public final class


extends BaseAudioProcessor



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-exoplayer', version: '1.0.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-exoplayer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:1.0.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (


An AudioProcessor that skips silence in the input stream. Input and output are 16-bit PCM.



The default value for minimumSilenceDurationUs.

public static final longDEFAULT_PADDING_SILENCE_US

The default value for paddingSilenceUs.

public static final shortDEFAULT_SILENCE_THRESHOLD_LEVEL

The default value for silenceThresholdLevel.

from BaseAudioProcessorinputAudioFormat, outputAudioFormat

Creates a new silence skipping audio processor.

publicSilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(long minimumSilenceDurationUs, long paddingSilenceUs, short silenceThresholdLevel)

Creates a new silence skipping audio processor.

public longgetSkippedFrames()

Returns the total number of frames of input audio that were skipped due to being classified as silence since the last call to BaseAudioProcessor.flush().

public booleanisActive()

protected AudioProcessor.AudioFormatonConfigure(AudioProcessor.AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)

Called when the processor is configured for a new input format.

protected voidonFlush()

Called when the processor is flushed, directly or as part of resetting.

protected voidonQueueEndOfStream()

Called when the end-of-stream is queued to the processor.

protected voidonReset()

Called when the processor is reset.

public voidqueueInput(java.nio.ByteBuffer inputBuffer)

public voidsetEnabled(boolean enabled)

Sets whether to skip silence in the input.

from BaseAudioProcessorconfigure, flush, getOutput, hasPendingOutput, isEnded, queueEndOfStream, replaceOutputBuffer, reset
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait



The default value for minimumSilenceDurationUs.

public static final long DEFAULT_PADDING_SILENCE_US

The default value for paddingSilenceUs.

public static final short DEFAULT_SILENCE_THRESHOLD_LEVEL

The default value for silenceThresholdLevel.


public SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor()

Creates a new silence skipping audio processor.

public SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(long minimumSilenceDurationUs, long paddingSilenceUs, short silenceThresholdLevel)

Creates a new silence skipping audio processor.


minimumSilenceDurationUs: The minimum duration of audio that must be below silenceThresholdLevel to classify that part of audio as silent, in microseconds.
paddingSilenceUs: The duration of silence by which to extend non-silent sections, in microseconds. The value must not exceed minimumSilenceDurationUs.
silenceThresholdLevel: The absolute level below which an individual PCM sample is classified as silent.


public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)

Sets whether to skip silence in the input. This method may only be called after draining data through the processor. The value returned by SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor.isActive() may change, and the processor must be flushed before queueing more data.


enabled: Whether to skip silence in the input.

public long getSkippedFrames()

Returns the total number of frames of input audio that were skipped due to being classified as silence since the last call to BaseAudioProcessor.flush().

protected AudioProcessor.AudioFormat onConfigure(AudioProcessor.AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)

Called when the processor is configured for a new input format.

public boolean isActive()

public void queueInput(java.nio.ByteBuffer inputBuffer)

protected void onQueueEndOfStream()

Called when the end-of-stream is queued to the processor.

protected void onFlush()

Called when the processor is flushed, directly or as part of resetting.

protected void onReset()

Called when the processor is reset.


 * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

 * An {@link AudioProcessor} that skips silence in the input stream. Input and output are 16-bit
 * PCM.
public final class SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor extends BaseAudioProcessor {

   * The default value for {@link #SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(long, long, short)
   * minimumSilenceDurationUs}.
  public static final long DEFAULT_MINIMUM_SILENCE_DURATION_US = 150_000;
   * The default value for {@link #SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(long, long, short)
   * paddingSilenceUs}.
  public static final long DEFAULT_PADDING_SILENCE_US = 20_000;
   * The default value for {@link #SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(long, long, short)
   * silenceThresholdLevel}.
  public static final short DEFAULT_SILENCE_THRESHOLD_LEVEL = 1024;

  /** Trimming states. */
  private @interface State {}
  /** State when the input is not silent. */
  private static final int STATE_NOISY = 0;
  /** State when the input may be silent but we haven't read enough yet to know. */
  private static final int STATE_MAYBE_SILENT = 1;
  /** State when the input is silent. */
  private static final int STATE_SILENT = 2;

  private final long minimumSilenceDurationUs;
  private final long paddingSilenceUs;
  private final short silenceThresholdLevel;
  private int bytesPerFrame;
  private boolean enabled;

   * Buffers audio data that may be classified as silence while in {@link #STATE_MAYBE_SILENT}. If
   * the input becomes noisy before the buffer has filled, it will be output. Otherwise, the buffer
   * contents will be dropped and the state will transition to {@link #STATE_SILENT}.
  private byte[] maybeSilenceBuffer;

