studio.
public static final short
DEFAULT_SILENCE_THRESHOLD_LEVELDefault absolute level below which an individual PCM sample is classified as silent.
public static final long
DEFAULT_MINIMUM_SILENCE_DURATION_USDefault minimum duration of audio that must be below silenceThresholdLevel before
silence starts being trimmed. Specified in microseconds.
public static final long
DEFAULT_MAX_SILENCE_TO_KEEP_DURATION_USDefault maximum silence to keep in microseconds. This maximum is applied after silenceRetentionRatio.
public static final long
DEFAULT_PADDING_SILENCE_USDeprecated: Specify silence behaviour via silenceRetentionRatio instead.
Creates a new silence skipping audio processor.
SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(long minimumSilenceDurationUs, long paddingSilenceUs, short silenceThresholdLevel)
Deprecated: Use SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor.SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(long, float, long, int, short) instead.
SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(long minimumSilenceDurationUs, float silenceRetentionRatio, long maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs, int minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting, short silenceThresholdLevel)
Creates a new silence trimming audio processor.
minimumSilenceDurationUs: Duration of audio that must be below silenceThresholdLevel before silence starts being trimmed, in microseconds.
silenceRetentionRatio: Fraction of the original silence to keep. Between [0, 1]. 1 means
keep all silence. 0 means remove all silence.
maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs: Maximum silence to keep in microseconds. This maximum is
applied after SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor.silenceRetentionRatio.
minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting: Volume percentage to keep. Even when modifying the
volume to a mute state, it is ideal to decrease the volume instead of making the volume
zero. Completely silent audio sounds like playback has stopped. While decreased volume
sounds like very light background noise from a recording studio.
silenceThresholdLevel: Absolute level below which an individual PCM sample is classified
as silent.
public void
setEnabled(boolean enabled)
Sets whether to shorten silence in the input. This method may only be called after draining
data through the processor. The value returned by SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor.isActive() may change, and the
processor must be flushed before queueing more data.
enabled: Whether to shorten silence in the input.
public long
Returns the total number of frames of input audio that were skipped due to being classified as
silence since the last call to BaseAudioProcessor.flush().
Called when the processor is configured for a new input format.
public boolean
public void
queueInput(java.nio.ByteBuffer inputBuffer)
protected void
Called when the end-of-stream is queued to the processor.
Called when the processor is flushed, directly or as part of resetting.
Called when the processor is reset.
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkState;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.Format;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* An {@link AudioProcessor} that skips silence in the input stream. Input and output are 16-bit
* PCM.
public final class SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor extends BaseAudioProcessor {
* Default fraction of the original silence to keep. Between [0, 1]. 1 means keep all silence. 0
* means remove all silence.
public static final float DEFAULT_SILENCE_RETENTION_RATIO = 0.2f;
* Default volume percentage to keep.
* <p>Even when modifying the volume to a mute state, it is ideal to decrease the volume instead
* of making the volume zero. Completely silent audio sounds like playback has stopped. While
* decreased volume sounds like very light background noise at a recording studio.
public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_VOLUME_TO_KEEP_PERCENTAGE = 10;
/** Default absolute level below which an individual PCM sample is classified as silent. */
public static final short DEFAULT_SILENCE_THRESHOLD_LEVEL = 1024;
* Default minimum duration of audio that must be below {@code silenceThresholdLevel} before
* silence starts being trimmed. Specified in microseconds.
public static final long DEFAULT_MINIMUM_SILENCE_DURATION_US = 100_000;
* Default maximum silence to keep in microseconds. This maximum is applied after {@code
* silenceRetentionRatio}.
public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_SILENCE_TO_KEEP_DURATION_US = 2_000_000;
* @deprecated Specify silence behaviour via {@code silenceRetentionRatio} instead.