   * Stores the latest part of the input while silent. It will be output as padding if the next
   * input is noisy.
  private byte[] paddingBuffer;

  private @State int state;
  private int maybeSilenceBufferSize;
  private int paddingSize;
  private boolean hasOutputNoise;
  private long skippedFrames;

  /** Creates a new silence skipping audio processor. */
  public SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor() {

   * Creates a new silence skipping audio processor.
   * @param minimumSilenceDurationUs The minimum duration of audio that must be below {@code
   *     silenceThresholdLevel} to classify that part of audio as silent, in microseconds.
   * @param paddingSilenceUs The duration of silence by which to extend non-silent sections, in
   *     microseconds. The value must not exceed {@code minimumSilenceDurationUs}.
   * @param silenceThresholdLevel The absolute level below which an individual PCM sample is
   *     classified as silent.
  public SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor(
      long minimumSilenceDurationUs, long paddingSilenceUs, short silenceThresholdLevel) {
    Assertions.checkArgument(paddingSilenceUs <= minimumSilenceDurationUs);
    this.minimumSilenceDurationUs = minimumSilenceDurationUs;
    this.paddingSilenceUs = paddingSilenceUs;
    this.silenceThresholdLevel = silenceThresholdLevel;

    maybeSilenceBuffer = Util.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
    paddingBuffer = Util.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;

   * Sets whether to skip silence in the input. This method may only be called after draining data
   * through the processor. The value returned by {@link #isActive()} may change, and the processor
   * must be {@link #flush() flushed} before queueing more data.
   * @param enabled Whether to skip silence in the input.
  public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
    this.enabled = enabled;

   * Returns the total number of frames of input audio that were skipped due to being classified as
   * silence since the last call to {@link #flush()}.
  public long getSkippedFrames() {
    return skippedFrames;

  // AudioProcessor implementation.

  public AudioFormat onConfigure(AudioFormat inputAudioFormat)
      throws UnhandledAudioFormatException {
    if (inputAudioFormat.encoding != C.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT) {
      throw new UnhandledAudioFormatException(inputAudioFormat);
    return enabled ? inputAudioFormat : AudioFormat.NOT_SET;

  public boolean isActive() {
    return enabled;

  public void queueInput(ByteBuffer inputBuffer) {
    while (inputBuffer.hasRemaining() && !hasPendingOutput()) {
      switch (state) {
        case STATE_NOISY:
        case STATE_MAYBE_SILENT:
        case STATE_SILENT:
          throw new IllegalStateException();

  protected void onQueueEndOfStream() {
    if (maybeSilenceBufferSize > 0) {
      // We haven't received enough silence to transition to the silent state, so output the buffer.
      output(maybeSilenceBuffer, maybeSilenceBufferSize);
    if (!hasOutputNoise) {
      skippedFrames += paddingSize / bytesPerFrame;

  protected void onFlush() {
    if (enabled) {
      bytesPerFrame = inputAudioFormat.bytesPerFrame;
      int maybeSilenceBufferSize = durationUsToFrames(minimumSilenceDurationUs) * bytesPerFrame;
      if (maybeSilenceBuffer.length != maybeSilenceBufferSize) {
        maybeSilenceBuffer = new byte[maybeSilenceBufferSize];
      paddingSize = durationUsToFrames(paddingSilenceUs) * bytesPerFrame;
      if (paddingBuffer.length != paddingSize) {
        paddingBuffer = new byte[paddingSize];
    state = STATE_NOISY;
    skippedFrames = 0;
    maybeSilenceBufferSize = 0;
    hasOutputNoise = false;

  protected void onReset() {
    enabled = false;
    paddingSize = 0;
    maybeSilenceBuffer = Util.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
    paddingBuffer = Util.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;

  // Internal methods.

   * Incrementally processes new input from {@code inputBuffer} while in {@link #STATE_NOISY},
   * updating the state if needed.
  private void processNoisy(ByteBuffer inputBuffer) {
    int limit = inputBuffer.limit();

    // Check if there's any noise within the maybe silence buffer duration.
    inputBuffer.limit(min(limit, inputBuffer.position() + maybeSilenceBuffer.length));
    int noiseLimit = findNoiseLimit(inputBuffer);
    if (noiseLimit == inputBuffer.position()) {
      // The buffer contains the start of possible silence.
      state = STATE_MAYBE_SILENT;
    } else {

    // Restore the limit.

   * Incrementally processes new input from {@code inputBuffer} while in {@link
   * #STATE_MAYBE_SILENT}, updating the state if needed.
  private void processMaybeSilence(ByteBuffer inputBuffer) {
    int limit = inputBuffer.limit();
    int noisePosition = findNoisePosition(inputBuffer);
    int maybeSilenceInputSize = noisePosition - inputBuffer.position();
    int maybeSilenceBufferRemaining = maybeSilenceBuffer.length - maybeSilenceBufferSize;
    if (noisePosition < limit && maybeSilenceInputSize < maybeSilenceBufferRemaining) {
      // The maybe silence buffer isn't full, so output it and switch back to the noisy state.
      output(maybeSilenceBuffer, maybeSilenceBufferSize);
      maybeSilenceBufferSize = 0;
      state = STATE_NOISY;
    } else {
      // Fill as much of the maybe silence buffer as possible.
      int bytesToWrite = min(maybeSilenceInputSize, maybeSilenceBufferRemaining);
      inputBuffer.limit(inputBuffer.position() + bytesToWrite);
      inputBuffer.get(maybeSilenceBuffer, maybeSilenceBufferSize, bytesToWrite);
      maybeSilenceBufferSize += bytesToWrite;
      if (maybeSilenceBufferSize == maybeSilenceBuffer.length) {
        // We've reached a period of silence, so skip it, taking in to account padding for both
        // the noisy to silent transition and any future silent to noisy transition.
        if (hasOutputNoise) {
          output(maybeSilenceBuffer, paddingSize);
          skippedFrames += (maybeSilenceBufferSize - paddingSize * 2) / bytesPerFrame;
        } else {
          skippedFrames += (maybeSilenceBufferSize - paddingSize) / bytesPerFrame;
        updatePaddingBuffer(inputBuffer, maybeSilenceBuffer, maybeSilenceBufferSize);
        maybeSilenceBufferSize = 0;
        state = STATE_SILENT;

      // Restore the limit.

   * Incrementally processes new input from {@code inputBuffer} while in {@link #STATE_SILENT},
   * updating the state if needed.
  private void processSilence(ByteBuffer inputBuffer) {
    int limit = inputBuffer.limit();
    int noisyPosition = findNoisePosition(inputBuffer);
    skippedFrames += inputBuffer.remaining() / bytesPerFrame;
    updatePaddingBuffer(inputBuffer, paddingBuffer, paddingSize);
    if (noisyPosition < limit) {
      // Output the padding, which may include previous input as well as new input, then transition
      // back to the noisy state.
      output(paddingBuffer, paddingSize);
      state = STATE_NOISY;

      // Restore the limit.

   * Copies {@code length} elements from {@code data} to populate a new output buffer from the
   * processor.
  private void output(byte[] data, int length) {
    replaceOutputBuffer(length).put(data, 0, length).flip();
    if (length > 0) {
      hasOutputNoise = true;

   * Copies remaining bytes from {@code data} to populate a new output buffer from the processor.
  private void output(ByteBuffer data) {
    int length = data.remaining();
    if (length > 0) {
      hasOutputNoise = true;

   * Fills {@link #paddingBuffer} using data from {@code input}, plus any additional buffered data
   * at the end of {@code buffer} (up to its {@code size}) required to fill it, advancing the input
   * position.
  private void updatePaddingBuffer(ByteBuffer input, byte[] buffer, int size) {
    int fromInputSize = min(input.remaining(), paddingSize);
    int fromBufferSize = paddingSize - fromInputSize;
        /* src= */ buffer,
        /* srcPos= */ size - fromBufferSize,
        /* dest= */ paddingBuffer,
        /* destPos= */ 0,
        /* length= */ fromBufferSize);
    input.position(input.limit() - fromInputSize);
    input.get(paddingBuffer, fromBufferSize, fromInputSize);

   * Returns the number of input frames corresponding to {@code durationUs} microseconds of audio.
  private int durationUsToFrames(long durationUs) {
    return (int) ((durationUs * inputAudioFormat.sampleRate) / C.MICROS_PER_SECOND);

   * Returns the earliest byte position in [position, limit) of {@code buffer} that contains a frame
   * classified as a noisy frame, or the limit of the buffer if no such frame exists.
  private int findNoisePosition(ByteBuffer buffer) {
    // The input is in ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), which is little endian on Android.
    for (int i = buffer.position(); i < buffer.limit(); i += 2) {
      if (Math.abs(buffer.getShort(i)) > silenceThresholdLevel) {
        // Round to the start of the frame.
        return bytesPerFrame * (i / bytesPerFrame);
    return buffer.limit();

   * Returns the earliest byte position in [position, limit) of {@code buffer} such that all frames
   * from the byte position to the limit are classified as silent.
  private int findNoiseLimit(ByteBuffer buffer) {
    // The input is in ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), which is little endian on Android.
    for (int i = buffer.limit() - 2; i >= buffer.position(); i -= 2) {
      if (Math.abs(buffer.getShort(i)) > silenceThresholdLevel) {
        // Return the start of the next frame.
        return bytesPerFrame * (i / bytesPerFrame) + bytesPerFrame;
    return buffer.position();