@Deprecated public static final long DEFAULT_PADDING_SILENCE_US = 20_000;
/** Trimming states. */
private @interface State {}
/** State when the input is not silent. */
private static final int STATE_NOISY = 0;
* State when the input has been silent less than or equal to {@link #maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs}
* and the silence is being shortened according to {@link #calculateShortenedSilenceLength(int)}.
private static final int STATE_SHORTENING_SILENCE = 1;
/** Ways to change the volume of silence. */
private @interface VolumeChangeType {}
private static final int FADE_OUT = 0;
private static final int MUTE = 1;
private static final int FADE_IN = 2;
private static final int DO_NOT_CHANGE_VOLUME = 3;
* Used with {@code minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting} to avoid round off errors. An alternative
* to this would be to use floats, but integer math is probably faster than floats.
private static final int AVOID_TRUNCATION_FACTOR = 1000;
* Fraction of the original silence to keep. Between [0, 1]. 1 means keep all silence. 0 means
* remove all silence.
private final float silenceRetentionRatio;
/** Absolute level below which an individual PCM sample is classified as silent. */
private final short silenceThresholdLevel;
* Volume percentage to keep. Even when modifying the volume to a mute state, it is ideal to
* decrease the volume instead of making the volume zero. Completely silent audio sounds like
* playback has stopped. While decreased volume sounds like very light background noise from a
* recording studio.
private final int minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting;
* Duration of audio that must be below {@link #silenceThresholdLevel} before silence starts being
* trimmed. Specified in microseconds.
private final long minimumSilenceDurationUs;
* Maximum silence to keep in microseconds. This maximum is applied after {@link
* #silenceRetentionRatio}.
private final long maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs;
private int bytesPerFrame;
private boolean enabled;
private @State int state;
private long skippedFrames;
* The frames of silence that has been output since the last noise. Used to enforce {@link
* #maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs}.
private int outputSilenceFramesSinceNoise = 0;
* Buffers audio data that may be classified as silence while in {@link
* #STATE_SHORTENING_SILENCE}. If the input becomes noisy before the buffer has filled, it will be
* output without shortening. Otherwise, the buffer will be output when filled as shortened
* silence and emptied.
private byte[] maybeSilenceBuffer;
* An index into {@link #maybeSilenceBuffer} pointing to the location where silence that has not
* been output starts.
private int maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex = 0;
* A count of the number of bytes of content in {@link #maybeSilenceBuffer}. The count starts at
* {@link #maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex}, and the bytes counted may wrap around to the start of
* the buffer. The count will never be greater than {@link #maybeSilenceBuffer}'s length.
private int maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize = 0;
/** Used to hold a subset of the contents of {@link #maybeSilenceBuffer} for convenience. */
// TODO: This processor can probably be more efficient if this array is not used. Operations like
// modifyVolume() can be applied to a non-contiguous contents, the code is just more complex.
private byte[] contiguousOutputBuffer;
/** Creates a new silence skipping audio processor. */
public SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor() {
* @deprecated Use {@link #SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(long, float, long, int, short)} instead.
public SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(
long minimumSilenceDurationUs, long paddingSilenceUs, short silenceThresholdLevel) {
/* silenceRetentionRatio= */ (float) paddingSilenceUs / minimumSilenceDurationUs,
/* maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs= */ minimumSilenceDurationUs,
/* minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting= */ 0,
* Creates a new silence trimming audio processor.
* @param minimumSilenceDurationUs Duration of audio that must be below {@code
* silenceThresholdLevel} before silence starts being trimmed, in microseconds.
* @param silenceRetentionRatio Fraction of the original silence to keep. Between [0, 1]. 1 means
* keep all silence. 0 means remove all silence.
* @param maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs Maximum silence to keep in microseconds. This maximum is
* applied after {@link #silenceRetentionRatio}.
* @param minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting Volume percentage to keep. Even when modifying the
* volume to a mute state, it is ideal to decrease the volume instead of making the volume
* zero. Completely silent audio sounds like playback has stopped. While decreased volume
* sounds like very light background noise from a recording studio.
* @param silenceThresholdLevel Absolute level below which an individual PCM sample is classified
* as silent.
public SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(
long minimumSilenceDurationUs,
float silenceRetentionRatio,
long maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs,
int minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting,
short silenceThresholdLevel) {
checkArgument(silenceRetentionRatio >= 0f && silenceRetentionRatio <= 1f);
this.minimumSilenceDurationUs = minimumSilenceDurationUs;
this.silenceRetentionRatio = silenceRetentionRatio;
this.maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs = maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs;
this.minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting = minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting;
this.silenceThresholdLevel = silenceThresholdLevel;
maybeSilenceBuffer = Util.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
contiguousOutputBuffer = Util.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
* Sets whether to shorten silence in the input. This method may only be called after draining
* data through the processor. The value returned by {@link #isActive()} may change, and the
* processor must be {@link #flush() flushed} before queueing more data.
* @param enabled Whether to shorten silence in the input.
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.enabled = enabled;
* Returns the total number of frames of input audio that were skipped due to being classified as
* silence since the last call to {@link #flush()}.
public long getSkippedFrames() {
return skippedFrames;
protected AudioFormat onConfigure(AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)
throws UnhandledAudioFormatException {
if (inputAudioFormat.encoding != C.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT) {
throw new UnhandledAudioFormatException(inputAudioFormat);
if (inputAudioFormat.sampleRate == Format.NO_VALUE) {
return AudioFormat.NOT_SET;
return inputAudioFormat;
public boolean isActive() {
return super.isActive() && enabled;
public void queueInput(ByteBuffer inputBuffer) {
while (inputBuffer.hasRemaining() && !hasPendingOutput()) {
switch (state) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public void onQueueEndOfStream() {
// The maybeSilenceBuffer is only written to in the STATE_SHORTENING_SILENCE state, and
// is always completely flushed before leaving the STATE_SHORTENING_SILENCE.
if (maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize > 0) {
// There's bytes in the buffer. So the final chunk of shortened silence will be output to
// simulate a transition back to the noisy state and the end of output.
outputShortenedSilenceBuffer(/* shouldTransitionToNoisyState= */ true);
outputSilenceFramesSinceNoise = 0;
public void onFlush() {
if (isActive()) {
bytesPerFrame = inputAudioFormat.channelCount * 2;
// Divide by 2 to allow the buffer to be split into two bytesPerFrame aligned parts.
int maybeSilenceBufferSize =
alignToBytePerFrameBoundary(durationUsToFrames(minimumSilenceDurationUs) / 2) * 2;
if (maybeSilenceBuffer.length != maybeSilenceBufferSize) {
maybeSilenceBuffer = new byte[maybeSilenceBufferSize];
contiguousOutputBuffer = new byte[maybeSilenceBufferSize];
state = STATE_NOISY;
skippedFrames = 0;
outputSilenceFramesSinceNoise = 0;
maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex = 0;
maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize = 0;
public void onReset() {
enabled = false;
maybeSilenceBuffer = Util.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
contiguousOutputBuffer = Util.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
* Incrementally processes new input from {@code inputBuffer} while in {@link #STATE_NOISY},
* updating the state if needed.
private void processNoisy(ByteBuffer inputBuffer) {
int limit = inputBuffer.limit();
// Check if there's any noise within the maybe silence buffer duration.
inputBuffer.limit(min(limit, inputBuffer.position() + maybeSilenceBuffer.length));
int noiseLimit = findNoiseLimit(inputBuffer);
if (noiseLimit == inputBuffer.position()) {
// The buffer contains the start of possible silence.
} else {
inputBuffer.limit(min(noiseLimit, inputBuffer.capacity()));
// Restore the limit.
* Incrementally processes new input from {@code inputBuffer} while in {@link
* #STATE_SHORTENING_SILENCE}, updating the state if needed.
* <p>If the amount of silence is less than {@link #minimumSilenceDurationUs}, then {@link
* #DO_NOT_CHANGE_VOLUME} is used to output the silence.
* <p>If the amount of silence is more than {@link #minimumSilenceDurationUs}, then the following
* will be output:
* <ul>
* <li>A half a buffer full of silence using {@link #FADE_OUT}. This padding has no
* discontinuities.
* <li>A number of bytes between 0 to ({@link #maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs} - padding}. This will
* have discontinuities, that are imperceptible due to {@linkplain #MUTE muting} the
* content.
* <li>If the silence length is over {@link #maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs} - a half buffer (for
* padding that will be applied later) then the silence begins to be thrown away entirely.
* <li>A final silence with a length of a half buffer will be used with a {@link #FADE_IN}. This
* padding has no discontinuities. It will transition with no discontinuities back to the
* {@link #STATE_NOISY}.
* </ul>
* <p>Transitions to {@link #STATE_NOISY} if noise is encountered. It writes to {@link
* #maybeSilenceBuffer} in contiguous blocks. If the silence available is enough to wrap around
* the end of the buffer then the buffer is filled from {@link #maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex} to
* the buffers end and the beginning of the buffer is filled upon the next call to this method.
private void shortenSilenceSilenceUntilNoise(ByteBuffer inputBuffer) {
checkState(maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex < maybeSilenceBuffer.length);
int limit = inputBuffer.limit();
int noisePosition = findNoisePosition(inputBuffer);
int silenceInputSize = noisePosition - inputBuffer.position();
int indexToWriteTo;
int contiguousBufferRemaining;
if (maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex + maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize < maybeSilenceBuffer.length) {
// ^0---^start---^end---^length
contiguousBufferRemaining =
- (maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize + maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex);
indexToWriteTo = maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex + maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize;
} else {
// The bytes have wrapped around. ^0---^end---^start---^length
int amountInUpperPartOfBuffer = maybeSilenceBuffer.length - maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex;
indexToWriteTo = maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize - amountInUpperPartOfBuffer;
contiguousBufferRemaining = maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex - indexToWriteTo;
boolean noiseFound = noisePosition < limit;
// Fill as much of the silence buffer as possible.
int bytesOfInput = min(silenceInputSize, contiguousBufferRemaining);
inputBuffer.limit(inputBuffer.position() + bytesOfInput);
inputBuffer.get(maybeSilenceBuffer, indexToWriteTo, bytesOfInput);
maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize += bytesOfInput;
checkState(maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize <= maybeSilenceBuffer.length);
boolean shouldTransitionToNoisyState =
/* The silence before the noise is not enough to fill the remaining buffer. */
silenceInputSize < contiguousBufferRemaining;
if (shouldTransitionToNoisyState) {
state = STATE_NOISY;
outputSilenceFramesSinceNoise = 0;
// Restore the limit.
/** See {@link #shortenSilenceSilenceUntilNoise}. */
private void outputShortenedSilenceBuffer(boolean shouldTransitionToNoisyState) {
int sizeBeforeOutput = maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize;
int bytesToOutput;
@VolumeChangeType int volumeChangeType;
int bytesConsumed;
// Only output when buffer is full or transitioning to noisy state.
if (maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize == maybeSilenceBuffer.length
|| shouldTransitionToNoisyState) {
if (outputSilenceFramesSinceNoise == 0) {
// This is the beginning of a silence chunk so keep MINIMUM_SILENCE_DURATION_US / 2 of the
// silence.
if (shouldTransitionToNoisyState) {
volumeChangeType = DO_NOT_CHANGE_VOLUME;
bytesToOutput = maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize;
outputSilence(bytesToOutput, volumeChangeType);
bytesConsumed = bytesToOutput;
} else {
checkState(maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize >= maybeSilenceBuffer.length / 2);
// To keep this block a tad simpler, by always outputting exactly buffer size / 2 to avoid
// needing to add the shortening code here.
volumeChangeType = FADE_OUT;
bytesToOutput = maybeSilenceBuffer.length / 2;
outputSilence(bytesToOutput, volumeChangeType);
bytesConsumed = bytesToOutput;
} else if (shouldTransitionToNoisyState) {
volumeChangeType = FADE_IN;
int bytesRemainingAfterOutputtingHalfMin =
maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize - maybeSilenceBuffer.length / 2;
bytesConsumed = bytesRemainingAfterOutputtingHalfMin + maybeSilenceBuffer.length / 2;
int shortenedSilenceLength =
// For simplicity we fade in over the shortened silence and the half buffer of padding.
// This acts to increase the padding a bit which only helps (probably imperceptibly)
// the sound quality.
bytesToOutput = maybeSilenceBuffer.length / 2 + shortenedSilenceLength;
outputSilence(bytesToOutput, volumeChangeType);
} else {
volumeChangeType = MUTE;
// Output as much as possible while still keeping half the buffer full so that half the
// min silence can be output later as padding.
bytesConsumed = maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize - maybeSilenceBuffer.length / 2;
bytesToOutput = calculateShortenedSilenceLength(bytesConsumed);
outputSilence(bytesToOutput, volumeChangeType);
bytesConsumed % bytesPerFrame == 0,
"bytesConsumed is not aligned to frame size: %s" + bytesConsumed);
checkState((sizeBeforeOutput >= bytesToOutput));
maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize -= bytesConsumed;
maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex += bytesConsumed;
// The start index might wrap back around to the start of the buffer.
maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex %= maybeSilenceBuffer.length;
outputSilenceFramesSinceNoise += bytesToOutput / bytesPerFrame;
skippedFrames += (bytesConsumed - bytesToOutput) / bytesPerFrame;
* Returns the appropriate size that a given number of bytes of silence should be shortened to. It
* calculates this using the {@link #outputSilenceFramesSinceNoise} and the {@link
* #silenceRetentionRatio}. The {@link #silenceRetentionRatio} multiplied by {@code
* silenceToShortenBytes} is returned until a max outputted silence length is hit, and then only
* the remaining silence between the current {@link #outputSilenceFramesSinceNoise} and {@link
* #maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs} is reached.
private int calculateShortenedSilenceLength(int silenceToShortenBytes) {
// Start skipping silence to keep the silence below MAX_SILENCE_DURATION_US long.
int bytesNeededToReachMax =
(durationUsToFrames(maxSilenceToKeepDurationUs) - outputSilenceFramesSinceNoise)
* bytesPerFrame
- maybeSilenceBuffer.length / 2;
checkState(bytesNeededToReachMax >= 0);
return alignToBytePerFrameBoundary(
min(silenceToShortenBytes * silenceRetentionRatio + .5f, bytesNeededToReachMax));
* Method used to avoid rounding errors while calculating output and skipped frames. The given
* {@code value} is decreased to the nearest value that is divisible by {@link #bytesPerFrame}.
private int alignToBytePerFrameBoundary(int value) {
return (value / bytesPerFrame) * bytesPerFrame;
* Method used to avoid rounding errors while calculating output and skipped frames. The given
* {@code value} is decreased to the nearest value that is divisible by {@link #bytesPerFrame}.
private int alignToBytePerFrameBoundary(float value) {
return alignToBytePerFrameBoundary((int) value);
/** Copies elements from {@code data} to populate a new output buffer from the processor. */
private void outputRange(byte[] data, int size, @VolumeChangeType int rampType) {
size % bytesPerFrame == 0, "byteOutput size is not aligned to frame size " + size);
modifyVolume(data, size, rampType);
replaceOutputBuffer(size).put(data, 0, size).flip();
* Copies {@code sizeToOutput} elements from the {@link #maybeSilenceBuffer} to {@link
* #contiguousOutputBuffer}. The contents of {@link #maybeSilenceBuffer} can wrap around from the
* end of the buffer and back to the beginning. The {@link #contiguousOutputBuffer} content always
* start from index 0.
* @param rampType This parameter is used to determine which part of the {@link
* #maybeSilenceBuffer} contents need to be kept. For {@link #FADE_IN} the end of the contents
* is always kept. Otherwise the beginning of the contents are always kept.
private void outputSilence(int sizeToOutput, @VolumeChangeType int rampType) {
if (sizeToOutput == 0) {
checkArgument(maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize >= sizeToOutput);
if (rampType == FADE_IN) {
// Keeps the end of the buffer because we are padding the start of the next chunk of noise.
if (maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex + maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize
<= maybeSilenceBuffer.length) {
// ^0---^start---^end---^length
maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex + maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize - sizeToOutput,
} else {
// ^0---^end--^start---^length
int sizeInUpperPartOfArray = maybeSilenceBuffer.length - maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex;
int sizeInLowerPartOfArray = maybeSilenceBufferContentsSize - sizeInUpperPartOfArray;
if (sizeInLowerPartOfArray >= sizeToOutput) {
// We just need the lower part of the array.
sizeInLowerPartOfArray - sizeToOutput,
} else {
int sizeToOutputInUpperPart = sizeToOutput - sizeInLowerPartOfArray;
maybeSilenceBuffer.length - sizeToOutputInUpperPart,
// Copy everything from lower part. DO_NOT_CHANGE_VOLUME (which keeps everything) and
// MUTE (where the content that is kept only provides background noise).
} else {
if (maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex + sizeToOutput <= maybeSilenceBuffer.length) {
// ^0---^start---^end---^length
} else {
// ^0---^end (of content to output now)---^start---^length
int sizeToCopyInUpperPartOfArray = maybeSilenceBuffer.length - maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex;
// Copy the upper part of the array.
int amountToCopyFromLowerPartOfArray = sizeToOutput - sizeToCopyInUpperPartOfArray;
sizeToOutput % bytesPerFrame == 0,
"sizeToOutput is not aligned to frame size: " + sizeToOutput);
checkState(maybeSilenceBufferStartIndex < maybeSilenceBuffer.length);
outputRange(contiguousOutputBuffer, sizeToOutput, rampType);
* Modifies the amplitude of the samples in {@code sampleBuffer} based on the given {@link
* VolumeChangeType}.
private void modifyVolume(byte[] sampleBuffer, int size, @VolumeChangeType int volumeChangeType) {
if (volumeChangeType == DO_NOT_CHANGE_VOLUME) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx += 2) {
byte mostSignificantByte = sampleBuffer[idx + 1];
byte leastSignificantByte = sampleBuffer[idx];
int sample = twoByteSampleToInt(mostSignificantByte, leastSignificantByte);
int volumeModificationPercentage;
if (volumeChangeType == FADE_OUT) {
volumeModificationPercentage =
calculateFadeOutPercentage(/* value= */ idx, /* max= */ size - 1);
} else if (volumeChangeType == FADE_IN) {
volumeModificationPercentage =
calculateFadeInPercentage(/* value= */ idx, /* max= */ size - 1);
} else {
volumeModificationPercentage = minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting;
sample = (sample * volumeModificationPercentage) / 100;
sampleIntToTwoBigEndianBytes(sampleBuffer, idx, sample);
private int calculateFadeOutPercentage(int value, int max) {
return ((minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting - 100) * ((AVOID_TRUNCATION_FACTOR * value) / max))
+ 100;
private int calculateFadeInPercentage(int value, int max) {
return (minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting
+ ((100 - minVolumeToKeepPercentageWhenMuting) * (AVOID_TRUNCATION_FACTOR * value) / max)
private static int twoByteSampleToInt(byte mostSignificantByte, byte leastSignificantByte) {
return ((leastSignificantByte & 0xFF) | mostSignificantByte << 8);
* Converts {@code sample} into the corresponding big-endian 16bit bytes within {@code byteArray}.
private static void sampleIntToTwoBigEndianBytes(byte[] byteArray, int startIndex, int sample) {
// Avoid 16-bit-integer overflow when writing back the manipulated data.
if (sample >= Short.MAX_VALUE) {
byteArray[startIndex] = (byte) 0xFF;
byteArray[startIndex + 1] = (byte) 0x7F;
} else if (sample <= Short.MIN_VALUE) {
byteArray[startIndex] = (byte) 0x00;
byteArray[startIndex + 1] = (byte) 0x80;
} else {
byteArray[startIndex] = (byte) (sample & 0xFF);
byteArray[startIndex + 1] = (byte) (sample >> 8);
* Copies remaining bytes from {@code data} to populate a new output buffer from the processor.
private void output(ByteBuffer data) {
* Returns the number of input frames corresponding to {@code durationUs} microseconds of audio.
private int durationUsToFrames(long durationUs) {
return (int) ((durationUs * inputAudioFormat.sampleRate) / C.MICROS_PER_SECOND);
* Returns the earliest byte position in [position, limit) of {@code buffer} that contains a frame
* classified as a noisy frame, or the limit of the buffer if no such frame exists.
private int findNoisePosition(ByteBuffer buffer) {
// The input is in ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), which is little endian on Android.
for (int i = buffer.position() + 1; i < buffer.limit(); i += 2) {
if (isNoise(buffer.get(i), buffer.get(i - 1))) {
// Round to the start of the frame.
return bytesPerFrame * (i / bytesPerFrame);
return buffer.limit();
* Returns the earliest byte position in [position, limit) of {@code buffer} such that all frames
* from the byte position to the limit are classified as silent.
private int findNoiseLimit(ByteBuffer buffer) {
// The input is in ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), which is little endian on Android.
for (int i = buffer.limit() - 1; i >= buffer.position(); i -= 2) {
if (isNoise(buffer.get(i), buffer.get(i - 1))) {
// Return the start of the next frame.
return bytesPerFrame * (i / bytesPerFrame) + bytesPerFrame;
return buffer.position();
* Whether the given two bytes represent a short signed PCM value that is greater than {@link
* #silenceThresholdLevel}.
private boolean isNoise(byte mostSignificantByte, byte leastSignificantByte) {
return Math.abs(twoByteSampleToInt(mostSignificantByte, leastSignificantByte))
> silenceThresholdLevel;